I 1 1 , 1 ! ft SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING. A Lovy of Six and Ono-half Mills For General Purposes. A special meeting wan liolil nt tlio school lioiifo Tuesday evening. J. i J'oflf, chairman of the school board called the meeting to order, and clerk .1. K. Tniifch rend the call, and on . motion u levy of fl'i ""h va,i mn(' n a vnlnntioii of $420,820.00 which will rcnlio to the district the sum of To cover tho deficit for tho present year, wlitrti ends the thiol Monday in June, which, for teachers' salaries is .fOO.), and for temjKirary building and furniture, nboiit $1,000, tho board was authorized to issue warrants or borrow money, ns they deemed best. This will make n total deficit of some- near $1,700. which will have to he iro vided for. It is calculated thnt the ' parcntly, itinronwd vnlnntioii nojtt year will provido means to meet tho necessary outlay necessary to secure adcqtinto school facilities and avoid bonding the district, The assessed valuation of the dis trict for the last three years has been as follows: 1002, $IH2,lf)S; 11)011, .jfJIOI.WII; I Wll, $420,0:m. Presuming the sumo ratio of increato will con tinue, tin assessment in 11105 well bu iiImhiI $0110,000. The ImkiiiI oM'iieil bids for the erec tion of lvw (unHirary buildings rang ing from $61. "W0 to $1,1 i:i, The board look the matter under advisement. their property which is punishment sufllcicnt. Dealers however nro not on tho lookout for such actions from one of their own number, therefore when when a tiromincnt dealer whom wo will call No. one came to the office of agent No. two a few days ago and nslfpd 'o. '2 if he had anv trood buys on hand, saying ho was in tho market . for something good, Xo. two said ho had one silt cdircd buy but hesitated about showing it because ho hnd no contract on it and frankly told No. ono that be hod no contract, tho lat ter very eloquently agreed to recog nize Xo. two's right if the land was purchased, on tho strength of this tho property was shown and the owner's name given, putting No. one square on his honor. The property did not suit him ap n any particular, and ho turned it down hard, thus putting dealer No. two entirely oft bis guard and ngent No. 1 steered direct to tho owner and purchased the property amounting to several thousand dol lars, and saved $.'0. This is an iso lated ease among inn I estate agents. A Milium dealer will sooner tlio n pauper than sloop U such n contempt iblo action. It is a common saying that "thero is honor among thieves,", even thieves aro honorable with on another. I'OINTKI). "The Store that Saves You Honey" LEADER JEWEL STEEL RANQH The Handsomest and Best Low Priced Steel Range in America $ 1 .00 a Week Buys This Rand Great Fuel Saver. Burns Hard Cojn bolt Coal, Coke or Wood. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. Tho City Fathom Mot Monday cning for Duslncsn. Ev- Thoro will bo a special effort put forth in tho wrvicos of Sunday, Christmas day. There will he a spec ial Christina sermon Kuiiday at tho Kvangeliral church. I'liere will bo special music, both ! IS ' ' n THIS COUPON Good for $r.oo payment on any Uiuific in tho Hoimc. POWERS FURNITURE CO. The Queen of the KitchtJ Put up ready for operating in your house on payment of ft.ooa week. Wc do as we adver tise, If we lose money by it. Our word is our bond. Wc guarantee this stove or refund the tnnwy. POWERS FURNITURE COJ 190-192 First Street Ono if I ho nioM importniil meetings vocal and instrumental, .Sunday morn ; ing at the K, church servcies. I are cordially invited. All the eoiiueil has ever held was that or .Monday evening. Theto were pies out! Mayor Cook, Couticiliiien llinl Imrl, llunliex, llamillou and Mono hail. Coiiueilmaii Iteebe out of the eily. The ivNirt of the water committee (Hi mo up. The ieirl reidinmendcd that six hydrants be mtahlMii'd, as follows: one al corner of .tolni and .lumov alinelM. iiinir selionl liiitii: imn ! ill cot r dcrsev and IliiiliiiutouJ Now Is the time to nukes goc-l lnvel. ..,(,, ... r I,,,,,,,., .....i iViii unent. A iV, story home, 7 rooms, nfii al coinei or ,leiey and Haiti. WMJ, nmI tHOclow hn,rl crr mote, one at corner ol IIiiiIiiikIoii and mu a giKxl wHI. the only well In the Ivanlio and one nt corner of I vniihoo , vicinity. The location U the Ik-sI (list and Chieano sln els. A mmtIiiI com- " ',e '""I "J lv; center wsy hctwrcii 1 eo, Couuc1l11.rn .Monahan, Hughes Xlu Instructions 011 1'Inno nnd Organ M CtoU Lesson AA1V II. UOVLANI), Corner jcrnvy null I, cm II ntrcvl NOTICE. and lliulbuil, was iiiNiinted, with xiser to m l, to nrninno with the wa ter iomWH.v to place the hydrants, with siv inch feed mains. The same committee wiim intrucled lo sci'iiie Iiim and Mich other norowMiry npiwi- niliu to use the hydrant when placed A lax levy of llnce tin I Im L. C. SLATER SHOEMAKER fust opened shop in rear of I'cdili cord's real estnto office. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done M. L. HOLBROOK L. B. CHIPMAN WALTER W. WOOD. lion ), HI. Johm, Uirinn, the total uiluHtioii being ;il7,An, wliich will put imIk (he eily hoiihliry tho Mini of 44 l:t. This levy of Ihive mills is all that can be levied under the old chatter. An aie HkIiI was oiderd placed at Hut intersection of IturliuKton and IMIsoii sln nls. The city eimineer was iuslrucled to 1111 roy .Imvy slieet, mid iwluhlish a iiiiifonu nole. This was made iicreeMiry I'nuii the fact thai a number of cnuifiil foiiiHlalUHis hnviuir been laid without hiuiwiiur where the iwIhIi- H4uh mole wn, if any. After h immI tntniiiw' woik the eiMiiK'il adjHiiHl. Tlmir Hctiou incuts ! with Iw.ri.v ppivhI fann the no- 1 pie. ' J.17J for the (Incut 100x100 feet in Point View, Several inside Iota nt f.So to H c.ich nt Point View. Thu finrtl OMtvinii fret Iiuttnit4 mrtirp was minli''"1.?,'-1 f 3" I'ine Itlvcr view lot In Si. IoIiik 1'itW for f J75. D. C. ROGERS Tllli RIiAI. USTATI; AAN, ST. JOHNS, OKH(lN, ORIN F. MALTBY CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER... Jobbing and nil work dono promptly and satisfaction guaranteed, St. Johns, Oregon For Choicest Cuts or rnr.sn miiats, nenr, poiik OR MUTTON WIINDALL & WINDALL CAN I'LISABD YOU tltm, llx.m. I.ir.l, i:to stwayi lh ImI (lift u UUI jniiany STAR MARKET HTItunr, Kr School llouit GOODRICH &. GOODRICH ARCHITECTS ST. JOIIKH AMD I'OUTLAKI), OUKdON J II. I'llOOK HI Jnluia CROOK & l, 8. WALTON I'nlm.tlly I'nk WALTON CONTIIAOTOltH AMI) HUILUi;ilH I nn I'llWH (n. rMIIWIM illv.il 1 llrnrral JiikMut I'bon Scott 1137 ml ll.lrlH? t. Jebni. Ohjoii Tho United Artisans. 'Itu 1'ullu.l Allium, .u.l.lU isHtotiim in ItieknorV hull. U.I M.h,. ! ANDERSON & ALLAN day ttvwiiuji. A afoul program wn' 0T THE BOSTON HOME 1IAKEHY i.ih.Ioih.1, llw mam rHlm of uuirh Solioit vour older lor all uoods in w,v raj., f mm .rtrk. lwir rm, SsM.ml a.enlnm gm ' l?tlmm u "r1i?r,"!,HW1,,Hl ",0,'i ' ornamental ,v,kM ilh UWU mud UoHluttd. and an ad-; for the holidays. Wo have constantly iltiw by llr. MmibM.. The nimbly;,,,, ,nn,i .. .. .,, - Ul ,,,' A lias a 11m. IUi if hh-iuIm'! and inoiv ,,11 Viuuu i.,...,.,,., ' V .... cakix for .Ninas please wild in orders am JuiHiiuf at each mwaliHg. Next .Mfttidsy .twill t will lw their l1it ivg Hlwr HHIimr ami llwie will be ipiile a hmmIhi' f iuitiHlvs. 'IV ihitiMluitf I wm uf I'ortKUHittth will bu bete sud n h W HUHiWr r hwih)i frisw Iheiv awl IVrthiMl. 'IV AhUmus start out undor mm( ravtiiabUt atMitlce. hh1 MNtdilkt HimMttf iU Uttwherniiip mm ittcallmtl wi. rial. Tksiw U w iiue u" " ttH ul iU wrr in SI. .lottH. 1 . hi an eariy uaie. . Phono Scott 3101 St, Johns Prof. J. A. Sibbeis j HHtM. llr .tin II. .11.- ...a k i l.lc.wrku 1rr ; rMJLI ill... lit imm rifu .lUHiuui UH ur PIANOS Those who are intcie.stcd in Pianos should not fail to ex amine the large mid magnifi cent line of Pianos handled by August W, Meyer If yon u-iiit the llest there is at prices and terms that can not Ik? duplicated liy other detilers. his him. And there is one thing; yon .should lieur in mind, he will not drop yon like n hot jsitnto after yon have bought, but will try mid plense yon as much thenas lefore. 74 Sixth Street PORTLAND, Or. St Johns Land Company Successors to L B. CHIPMAN & CO. Oldest Real Estate Company In St. Johns. Wc have for sale the largest and choicest list of property in St, Johns We still have about 30 fine lots in St. Toh J Park, convenient to car line and factories, which J can sell you $5.00 down and $5.00 a month. Whin tnesc arc gone your opportunity will be lost. Vtr 1 1 5 TT r. 4 . 4 ll wc iuso nave o new nouses letr whirh w rmM sen you on very easy monthly payments. If the uuu i aun you we win Duna one that will and let yoN pay lor u as you can. Let us show you this week m ffnm 0 acre tract closmZjn. We recom mend it as a big money maker. We also have one of the finest blocks in the city. Price $2500. it speaks for Use it when you see It A I'olntor. IfcliUir lieviow; Them i h elu uf men who, when I hoy I'lUiin to a now tHimmuuity to Klllllu klllll Iklll M.,.1 V'iwi. .1. .... ...... I to.i.v .-111 ..-. .Wll 11,', .Ml. vl Wstiiti) otlii'o ih the plaw, take up timo o uf agtuil, Iwiiii ol all tho hnipiinii X an do i ul up by buyiui: nunolhiiiK' ill-1 & i on i rum mi owner iiiuiKiin; to iavo a (-omtuihidou. Tlnv.o fellowii aro ouorally dealt with at anus IciiKth however, and owner iiaunth mo novor givnn thoin, theroforo if through their own itlTortM thoy llnd tho owners and buy from them it is timply n little hharp prnotioo but not dishonorable in tho leant. Hosidet; they almost in variably cud up by payiuj; more for W. A. EDGERTON NEW STORE! FRESH STOCK! Family Groceries and General Merchandise Come nnd sec us for your Christmas Specialties Cochran Block, Jersey St., St. Johns Tf i . l u you warn a Business location we can furnijfc it for you. Will build you a store or office room ll suir ana rent it to you right. J We have unexcelled water frontage factory slta winch we can sell on very easy terms, A If you want anything call on us. We loa money on real estate security, write fire insurant rent .houses; in fact we do everything in the line of general real estate and insurance business. Call on us. Makeur officejyour headquarter!., St Johns Land Co. The Pioneer Land Company ST. JOHNS Portland Offic., 728 Cham. Com.