8T. JOHNS MVIKW .OCAL ITEMS AND CITY NEWS flOSUlCa x rum v i mvuv OonacnsotL NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS nil ontifipritinrfl In Xu 1 uwui w tahns will bo Borvcd with Tho Review trough tho postomco, excopi mobb i !(... tn Hin rnntnr nf town. Wfl aDSCIluuia w wo tried tho carrlor systom, ana it . . ..i it. LAS jjiuvvi """" ' .tittirr tn rncoivn their naner roir- ra jnuuiB - --w . Lit.- it. ....1.11.1.,... llarly picaso nuwiy mu iiuuhbuui. St. .,. nf tho buvfl nrc rcnoinir n 1J - - v arvest cnleliing logs on the nvci ils week. i.'.iflp.iiln linn a ncwsimttcr. the Sews. It 19 I'riK'it nttlc sheet, pub liel bv II. A. Willinins. Tin srlmoiior Wntson took on nbout " ... ir.nnnn fni'l of lumber nt Cone's dock Iiiil' cleared for Han Frnnclsco Tues 1.1V. W . Ti,i ri. urn no ess tlinn one dozen l.nitrH under construction nt St lolm.i HeWits, nnd they ore modern louse?, too. Mr. HiiLifnrtv. who nurchnsed Mr. latin's nroporty, is building two y is tho contrnctor. the contrnctor. ' mill U closed down this kroV for rennirs. A new sawdust clc Lator is noinjr installed, nnd other leeded repairs are being innuc. rnntirnn llrothcrs have sold tho LmI linlf of tho Hoar block to 11. P. Ifcdlor from ensteni Oregon for IJ00O. This Is a clear uniti ol ffiouu In two months. The Inst of tho old motor car, or Lnttlo cars, as sonic people termed lliem, were reduced to ashes last Monday, nnd tho iron parts removed lo Portland. There nro quilo a number of peo Wo rcaldlnjr here, who were fanner frcstdontH of tho New KiiL'lnnd states. rhoro is talk of forming a New hng- Intid society amo-itf them. Miss Amy Howlnnd, teacher of iilano music, has finite n Inrue class bf nunils. add they am makimr rapid progress. Quito a number 01 seiioini rill bo added niter tho holidays. Tim Ktimlnv dinuerH nt the St. johns hotel art) growing in popular- y nnd nro very much appreciated, tin im'iiii U xcel!ent. nnd Miss Ilich Iwrves tho prnlso so profusely be llowed. Thu winter term of my music class Kill open January 'Jnd. New pupils klm wit.li to tnter thu winter tenn. Ilenno call nt my homo nt the corner ft Jersey and Lcuvit streets. Miss my Itowlnnd. N'oxt Ktiinliiv. Christmas day. Itev. p. J. Staiib will conduct tho Congrfga- oiutl services at Hickncr' hall. Kpccial mimic Iiiih been arranged for. Preaching at :i:;IO p. m. hverybody Invited to attend. (leonru T. Ziiiiiiiornmn. 0110 of tho Ltatn nrL'iiiiizLini of tho Modem Na tional Itcnorve, n fraternal insurnnco tnler, with headquarters at Cliarlcfc 'it v. Inwn. was in town Inst week looking over thu (lied with 11 view of tirganizing 11 lodge in St. Johns. After tlm first of Jniiunrv Tho He- Liew will lin mi ftitindv St. Johns traduction. Our now cylinder press Mill ho in nlnco. nnd Tho itovivow will liavo a thoniughly equipped plant, and win uo in a ositton to turn 0111 an flasse of printing, both book and job. Tho Artisan degreo team from I 1'ortmnoulli will assist in thu initia tion of u class of candidates nt this Iplaco on Monday evening. Tho Ar tisan lodge at this place is composed I of some of our best people nnd is rapidly increasing in numbers. At an early dato in January the Modorn Woodmen of tho World, of this city, will givo a select musical entertainment, which will include wiiiq of tho best talent of Portland, as well ns local talent.. Dato and particulars will bo announced later. Now that tho volunteer Are com pany is permanently organized, tho boys might And it to their advantage to get up somo kind of entertainment or dance as a starter. We feel quite sure thoy would bo well patronized, and their exchequer bo put on n good foundation. Mr. Belcher, who recently purchas ed two lots on John street, two blocks from tho school house, is preparing to build thrco handsomo cottages. lie is removing all unsightly stumps from bis lots, and surroundings, which tends to beautify his Dlace exceeding ly. Others who have residence lota should profit by his example. Tho arc light on Jersey and Hur lihgton streets is n marked improve lnent over tho old order of things. A scenic railroad down tho boule vard over the cliffs from Portland to 8t, Johns would ho a profitable in vestment, nnd tho most picturcsquo rule m tho state. "Tho St. Johns Hcviuw graciously alludes to Portland as "our neighbor on tho south." Yes, and we're not going to be annexed to St. Johns, cither, though thnt is a good town to get next to." Oregon Journal. Truly said. St. Johns don't want you, nor your Tanner creek sower. The enclosed grounds across the river, that have tho appearance of n baseball park, is tho placo where prisoners from Portlnnd nro employ ed in breaking rock. They nro token there by boat. Thoso grounds should be an object lesson for tlm evil in clined. Mr. Davis, manager of the St. Johns grocery, has patented n cake box cover, that is n big improvement over nil other covers used for such purposes, particularly so in construc tion, and method used for display of goods, as well as tho adjustment of the lid. Tlicro is a fortune in it for him. It can bo seen nt the store. Last Sunday was a lovely day. It was quite common to sco people bask ing in tho sun shiuo whilo lounging on the front porch. Tho nowly-nrriv-cd easterner looked on in nmnzemeut, and their minds reverted to tho old homo back cast, where their friends were shivering in atmospheres below zero. Oregon climnto beats tho world. Woodmen of tho World, Camp 77.1, will give a masquerade ball at Hick' tier's hall, next Wednesday evening, Dee. 28. Arrangements nro being made to accommodate n big crowd. Thu mask ball given by thin camp a few weeks ago was 0110 of tho big successes of the season, nnd tho ball next Wednesday evening gives prom ise of even surpassing thu Inst one. Admission, gentlemen, en masque, f0 cents; Indies free. Hectators, 125 cents. Fred Kocncr is a rustlor, und of thu kind that does things. Ho hits contracts for several buildings on Jersey street, but owing to tho un certainty of tho grades, and realiz ing tho importance of having tho mat ter settled, Fred didn't stop to think very long, but took n subscription pa per, and in less than a half hour had sulllclciit money pledged by thu own ers of buildings 011 thu street to pay thu surveyor fur doing tho work. Mr. Koenier believes mora in work than he does in street corner talks. Old friends and neighbors wero more than glad to welcome thu Itev. Mr. Aldcrsuii,,who visited Saint Johns 011 Sunday thu 11th. He attended and took part in tho services bundny morning, nlso preaching Sunday ev ening, lib is tho pioneer Methodist minister of tho bnint Johns church, lie was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. I Miner 011 Sunday, lie nlso spent a part of Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Hanson at Point View. Ho always predicted n futuru for Saint Johns, second to 110110 of tho towns between Portland and Astoria. Mo ossibly may buy and build in tho old town ho loves so wull. Ho also subscribed for The Keview. Deeds and Oontr&cU. Tho lteviuw has printed and keeps in stock tho latest nnd most perfect fonns of deeds nnd contracts, which may bo purchased at tho ofllco nt prices less than is usually charged for such blank forms. will be held and refreshments served. The M. W. of A. band of this city, will nttend. St. Johns Camp, 773 Woodmen of tho World, hnve elected tho following olllcers for the ensuing year: If. C. Clark, consul; C. B. Mallet, advis er; II. B. Biekncr, banker; II. JO. Coon, clerk; It. 1). Southwell, escort, J. M. Moore, wntchmnu; P. Holnmn. sentry; Uobt. Anderson, I. E. Fornker, Clyde Heath, managers; Dr. uossiter, Phy si'cinn. Quito a Dcscropcncy. The diffcrenco in the bids for build ing tho tcm)ornry school addition is most marked, and it makes n man think if lie contemplates building. Tho highest bid was $1143, while tho low est wns only $51:1.50, n difference of .$029.50. The difference between tho lowest bid nnd the next lowest is $154.50. Certainly the highest bid der must linvo expected to make n very big thing, or the lowest nrc figur ing on n pretty close margin. Tho balance of the bids ranged from $175 to $500 above tho lowest. There were fifteen tenders in nil. Closed Town. Considerable agitation lias been goining on recently in regard to Sun day closing of business places. City Marshal Organ was instructed ns to the law regulatiii,' tho matter, by tho city attorney, nnd thnt olllccr circu lated an agreement which wns signed by nearly every business man in town, stipulating that they would voluntar ily close up. This plan was a wlso one, nnd relieves the marshal of tho necessity of invoking the strong arm of thu law, ns is clearly in his lino of duty. The agreement Is ns follows: Wo tho undersigned business and nrofossionnl men of St. Johns, do hereby agree to close our respectivo i) aco of business on binulay, com tnenclng Sunday, Jan. 1st, 1005. S irncd: Shepherd & Tuns, real cs tatc; Geo. II. Bonvllle, electrician; A. E. WS son. jeweler; St. Johns Land Co., real estate; J. C. Crome, publish er; T. T. Parker, abstractor; W. A. Edgcrtou, general merchandise; O. H. Van Houten. real estate; Edmond- son Co., hardware; Peterson & Smith, Hour and feed; Couch & Co., general II IT 1... "'.. merciinuaisc; .uuck imruniuu i., hnnlworo; Biekncr Bros., general merchandise; N. Frecdinnn, clothing; West Coast Laundry; I). C. llogcrs, real estatot W. II. King, real ectato; N. F. Noren, real estate; St. Johns Grocery Co., groceries; u. u. uiapci, real estate. Christmas BUI of rare. I'lillowlnir is thu bill of fare for tho Christmas dinner nt tho St. Johns hotel: 1UW Ojt" Hlt Hhill 80CTI , . MM UltUfl i'rtn of CtWrjr UKMBIIKH, Ollvo Clfry HOAHTH Younk Turkr Ortr I)rrtlns Crtnbmr Utacs . Millird l)uek . am Hiuc I'llm Until llirl KNTKIKH ,umm KrAi.i.Br,m H4U" Or. 1'm .... MWt I'OtMOft "' "" DEHKIIT ll..r I'll. Kmllili I'lum 1'uJJInf llrotlf Hof CUrrt LfMOMilt Officers Elected. The Modoru Wodmcn of America, Cami) 7610. elocted tho following of- llcers for tho coming year: C. D. Ed wards, past consul; II. h. Knight, consul; C. F. Bailey, adviser; lu C. Butt, banker: O. I. Thompson, clerk: B. II. Smith, e-eort; Alfrod Scott, watchman; Wiu. hdmonson, sentry; A. A. Hnnno, J. M. Hanks and C. D. Edwards, manngcrs; C. C. Taggart, examining physician. Tho Boynl Neighbors of Amoriea, Cedar Camp 3544, have choson tho fol lowinsr officers for tho ensuing year: Mrs. Emma Gillarn, past oraclo; Mrs. Ada Pennington, oraclo; Mra. liullis, vico oraclo; Mrs. C, Ilanna, chancel lor: Mrs. C. O. Churchill, recorder; Mrs. Wm. Evans, receiver; Miss Bertha Titus, marshal; Miss inancn Hanson, insido sentinel; Mrs. E. Snnuldlnc outer sentinel: Mrs. Pas cal Hill, Mrs. C. A. Auderson and C. D. Edwards, managers; C. C. Tag gart, examining physician. Tho obovo oflicers will be installed a ioint session of Grapo Camp M. W. of A., and Rose Camp R. N. of A., at Unchurch hall. Portland, tho sec ond Monday evening in January. Af ter installation ceremonies - a danee Winitrd A woman to work by tho day. Mrs. Orin Multby, ucroM from Dr. Hick'a residence. u'nnti.,lA food cook, steady job. good wages, at tho St. Johns Hotel, St. Johns. Attention, Homeekersl Wo have a few good homesteads, ready for tho plow, eloo to railroads and markets; also a few good timber claims. Party leaving soon. Koom 18, Citizens' Bnnk, Portland, Or. Ho ban & Taggart. Short, Dry Fir Slab Wood 93.00 per Load Short, Dry Fir Cord Wood 95.00 per Cord Same kind of Wood; What's the difference? Why one is split by n saw, the other with an ax, (lint's all. Short GREEN WOOD, 2.50 per Load SN D, A. SMITH, CSM'S Mill Or Phone Eat 3035 Boulevard Addition Te St. Jekas. HtftH ks4 betwees car Hm sa4 rircr. Uts MilM, alleys, m. Esit SMatUy psy- Q. H. VANHOUTEN, St. Johns ie 1 Hardware Opening! Christmas Specialties! STEEL RANGES, COOKING UTENSILS, CARPET SWEEPERS, MECHANICS' TOOLS, TABLE CUTLERY, POCKET CUTLERY, SHEARS AND SCISSORS. Whatever you select you will have it when the Christmas of 1904 is nothing but n pleasant memory, OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. The Muck Hardware Co. WE'RE HERE! To the People of St. Johns. And rendy for business. The dclnycd nmterinl 1ms arrived and is being put in place as rapidly as our workmen can do it, and the current will be turned on without further delay. Persons desiring to use electric light or power should make application at the offices of the Company, comer SEVENTH and ALDER Streets, PORTLAND. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. AN NOUNCE MENT! That wc arc Solo Agents for the Celebrated CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges. Never Equaled ! 53 Years in the Field I We also carry a complete line of FURNITURE, CARPETS ETC Satisfaction Guaranteed. COHN BROS., 182 First, 2I0YamhiII, 183 Front, Portland, $56. COUCH & COMPANY The RtlliMt tii up-to-date Family Grocers and General Merchants Tin iif Sitri 00 Brtttwiy Mr fuMim Are receiving Fresh Goods daily, and the people under stand they sell only the Best and at City Prices, Oir Slock of CMMrci's SCHOOL SHOES can't be Beat A good line of DRY GOODS, Boota and Shoes, and General Merchandise, Feed, Hay, Grain, Etc. 'HONE UNION tM il i U ft: f " TftHfc Hif - - f'-- V" -.snag' T,--y