St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 23, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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JT, 0. CBOME Editor nd rnblliher
l'ubtlthed r.itrj frlitt Kenln.
Subterlptlon rl, 1.00 per r In dncp.
Jldrllilo Mini, $1.00 per Inch pr month.
All irtliln bill patlU flrat of each
Job l'rlnllni icutfl In flrit'rtftM ilylf.
Blllt for Job Printing cnh on dellttry.
All CQmtnunlrttloni should be ddreiieil to
The nerlew, HI. Jobn, Orfon.
OffleUI Kewipiper of the Olty of St. Johni.
Friday Evcnlnj?, December 23, 1904
Tlio city rouncil has nl Inst woko
up nml kivph hualthy intimation of h
imr wnnelhimr. At the utmrinl meet
ing Mnndny cvmiitHf th interoit mani
fested nml llm biiKitii'M way with
important nmttrni wre taken
iit nml iliKjxiflctl of pmvrn wlml Tlio
Knviow hits nlivnyn hclicvrd, Hint in,
llm pnuncil niiilil if it olilv Would.
Thin inculinjc Imn n mnikwl contrast
to tnmiy pn.'viuim M'mm. Tlio proa
i:iit cniitii'il in Mciirintf lint (ml of its
tnrm, nml lint n ftw month nmniti
in whirli lo perform mnuy if tlio
Ihinpi uhieh pirt'iiiimiHiiri mid run
dilliitm dotiitiiid hIioiiIiI ho dom'. A
ureal deal mil lio nceompliidiwl, how-
ever, in tlm rnmainiiu? day, nml from
tlio ttpiril diHjilnyoil Mommy evening
tlu iMotilo Imvii Initio (lint their rt'iirc
Mutative will the lo tlio m-cindon,
mid inert tlio priwiit emerKeiinieH with
prompting mid dignity. Tlio gontlo
m;ii roinM)fiing tlio rounoil mo good
innii, iKTMimilly, nml fully rnpnhlo.
All Hint hit heen lurking in tlio pant
wm u ilinMiii(ioii to do, Tlio council
rnn drM'iid upon llm xiiiHirt of tho
taxpayer in nil Ininlililo efforts to hot
tor roiiditions tiitiuicipnl.
Hinrn Thn Hovlovv was tlrnt ctnh
Ihdied, mil n week Iiiik pawd hut lluit
Mitim mtmui Iiiik iippniurhed tlio edi
tor with txiino kind of Krioviiiii'o, jmt
mmiiiI or iitliorwUc, with tlio ieuet
Hint IiIk humllo or "dirty linen" ho
nircil llinuuili tlio eoliimii of thin
p.iMT. In nil Mirli Instance wo have,
remimled utirli imlividiuihi llint Tlio
Ileview unit not hmuKht into oxiot
enni for nny Midi puroio; Hint it
wan not puhliidied for tlio purMso of
dmllni; with llm privnto iilfiiirM of
people. It Iiiik it lillier mission: i, e,
llm tiphuildiiu; of tho district mid tlio
lN'opIo n k n whole. It rcrouuircrt no
M!ioiinl Ifii, elliiioK, elans,
ring's, nor set of men, hut lalioin fur
tlm kimmI of tho whole people. Tlio
i;ood of tho rommtiiiily, free I'mm Idas
or peroiinl inlliieiieeH fioiii nny ipinrU
er whatsoever, Ik Hk Hint mid giont
care. Whoever iii'Im or doe tiiinK
or tlm piihlin pind, rt'Kitrdloiot of hin
ot her rare, mlor or previous eoudi-
lion, will rt ivo it jiiKt uit'dii of ruin-
iiiemlntiou, ok tho editor coneelveK Ik
due. Tlm Itoviotv lit no medium for
tlm nlriiuj oy ,,,ir "'Hily linen,"
friends. Wo Imvo mi friends to re
ward or fooK to punish, except Ilium)
who mny heeomo Hiu h mt puhllo hene
fnrtont of pulilie defnmeiH.
forward to the event of 1003 to he of
such mnlorinl henellc. The cxposuics
which nrc now goinir on will ho hcr
nhlcd hrondenst throiiiihoiU tho length
nml hrendth of tlio lnnd, nmi will go
it long wny to coiinlcrhnlaiifo tho
irlnit itiL' nlrtui! vet forth in lh itdvor-
tih-ing of tho Lewis nml Clnrko fnir.
In nil cuses whoro olTlcinl coiruption
in hroiiglit to light on Mich ftnlo ns
Ik hoing done in Poitlnml today, re
nin is nin mntmifled and .tttiiiet more
nllention than nil the good thing Hint
mil ho m'u or done The puhlir
scon lo lake n delight in lending of
d.'hnuchory of puhlle ofPeinlK, nnd too
frritiently jump nt conclocioin. All
of I ho olIleiulM of n pity mny not he
guilty, hut the delmuchor of a ur
lion of them pollute the cnlirc ytcfn.
It i to he hoped th;i' condition me
ool m Imil iik thev nnrenr nt niwont,
land that the hig daili" will not paint
tho picluto blocker tlimi it i cully is
The .lournul, particularly, in xieii lo
law K'd head lino to nttrHct ttlen
tioii to the corruption being brought
lo liulit. L'ivinif more nroinitience to
many things which might ne tiiseui
ned in a much It otpntntioii man
ner. nml vet aecomtilitdi Hip result do
nircil. Tho truth i hd enough in this
CM PP. but when tlm Ihronir of visitors
coming hero next year find the most
prominent new matter in mo now
iintx'iK no exiiUL'crnled leoort of nomo
thieving nhlpnnnii or other city of
llcinl, they will nnlurnlly arrive ul llm
eoiieliiMon Hint our cntiro ytem i
rnlh. ii. nml tint thn mint illvitillL' IllltCC
for iHitor nnd homicckcrs nnd thu
rounlcrhnlatiro the glowing nccoiint
of our resource nnd advantage in tho
noxl column . That tho oily govern
ment of Portland hhould ho purged
of tho thieving nnd ukulilugory which
miiM'iir to oxIhI to nn nhirming ex
tent, it i indeed unfortiiitnte Hint the
clenring proceK had not been inaugur
ated before, mid had lo ho put off
until tho most iimpnoitiirio period of
our whole o.xiMonrc.
jxo'cd to the block where tho old enr
barns Htond, yet they felt Hint, if a
larger tract, well nnd conveniently lo
cated could ho secured for a small
sum in ndvnnco of tho cost of tho one
block, it would be expedient to pur
chase such tract. The purchase price
for the three acre is $7,500, ngninsf
llm post of the block nt $0000. While
jmnny citizens nro lotho to give up tho
j last and only opiwrtunity Hint will
ever he olTcrcd for the city to secure
the one bounty spot of tlio city, yet
they nre glnd Hint the council is will
ing to purchase a site for city pur
po(.o while tho prices nre not too
high. Of course, the council will he
guided by public sentiment when so
great an outlay is lo ho made, hut so
far as The lleviow is nhle lo nscer
tnin nt this time, no serious objections
Imvo been raised to this Inst projw
sitioii. Homo of Hie henviest taxpay
er of tho city Imvo expressed thein
nolve ns decidedly in fnvor of it. The
Intel in question is beautifully wood
ed, is 7V feet long, 200 feet wide at
the west pud, narrowing down to 130
feol at the oust end.
Tho park qucMioii wn nnodlriiilly
iII.imikhi'iI hv llm ritv rouncilmcn Mon
day evening, the result of which was
to consider nn oiler ror n three-nero
trnrt of wooded land adjoining tho
school Iioiiso on llm southeast side, n
part of I'. T. Smith' nddition to Kt.
IoIiiih. While thn council wn not op-
Tho Lumber Output of Portland
Boata tho World.
The total output of lumber from
the mill which lino the Willamette'
river from Kt. John to .South Port- j
liind, beat tho record, mid plnccs our
mill in the lead ot nil other points in
llm unrlil. Thn total outntit will foot
up in,S)00,00() fect, with Atinncnpolis
second nnd incoma mini, ui mis
amount the Kt. John mill cut ns
(Ico. W. Cone Lumber Co., 1fi,000,
000 feel.
Kt. John Lumber Co., 12,000,000
Peninsula Lumber Co., 11,000,000
feci mid :i,0Q0,000 lath.
One - Price
Clothing Store
We sell Every article as Cheap, or Cheaper, than you
can buy in Portland. Here arc a few comparisons:
$10.00 Suits $ 6.oo
$15.00 to $18.00 Suits $10.00
$4.75 to $5.00 Pants $3.50
$3.50 Pntits $2-50
$8-oo to $10.00 Youths' Suits. .... $4.00
$3-50 to $4.00 Chilclrens' Suits. . . . $2.50
Quilts ami Ulankcts at City Prices. Underwear, Socks etc.
Mens' Shoes from 10 to 25 per cent,
lower than city prices.
NATHAN PREEDiMAN, - - - Proprietor
New Store, Jersey St., St. Johns
Furniture $ Hardware
wntiiTunB nnrAincD and
Nr Jlaiull Hlrnl
rhon Btou 8, PORTLAND. ORE.
ilShepard & Tufts I
Will ) on Lots in
I ; Slicpnrti'ii Addition
Por 65 Dollnrs, S dollars down and 5 dollars per month
Lots in Point View at 70 dollurs each.
; Lots in North St. Johns, overlooking tlic river, 250
: dollars, 10 down and 10 per month.
Wo Write
T. L IhiKKcr, mi old iminHr
until, now iMihlUhliiK llm New, it t
Hnntinm, Or, ieut n day in Kt.
John, lat week, nml went homo mid
wrolo (he folhittiiid which iiiMsind
in IhA column of hi hninlitly imper
litkt week:
"St. .loliux, n Huhiirh of Portland
klx mile down llm ilvcr, ofTcr it
tleld of iuvi'Mtmcut for riiiltnl Hint,
probably, hit no hiiicrior in tlio Wil
iamctlo Valley. The location, lay of
llm land, water front, etc., make it
mi idoiil lot'iitimi for iimtiufntiuriiikV
indiiktriioi. Kt- .lohu U tho location
of llm liiv ilrv dni'Lu. Hut liiivn I'm I.
laud wtxilou mill, mid mhhi to ho in- g
tltiited ii lurno idiip yard. Tliero nro 8
hovcrtil ilori mid oIumh in lh town M
that iiiMmr lo ho doimc wtdl. A nowt
piiHir, "Tlm .S. John Hovmw" n
hrlKlit, iimvhy, column S uiko jour
nal, with up to-dali plant, u looking
well to tho iutoiokt of tho plafiv
ulnkmt alliinhoi' ht. .Itilinii, with)
It licnllliy Mont km, mny acctn to
Piirllniid and luamifiicturiiiK iiidun
Irio tvntnldinhtHl and to coiim, odor
thu htwt iudtifomout to Mipital, mid
to (ho homo liuildnr. of nny point
within our LiiowIimIk"
Phsne Scott 4046 Office In Cochran Block, St. Johns, Or.
O4O000O0OO4OO001 to o ooooooooooo
Edmondson Company
Hardware, Plumbing and Tinning in All Its Branches
Jeraoy Stroot, Near School Houm
Phono Scott 4005
5 t 8
Bickner Brothers
Department Store
condition or ArrAIH8.
Kovnry riliron of tho Northwot i
iulorootod in tho iitHHtrthiiiK of tho
corrupt luiinioipal inolhodii whirh Imvo
for n lonjr tiiuo hoou ritmp.tut in I ho
t'ity Kuvurtiuiciit of Poitlnud, This
intvrotit i intimiilllod nt this particu
lar titiu', owiii); o tho fact that every
resident of tho norlhwoat is lookint
AH Goods Sold at Portland Prices!
Keep n largo tock of (lenoral llerchnndiw, includinff Dry Good,
u .Tiiurs, vnoii'ni'3, iinniwaro. lioiuo l'iiriilhinLn.
i t'cd, l.te. In fact cvvrythtnt;. Their Price
riKtit. Don't wnsto your time KfintJ to
Portland, but como in and see our
Mock nnd prices.
Remember The Big Department Store
uvibvj nwvi mm iiroauw
St. Johns, Oregon
Is best expressed by our guaranty
of 20 per ceut increase in value of
property during the coining year
This guaranty provides that in case the proper
ty you purchase does no increase in value at
20 per cent during one year from
date of purchase we will refund your money
with 6 per cent interest.
This same guaranty we have been offering since
we first undertook to get industries at St. Johns,
something over three years back and up to date
no one has ever asked for his money back.
Lots and Acreage
Hartnmn , Thompson & Powers
3 Chamber of Commerce
Portland, Oregon
O. L. CHAPJSZf Agent at St. Johns
Contueton or Jpr nntnj, Bout rlnUm, Tlatlnf, m.ri.t m
moai UdIod 6115
f 659 WillUmi Avenue POBTLAJn), OlMOX