St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 23, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Draft of the Proposed City Clinrlc
Second Installment.
Following Ih another cluijilur of the
proposed city charter of St. Jolinn;
4n. To rcmilro nil railways nnd rail
roads to provide proper fenders and
other safety appliances and the
latest nnd most approved machln
cry and methods for their cars
nnd tracks and tho oporntlon
thereof for the protection of hu
man Ufa and tho lessoning of dan
ttur thereto and to enforce such regit
latlons by such fines and penalties as
may ho prescribed by ordinance,
Criminal and Police Powers.
II. To provide for tho punishment
hy flno of not less than twenty-iivo
dollars nor moro than one thousand
dollars, or hy Imprisonment not ex
ceeillnu two years, or both, of any
person or persons who may Injure
deface, Interfere with or destroy nny
of tho property belonging to uio cn
or In wnleh tho city has any Interest,
right or estate, nnd to provldo that
tho munlclpnl court or tin; circuit
court of tho state of Oregon for tho
county of Multnomah shall havo Juris
ilu-non to enforce such punishment or
punish men In,
15. To romilnto anil restrain bar-
tender, saloon keepers, dealers In
mid timtiumcturors of spirituous, vln
ous. fermented or malt Honors, bar
rooms, drinking shops or places where
spirituous, vinous, fermented or man.
IhpiorH are kept for sale or In any
manner disposed of, nnd the sale and
disposal Ihereor; nil orrensivo and onu
uoroti trades, employments or bust
iiwm; and for the purpose of this
churler to dellnn and declare who Is
n bartender, saloon keeper or dealer In
H'lilltiou, vinous, fermented or malt
llonon, and what Is u barroom, drink
In shop or place where spirituous,
vinous, fermented or mall Ihpiors are
kept for sale or dlnpoed of mid what
me offensive or dangerous trades, em
ployments or businesses, No piovls
Inns of 1 1 1 law concerning tho sale
or disposition of any spirituous, vin
ous. feniK'tiliHl or malt llmiors in .Mull
iiomali County shall apply to the sale
or disposition of the same In the City
of HI. Johns. No license shall b"
itrauted to nny person or persons to
vend, deal In or dispose of nny spirit
nous, vinous, fermented or limit llu
uom (except to regular ly licensed
driiKglstn or to grocers, who may be
iiulhnrlred In sell such Ihpiors not to
be used or drunk upon tho premises)
wllli In four hundred (100) feet, meas
ured on street lines, of any block on
which n public school building Is slt
tinted within the ('Hy of Ht. Johns.
Hi. To prevent nnd supplies gam
ing mid gambling houses, lotteries or
pliiiin where any game In which
chance predominates Is played for nny
thing of value, ami to punish any per
son who engages In such grime, or
keeps or frequents such houses or
'Is up or promotes lotteries or sells
lottery tickets; to prevent nnd sup
press bawdy houses or places where
fornication Is practiced, nnd to pun J
Mi any liiiuiile, keeper or (reipicnier
(hereof; lo prevent mid suppress
opium smoking ntul houses nnd places
kept therefor and to punish any keeper
of such house or place, or person who
smokes opium therein or freipients the
same; lo legiilato the sale of cigar
etles, rlgars nnd lohnrco nnd to pro
hibit the sale of the same lo minors.
17. To prevent the sale, circulation
mid disposition of obscene literature,
including boons, papers, prints, pic
tomobllos nnd vehicles of all descrip
tions. 58. To regulate, restrain nnd pro
vent obstructions within tho public
streets, sidewalks and places and to
make all needful reflations to keep
nnd maintain tho public streets, side-
wa ks and n aces In a clean, open nnu
safe condition for public ubo; to pro
vide for tho rcmovnl, Impounding and
salo or other disposition of such ob
structions upon five days' notice.
59. To regulnto tno uso or mo
streets nnd sidewalks for tho uso of
signs, sign-posts, hitching posts, awn
Ing noits nnd bicycle racks.
CO. To control and limit trnmc on
the streets, avenues nnd elsewhere,
01. To orescrlbe tho width of tiros
of all vehicles, nnd tho weight to bo
tnrrlcd thereby.
02. To reKU ate tho uso of side
walks: prevent tho extension of build
Inn fronts nnd house fronts over tho
street line, nnd to prohibit tho build
Ing nnd use of barbtd wlro fences; to
regulate tho limits within which It
shnll bo unlawful to erect steps, pot'
tlcos, bay windows or structural orna
ments fronting on any of tho streets,
lanes or nlloys of tho city.
0.1. To prohibit the planting, grow
Ing nnd uso of trees, such as may be
letrlmenlnl to tho sewers or to tho
use of the sewers, and to cause such
last-mentioned trees to ho cut down
or removed.
01. To set npart ns n boulevard or
boulevards any street or streets, or
portion of n stteel olreets, over
.vhlch there Is no existing finnclilso
for nny street or other railroad.
on. To provldo for surveying tho
blocks nnd streets of tho city nnd for
marking the boundary linos of such
IiIocIm nnd streets; lo chnngo by orul-
outice tin: tiumbei letti r or dctigim-
Ion of nny lot, block or tract of land
ivlililn tho city which may he conflict
ing or otltirwlse iinsitllHhle mid lo glvo
ordinance n designation to any
nu t of land within the city not mini-
er"d, lettered or ilenlgmiled. A cor-
lll'wl copy of such ordinance shall ho
mnsmltted by the recorder to the
of other property! to provldo for tho
care and relief of members of said de
partment who may be Injured while In
the porformnnco of duty and to do all
other acts which may bo necessary In,
providing cfflclont protection against
in, Tho chief shall mnko n monthly
statement of expenditures of tho de
partment to tho council, nnd also fur
nish to tho council nn estimate of the
need of his department for tho cnsu-
IH.. hmmlt it.llti eimli t-nnnmmnmln I Inna
lllft .infill,., niui ..uiiiiih.iim.i"-"
ns no ma ueum iirupur ur uiv uuuui
ment of the service.
77. The chief of tho flro depart
ment shall make annually, or oftcner,
If required by tho city council, or If
ho may deem best, n report to tho
council or any municipal legislation
hy him deemed necessary to Improve
the condition nnd administration of
the flro department; nnd shnll report
In like manner fully to tho council the
business nnd condition of tho lire de
partment, showing tho number of
olarmft responded to, tho estimated loss
by each flro during tho year, with tho
cause thereof, with such other infor
mation ns ho can furnish relative to
tho advancement or Improvement of'
the department, nnd the necessities
thereof; nlso nn estimate of money
required to pay nlarlcs and expenses
of the flro department for tho enstt
Inir fiscal year, specifying In detail tho
Hems for which tho snino will bo re
78. Tho chlpf Mini have such fur
ther powers, and ho subject to such
furthe' duties ns may ho granted or
Imposed hy the council, except ns
otherwise In this charter provided.
Police ueonrtment.
!). lo provide for tho ntinolnlmont.
orcnnlxailon nnd equipment of n po- 5,
lice dfimrlment nnd to that end mnv. 'A
at l's dl'cretlon. provide hy ordlnnnee V
for the appointment of nny hoard of a
commlIoii to hnvo conttol or mini- 5
Rest Riiv in m . nhns
Block adjoining Woolen Mills
Six-Room house, good bam and fine well, owner soldi
$200 wortn oi mm irom piacu uns year,
Only $2,650 for the next Thirty days
Lots 54x92, with alley, also fine river view,
$250 to $275 each, $50 down and $25 a moiitji
North St. Johns Lots, 50x100, $25 down $10 .
per month
ST. JOHNS, Oregon
West Coast Laundry
New, Up-to-ilntc, with nil the latest nnd most ,
modern Improved Laundry Machinery
Will call for worls met deliver promptly
Ooed wnrk EtMrantrtd it priori rcmomlile and mllifuclory
Olvo Us a Trial ...ST. JOHNS, OREGON
does ns mny by tho council bo
deemed tiecossnrv. The council shnll
have tiower to fix nil salaries of men
cordliiL' ollleer of the county, who mi employed. In ease of nnv mob.
hall record the same In (ho record of J 1 lot. pestilence, or on days of puhlle
plals of said county and shall mnko
11 reference lo (he record of such ordi
nance upon the recorded plat on (llo.
No cnarge shnll be imidu by tho re
cording ofllcer.
00 To regulnle tho numbering ot
houses nnd lots on the streets and
nvniies nnd the naming of streets nnd
07. To prescribe rnlos to be charged
for Irnnsportnllon of passengers or
properly wlihlti the limits of the city
hv minus of vehicles of every descrip
ON. To provide for I he eslabllhh-
nieiit of market houses ntul pl'ices, ntul
In roKiilnto the locution and munngo-
metil thereof.
iW. To provide a standard of
weights nnd memoire nnd lo author
le lnpecllon of weights nnd minis
tires, food mid find; to regulate the
sue ntul weight of bread, oilier food
products niui fuel, and to prevent the
sale of udulleraleil. iiiihenllhful and
unwholesome food, nnd lo pto.lde for
the Kclxuro niui forfeiture of bread.
oilier food products ntul fuel offered
for sale or sold conlrnry lo said reg
ulations, Wharves, Docks and Harbors.
70, To crealo the oltleo and dellno
Hie duties of harbormaster.
71 To provide for Hie removal of
obstructions, deluls ntul other dele-
lerlinM mailer from tho Wlllnmsito
ili.himiMll-nllmiH li. nm.,il,if ftt til Alt,
power the chief of police lo appoint '
lempomry onieers, who shall hnvn1
power lo mnko arrests nrd perform nil
Hie duties of regulnr police officers.
To er.'ct Jails and other necessnry
I tiltilliigK nnd lo purchase nnd acquire
property, both mil nnd personnl,
which tho exigencies of n police de
partment mny require. To proscribe
all necessary rules nnd regulation
itivernltiK the oriainlxnllnn ntul prop
1 r mnlnlenunce of snld department. To
prescribe llin dalles of officers; lo pro
vide for the cure nnd relief of mem
hers of sold diqmrtii'ent who mny bo
injured while In the of
dlllV lilld to do nil oilier arts uhlrli
may no necemry In providing nn of
1 Watch Free
Willi (he nppcnraiicc of (his nollcc (he Free Wntch offer Is up,
nnu compeiiiors must (urn in (liclr tickets by Friday, Dec. 23
Elliott's Pharmacy
tlcletit no len doieirtinont. 't int num.
ell shall hnto power lo require from
Hie chief and from onrli subordinate
officer n bond In such sum ns It may
deternilrc. with surily or sureties to
be improved hy tho mayor for tho
fulthlul porformnnco of duly. Tho
chief of police nml each officer shall
lake the some oalh ns Is nqulied or
lU'cllve officers before entering upon
their dm It. Such bonds shnll bo (lied
with the recorder. The rhlcf of po
Ike and his sureties shall bo tesponsl
hie lo tho city or nnv nenum . ,
Krlovd, the same ns sheriffs and (heir
The chief of police Is n nenc.i of.
Ilcer. and must execute nil process Is-
V. II. KINO, IVolJcul.
,M. I.. IIOLIIRI'I'K', Vlce-Prcildcnt
Iflfltt U-Illllll llllt ftlll Until. . lit 1.1 . . '
hiiiiiii mi' viij iiiiiitn iiiii nr fiii-i ifj iiif iiTi'iiiiiir fir inrcnrAii in 1 '
lunvs and Ihe like, mid lo punlhli nnv jprolillitl putting or negligently or wl-hlm by nnv mnglsimio of this slnte In I
hit Kniiie ui uu inn , itiiiiiiiiii i uai ors: no nmv innlin nr. t
tierson who sells or offers for wile. orI'MII) suneriiiK
ulm I'lreillnlim nr illMiiimeu nf mi. li III I Hieri'lll.
imillim luil.u i.,i,...ry nrliilM ,.l r.tti I )- Ml ri'KUIIIle 1110 lllllll UK I
mid Hie like, and In ilelln.i nii.l Iiim ""lVO. IIIUl tile driving of pile
f. i 1,1.. i.i 1 1 nil, ui,i tu..i,,,.. i 'ui iii.iiiiciio mver w in i tile i n
Hs of Hie city, mid lo oslublUli Hues
like are obscene within the purposos ''"V""1 "''.l1'1' w!oh shnll not he
iimi province or tins provision. I ""'.' 1
IS. To tirevenl trespassing and pun ,.1 provino for lint const met Ion
Uh Irospassers upon real and iiersonnl
lit. To restrain nnd punish lulotl-
111I Ion, tlnhllng nnd ipinrrellug In the
city, ami any dlsliirbsnce or any un
lawful or Indecent p met I re. nml lo de-
lino what slum constitute (hit same.
ftO. 'lo prevent, restrain and dis
perse any riot or riotous nssemblai'.e. 'he construction and maintenance o
nml (o restrain ami punish nny per- oiutl. lls, public lauding p hires,
urn inking purl (herein. wliarviM. docks nml levees, nml nil
ftl. 'lo define wbal shn const luloMuiii oilier work as nm be reoulrell
viigrancy, nml provide fur Hie support, 'or the nccommodallon of commerce:
tiwtrnlnt, punishment nml emidov- n coutiol mid regulate the um, thereof
immt or vagrants ami imuners. iml lo provide for the neon n Hon lis
K- To prnhlblt persons from roam "omleinmillou or oiherwUo of all such
lug th siieets at unsisisomihle hours, work or works by Hie clly, mid for Ihe
mil regulation of landing at the fool
or me streets terminating at the Wll
lameito Klver.
I. lo approprlalo money for Hi
n-epeniug. widening. docHinu. cover
lug, walling, altering, or chniiulnu
ehaiinels. waterways, or watef courses
within Hie clly, nnd to provide for
M. To piohlblt the onmitn: of dan
gerous wonixms In a concealed man
HI. To prohibit nnd prevent cruelty
tO Clllll IVII HUH HlllllllllM. to MIIIIIO
prlale such sums as may tut paid Into
uie irisikury iroin nues rollecletl on
conviction of persons charted uhh
cruelly lo nulmals or children, and to
aiithorUe the pavment of the same or
nny part thereof to any soeleiv Unit
shall hae officially aided In such con-
M. 'o pndiltiK Uio exhibllloii of
iiororinixi or crippled persons, and lo
prouimt an persons from begging
upon uie hi reeis or lit public placiM.
W. To establish, change, dlscou
liniie or roestabllHli clly Jills. prisons.
imui'K ni.nioiiH, worn iiousos ami
hoiistM of doteiisloii, punUhmont and
loiiKiructlou, malutemiuci and owner-
nip or Ihe wiiiiw by tho city
Fire Department,
75. To provide for tho iinuolnimeiit
ntunUntoti ami eulpmeut el u lire
leparimeut nml to Hint end nmv. nt
MM discretion. Iirovlde bv ordlnnnee
ror III .ippoliitmeni of any hoard or
nuiiuiiisioii to have control and man
igeinent thereof, or lo appoint a chief
engineer and as many other officers
Hid eniplojees as may bv Hut ennm-11
'k ihemml necessary for the proper
iiuieeiiim against tire. The council
dmll have power lo tlx all SHlnrles of
lien mi employm . to nrov do for me
txpiipment nml malnteiunce of volun
tfer fire romimnies. to purchase and
Wmitv all piopertv 1ml h rent ami .-.
and -hwhI, liicludliiK necewary uppnmtii
tiMinen. niwe ami oilier
whhh the fxIgeiicloM of a Pro deimrt-
I lllm. I tun. rj,iiilm .. ...........i...
7. ISxceul ns otherwise - Vh..V. ." '" "V
lu this charter or In the ,. i. i n , . VI " . ' r""' ' " "ry
or l.iws nf ll.n hi.ii.. inr.,. ' Z: ."h",,"," HiiM-r hub ill"
, ..,,,., , ..iHniiiwiiiiiii nnu proper limliilrnance
ulato and control for any and every ..f said department, o pr""c ' b h .
uirpoM. ho use of the streets, high- -lutHm of officers und nuunbers ami to
ways, alleys, sidewalks, nubile thor- einnnwer n... ,.i.i..r .f LA i V ..... ..' V
t rue-
AIsiractsJofj.TIUe carefully and accurately prepared.
Charges Reasonable.
Office: King's Building, Jersey St., St. Johns
cliy, wlHi or without n warrant, ns
iiiiiMiiiintH. tiititim mini. in., i
il. V An... i : '" " uie uestruc linn or removi
Hit) nil v: to reuuliilii ih im.i ,ir uir.i.iiu l.,r ...... i...n ...... ...,,,,
roads, highways and publlo places for lures, for the purpo.o o "hocking
r .....U.i., i,ivjnv, uu-1 iimuresa pi nre or for the protec
peneo officer- do under Ihe laws of this
Kite; ho must exercise n vlgllanl con-
inn over uie mwo nnd quiet of tin
city; ho shall keep u watchful enro lo
prevent llres. and exercise like mm
over nil properly of ihe clly nnd re !
port to Hie nroecr :iuihorlil,w nil u-n.n
of water, stoppage of sewers, ami nil
daiiiugo lo any clly properly, ho Is tho
keeper of the city prison or houso of
correction; ho must attend logiilnrlv
upon Hie sittings of the miiiiipimii
court ami the meetings of the council;
he shall exercise such additional pow
ers 'is may m conferred upon him r
Hie ordinances of said clly lo enable
him to carry out tho objects ami nn?-.
poses of this clmrler.
The chief of notice nr nnv niilmr
of Hie police force, when acting under
or enforcing nny law or stattito other
tluiii ii city ordlnnnee. Is onttiie.i m
collect ami rccelvo Ihe same fees and
compensation us are allowed to tt con
stable for like services, ami lie Kimii
imy Um same over lo tho city treas.
urer. ns provided In Ihe case of fees ro-
, . 1 ,m I'011"' hut no tvo
nan oe inxeti against .Multnomah
ounly for sen lees rendereil hy either
i -i n, i.nin e or pouco judge. The
hlef of police shall keep In his olllco
hook of urrests. In which Kimii i. i,.
rw.l by him, or under his direction.
lie linillO of oven- iiri,iii r.u,.,.i
Hie canst' of such nrrest, by whom tho
whs nuuio nun the date thereof.
Ihe chief of police may In wrlHnir
mipciwr an) member of (ho pollco
force, whenever fiich member Is in
sonrch of nrooeriv feinninnaK- i.
llllltHl, or lu eari-h nt
fenders, to examine i
iMwultniKiT. r hl,t hmsimw
or the busiu4 uf an). Jimk ,l0 k
r or dimler In second hand merri.nn.
Use or IntolllKenro ottlro keeper, and '
uch member of tho form ui,A .i .
.in.. .....I....I. . . .. :. . " miiu
hn i 11 wri"K " aforesaid
hall U allow! to oxamlue any prop-.
I'uri'oning to be pawned, pledged
or dopiultisl In the miMeiilon ef
w uiMkiwvw such proierty muy be
b"t "" property shall bo taken
Nctuis rrmim and rurnltuu Ripiirtof
At QUICK MBAI, Btttl Bict
w- - ,
nJ tTiiMBtwa ta t. M rprentJ.
242-246 and 248 RUSSELL STREET
Station B
Lunch Koom, Confectionery. Ci
prs, Ice Cream, Kte.
won I'nton 5SS3,
xou can ilmyi
dtgtni on lh cboltfil
Offlf hour I 0 la is i..a .
ltIJrnc I'hout Bcotl 1284
j Offlt PboB Union 4083.
(intiiiuatn rg j)
.PPiia Z LI"'V.,o;f.,t"ion!',lVr
St. Johns Market
OiScs I'bono Union -tOflS.
oat St, Jonm, Orwoa
1 l. ft n w to 13 A. M. lt,SM(
ReiiJcuc rhoue 8to 6ji.
Office rhonc Union 64.
Jimy Strtet