St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 16, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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And stop paying house rent? Anyone
contemplating building on the Penin
sula will find it to their advantage to
call on us
Plenty of wet weather and plenty oE
dry fire-wood ; ;
. .
Foot of Westanna St Phone East I846
V. V V
Object of Club That Has Organized
Recontly at Albany.
Albany. Tom Richardson, of the
Portland Commercial Club, delivered
an interesting and Instructive address
beforo Albany's business men In the
Grand Opera house. Mr. Richardson
displayed a thorough knowledge of
methods of municipal and state dovel
opmont, and gavo a lucid explanation
or the essentials of success In a com'
morclal organization, and the address
was productlvo of results,
At tho closo of his talk Mr. Richard
son took chargo of the organization of
a local commercial body for the dovel
opmcnt of Albany and Linn county.
number or pcopio pledged G per
month ror Uio support or a push club,
others smaller sums, and a committee
of business men wob appointed by
Mayor Davis to take chargo of the or
ganlzatlon work and secure a member
ship sufficiently largo to establish tho
club on a good financial basis,
It Is the purpose of tho organization
to advertlso tho county and place men
In tho field to work for tho develop
tnent of Linn county's great resources.
It was unanimously decided to join the
Oregon Development Lcaguo and co
operate with that body In tho develop
mont or Oregon, tho organization
committee was authorized to and
nanin for tho club and nominate offl
ccrs, tho nominations tobo ratified at
tho next meeting, when organization
will be perfected.
Mr. Richardson was given an In
formal reception at tho Alco Club at
tho adjournment or tho meeting.
Oil Spoils Water Supply.
Balom. Farmers from tho Waldo
Hills report oil discoveries In tho vl
clnlty of Prntum, whero oil was discov
ered by Hlco Brothers Inst spring,
Many wells havo been abandoned be
cause tho water cannot bo used. No
effort has been made to sink a deep
well for tho purposo of determining
whothcr oil enn bo found In paying
quantities. Local capitalists nrrnnged
last fall to sink n well an deep as
might bo necessary, provided tho farm
era would bond their property, agree
ing to sell their oil on n percentage
basin. Many farmers would not ngrco
to this. profeTlng to profit by tho re
ctum or experiments conducted ny
othora, and as n consequence tho well
tugging onterpriio was nuantioncd.
Willamette FltltWAy Complototl
Balom. Tho new flshwny over tho
falls nt Oregon City linn been com
rioted nt n cost of 12073. 50. and En-
glneor J.W. Moffatt reported that fact
to tho Htato Fish Communion today.
Tho onglncor expresses his confidence
that tho flshwny will make It prac
ticable for salmon and other run to
ascend tho Willamette rlvvr. In re
porting tho work ut tho aovernl fish
hatcheries. Master Fish Warden II. 0.
van uuicn says tnni u.unu.uuu uninouK
and 3,840,000 sllvorsldn eggs havo been
taken at tho boum loos river nnicn
ury. whllo 2.C07.000 Chinook and 1,-
000.000 Bllvnrslde ckks havo boon
taken at Yaqulna. Tlicso results are
considered very sntufactory.
Improvements at Hood River.
Hood Jtlvor. It Is estimated that
tho O. R, A N. Co. Is expending f 10,000
In Improvements to tho depot grounds
and track yards at this point. Tho pas
scngur depot Is lining remodeled and
nnlnrced. ami a freight dopot and
warohotiso litis been erected thrco
blocks west of tho present location.
Tlie facilities for handling freight nt
this point havo afforded very poor nc-
commodatlons ror uio lasi inreo yearn,
and tha ImprovementH now being mndo
aro a source or satisfaction to ine snip
ping Interests. .
Claim Jumpers fluty.
OruntH Pass. Claim Jumpers con
Untie to do their work In tho Buckor
Crock district. A claim owned by
Sheriff Lewie, or tills city, has recently
been Jumped, and as tho claim Is
valued finite hlehly by the Sheriff nnd
has had two years' assessment work
done upon It, Mr. Lewis Is anything
hut nlaased over tho usurpation of his
right and has gone to discuss tho mat
ter at ciosH range witu mo iniruuur.
Phone Line for .Farmers.
Cheraawa. Cbemawa Is to be tho
conter of a rural tolephone line, to be
established at once. Fifteen farmers
In the vicinity of Chemawa met last
even In at the residence or rrana
Ileatty and formed an indepenaoni
rural company. Material has been or
dered for the line, and will he here In
about three weeks, Tho central office
will bo established at cnomawa.
Selling Sugar Plant Sloctr.
Milton. Itobert R. Frazler of this
niarfe U In Portland selling stock of
tho Mexican National Sugar Kenning
Company, of which no is a mtmoer.
The company will dispose of 1250,000
worth of referred stock In order to In-
stall a sugar refining plant. The com
nanv Is composed largely of Milton
and Walla Walla capitalists.
Mohair Show January 10-20.
. nallas. Thn commltteo of arrange
menu for the Polk County Mohair As
sociation appointed to arrango for the
fair, has 'named January 10 and 20 as
the time for holding the fair at DallaB.
This Is primarily a goat' fair, hut poul
try and sboep will alsq be an Interest
ing feature of the show, .Entries are
open to all Oregon.
New Industry Openod In Pendleton by
Former Eugene Man.
Pendleton. A. C. Ituby, formerly of
Eugene, Ore., has purchased tho Ore
gon feed yard of this city, and pro
poses to maintain a distributing depot
for Imported horses. II0 has at his es
tablishment 27 horses nnd six Jack
asBcs. Tho horses aro Pcrcherons,
French drnft, Belgian shlro nnd coach
stalllona. Every horso was selected by
htm In Europo nnd shipped to this
country from Ocrmnny . and France.
Tho animals aro of tho gentlest dispo
sitions, Mr. Ruby hot purchasing any
that showed signs of 111 temper.
Tho animals will bo kept at Pendle
ton, and, as tho occasion requires, dis
tributed over Oregon nnd Washington.
Tho McLnughlln Bros., of Cincinnati,
proposed to establish a station hero,
but finally decided upon Ogdcn, Utah.
Mr. Ruby will cither purchnBo real
denco property or build nnd remove
his family to this place, whero ho will
havo permanent hendqunrtors.
This station means much to eastern
Oregon nnd Washington, not only for
tho convonlonco of It, but for tho
material Improvement that will bo
mado in tho horses. Until the last few
years llttlo attention to tho breeds of
horses was given. Of Into years prices
have Increased until it pays hnmlsome
ly to talBO n grade of horscu that com
mand tho highest prices In eastern
markets. Tho day of tho cayuso Is
past, and tho fnrmcrs havo learned
how much moro work can bo expected
from n horso of good slzo than from n
small cayuse.
Not only nro tho farmers demanding
good horses, but aro raising mules.
Tho Jacks owned by Mr. Ituby nro
from Missouri, nnd nro much sought
after by breeders.
To Oort for Artesian Water.
Baker City. Mnnnccr Vinson, of
tha Emma mine, six miles east of tho
city, tins closed n contract with, C, A.
rrcdcrlcks. of Spokane, to boro for
water on his property. Mr. Fredericks
has' tho most extensive boring nppn
ratus ever brought to Eastern Oregon,
It having n capacity for borimt'tiOOQ
feet. Tho contract with Mr. Vinson
calls for 2000 feet or less, boring to
censo whenever a sufficient How of
water,! encountered. He docs not ex
pect water under COO foot. Tho work
will bo commenced nt onco. Mr. Fred
ericks nlso linn a contract to bore for
nrtcslnn hot water for tho Hot Springs
Nntatorltim Company of this city. Tho
hot sprlngn of tho company nro within
tho city limits.
Fewer Cattlo Fed Than Usual.
Echo. Flvo hundred head of cattle
nro being fed In tho immediate vicinity
of Echo. This Is a small number com
pared with what aro usually wintered
nc this plncn and Is occasioned by tho
oxtrcmoly low priced paid for beef.
An largo liords nro horded upon small
alfalfa, fields, tho pasturago afforded
In cnton closo, and hny feeding begins
obout tho 1st of November. Cattlo
ralsora nro hoping for higher prices
tho coming season, believing that tho
visitor to tho 1006 fair win consumo
great nniount and bring up prlcra.
Hnvornl small shipments hnvo been
mado already this fall, and thn highest
price received Is 3.2S per cwt., live
Anxious for Good Roads,
flranta Pbsb, Tho good roads move
ntent has struck Josonhlne county with
grentor'forco this season than ever be
fore, and there Is n moro general no-
slro to bettor tha highways or tho
county than this section tins over bo
fore known. During tho past two
months nearly 15000 has been paid out
by mining companies and Individual
mining men for tho Jmprovcmont or
roads In Josephine county, and as a
reault many of the Camps that wero nl
most romnletely Isolated during thn
winter will bo readily reached by wag
on horoafter.
Inlami limnlro Sunday School Insti
tute, Pondloton, Ore., January 30.
Oreson Btate Dairymen's ABocin-
tlon, Portland, Deccmbor 20-21.
Oregon Btato Horticultural Society.
Portland, January 10-11.
National American Woman Suffrage
Association, Portland, June 22-28. ,
Lewie and Clark Centennial Exposi
tion, Portland, June 1-October 16,
Sell Land Near Helix.
Pendleton. William Kupera and 0,
C. Bhroeder, farmers residing near
Helix, have disposed of threo quarter
sections or land to Joseph Belvera of
that lorallty for 18000 a quarter. Mr.
Kuperd, who sold ono of tho sections,
and Bhroeder, wfco sold two, have pur
chased land neiir Nes Perce, paying
M&00 and f 5(00 a section,
Irrigation Work.
Milton. Workmen are building
flumes for the Finis Irrigation ditch,
which will water a body of land near
tho Hudsoi Uny section. Many other
flumes are being built under tho rail
road nt different points, and an Im
mense territory hitherto bare will be
put under cultivation next season.
Poitland Walla Walla, 83c; blue
stem, 88c; valley, 87Hr. . '
Tacoma Blueetem, bOc; club, 80c.
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