-s ST. JOHNS REVIEW NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Form for Busy Readers. Our HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Resume of tho Loss Important but Not Less Interesting Events of the Past Week. A Japanese cruiser In reported nnliorc In YuiiK:liiii bay. Tho Oregon land fraud case Iiiih been po.tM)iied until April. A Jnpnneeu wing of Oyniun's) nrniy driven hack recently is again advancing. Tilt) Jiipiiuesn 11 ru ii-tir in I lent 'in Jtusslnn government buys u number of warships from Chile The suspension bridge, nt C'lmrlcft'jft, V. Va., collapsed, drowning threo school lr In and Injuring flvu people. ilrlgadler (leneriil H. At. Whiteside Is dead. Nu had command of thu de. iiartini'Mt of Hnnthigo during tliu Sj n ri-war. DOINGS IN CONGRESS. Friday, December 0. Tim house missed tho legislative, CX ectitlvo and lud clal atinronrlatlou bill almost as It camo from the committee and adjourned until Monday Throuehout the session today the nollcv of retrenchment hold full sway, and all attempts to Increaee salaries failed. The house pained a resolution to ad Journ December 21 until January 4 for the usual Christmas holiday. Monday, December 12. Tho senate committee on privileges and elections has taken up the Bmoot ram. Threo witnesses wore examined and several now points brought out. Senator Htewart has introduced a bill to ralso tho salary of tho president to 100,000 n year, of the vice president and speaker of the house to $20,000 each, and each senator, representative ami delegate to 1 10,000. It Is provided that the bill shall tako effect March 4, 11)0!). Tho house passed a bill to give the agricultural department control over forest reserves. The senate discussed the pure food and Philippine government bills. I'oiir men were sculdcdd toiliutli and fniir other budly Injured by un cxplolon on tho battleship Musm chusetts. Tint new l'nrtliind postolllco will not bo largo I'liniigh mid thu iirrhitii'l bus been asked to provldo for tliu fount rue. tioii of iinntlier wing. A number of pionilni'iil rurnl mull carriers who went toonctlvu politically during tin! recent ciiinpiilgu, liitu liecii removed. They were nil In New lork mid .New llainpshlrii. ti ireies leicgrupii mcssuges nine iMfii sent from Kiiiiwih City to Cleve. mid, unio, ii'.i miles, without relit v. This Is said to bo the longest distance iiverland messages over covered, I'lre destroyed an Immense coal bun kor nt lliiltslo. Tho rial work will nut begin mil II cany in January. Jiibn I). Ilocknfcllcr has given Chi rsgo University 1:100,000. Tho second trial of the Oregon land fraud raso Is in progress in Portland. Tim nomination of (iovrcnnr llradr, of Alaska, has been held up by the senate. Tuesday, December 13. The housu passed a resolution lm penciling Judge Kwayne, of the North em district of Florida, for "high crlmts and misdemeanors" A committee was appointed to notify the sennit) The senate passed a bill to throw open for settlement 800,000 acres In the Yakima Indian reservation. Nothing of any Importance wan do volopod In the Hir.oot rnso today, i lvo wllnesso were examined. The house resolution for an adjourn inent from December 21 to January -I wns adopted by tliu senate. Henator Mitchell is sure of securing tliu chairmanship of tliu committee on canals. Tho School Question. Mr. t. Johns, Or., Dec. 10, Kdltor: f want to beg your in- lnlirpiicn for n short snare. Will from Isc not to Inflict a llko punishment on vou again If you will kindly The national Convention of Traveling rasngor agent will meet In Portland in nmr. Tho International commission to ln iiilrn Into tlm North sea Incident Is tpccled to meet In Paris Di comber 20. ItaiU'tl wire stretched In front of the Japanese trenches is proving the worst ftxt of the Russian army In Manchuria. A ntimlier of lloirr lestleis In North- tcn.Ud uprising has been iiIihhI In tin imiii, At tlm last cabinet meeting r'ccrctnrv Hitchcock siHikti briefly of the html Iraud cares, Indicating that some start ling developments In them might Ih e i pec let I In llin hear future, Tho Hough Itldera will liavu a place I oi nunor in inn inaugural paiada. A Clilncm. caidtall.t il.larM H..i I,.. "'"'I"' M. l'uls, m here he had kuoHN Purl Ai Ihiii hi provision for 'Imrjci'iif Oregon exhibit nt the !.... .1 - . . . . . . iiiicu iiiuiiiiis. Of the 100 locomotives ordered fori Wio llatrliuan lines, 00 nro for tlm Houlliern Pad Hi". Howie hat paid thu last Installment mi ins iieiits and Zlon City U again on a suunn iinanriai nasis, Wednesday, December 14, The sennle has npHilntet u commit tee to nrriiuge for thu trial of Judge mvnyne, of lorhla. A bill wits passed In the senate im propriating LTi.OOtl for thu Improve ment of Mount llalnler national park. In tint house the uruenl dellclencv bill ami several other bills of u public nature were pns-ed. Thursday, December 15, Die senate sis'iit practically the en. .. . . i ... . lire day disciissling the riilllpplne ml inlnlhtrutlve bill. A iiiiiiiImt of ntnenil incuts were made. I'ndcr iiuiiulnioii iigriTiuent the vote on the bill w ill he taken tomorrow n ml the dlsitowil of nil iimcndiiifiitH will occur at the siiini lime. The urgent dellclcncy bill uis nacd wniioiii uciiute. In the boiice an attempt was made In mhl Nh lm followlni? article, tkoucli it innv tm illnrnnnnclcil nnd n Ilttlo out of joint. Still It may bo the means of showing how Ilttlo argument was made by cither T. J. M. for or by Progress ninlnst the centralization of schools. If any ono had been to tho school meet- t 9 - 1 ing on wcdnestiny evening, wcccmucr 7. nntl listened to rroiesior Jtooinson, county superintendent of schools, tnoy woiihl hnvo heard nil the nrgumcnt that was necessary to convince tho most ardent ntlvocnte of dividing tho school, tho detriment It would be to the scholars as well as the district at large. Mr. Progress says in his nrgumcnt for building a school in somo other part of tho district that the voters showed by their voto on the 8th of November that they, tho taxpayers, did not want any moro built on to tho present building. Let us sen how thnt was. If I remember correctly the notice stated that the election was for the purposo of voting bonds of .$10,000 with which to provide lor tne greni in crease in school riiiniren. oininir was said nbout building nny where else than nt tho present site. Consequently It was not on nccount of where the hulhlinir wns to bp, but simply because u great many voters thought the Imnrd asked too much. I am sorry that I do not know T, J. M. ns well ns Mr. 'rngresi does, for I think his Idcns were IfOOll. Anil I liopo Hint wlien the linnrd enlist .ii... ...i.t.i. t i IIMIIIIirr IIIUClinK 1,11 1 IIIHH'IMIF-'l they hnvo for December 20 that nil who nre Interested will mine nut nnd express themselves in no uneertnln tone. And right here, Mr. Ktlltor, I wnnt to say n word to this school board: f hope they will have n report on the cxiiting conditions so they can present it to thn tnxpnyers In sileh n way that we may nil know what they need to make our sehonl second to none In the county or stnte. Honing thnt we nil intiv work together for thn unbuilding or our school ami town, nnd nlso hop ing Hint T. J. M. nnd Mr. I'rogreM may meet nnd shnke hands nrross tho gnp Ing chasm, I remain vnur for ITiiN TH.MIA'1IU.. I I Best Buy in St. John Block adjoining Woolen Mills Six-Room house, good barn and fine well, oner sold $200 worth of fruit from place this year, 4 Only $2,650 for the next Thirty days Lots 54x92, with alley, also fine river view, $250 to $275 each, $50 down and $25 a month North St. Johns Lots, 50x100, $25 down $10 per month W. H. KING ST. JOHNS, Oregon em (Jhliin have been placed In prison cull up the bill to Improve ciirrencv mill II lit llii.iiiilil ...l...l.l.. .1... l... 1.. I ... . ' ." ........... ...,.... ,.,., , ,,,,.,,, in-iconiimoiiM. huh mutter isruidnl ul newt the entile day, only a few minor items coming Pcforo the liom-o OI1EQON WINS MANY PfllZES. W.H.WehruriR Says Statu Madti Firm bhowliiK at St, L011I1. I'ortliiml, Dn1. I". After scvenil luiisiaim I'lirehiue exhibition, W. II. Helming returned to Portland yeMer day. lie reported wide interest milling KaMcriiciM in the 1U nml Clark ex InmIIIoii iiml predicted there will la liiHivy westward travel next year for the liliriiiy.il .if .i i. In., ill.. U'.u.l..... V'...l.l . . I, .M.p mi- iiirtMM HI Ml l 1 no ituwiMii iMllllfSlilli tHevastnool hI .I. Poll Atllnir I... 1..... .....1. '.1 . adoptlUK drfomlvn in..M.nrH.. .Mr. eliriiug speaks highly of tin A lt..i 1...1... . Hiomiug made l.y Oregon ut the Kt ww imii him I Sl'Cl 1 UIirillNI I m . for ciltlclslnu tho admiralty. "m m,r " "lut" held 1 .... ..11 1... ...... ... . . A dlseatch from .Mnkibm uv. n, J 1 s.a.c-... inucii larger Japanese hau drlvru the itussUn. on l'l'rritl.M.-. He ul-. wy that he the right bank of the Hun river west- l,,,M Uv,i ,,mt '""Idugtou'a repre wSHt. IrClllatlUvilNillk-bt a ciiiidlnnin.iiil .if Or... The iitesldent ha Icon cherries from n dealer ami lion of O. I1. Ndlltout ct'l WrL-lil Mullteil Ibein us Wimliini.iiiii nr.Mln.i 'ei... roni rii.H " " ,0' iUvim ". 'l.err.v contest Tlm 11,111.1. .4 i i.er. mil product. treaty has len -k.iuJl.vH u... "", "UiulH-r of meilals wu by ami the llrltl.li ambaiador, It Is ex- 0n"Ktt exhibit Is SS, of wilcli 7 pecimi mat the Italian treaty will Im wen gold medals, IM were silver nnd .ihiii. 71 broiue The Japanese Ime tonus I their at tention to (loldeu Hill fortress and mime dauiso has Uxn Intlictwl. Washliiglon has four aspirants for the olhYe of tlsh ciuninUsioner, The Southern states are tliHxIIng Hoovelt with Invitations to visit them. A fJood Word for tho Oily, lldltnr Itnvlrwr Oftdn I nm writ ten to nbout mv home town. Ht. Johns. nnd its environ. I hnvo, to write In reply tho only one explanation apropos thereto, to-wlti That Ml. .Johns is lestlned to be llie New 1 ork of the Wests I. c. the I'aelfle ennt. Whvf We hnvo thn mlnt ndjarent to the best harbor on the cmed, thn Columbia nnd Willamette river. Vesels nt nil singes of the this, nt nil hours of thn .!. MMH .lL. .l 1 1. .1 ..I.... .1.. V, uvini him, iimj iiri'iini in iiip. bar nt ocenn tide nllows free egress nnd I Ingress, no matter how Old Ilnrens howls or what comblni? waves their while enps brenk. Can nny other liar bor bonst ns much T The writer has visited them nil. Airaln. the Cnlutnhtn nnd Willamette .vnlleys nre the nnturnl eimnneis rnr inn racme trnde. That vast expanxlon Just being entered upon wherein the Pnelfle will become nn American "pond," soon we will see the white wings of American com merce peacefully nn Its mission of love bencflelent assimilation from the port of HI. Johns. The vest Interests that will renter nt Ht. Johns nml radiate therefrom will have theso carriers of pence nn every sen; soon will we- see the gallant tnrs of St. Johns' nailing vessels owned nml muiined bv Ht. Johns' capital nml friends, singing the ar IxKiril watch nhnr thrnuuh the Isthmian euillll, lllld Ht. Johns lumber. Hour nml other exports In New York hrirhor nml Lomion nml the rnpltiils of the old nnd new wor d. These Ihlntrs are Minimi. I Ht. .lull ti situated ns Is New Vork cltv,! Is the imlv proper place fur the vast mnuufiictiirlng Industries Hint will nnd, mint locate here. Freedom of the water front ulvcs It'lhe nrefcreiie nv..ri nil other harbor. Helntlve to Ht. JnhmJ ItS t 1 1 111! 1 1 ,111 mill II. ilalar Inu.nu .1..... " ....... . . n.nt. . . .. it-, iiii'ifi Mttt I... .... ..I .. f J . .. unre lor ii resilience. iinu iioiiic, nwect Home" here has significance Hint one cniiunt flint iU. where. The towering peaks glistening In perpetual annw. Jeweled with th rovill mniitel nt lniivn'a yhoe sHitbs purity Indicative of the M III Veil cr.-iilnr . wfih l.l. ....III.... . : "i ...... .... .in. ,ii i-iiunr teniiiice nlwaysj with the ocean pure Vlll.ll.llw. ......... ..I I ... . ......... ..(nun imimiji, wuni cnecr cun iii'-ii' mi nuicrwiiie. rnrn nlr. nnr I...I... .....I. . ...I . .II. . ' I .... ..in i in, j pricnre wiusureiv make i m iieuinsuia it veritnhiu ennion MICH, .lli as one L'oes nbnnl nml meeis i lie giiu naiiit everywhere am hears Of Ilia lllutchlpiu Cntnra nt Ul Johns, I cau but say to tho home ii. . '"Yeur, as l would tav snip mioy urop your nnchor here. WILMAM W, (lOODKICII. lest Coast Laundry .T Now, l'p-to-dnte, with nil tho lntest nnd most rnodcrir improved Lnttndry Mnohlncry . FIRST CLASS WORK GUARANTEED Will call for work snd dtllvsr promptly Good work Kuirsnttctl st prlcrs rtsionsbls snd sstlifsctorjr Olvn Us a Trial ...ST. JOHNS, OREQOK ! Watch Free .AT Elliott's Pharmacy 5K1 Willi the nppenrnnce of (his notice the Free Wnfch offer Is up, mid compclilors must turn In their tickets by Friday, Dec. 23 Elliott's Pharmacy W. II. KINO, Prcildcut. M. L. IIOI.HKI'I'K, Vlce-Preildent ST. JOHNS ABSTRACT & TRUST COMPANY AbstractsJofiTitlc carefully nntl accurately prepared. Charges Reasonable. Office! Kino's Building, Jersey St., St. Johns HENRY C. SCHROEDER Spanish Cabinet Restcm. Madrid, l.y 17. 'I'lui tiillr.i.il.ln..i has r.iBw. , u i.nderM.ssI that " 7. J" . .TI l" ' Bl"- enor M.ium refuse to take .... : .:T.V. V'!" .,u"' r.trinwornia t. oiurra. warwin rouciuaeti tut the earth worm in nre years brings up soil rnmigti to cover the ground one IncJj thick, and that, therefore, the result or iu laiwr la or vast Importance. I recnou mm me pocket goober does tuts in nve mouths. It docs not do It in uie same way or so efrecttvelr. h. cause the earthworm actually digests the substance of Its casting; but It la evwent mat tbe pocket gopher's meth- The remains ot Kriiner, the ex-piesl. dent ot tho Tiaiiivaul, have arrived at Pretoria. Hevere skirmishes have cvcurriHl on the Hhkhke river in which the Hut sisus were defeated. tiiK oi orpiuulnk a new i-aldnet until therein a ilihMiliitloii of iiarlliiiiunii The liiiiL- suliM-mientlv sinnmiiiuil l'r... niler .s,tirrui!ii, who it in iinderstoml inlinmt.vl ho was not prepanil to or iwiiiie u ealiinet uulis ilrst lo-sunsl o( jne mipimri oi tenors .Mnum and u ht. It Is ieiH.rt.il Hint tlm crisis are., on tin. Uiik'h refus.il to li;ii tlm up. IKiintmeut of tieiuiml Uuio ns ehi.d of the general etaff, lutcgrating and railing the dead vege- iuuoh mm ine sou to produce a rich and fertlls black loam Century, A Gootl fHle. Ixiok for odns, look (or glsdorss. You will uirst thtm all th. whil. If rou brief a tntltng slisi To ths ilia, jou utt mils. Allcs Crj. It Is essy to what .hm,M y. done; but eulj a tow are abl to da It DKAhKIt IS TURNITURB AND BEDDINO, 0ARFET8, MATTINO, LAOK OURTAINS, P0HTIER8, WINDOW SHADES, i STOVES, TIN AND ORANITE WARE TUturs rrsmlng snd rurnltors BspUrtng Af sot QUICK MEAL Btssl Binjei ' AND UNDERTAKEN OooJ, ilrllrerrj frcs of chsree, llrs bsjrooj PlrJmonl Juucllon. OooJs iurnla to b rprotJ rUNSBAL DIUECIOB ! We will remit strrct csr fsrs la purchsiers Itistl 242-240 and 2 RUSSELL STREET Station B Job and Book Printin Don't forget Ihe fact that The Re view job ollico is now in running or der, nnd flrst-clnss job printing is bo ng turned out. Ofllco stationery, bus. mess cards, jwsters, circulars pnm- phlv-ts and lodge by-laws printed promptly and equal to any printing .lonu elsewhere. Tho prices nvo right, and stock used is Al. HE REVIEIfV, EASTSiDE JERSEY ST., ST. JOfH wy-tyY!iMii ii i sin i iswj.' ' - ,