St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 16, 1904, Image 1

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Devoted to thg Intercuts of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Centre of the Northwest.
NO. 6-
'arious Topics of Local and General Interest Briefly
and Tersely Treated.
rimely Matters Dealt With and Interspersed with Timely Surcs
tions on Local Affairs.
A matter that deserves attention, I It. Quit It. You accomplish no cood
Ind one that Is vorjr, Important, Las not and add to the discomfort of others.-
Tho council acted In n most com-
mondablo way when it uiinnlmoHslynp-
Lcn given consideration. Wo refer to
ho matter of preparing sultnblo adver.
Ilslng matter to bo distributed to thou
pointed J. Henry Smith to tho position
inls of visitors who will nttend the ( of city engineer. Mr., Smith is an old
003 fair at Portland next year. There ( of St. Johns, Interested In tits
ln people hero from nil parts of
he Knst, many of whom will not ro-
I urn, but will remain in tho West, nnd
he lorntlty which presents tho best In-
llutcments will attract them, nnd most
Irobably get them ns permanent rest
growth and development, and enjoys
tho confidence of the people In his
whether tho patrons of tho Fortlnnd
system nre victims of wilful or ignornnt
ncgloct, or whether It results fr'om n
deBiro to lncrcnso dividends of tho
stockholders by rigid economy, Is to us
unknown, but wo do know tho scrvico
Is almost Intolerable, and from tho con
tinuance of this state of affairs it scorns
tho pntrons of tho company nro help-
A Portland paper prints an account
of a lady who was using tho telephone
being shocked. That's nothing; every
person hero who tackles tho telcphono
is "shocked," nnd badly, too. It's bad
enough to "shock' tho Old Nick him
self. '
About People Who are Going and Coming to and
From St! Johns.
J. P. Wrlnklo and family will soon
occupy their now house.
Mrs. If. P. Stnllc'rly has moved Into
her now houso on llnltimoro street.
L. 0. Sinter spent Saturday nnd Sun
day with friends In Sherwood.
Jk Mm. Crlnnon tuft 1nt wnnl fn. till.
You may say thatftho "knocker" nols, wl.cro sho will visit her parents.
profession ho is both skilled nnd roll- T' " " "UT J , Wll"'n "nhlwln has bought two lots
able and Is better posted In refrd " '" '
nJ T0MTTy ,nMlnf'h- mer" don't affect you. But it , cottnK"-
lng lines nnd grades In a new town, ..4,i.i L vi.. 1 .,. Walter Conn has ln.i mr,,n,i
. 1 rfviii inn 11 u iiau mini 1 uii iii'iir is. nnriiM 1 u " asiii
wherd he tins n flock of sheen
And aosslp of a Lively Nature of Happenings In and Around
Our Prosperous City.
It Is
Active Steps Being Taken to Securo tho
Tho ltevlow hns urged tho Importance
of securing tho Park to tho city while
H is yet possible to get it at n price
within reasonable bounds. At last a
movement in this direction is In prog-
Tho Ladles' CI vie Improvement
League mado an effort somo months ago
to purchnso tho block on which tho
car barns now stand, but received so
llttln encouragement that they had to
Wckncss, of Hood nivcr, Or., ! n,mn"on th0 cffort- 8ln then tho
few dnvs in HI. .Tnlinn. !. mm.t Mwk lm been purchased bv Mr. Tfnl.
I. ... I .. 1 . 1 1. - L.l 11 1 I I 0 r . . rt. ( 1iiMt AM.l .til I I . . .
. , , , 1 u niiKiii. ud n mini iiiHiiiiiiing nnu in-1 in iurn. oienms. , uu nitiinugii nc ciocs not wish
7 "' ren fluenco In-tho community. Tho strnnger
i I Inl.l Iim n Hnlnlil m n i 4 M I i
: : " . a t ,;,:;: r"?"7 ?tt rva mB llt!?.oz work- bark. i,t if $ don't see him.
ur ,,u w- inc step tnKcn oy tho council is n wlso 1 1. 1 1 . . n I . win
.1.1 -f rnrtnlnK-tl.nnnnnM.mUvnr . i . ... . . . I It might, fOT all VOU SHOW, 1)0 H tllOII- '
:;;;Cnting the claims of St. .Tohni MUnt UhU "K 8a' w,th tho
.i n. ...ntn...i- n. n mn.a ' " knocker "r-for nl I th s t rancor knows sncnt a
III! Llltl I UII1UDIIII1 lin IS 111DF 111. Ol I II U IU I a .
An.(lv linutfl not lin nptrlrrlrfl
vv,,,,v " " - o i AiufT unit u cit-v nnrrinppr una rinnn i . i i
not too early to mature plans and do- pp0ntodlt appears proper that street , . i t ."wTV , , ',, Sr M,M 5rn'Ka"1 M"' of Oregon " nM ,' nn to tho town
rlso ways and means to carry out this improvements bo started witln. llltln hM 0 h,.m ,,cfT 1,0 ,m' hl cor Clt-V' i'c"1 Bmiay lu tho city, the'"'? ' ,T0,,n8 of tho ,,,ock toT 0000.
dea. A publicity committee might be SCTSL';?:? i?.;! 'ilSS rect weight nnd mensn. It only takes guost of Mrs. .lames Tufts nnd her son '7 2000 ,,c thirty
a I - ' . niiiiiirns in nn tnii iit mrttn iiiif I . .iinv.
ppolnted nnd given ample time to pre- of tho counc , ihl resnect are . " ""lC, . V.-T! - ..".T? 'I'f Moses.
fale something along this line, which Jio 7 naoVS; ."S' "V " " W'
ae bns been do no, in a very brief
reuld be to tho point. popu,r opInlon w, bftck un ,' .tv or t,,nc- J
... . . . Y'.l 1
numoriues . going to tho oxtremo It hns boon sutrcested thai tint ear
Noxt year wilt bo an eventful one for """It permitted by the present charter, nival of bribery and oflclnl corruption
kho cnt ro Western country. It Is "" "o new orgnnio law Is lnl. nrevaleni. in munlelnal rnrnnmllnn.
toped that permanent bonellts will bo orce, aomcthlntc will have been stnrtcd, throughout the land nwy bo tritccd to county, Oregon, was in tho city Satur-
Derived from tho great innux of visitors ":anl- education Jit early life. ' The "tipping" day and purchased somo St. Johns real
.ho may como during tho fnlr. Tuo system, for instnnce, 'Is a systom of estate.
ncasuro of benefit, however, rests, to a I Tho Inactivity of tho present city bribery, (lot alxyud he sleeping car,
large extent,
iVhllo our
Miss Ij. Vira Marsh and Miss Mnry
Vincent, of Sknmoknwa, spent last Sun-
dny tho guests of Mr. and Mrs, 0. K.
James McMillan, of Wasco, Sherman
J. W. Xovm. II. Dllllllli. Xllnn l.n.
.... I i ..... ... . .. .1 i it . i. ii.i-n .... I : . ' '
sni, wim ur imii uuj.iv. tuuii.ii, which in ceriamiy n matter or unn i - nV - mo porter, nrceploil a position ns mnnager of tho
natural resources nro many regret by every Individual citizen of you're "It." do to .first-class hotols hl Jnhns limnrt, nt n.n m...i. ii.-.i.
L . i. . .. . i -m il l.i . . . . . I . . . . t . .. .. I .....v..
inu varicu, yri mesa are not oi niom-i mr, nnus nn nnoiogy la somo extent In nnu resinurnnis, ji you want attention warn -nm.mnv.
I 1 nl -I k 1 . .1.-1 ul1l .I-.!.. - i. a ..l.i. tt.. I- t.-iil . I. . . I 1
citch Biuiicicm. Him icki nin uu-i mo nmiieu nuinority vested uy tho olulinn lima uoui)oys, Trsurrs nnu porters
T I. til
end upon tho manner and kind of chnrter. We sn somo apology, but have to be "tipped'' It's bribery. i-"J ""co, wncro no
rMtent.tadrd. If our yUltors are not sufficient to excuse the council for You pay tho legltlmst price for ac- enB"K"1 ' 'Rencral merchandise bust
rectcd with the truo typo of Western such complete failure to provide, ordl- commodntlon, but you must bribe the "Pcnt H"n,rB'7'1n e7f vlnlt-
ospltallty, and mado feel that their meet present cmergcnles. Tho servants, young nnd old, or you nre " '"""'
L.llars are all wo want, Instead of n council, ns a whole, don't seem to real- slighted. The result Is, some of these 1'","r J. A. Tlbbels Is orgnnlx
uiuy nnu ihuk'crkiyd nuiiicr niiu.nioiM- no innt tnoy woro seieciua to transact young nriue-takcrs grow up nnd nro
r of tho community, wo opine tho tho city business, that tho people, hav- Ulnred In tiositlons of trust nnd honor.
est of them will not be Induced to lng confidence in their ability, placed IVrhnim inirehaslnir nirents. nnd to In-
emam witn . ino impressions incm in nn executive position, and iluec them to purchnse your wares you
ormou ot tne peupio ot a community rioinoii incm Willi power to net ns their have got to bribe thhn. Ouess It's
o a long way in governing ino uecision jnugmcnt dictated, keeping within the nbout right. It Is the result of cduca
r a new-comer. limn or the chnrter. In tho Interest tlnn.
4 I Of the nponlfl nn a wlmln. It tnnla.
tfl . . .!.. 1-1. . . " v"
ino iii'i'raiuntu m h iur.ii m lnilvn bod Ira nnver nnun.l Inw. ..nlll
nother factor In determining the ques- tIl0y ono nrounil . ..,,
each individual constituent, they would
never do anything. In our ease so
monsuro Is passed or acted upon until
overy man in town is consulted. It
elnsses lu music, and Is meeting with
good success. Thn professor comes
highly recommended ns an Instructor.
A. A. Osborn, formerly of Mnrysvllle,
Cnl,, has moved Into n new house near
tho Carlson mills. Mr. Osborn nnd his
wlfo nre employed In tho woolen mills.
Thn committees of tho Commercial
Association nnd tho Ladles' Civic Im
provement League have taken tho mat
ter up, and proposo to raise a subscrip
tion to pay tho first Installment of
2000. Subscriptions of fi or over, to
be refunded ns soon ns thn town Is In
position to take over the property and
pay therefor. Bmnller sums than
will be retained by the Ladles' Club to
build seats, platform and other Im
provements. It will require somo porslstent nnd
ncllvo work to accomplish these results,
liut tho building spot for city hall nnd
thn beautiful , park that can bemtde
will moro than pay for tho trouble and
expenditure. A mngnnnlmous offer of
nil tho water niiessnry for n fountain
nnd keep up tho grass and other shrub
bery nnd plants fresh nnd green during
the dry mouths of tho year, has been
mado by tho St. Johns Water company,
nnd this without charge or cxpenso to
Tor n bandstand nnd outdoor meet-
FIRE DEPARTMENT 8TARTED. day visiting lllckner Dros., old friend
T. L. Dugger was In the city Batur- '"K" there enn bo no better spot o
lion of choosing a location. If tho
trect nre unimproved, no sidewalks,
be home surroundings of n don't-enrn
haractcr, all enter into the matter.
Bchool facilities and church privileges
of his. Ho called on tho ltevlow, nn
passed tho compliments of tho season
Hilly Lvans, one of the popular
I An Enthusiastic Meeting and Tempo
riry Orgonltitton.
A largo nnd enthusiastic meeting was motormp,, w,' ha ,,Mn oa tb0 e
held nt the Cllv Hull Tiiemltiv ovunliiL-1 "" t'wei went to work last
kro Important feature nd fty council should bo nblo to discern 'or t"n purpose of Initiating n move- 8umly " laying off for a couple
let forth In nn attraellvo way. or hn needs of the eltv. nnd net. do inent having for Its object tho oruanlxa- weoas.
loursc, one hero In Bt. Johns will not things) then, if any considerable body tlon of u volunteer flro department, V M. Dodge nnd wife, of Wood burn
Lavo much to brag about when it comes of citizens object, let them resort to W. II. King was elcctis) ebairman, and Or., wero In thn city Wednesday. They
lo strcots and sidewalks, but we can and popular romonstrance, nnd the council ! J - Tufts secretary. A number of I nro pioneer residents of 81. Johns,
Ihould do something In this direction, then consider the matter. As it Is, any dtuena Wero called upon, and expressed having lived here many years, and are
Iinr sfhool, It Is hoped, will be an ol- measuro which may como up has as themselves us highly favorable to tho wen una mvoraiuy Known ly the old
lct, by next summer, to which we cnu many different opinions expressed nbout proposition, nnd promised substantial residents.
point with pride, and truthfully assure lit ns there nre voters, before the council support. The following agreement was Mr, and Mrs. If. D. Deaun. of Lafav
Ike visitors that the acocmmodntlons will move, If they move nt all. This drawn up and signed by nbout forty ette, Or., spent Sunday In tho city, the
ire ample, ur churches, wo win nave is iieiuier a snre nor correct method, cinsous, mosiiy young mom guests of Dr. W. W, Hicks. They
creditable showing. iet us try and to say nothing of the shrdlu nunnan "Sf, tho undersigned, hereby agree were so favorably Impressed with St.
Irimp up a little, and bo able to present nbout If. Let the council adopt a pulley 1 prgnnlco n volunteer lire department! Johns that thev may return and locate.
ms phase of our city In as favorable ami pursuo It. The growth of tho city " u' apparatus as the couucll j)r, i)ftve Uaffrty one of the oldest
light ns we can our commercial re- demands It, and If they do this the secure, subject to such rules and nm moit 1H,nftr pioneers, came down
purees. chances are nine out of ten that their regulations as the council may pro- .,,, v. i,i.n,i t n.
course wouia meet the approval of vine." Itaffertv is one of thn Oregon .late
A man must be on ban terms wituiiue people whose business they they Aner some uiseusaion uio uge limit roiiiinliiiourn of tha I.nwli ami Clark
tmeit ana in a most uncomrortabio were elected to transact. There Is no or active members was piaceu at from fair
1 1 A I a n imIh.1 ...l.n ... I .......... I l.ll.ln... nm . ... a .... . ....... .1 .A IJM.lwf..M Ia j..Iw.Aua W.l... Tka na..Ul
InlrliM.l IHn onmn tn thn nr. nml I trHtlHinntlnnial rnllrnK.l th.t n.n ..... I limatllKr mi thln illniirno.l .nil tl.n ' ' .. IV, ui
LiK'nrntA anv Vlml nf niil.lln tmnrnvn. I vl v innrA tlinn nn. nrnnntlvn hniiil InntlvA tnnmlmp. intile linlil "Xf V T.irtal. ralU C, Were n t 10 C y Thursday
r, .v . . ..,..,. f I - looklnif arnnnil. Tiinv r vnrv favnr,
uont, raises his hands In holy horror, subject, of course, to business rulesf or whs elqsted temporary chairman and (Jj). ,,)r(,,ge,i wun Rt j0ns nd a
ind imputes nothing but selfish and laws provided, Tho couucll has the lu F, Chase temorary secretary, A . mpressei w i . ins, am may
mercenary motives. Such people munt charter for Its guide, If they wil only committee, consisting of T. T. I'Hrker, X' ship whkh he clalmeTHMrly
e In a bad mood with themselves con- net as they are authorized by that doc- 0. I). Curlson, Henry Iliekner nnd the ,rtt,,t '
ktantly. If all the deeds performed I ument they will come pretty
ere tho result of mercenary motives,
bis would bo a most undesirable, world
o live In. Hut It is not true. It li
ot true of the men who devote muck)
t their time aud money to help beau-
Ify nnd build up the City of St. Johns.
be true friends, who make personal
ftfriflccs to assist in making tho city
aore pleasant and desirable as a place
o live, are prompted by more ennobling
motives than mere personal gain. We
hould all endeavor to cultivate a more
haritablo view of things, not only for
our own sakes, but with a view to the
comfort of others. Tbo constant croaker
s a menace to his own contentment and
a most undesirable companion to osso-
late with his neighbors, who want to
satisfying tbo people.
lected, nnd wo hope this effort of tho
clubs will meet with the liberal support
of every citizen of St. Johns.
Electric Lights and Power.
Hefore many of our reader receive
this issue of The ltevlow, St. Johns will
have been lighted by electricity, and
tho current here to supply motive
power to those of our Industrial con-
corns desiring to use It. Thus another
step of advancement In our growth, and
another pago of history added to fu
ture annals of St. Johns. On Tuesday
last the transformers, for which tbo
Portland Oenerul Klectrlo company
havu been so long and anxiously await
ing, nrrlved, und men wero at once
put to work putting them In place. The
oClrers of tho company have given am
ple evidence thnt they used all due
diligence In perfecting the system,
Tha delay was evidently not their fault,
but due to' the overcrowded condition
of the factories, followed by unlooked
for delays In transportation. While
many of our citizens have been disap
pointed on account of not receiving
service as soon ns expected, they now
rejoice thnt the "juice" is here for
their use. I nhntrmnn. tn limit n nn.tlt.itlnn nnrt
I ' I T1...I. S 1.. 11
bylaws, to report at the next meetlug, ' "" f. I .? T
to be held Tuesday evening at tho City M'" for Page Bon of Portland,
has assumed tho management ofhe St.
Johns grocery, the store having
changed hands. Mr. Davis is an ex
perienced man In this line, and will no
doubt get his share of the business.
1'. J, Peterson starts tomorrow for
To say that the telephone system is Hall.
baa, aausentlng, is only to repent what The enthusiasm displayed nt this first
everybody (hlnks and says (and what meeting bespeaks success. Our young
they say wouldn't look well In cold men, as well as the older ones, appro-
type; who lias occasion to use tuts elate the importnuce of measures for flro
necessary adjunct to Ihe commercial nrotection. Their zeal is most com-
and social system of the present day, mendable, and is a good omen for 8t. n v,'t t0 h,s 0,,l 11011,6 nt Volga, N, D.
The company which operates the sys- Johns. No town or city Becomes great Mr Peterson is one of our most highly
tern is directly to blame, their prosteta-1 without the help of its young men and I osteemea business men, ruuy imbuea
tions to the contrary, notwithstanding.! youthful vJcor. It now remains for I with the true St. Johns spirit, and
Other cities have good systems, and no the city council and older business men proposes to give tbe people back in
reasoaablerexeuse can be offered for tbe to do their duty foster and encourage Dakota tbe facts regarding this coun
poor service which Is the rule here. The the spirit manifested. Tbe council try. He will spend the holidays there.
telephone system has been perfected to should not delay the establishment of
a nicety, both from a mechanical and hydrants, and procure tbe necessary
scientific standpoint, and good service I hose, reels, etc., to utilize, the same.
get all the good out of life tber b la aa and is given, but not bere. Now, Procrastination is dangerous.
Tbe St. Johns meat market, to keep
up with the progress or the city, is re
pairing and re-roofing its barn.
The Sharper Failed.
One of the short-change sharpers vis
ited our town last week, but did not
accomplish anything, as far oa could be
nscortalued. Ono of his methods of
swindling was to buy IS cents worth of
tobacco and give 10 In payment. After
receiving the change hu would find 15
cents in his pocket, and then ask for
the return of his $10, Ho would at
tempt to embarrass his victim in some
manner while returning tho change, and
Instead of giving back the right
change would keep out $3, Another
scheme was to slide a dollar up bis
sleeve, and make it appear bo was f 1
short- His scheme did not work ia
three places he attempted It.