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About St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1904)
iffilffiMMMDl! f ST- IH VOL. I. JOHNS REVIEW Devotee o tio Interests of ffie Peninsula, the MAnttfacttirlng Centre of the Northwest. r ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1904. i "NO! l I NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS Various Topics of Local and and Tersely Treated. Timely Mnttcrs Dcnlt With and Interspersed tlons on Local Affairs. Tim resources of the northwest nro I attracting the Attention oC the capital u ilirotUioiit the Iniul. and every I day s-ynic new development is taking place. A witcr has said: "It tloca not require n prophet nor tlie boh ol n prophet Id discover that tlio Pnciflo Northwest is destined nt no distant tiny to l? ll'C nrenn lor gigantic op- .1 . - !...1..u..!,it ..inti.t.i Hinl ICI'iUll"IS IM lOUHBll nil u.tirtiumuii iiiui. will put our greatest enthusiasts out . ....!.!.. n..1 ,11l nnttbl Jill ICl t'OHiinif'JlUU II11U M 111 l-tllinw win tli"cli(l ochievmcnts of the past to j .ilc into insigiiicnnce. This is not the it-mate dream of a professional boom- er, hut the echo of opinions expressed bv the wealth-builders of the world." It has been some thrco yonrs slnco tlio 0. It. & N. railway first laid its tracks along tho water front. Since ' that time St. Johns has increased in Imputation from liit) to over 12000 pco itle. and tlio question is would it not he reasonable that the company should build u ficiuht and passenger depot, and give St. Johns the hencllt of local freight and passenger service. As it is at present and has been, unless freight was consigned in carload lots it ranuot be handled by tlio O. It. & X. It may bo tinted that the trnflld will not justify such a course. This may to some extent bo true, but lot another railroad witli transcontinental Connections enter Bt. Johns, or -l ! Mill I '. v A ven snow cerium indications ol coming here, it would not be long lie- 1 fore the 0. It. & N. would II ml reason cimuu'li to justify it in giving such M'rvire as the conditions now demand It is trulv wonderful what an impetus 'to trade npwisition gives, and it is true of transportation companies as well as in the lesser lines of trade. The conditions, the growth, tho de velopment and tho time, nit warrant the 0. It. & N. in considering this matter. The suggestion in the llrst issue of The ltoviuw, as to tho desirability of n building and loan association, ha met with favor among many citizens, and it only requires that home live ' man should take hold of the matter to innke it a success. Thete is no ' (mention about the usefulness of such nu association, especially among tlio wage earners. It would enable many men to build and pay for boms who do not euro to ko into debt on the usual trade plans. Small weekly In stnllments would suit them butter. It is hoped that some of our "live ones" will take hold of the mutter. It's all a mistake. What has ah ways been taken us a notorious gamb ling house, the Portland club turns out to be a wholesome resort of the Y. M. C. A. order, if Hip testimony taken in court hut w;el: is to bo be lieved. If tho keeper of such places can make juries believe their tales of woe, and they seem to bo able to do eo, it works n handicap 011 a conscientious officer who endeavors to do bis duty in enforcing the laws. Portland, since public gambling bW been closed, which is coincident with the timo courageous Tom Word assumed the duties of the sheriff's office, has been just as pros perous, and more 60 in ninny iustances, as it ever was The howl and cry that it requires gambling (wh'.ch means it requires the laws to be defied and broken)) to make business good and the city commercially lively, is the veriest rot nnd humbug. It is false, and the reasonably decent people who give vent to such rot stulify them selves and blacken the good name of the favored metropolis of Oregon. The gambler is a leech, who lives by suck ing the life-blood of women and chil dren who depend upon the husband and father for the necessaries of life. If Multnomah county and Portland had more of its offices filled by Tom General Interest Briefly with Timely Surcs- Words, a more wholesome condition of nffnirs would prevail, and tho coun ty ridded of many of its parasites. The decent people of the county up hold the sheriff, because ho knows his dutv and dares perform it. A number of people interested in St. Johns hnve prepared a booklet, giving valuable statistical and descrip tive fncls concerning St. Johns nnd the peninsula. The pages will be fine ly illustrnteed and altogether is val liable and reliable as setting forth tho resources and information of this dis trlct as a desirablo placo for invest ors. The copy is in tho printers hands, nnd will bo out nnd ready for distribution in n few days. It has never been quite clear to us what benefits nro to bo derived from party strife in selecting municipal of- llcers. Oregon City is now in the throes of n red hot municipal cam paign, in which the republicans and democrats nro in battle array as though some great national issuo was dependent upon tho result. Wo ilon think any good can come to the muni cipallty which indulges such methods, The business, commercial and moral Interests of Oregon City are certainly not decided on political lines, ana how the affairs of that city, or any other city, for that matter, can bo administered "to 'tho best nilvnutnge of the moplo as n whole, by cither im litical party, is a conundrum. It seems to us that jMtlitics about reach their limit in stnto afTnirs, and for a bles sing, party prejudice is being ignored to n considerable extent even there, but to bring (ho abominable "crit ter" into minor city governments, Is carrying the jnko too far, entirely. If tho money spent in carrying on partisan ixditical lights in some of the smaller cities of Oregon was turned into a common fund to help nlong some needed local improvements, it would bo of some purpose, ion l;nov it requires the "sack" to run both sides of political fights, and the con tents of the aforesaid "sack" nro generally distributed where it .does the most good for tho wardhecler, nnd the least (rood for tho rommunity nt I a rue. In fact, it not infrequently hapeus that tho real sentiment of tho community is often thwarted by tho biggest "sack." No, party politics in municipal affairs is "11 demmed barren dealty." Manual training in tho public schools has just gone into effect in Portland. Thoso who have struggled so valiantly for this long cherished end will soon havo tho occasion to feel thankful that thoy persisted till their efforts were crowned with sue- cess, now our -jou,uou scuooi or technology at St. Johns, would be one of the blessings of the ago for the youth of the land, and an imper ishable monument to their benefactor. .augh not, but aid all you can in hav ing this materialize. May Portland' exeriment provo nil that its noblo and ardent advocates have hoped for, "Perjured Peter" is the pot name applied by a prosecuting attorney to witness who testified in n gambling case before a court in Portland tho other day. It is a very encouraging fact, that the class of buildings already erected, oud in course of eiectiou, throughout the peninsula, are in most instances of a most substantial character, and creditable to even older1 communities. This is a feature upon which the dis trict is to be congratulated, it dem onstrates that home-builders realize and hive faith in the future neatness of the peninsula. They have come to stay, nnd participate in the benefits which nrc sure to nccrue as a result of tho establishment ofj great Indus trial enterprises, anil int tho same own comfortnblo homcsfin one of tho most healthy and agreeable places on the Pueillc coast to live'. A correspondent wants to know if St. Johns has good schools, churches and opportunities for the exercise of the social privileges which go to make a home hero desirablo for itrilics Of course, it has. No moro cultivated and higlMiiindcd social, educations mid religious condition, exists nn where. Another feature, which may appear somewhat rcmavknblc for factory town, there is not n sitigle sn loon on tho entire peninsula, and the pence olllccrs hnve litttc or nothing to do. Think of a city of ovor 2000 iwople, and not an nrrcst for drunk eness or disorderly conduct in threo mouths. This Is n record which oiigh to satisfy the most exacting morntist T Not satisfied with (the Chinese gambling and saloon "graft" which is cut off temporarily, Portland is now developing a "sewer graft," fitine where nnd somehow, nn.l wo don know but what a sowetuls just an ac ceptablc to tho PortIaiuU"grufler anything else. 1 as 5 St. Johns is indeed fortunate in hnving so few "knocker" in its midst. There are a few, however. lint wo suppose this stiecimcn of the genus homo is n necessary ?vil in nl communities. There is one good thing about this type of characters, they nro easily discovered and soda found out They nro car marked so Unit tho strati gcr does not have to hctold who ho is, or hnve him Milntcd out. Ho boln to tho surface like a cork", and "butts in" at every opMirtunlty nnd thor oughly exhausts the batch of tiro nouns in n jiffy. No, thanks to whom we know not, St. Johthas only n lew, hut tlilu fow could easily be spar ed, and their places would soon bo fill vd with men who would benefit the community. There is another class, not numer ous either, who exists here, known as the "smart nlecks." They bear close resemblance to the "knocker." In fact, many people versed in such matters, say they are both "chips from the same block." Hut whether this is true or not, The Review man don't know, but docs confes thoy bear a striking resemblance. Thoy nro loth parasites, anil known by nearly he same spots. St, Johns ran well spare hoth or them. Hut after nil, they don't do much harm. Thoy are like water, soon find their level, nnd llont off into sea oblivion. is a rule, however, tho business and industrial community of St. Johns is comKscd of men of sterling qualities, honored and respected nt home, nnd n credit to the district when they go abroad. They stand well in the com merciul world outside, and wcro lost to their former communities with feel ings of regret. Our old-tlmo friend, fi, II, Flagg, ot the St. Helens Mist, is getting n move on himself with tho viow of get ting up u splendid display of Colum bia county products at the Lewis and Clark fair. As usual, his demands, as commissioner for bis county, is mod est. He asks for a ton or two each of apples, "spuds," com, wheat, pumpkins, etc. Hopo you'll got them, Dre'er Flagg, tho coming winter promises to bo a stunner. A gentleman, well known here, and a staunch friend and beliovor in St. John, called Tuesday nnd handed us a check for five subscriptions to The Roviow, with the request that the pa pers be sent where the editor thought they would do the most good, Ibis act was unsolicited, therefore the more appreciated, far above the mere matter of dollars and cents. The fact that this gentleman substantially ap preciates that a live local paper in a benefit to the community, goes a long way to spur the publisher on to great er efforts. Id 0. Gee is building a home for John Oliver in St. Johns Park. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE About People Who are v From Other Local News Matters A New Bank Hulldlng The V. O. W. Masquerade Ball. Mr. nnd Mrs. A.. II. Blackburn re turned Monday from a visit to friends nt Ivalamn. Miss Muzcttn Hamilton, of Van couver, returned homo Saturday, af ter a week's visit with her sister, Mrs, L. Flint Chase. L. C. Slater, of Sherwood, is now i citizen of St. Johns, having re moved his shcmnking outfit to this place Tuesday. Miss Goldie llowland, who is teach ing in St. Johns school, seven miles north of Vancouver, spent Thanks giving with her parents in this city. T. W D. Dunbar nnd .Mr. Jones, both recent arrivals from Qreely, Col., hnve purchased lots in St, Johns Park addition and will build homes nt once. James McClcllnii nnd family havo arrived in the city from HulValo, N. Y. Mr. McClcllan will build u good residence on lots purchased at Point View. Dr. 0. K. Watts, n prominent sur geon of Portland, ttpent Sunday in St. Johns and vicinity and expressed as tonishmcnt nt the rapid growth of the city. J. M. Stone, millwright nt Jobcs new pinning mill, hns purchased lots at Point Viow, mid will build a fine residence and locate in St. Johns tier manently. His former residence ns at Oregon City. Chns. Hrcdsoti, returned from Drowning, Montana, whero ho has been engaged in work for tho govern ment on the lllnckfeot Indian reser vation. Ho is nt homo on u thirty days' term of absence. P. M. Shaddock, of l'ort James, Cal., was in the city, and left for home n few days ago. While hero Mr. Shaddock purchased lots in St. Johns Heights, and will return hero in n couple of weeks with his family, and build a hoisc, becoming n permanent resident. Tho singer, Hcv. T. It. Smith, who was to assist through the sjiccial ser vices at the Lvuiigelical church, was taken sick, so it was not possible for him to participate during the past fow days, but wo hopo ho may bo able to render some assistance later on if his httiilth will ermit. Prank Livcrmoro has a Hue camera, and will furnish The Itevicw with views of many of the prominent buildings and factories about the city, which will bo reproduced in theso columns. Mr. Livormoro is one of the old-timers of St. Johns, and Is full of enthusiasm over the future pros- iiects of his chosen town. James Oliver and wife, originally from Ohio, but hnve siient some timo in Idaho and Washington, are recent arrivals in tho city and nro building a home in bt. Johns Park. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver say that of all the places u the west where they havo been bt. Johns strikes them as the most favor ed spot, and they will mako this their future home. A. B. Wooley, of Wasco, Ore., is n firm and true friend of St. Johns, and has given evidence of a warm niche in his big heart for The Review. Tuesday's mail brought to this ofllco a letter with five new subscribers, and the cash for to pay for same. We ap prcciato this act of our friend Wooley, and whenever he comes to St, Johns he will find The Review latch-string on the outside, and a warm welcomo awaiting him within. More School Facilitiea. A petition circulated by the com mittee appointed at tho last meeting of the Commercial Association, was numerously signed and presented to the school board of District No. 2, asking the board to purchase, con struct or rent suitable rooms, and In- Going and Coming to and St. Johns. ish tho same, to temporarily accom modate the largo number of school children of this district who are now deprived of tho full benefit of school privileges, and to take proper step to spend a sum not exceeding $1000, or such less sum as may only be nec essary. The school board will meet this evening to take tho necessary steps to put in effect the prayer of the petitioners. Tho Tlrst Cloth. It is expected the llrst piece of cloth will he turned out nt the woolen mill some lime next week. Tho prepara tory stages of fnbrlc making are nil in operation, nnd it will bo only n few days before the rattle of tho shuttle will ho heard, and the fruits of the loom become n realty in St. Johns. The mills, of course, nro not attempt ing to operate anywhere approaching their capacity at present, and the processes now going on nro moro of a testing character. Flannel cloth and blankets will comprise tho first products. Tho W. 0. W. Masquorado Ball. The masquerade ball given by the Woodmen of the World, at Hlcknor's hall, Wednesday evening, was well attended, and certainly n most com plete success. About forty couples were cuinnsquo nnd tho characters represented presented both tho sub lime and the ludicrous. The grand march stntrtcd about 0 o'clock, at which time tho ball was crowded with sK?ctntors. Kxccllcnt music, was furnished by tho W. 0. W. orchestra. The affair was well-conducted, the committee, W. Coon, chairman, P. Holiuau and (I. II. Mnllctt, sparing no pains to hnve tho nrragenmonts perfect, mid tho evenings' entertain ment satisfactory to participants and spectators. ANOTHER BRICK BUILDINO. A Tine Two-Story Structure for Bank Purposes. St. Johns is rapidly assuming met- rojMilituu iiiiMrtnnre, and needed ad- litions to the business community follow close on one another. It is dellnltely given out this week thut Cochran Bros, havo about closed u deal with eastern capitalists for the sale of tho lot cornering on Broadway and Ivanhoo streets. It is the inten tion of the purchasers to erect a sub stantial two-story brick building, to bo used tor blinking put-pones. Plans nro being drawn and the work of building will commenco about Janu ary tlrst. The parties interested in this en terprise uru men of ample capital and experience, uud projmso to establish a bank with facilities to accommodate tho future as well as the present de mands for such nn institution. Tho pressing need of a bunk bore, based on n sound nnd safe foundation, is apparent to every business man, and wo have no doubt it will receive gen eral support. Some local capital will bo represented in tho concern, but to what extent is not definitely known at tliis time. A longshoremiii, who camo from Vancouver with the steamer Dispatch last Friday, fell from Jones' dock to the deck of the vessel, a distauce of about forty feet. The force of the fall was broken by his striking a deckhand who was standing on the deck. He sustained no serious injury beyond tht breaking of three ribs. He was taken to the hospital at Portland, Ed, L. Stockton sold his home in St. Johns Park addition to W. R. Pet tigrow, a recent arrival from Oil City, Pa, Mr. Stockton will build a new home at once in the same locality, I I ,1 !5'