St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 18, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    8T. J0HK1 MtYIlW
Apple and Oraaae Jelly.
Cm an equal number of apple And
oranges. Wash the applet, slice and
core them; put them oyer the flte la
tbo preserving kottle with enough cold
water to corer thotn, and simmer them
until they ore reduced to a pulp. Pour
(be apple pulp Into a Jelly bag to
itraln out tho Juice. Measure the
Juice, and to each pint of apple Juice
add one of boiled orange Juice and a
pound of augar, and boll them togeth
er, removing the scum that rises un
til a little, cooled upon a saucer, forms
a Jelly. Then take the kettle off the
pour It Into gin Met. When cold seal
it up like any other preserve.
floor Cream Not Cake.
Two eggs, one cup granulated sugnr,
half cup rich sour cronra, two cups
Hour measured bofore sifting, half tea
spoonful soda, one level teaspoonful
baking powder, pinch salt Heat the
cpgs till whites and yolks arc well
blended, add sugar; dissolve soda In
cream, stirring It then Into the eggs
and sugnr; sift Into the mixture the
Hour, baking powder and salt, and
beat well. Hake In three-layer tins,
lllllng. One cup pecan or walnut
Nut Cutlets.
Mix two cupfuls of chopped nnts
(almonds and peanuts mixed) with on
cupful of mashed potato or boiled rice
and a beaten egg; season with half a
teaspoonful of salt, one-fourth tea
spoonful of paprika, and half a tea
spoonful of mushroom or tomato cat
sup; shape Into cutlets, dredge well
with broad crumbs and fry a golden
brown. Toothpicks may be stuck In
tho small end of each cutlet to simu
late tho bone.
Kidney Oaaelet.
Chop cooked kidney very fine; make
nn omelet mixture with three table
spoonfuls of milk, three eggs, salt and
pepper to season; put one tcsspoonful
of butter In a frying pan; when It la
melted turn In the mixture; cook slow
ly until a crust la formed on tho bot
tom; In the meantime, sprinkle over
tho omnlet tho chopped kidney and
chopped parsley; fold tho omelet tu
hair, an it to a hot platter nnd serve
nt once.
MEAL ton BIX COST 91 kffj.
Ptoearerr of How to Urs Well ea M
Cents a Taj.
How to llvo well on 00 cents a day
has been made an easy matter by the
department of domestic science, at
Teachers' College, Columbia Univer
sity, says the New Tork Times. Meats
at 22 cents apiece hare been praparM
by that department, and what la mora
to the point, eaten with apparent relish'
by unbiased parties. In addition to
ad this, the chemical constituents' lu
the food hare been carefully weighed
and measured, and It has been dis
covered that enough protJ1, fata,
carbo-hydrates and calories exist In
the 22-cent meal to support men work
ing with tho customary expenditure
of force. At least the text books say
that that amount Is enough.
The manner jn which this discov
ery was made Is somewhat as follows:
Dean Russell of the college planned a
luncheon to several' friends, and
thought It would be a clever Idea to
hare the meal prepared by tho depart
ment of domestic science of the Insti
tution. The teachers laid out tho plan
of battle, so to speak, and the stu
dents completed the work, by cooking
the victuals. Tho luncheons was serv
ed to six persons, Tho total cost of
matnrial was $'2.02, from which was
deducted tho food not actually con
sumed, which, of course, could bo
made use of by n careful householder.
Tills brought the total coat down to
f 1.28 for tho six persons.
Tills was tho menu:
Orapefrnlt I .90
flaked haddock X8
lloltsndslee More 10
Ojittra on tbe half shell..... 13
Hails IT
flutter .08
Plcklte 04
Tea 01
Tttace salad 10
Wafers oi
Cheese .10
Flneapple sherbet 34
Angel cake IV
Tots! Hum
The food value of the things con
aumcd amounted to 0,041 calories.
This made the average amount con
sumed 1,081.8 calories. According to
tho textbook prepared by Mrs. Ellen
H. Itlchards, of the Doston Science
School, only 030.3 calories are neces
sary to sustain men and women work
ing moderately bard. Miss M. B. Vail,
Instructor In domestic science at
Teachers' College, who had charge of
the luncheon, aaya that 22 rents would
be a fslr average for all meals, to
that persons who pay more than
1241.00 this year, whlc',, Is a leap year,
or more than 9210.00 '.u ordinary years,
are doing a vast Injustice to them
selves and their pocket books.
Type of Brick Business Block at Portsmouth, University Park.
Halted llrlla.
Melt a rounding tablespoon of butter
in two cups or wunn water, add one
half yean cake dissolved In nnn-nimr.
tr cup of lukewarm water and three
cups or flour. Heat ten minutes, then
add another CUD (it Hniir aVlVi at nil
M rls over night. In the morning:
knead lightly, shape into rolls, and lew
c tuxe, brush over with melted
uuuer, ana return to tbe oven for a
few minute.
Hot W.l.rH
Two well-bcaten eggs, one cupful o,f
", one cuprui or nour, one tea
spoonful or cream tartar, well mixed
with the flour, one teaspoonful of ex
tract of lemon, one teaspoonful of salt
Stir all together until quite smooth,
then odd half a teacupf ul of boiling wa.
ter, In which half a teaspoonful of
soda has been dissolved. Stir briskly,
and put In the oven aa soou as possible.
llanana Handwicltes.
Among fruit sandwiches, banana
takes the lead, and to this a slight va
riety cau be given by spreading each
lengthwise dice of fruit with whipped
cream rather sparingly. Upon this
sprinkle shredded cocoanut, pressing
the latter well down with a silver
knife. Boston brown bread thus treat
d will be excellent
lleallhrullaeae of tho Gulf.
it Tom Haiinum's prediction was
verified, he la now "almrimr tenor with
the augeis." lie was tbe most lovable
of Washington correspondents, and
when consumption developed his (el
low Journalist secured him a tree
ury aepeluttseflt which took kirn to
Texas, where, en light duty, H we
hoped that hia life would be prolonged.
Tbe evening before hia departure, at
a farewell dinner, Tom was the live
liest eeavtHssUioaaMax. Re said:
"The climate of Texas la like that
of Florida, and I am sure to improve
there. A consumptive friend of mine
in Phlladeiotiia went to Florida,
wetg4ilng only ninety-one pounds.
When be came back six months later
he weighed one hundred and forty-
eight pounds. That's what the express
company charged."
Unaaaal KmphaeU Necessary.
"Willie, dear," hU mother said, "I
wish you would go out and sea wut
all chat racket In the next block to
Willie went away, and returned half
an hour later with the desired lnfor-aatieC
"There waa a dea rfnd dtwub couple
wanted dew?, there thia evening," be
mid, '"and she boys to trytesT to sfilr-
area 'ant aeeerdla'," Ohtoaa Tribune.
Our Stock of Fir Lumber,
Sash and Doors and all Build
ing Materials is now complete
and well assorted
Bestest Grades
1 '
Rightest Prices
Quickest Shipments
Call us up for a load of Fire
Wood for immediate delivery
; pot of Westanna St Phone East 1846
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