ox. juhho Topks of I the Times 1 The bill collector's work may not be Very pleasant, but It has to be dun. Even In the case of n whent crop It Is better to wear out Uinn to rust out. 1cm soma nro to bo blamed; tho fath om, tlio great, successful men, are primarily at fault because though they niado tho money and n name, they did not givo any time or pains or thought at all to tho most Important work In the world, which Is the rear ing of honorablo nud useful men. Naturally, the Chicago counterfeit ers who neoded "dough" did their work lu tho kitchen. When a man gets too lazy to enjoy Ids vacation ho obtains his salary un der fatso pretense. Tho war's baby has Inspected tho Ilaltlc fleet, but declines to glvo bis opinion of It for publication. livery young man who clean hla clothes with gasoline doe not gt cred it for owning nn automobile. Every autumn thousand play foot ball; hundreds of thousands watch It; and almost nil tho participants and spectators enjoy It Tho only cloud over the gaino Is tho belief which nomo hold that football Is mora dan- gcrouB than other vigorous sports. Anything la "dangerous" to which n greater number of accldonts than oc cur in the normal course of llfu can bo directly traced. Tho sailor pretend ed that bed was a dangerous place, be en ti so many peoplo dlo there. A year ago a professor in Illinois University Investigated tho statistics of football Almond l'uddltig. Tills Is mado with a henptng quart of grated bread crumbs, rather firmly mickedi two tcAsnoonfula of baking powder, a scaM three-fourths of n quart of milk, n cup of sugar, a cup of awcet almonds, blanched and shred ded; n quarter of a pound of citron, also shredded; tho whites of four eggs, nml from ton to fifteen drops or almond extract Tho bread crumhs In sixty American colleges, to discover J should bo thoroughly mixed with the whether tho common impression about, baking powder, and thru the citron, tho game waa well grounded. He nuts, sugar, extract and milk ndded. It la now proposed to establish train ing schools for chauffeurs. It would bo mora sensible to start training schools for pedestrians. Pointed ihocs are coming back Into tyle. Thla will ciiablo tho corn doc tors to qidt viewing with alarm and again point with vMA Tim sou of Tolstoy, the novelist, ay Hint Russia Is destined to conquer tho world. Of course It will be nec essary to conquer Japan first. Miss Tnrbell la now devoting hor at tention to John I), itockufullsr per sonally. 11 Is unlikely that alio will bu ablo to get any of hi hair. A Wisconsin court m decided that n parent may hurt hi boy's physlquo with a paddle, but must not Injuro hla dignity. .Most boys would like to have that decision turned around. The re covery would bu sooner. Tho reason moot of ua don't resign our Job like Mr. J.orco la because through liiexcuslhlo carelessness In making the contracts wo could not con tinue In draw MC,(W n year and re tain o f.VVM) cash bonus. Ninety-live rich men nro going to linvo a town of ,vlr own near Cleve land end permit only millionaire to live In It. They will ur-cd eomo vigor ous wiiti'hiiioti to keep people from throwing stones nrrosa tho line. In Miasm the (.ninn posted a proc lamation on the walls commanding the Inhabitant "not to hurt the llrlllsh nn long a they belinvu Iheinselve." Tho Ulna ran not claim that he bus established n protectorate over thu llrllUh. found that In ten years, among two hundred and ten thousand student en rolled In theso colleges, twonty-threo Uiousand, or eleven per cent, played football. Of theso only two hundred and sixty wero Injured badly enough to lose any tlmo from classroom duties. Thrco wero killed, In vlow of tho largo number of student engaged In the gamo, the professor considers tho numner permanently injured "so small as to bo a practically ncgllglblo quantity." He find that in all good Institution football is adequately supervised by tho authorities, and that college officers approve tho gamo In the ratio of twenty-woven to one, Flnnlly, accident Insurance statistics show that many other sports nro more dangerou than football, The case for football rests on tho broad reason for all vigorous, manly sport( young men take to such sport naturally, mid they need It not only for their physical well being, but for their moral steadiness. As President Kllot of Harvard has said, athletics are a moral safeguard In discharging the high energies of youth. fold In last the whites of tho egg. sillily whlppod, and bake In a steady oven for over an hour, or until It Is a rich brown and thoroughly dono In tho center. Bervo tho pudding hot, with hard sauce, flavored with almond extract This pudding can be baked In Individual molds, which should bu buttered and sugared, or In an ordi nary pudding dish. It will not need to bake so long If In small cups. ZX French Cup Custard. Ono quart sweet milk; place on tho flro to boll, with tho fresh peel of n M. L. H0LBR00K 1. B. CfflPMAN ST. JOHNS LAND CO. Successors to L. B. CHIPMAN & CO. uiaest iveai estate company in I St Johns We have for sale the largest and choicest list of property in St, Johns Have you n hobby of somo kind) If not, got you ono. What sort of a hob by! It matters not so It I clean and diverting, (loir, gardening, tennis, cro quet, cooking, photography, We still have about 30 fine lots in St. Tofin lemon; when It bolls, remove from tho't'arK, Convenient TO Car line ailO laCtOtteS. Which Uf irSmS ieTtmSi Mean sell $5.00 down and $5.00 a month. WhenJ into it four weii beaten egg, ten ia-' these are gone your opportunity will be lost. oii-njiuuiiiui KTunuinicu nngnr. nun n pinch of salt Till cup two-thirds full of custard, place In a steamer over n kettlu of boiling water, mid steam in We also have 3 new Houses left which we can sell you on very easy monthly payments. If these til custard 1 Arm. turning steamer oo-frfnn'f Sff f Vntl vjp wi hflflri ntlf thnr will and Lf caslonally. If fresh lemon peel Is not: ,. ' 7"" at hand, a toasiwxinful of lemon ex tract may bo added to thu custard be fore tilting tho cup. Cup ciislnrd, steamed in till manner, Is much su perior to tho old'fathlnitfd mode of baking lu tho oven, In a pan of water. Hn.ct lluii. Two quart flour, one teacup sugar, twi rn. hmf teacup butter, one pint I ....., ..., ,, ..! I .... . ...1.1. iS""i j-nu 10 ii sun miner wiiii 1 'sweet milk, luke wirin. Knead Into n I work nr w.,rW i ,.... I """ Jsu iUI io a sun miner Willi -H.no of these or of a hundred others ,IU "" 'U. , ."V"' , , " , may save your health. Ono who lake f T"' ,u"h, ct r'' owf ;. pay for it as you can. SPECIAL THIS WEEK Five Lots In St. Johns Park for 51150.OO. Worth $250.oo each. If you want a business location we can furnish it lor you. Will build you a store or office room to suit and rent it to you right. .JTJ cXZXZr ZT We have unexcelled water frontage factorv sltM. mi . IUIIIUI II I'M n-M II. IV ! , , ... , a , , ..' 41 I " putting crow feet niH.ut hta yes, gmy i ,: i 7' , , i wnicn we can se I on very easy terms. hair In hi. head, stn-s on hi nenv. I?" ,l,0"r; J. oru baking bnuU jr waojf Ho I carrying about a load, ono end j tfm top of each cake over with n little Thl come the bun to The 1'utted Hiatus bought Alaska from ItiiMla In 1807 for ?7,3)0,0s,'. What uould Alaska be worth to Itu ela now, lu her light hIIIi Japan, at which lirr Heel rould ri'iidexvou nud coal? A II Is, Alaska ha produced us JI(kVU and ha furnlsheil a market for million of our product, r . is Tim (lennan luiml may disappear from the tri-t. but a stimwMur to th.ni I In training. Cries of "llwirl liearl" 'rweully attracted tJic iittcn- mih orjino oweiii- In a Now York npartmr nt Iioiimi. A in.ni with n meg. ' Mphoiif at'liU mouth and a covered ta blo at hU lil hms ikioii dlvMverdl by teiuinl who fnnviliM hu windows nlul flneiK-ape. When tho nu.Uemv sivin -el hrge (lioiiKh, thu iiihii tiuiveril (ho tsbi., on wlili-h thero waa n phon ograpli, a smveion of ikiiiks so.ui wiiiiim uie iWd, aiM lli thrifty In Vcnlor of n turn Wulm., K,ht, 4 tho win i..i, down to iiiin, nud tj0. J't'M for fnvtli Held. nt It lil.Ol niala linn.. 1,1. I.-.I.. .1... I"le' lUIIK, ... i.fFi, i.tiiin mill ii; other upon hla heart. Thl rt of a man need relaxation from hi task and n change lu tho course of hi thought. Without such n short mental vacation ho cannot go to hi work with that friithnes that I demanded by our comjiv'tltlvc living, (let a hobby aim ride it some. It I not nnVMiiry to rldb tho hobby nil the time. One neM not become a crank. Tut It through It pace when you rjt tlnil, The change will rest you. Hide It when you aro blue. The color of life will change. Itelax the bent Inw hi that It may go back with u auap, Note the optimist. Muo out of ten of them either have a hobby or were iHirn to sew the bright side, A hobby well ridden will clarify your vision and correct moral or mental strnbl mua. You can't rldo your hobby cro. yl. Tlio trouble with most of u I that wo do not kh the nitsl of n hobby until It Is rather Into to choose ono. Wo aro going to b linppy some. lime. Wo liti'il a toiieli of Kill Vi... . ' phllofcophys "Unjoy f while you ' lM)),ful of wit, a half liiblenpooiifnl If you want anything call on us. We loan. tako a nice brown, iiako carefully, but money on real estate security, write ffrc insurance, 1" louses; in fact we do everything in the line of a general real estate and insurance business. Call on us. lVIake our office your headquarters. St. Johns Land Co. or coffee. I'rt.li I'l.li Cukr. Have ready mashed Hitnto, either hot or cold, and to two cup of thl allow two tablespoonful of butter mid one egg. rut with the Nmto an tipinl 1 quantity of naked tUh-bakeil or bolled-nnd mix thoroughly. If there I no llsh much with which to moisten the mixture nud It seem too stiff, soften It with n very little milk. Komi Into cake, fry slice of bacon lu tholr own fat, and after taking them out fry tho cuke In the fat that I left lu tint lxiii. Keen the bacon hot while tho1 cuke are cooking, nud serve It on tho! wimu dish with the tUh cukes. Cumin! Corn 1'utllr.. I Tako ono ran of luwi i mm n.i chop tine lu n chopping tray. Add two S00 liyuohliiK should be stauitiM out, North and South, lii.t and West. The newspaper, tlio churches and all t.ii vtUiual force should uultu. Uws can't bo ciiforvM with efftct If .p Ulsr aentliiient I sgaliut their eufoni liient. Autl lyiwhliig seiitlnieiit must be cre.itod by uluiMtlon, The pulpit, tho pnw, the forum and tho bohm sre the ItMtltiitlons that can trliig Into rx UIsikv a stalile, e.iniMt, law-reHjiectliig oiiidltloii of public mind. The tnK- iiisj- im slow, nut It will bo effective. can, for you will bo dead a long time " It Is n pathetic fact Hist many of u nro dead lung time In-fore eoinen the iiotiiiay wo had promised oumelve, flot n hobby, saMS"snassra Csolu lliiiion orMetlom Certain of the Indian tribe of Meil. co huvo a curlou belief atKiut the cue tu button, Thl I a small apple of n certain kind of cacti. Heforo It I ripo it l plucked and prcucd Hat mi ni 1 1 I niMiut tho slxo of mi American i mi cent piece, but of about half the thlckne. These cacti button are od at quite a high price, because the plant Is somewhttt rare and I found only In high, rocky places, generally dllllcult of aive. Thla cactus baa the errect or leaving the iuot wonderful The Pioneer Land Company bT. JOHNS OREGON Portland Office, 728 Cham. Com. I . . . . . v mnieii eggs, to WHICH lm Ikh'II adibsl 9 TTT L ti I T 1 two tablespooiiful of milk, a table. S lAaQCt I'AQnr I 0 11111111? of pepp.r ..d oro even tablcupoouful of Hour, ltent well and fry on n grid dlo In a tnblespoonful of mlicd lard mid butter, dropping one oonful for each jwtly. Try brown on Mb aides aim servo not. llrnn.wlck Tou.t. Tor this purpose use small bits of breadwhlto, grnlinm, or brown bread will answer or a mixture of all. Hut ter rather thickly all the little pieces, place lu an earthen pan with bits of ouner among bread. Ha t a little nn.i cover (villi milk. Let boll, then serve hot. A nice way to use small pieces of bread. New, UiMo-dntc, with nil tlio Inlcut nml most modem improved laundry Machinery FIRST GLASS WORK GUARANTEED Will call for work and dtllw promptly S flood irk cuirsntrfd tt jirlcr. rfstontbl. in J txUUrlor i OlveUsaTrlal ,5T, JOnNS, OREOOK rolalfi Hull.. Mash, or grate very line, cold boiled potatoes; to three teacup of potato. MlM lll ..la...... - ...... . ' ahe aittl lynching cruwde should be- rosiM-olonM dreaut to him who beaten until stiff, two tat'le.i.oonfiiis cornea lutloiuil ,,,er ,h .octlom,, f V" !1' I1" imuMoiuCCSi Ul ,,in ''' i iat ,fler,oiii.half teacup sweet milk, a half enilll una nn.i (I... ... . . - . . ""' Hull cruii, i or, though It my , lm,ro frovslent In snno .Ktt.)iu tltnti lu nth era, there is evidence that :riauce of aw can Iuhviiio a luttUxial dUortler, Men who inirate thennM-lve from their famllle pay a very high prKv fur success, S.iue of the very groat tt failure In life lu America In nvont m.T .vo Iuhii f'.lun of men whose Uys nud farcer are blatuut aluvad us tho of .rcat, ufu in,.n, Their ioii are noliM for their worth Jfjsmss, degenerate sou of worthy sire. TIiumi jouitg men are unlit I is I (o autke a living fur. thomsulves ami thoy are unflttM to spend tho mousy which tlictr fathir plied irjl wltli li. Culte pativi and lUrs. In thVso cao It la sxtremsly doubtful It the worth- thl caclui was once the fivid of the go.1. 'I lie evil (.plrlt stole It from men who had found It and boiruii to rat It, He did tt lu tho steen moiin. lain, w here tt was lost for mam- him dred of years, Hut man. who was norii wiiii a taste for It lu hi mouth, leaspooniui or Jtepper, a little salt. Heat well together and bake lu roll pans. Chocolute FrostliiR, i ncai wiiito or oiio egg to a stiff1 troth, add eight tablesmwnfuis mw.i never gave up the itsirxdi for It until l'1'' BU'nr' 0IU ouiico. or n square of! lit 111 Hi lm fniiii.l If 1. ..in .... linker's CllOCOlnttv. Ilnelv . . . .. .. - - ...v .,...,..-.., ... ' - - power io give one vision of heaven ""'""""' vnuma extract. Spread Its ancient home. ' , wthly over the cake, uud place la iuu vv4 unui naMoned. ho Water n Asllfat, A new fad for reducing fat Is cu. mg a gooii deal of tlk In thestrli Corn (liui. Sift togother one pint of enrnninnl circles, n u uio deeji c water cure, , , . ur "'ul ,wo '.(Hwuful Any man who can successfully run an automobile, could do wall wit fly log uMchlus, or taking powder: Add one-third of .mm. eacu or miK oud water. Mix Into a Arm bctteKlnd nil greased gero pani two-thirds full. RLLIOTT'S PHARMACY KIINKST KI.I.I0TT, P. II, 0 PreprLlor DRUGS, OHEMIOALS, TAINTS. OILS, OLASS, STATIONERY T0., ETC. ST. JOHNS, 0RKQQX von ?"r pr,if(,SInr?,'"!, wi,Ul I4,rtln'", So" ever.vtl.ing as cheap s you enn gvt it in Italian.1 if .SO Mottle Swii.ii)) Root 450 1.00 Holtle Swamp Root 850 1.00 llottle Itaunu 85o .50 Holtle Syrup of Figs . 40a .2.1 llottle Carter's Pills !.!.'"0o ,'J.'i Hotllo Ilnuno-Seltzer ,,,,,,, 20o .'-V Cake Ciltieurn Sinn. "iin Our space is too limited to mention all UiVcut prices, ., l'1U'iT " . , llt ,imo wo 0ll ot nnything waut we will send and get it, you Telephone Union 4062 J.VL ITSBISOS- I PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND WALL PAPXK CnUcton of rsper Hanging, Houi Palntloj. Tlallnf. OUslng, Etc Sl'EClAl. ATTKXTIOX MVEN TO TESINBULA TRADE Tbon Unioa 6315 4- 559 'Williams Avenue PnvTT.iKrt nonir -- M4W WXWWJ