St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 18, 1904, Image 1

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- ' " '' ' '" ' ffih I II .1 I 1 I I III I UN . I, .1 ! it .
Devotee! to the Intcreata of the PetiltttmU, t
tmeturlkg Centre of the Northwest.
l8, 1904.
NO. 2
Various Topics of Interest and Comment.
Tim grent need of a bank is felt in
St. Johns. The volume of business
transacted here tlnlly will amply pay
.ucli an institution, and the accom
modation it would bo to the business
public would bo immeasurable. A
reliable institution would recoivo the
tiipiwrt of the community.
Great inconvenience is experienced
bv tlie wage-earners who recoivo their
wanes in chock, and to got these
checks cashed drained the business
houes of change last Saturday. Until
a bank is located here; some -wideawake
business man might find it
profitable to provide funds to cash
wage checks on pay-days.
Some jieoplo, from a lack of infor
mation as to the true condition of
thitics here, refer to the growth 0f
St. Johns as n "boom." There is no
"boom" on, the growth is natural,
even gradual nud not abnormal in
nny degree. A moment's thought, and
n casual glance at the water front,
lined as it is with mills, and factories,
will convince the most skeptical that
no "boom" is on. Building is not in
advance of the demands.
It is n common expression of visl-
linen lint lirtiill III Hi. .TllllllM
for some time, "How the town has Itself in, is a ferry across the Wil
grown!" Of course it has grown, isTlametto rivor. Quito n lot of trade-
growing and will continue to grow
and thrive. It is acknowledged by
oven conservative observing man
that the peninsula is today one of
the most iniorlanl flints on the west
coast. Men of capital, both local auTl
distant, recognlre this fac, and as
an earnest of their faith are investing
money here, building factories, and
tttitlK rlfuiuU. -llc bvfltltl
"boom" has a chance to strike us.
The new school house question is
becoming a live issuo in St. Johns.
The present building, embracing eight
rooms and basement, is entirely Mad
equate to meet tho needs of the city
school imputation. That something
ought to be done to provido accom
modation for the rapidly increasing
demands, Is certain. Another cor
laiuty is, tqvecdy and prompt action
Hiould be taken and personal oplti
ions nud views of tho matter should
not bo permitted to enter into tho
question to the detriment of doing
Hunctliing. Tho central uud main idea
uliould he to devise some sci.emo
whereby the greatest good to the
greatest number will be accomplished.
The refusal of the voters of tho
Kt-hool district to endorse the propo
sition to issue bonds" to tho extent of
10,000, for tho purpose of enlarging
the present school house, should not
lie construed as meaning that tho tax
payers an not in favor of providing
more extended school room facilities.
The negative vole did not mean that.
Every elector and taxayer realise
the nccesidty of the case, but differ as
to the exigency f further expendi
ture at this time for making additions
to tho preent building. It is gen
erally thought that wn additional
school hoiue U necessary, and the
drift of public sentiment seems to be
in favor of a new building, the lo
cation to be such as will accommodate
the public to the greatest extent. The
matter of location, if a building ie
to bo erected, nt a sufficiently great
dirtaiice from the psesenf building
ho a to be of the greatest advantage
to all interested- The wUttie. U
tli'.s projwbition should be tiiail, wu
by a mass meeting of the BanjpU t
tho district and let the majots;se.
The f estiva cow still prom wad
streets without dread of the fmi
master. Some of them aid dee&rated
with bells, the jingle of wkkk is net
the sweetest kindi of mnde te many
of our citizens, ' i
D. S. Smitkmayd, the "painter ad
graitier, is the oldest. rssAdeiitWei-1 mmmc ot k migiblt be need fer etty
Tiess man in St. Jehna, . He' baa Mid4eMdi Msnmeee. With te wtural lrea
ed in this locality for 35" years, asm
has always predieted a Wg future far
the nome of his ebeiee. 'We
'St. Johns in nil its various stages of
incubation and growth, and- insists
(tint the present rapid development
is only a forerunner of n great and
jwwcrful confer of industry yot in
store for St. Joints.
A very importan feature in laying,
out town lots lias been lost sight of
in most instances in St. Johns, and
that is to provido alley way through
the blocks. The omission, of this
feature is 0110 of the curses of Port
land. Our real estate men should
have looked after this and mado the
necessary provisions. It is well known
bow tlio public is inconvenienced in
Portland by making the sidewalks
loading nud unloading places for all
kinds of merchandise. For hours at
a stretch many of the Portland streets
nro completely blockaded. It is not
too late to remedy this matter yet,
if tho matter was taken in band by
property owners. Both Seattle and
Tacomn present striking examples of
the value of alleyways. Evory block
in these sound cities have alleys, and
the result is the streets are never
blocked with merchandise so as to
interfere with foot passengers. The
alloy question is as important one,
well worth serious consideration at
this stage of our growth: Alloyways
in every block would be a valuable
heritage to lcavo for posterity.
An enterprise that tho Commercial
Association might profitably interest
from tho other side of tmTrivcr might
be diverted to this point, if n ferry
lino was mil in operation. Tho ox
nenso would not bo very heavy, and
tho enterprise would bo a profitable
one. If tho project should be carried
out, the frnnchlso should bo safeguard
cd as to rates of toll, so that ox
tortlonato charges for service would
not be wrwitted.
Hold-ups, burvlaric nnd iictty
thiovlnir seem to continue without
hindrance in Portland. Houso rob
hers and footpads know an easy mark
when they see it and our neighbor
seems to bo "it.M
Next Thursday, November 2J, has
been designated as thanksgiving tluy,
both by state and federal authorities.
It's a sure (Mug that every peninsula
family, nlmoTl without exception, can
afford the. time honored fowl 011 tho
dinner table 'that day. This fact of
itself; is a big volume on the pros'-
jierity nf our citixens.
"What'is there in itt' Too often
is this question asked when ienous
are asked to interest themselves in
encouraging new enterprise. We do
not mean that all do it fer 8t. Johns
contains many publlo fTpirjted citixens
who spare no time or treufem to give
encotiraKemeut to any wurthy enter
prise. The "What Js There Iu Itu"
are greatly in the minority, but there
are some wideawake (T) eltiseua ef
this kind in all (K)HmHities,jHi4 they
are always with. tie.
While the'sebael question is a live
issue, it would be in oder for the pen
pie to know something about the eon-
litioii and status et the inuu m-
queathed to St. Johns by the Is wen ted
James Johns, who died atibut sixteen
years ago. About all that seems Jo be
known about this Kin . ' win
was contested, ba courts ileelded iu
favor of Ih bie)Jelvy, but of the
siain quwilon, the eoi,,e have little
infomatVli. An' investtatlni-
nnbligatsmeiit at the' reeMlta C
swek, invsselgasien wonld kst ef para-
The aJieWf saliws.v pefde iaUtti
remeybc kite n$m njjwghMy etr
Varna wajea' esanpr tne aaeet nreari
nent hmtion in the eitb The ey
nany has sold the Mk to privste
parties. It would be m exeelUut Idea
fer the eity of St. Johns U'seeurc
this MWjperty fer a publk park. .It
eduld he eenverted into one of the
meet beautiful et en the eeaet. A
tlmew proUiag waNui ImikL
rina 1 an J ssruLstyrv ft nil ft tl ftttd MsT
mt vi VI 9 him minfPVi uf evre rL
haps a spraying leant ala, weuld make
a lovely place. Tblwlies of the civic
improvement Ieaguejeukl have a per
petual monument toJhelr activity ami
devotion to St. JmsW interests, if
they would make an' effort to secure
this ground for this.tHirpose. Tho lad
ies can do it if they will. All thaf is
required is persistent effort; and such
elTort would receive a hearty second
and substantial suMfert. Tho scheme
is not too big, and ft can do it, sure.
E. Y. Ybumr. MriSriicst Elliott's
father, from Lafayette, Ind., is hero
to locate.
Miss Oeorgio Hughes, of Multno
tnnh, was visiting Mrs. Ed Stockton
Wednesday. jf1
Isaac Johnson, of .Clncksmas.lins
been visiting his clo Councilman
Dccbc, hero this wcJt.'
0. D. Itippoy, Claeksmas, Ore., was
in town the tlrst of ytlie week looking
for a business locatni.
0. II. Carlson returned Wednesday
from a trip up therivcr in quest of
logs and timber- for,' tho. veneer fac
tor)'. " id
Miss Ijcna Parked who has won
several gold medals as an clorittlonist
is thinking of startliig n class in St.
Jolins. I
Mrs. s A. J. Qsndcrson rctumcd
home Tuesday, after a pleasant visit
with her father P.t Enge, at Puget
Island, Wash.
II. I. Knox and Kubt, Uoyn of tba
Pntdcntiai Insuranei Co., were look
ing over the ground jn St. Johns with
n view to locating here.
Mrs. Swcnson, of i'lict Island, has
taken n room wilhjlwirs. Lillio Seal.
She will remain fontlm winter nud
take medical treat'nt. -
Mrs. Chase, of NrWuoiirn, Ore., who
has been siKiidlng ?n few days with
her soil, and d s igtlj Mj BudTfc.
Chase, rxllsou streeti has Te'turTied to
her home.
Mrs. M. Dcagnc, and Miss Mnud
Sykes, who have been visiting MV.
Sykes and family here, havo returned
to their homo in Woodburn, Ore.
Mrs. A. V, Itemed returned last
week from leu weeks' visit in tho east.
She sK!iit some time at tho St. Louis
fair, and then visited her old homo
in the statu of Maine
fleo. A. Dyson, of Eugene, Ore., i
in the city for n few ilays. Mr. Dy
son has invested iu some real estate
here. Ho was 0110 of the original lo
cators of tho famous Lucky Boy gold
mine in f'u Bohemia district, 0110 of
1 no best iwyiuggold iroducers in Ore
Win. Walker, auditor-of the Ilegu
lator line of steamers, nnd Mrs. Walk
er, whose pretty home is at Stewart's
statlen, have gone to Portland for tho
winter. Their many friends will hi Us
Ihm. Mrs. Walker was a useful help
er In weial -nnd. aivie inirovwwiHit
work in St. Johns'. r "
Oriu I). Mslthy and wife, of Los
Aiwaif, CaL Mrrlvd W rsJty.thk
were rfy ifailgMl a niee
home in St. Je)tnJMKiHHl an al
really loeated, Mr. Mamty ia a ptm-
tractor and builder, and, will ge into
1 ? ? '
Bering fer OiL
jroieet work lias again Men eom-
meneed on S. I. Oifden's plaee, ad-
Ut T..l.w... .1.- li.
jv'ntnK hi. uiwn un itm mil ih mutv,
A) hew man who thorourhlv nnder-
rteuda diilHug, h in.,ehfge. The proa-
peela get thHr ,a depth, w attrnne!,
jJ''1 ifM JMNepM1 9ft)v40AM9M9 M(0
imfmalim aV MasW s MllVaBmA t'ssP
MLU - a---V fl- --
a .V-.rt..' ag" it tjA
sesi vV w eses9pvppt vslsi e esss
Wretttfare eaited.' Mr. 0, -elated-
by a 'hw 'enternrintuy' isjiiMln
wtm, haa devo4d a gat deal ef time,
end eapswded . 1 9 111 ilieahii mwiey; in
dewlopmeut work. Mxperta in the oil
prednetion line, have examined the lo
cation aud surroundings, and give it
aa' their opinion that; oil enteia'.in pay
ing anantitieal if .the Jvuda ean he
found. SurfMf iad(jasj(BSM u that
vieiniijr hjst hM&mvni fat : long
n tfte nnly man
'Messf gM' eaterpriae
Serious Accident.
While engaged in hoisting and put
ting iu plactrn part of tho flour pack
ing machinery in Jobcs' now flouring
mill, Walter" Jobes mot with a most
serious accident, tho result of which
is yet in doubt. Ono portion of tho
machinery had been raised and placed
iu position, and tho second pleco was
being raised by means of n nqw. To
put it in its proper position it had
to bo raised clear of all obstructions'.
The part was hoisted and for some
reason swung around, colliding with
tho tint piece, knocking it down, nnd
in falling struck tho young man
knocking him down nnd ho fell with
the pleco on top of him. Tho result
was that his right leg between ankle
and knee was crushed, three ribs and
his collar bono broken. And, it is
feared, ho sustained internal injuries
which may cause serious complica
tions. The unfortunate was placed on
n Btrctchcr and taken to his homo
where surgical aid was summoned,
and everything possible- done to re
lievo bis suffering. ,If nothing more
serious happens, it will bo somo weeks
before he will bo able to get around.
W; E. Ernest, the foreman of tho
machinery department was caught
between the falling part and n work
bench, and his back severely bruised,
but it oh hotied no serious results will
The rirst Brick Building.
It may npcar somewhat strange,
vol a fact, that tho first business
block to bo built of brick, in tho now
St. Johns, is now in course of erec
tion Tho block iu question is 25x50
feet, two stci", nndjs being built
by L. B. French, n couple of blocks
south of the school house. L. A.
Cm ne is the architect nnd Messrs.
Kelly & Plummor tho contractors. Tho
ttrection.of an ejiocli
iu tho history of bt. Johns.
Ho, We. Don 't.
Tho Review has been frequently
asked whether or 110 the price of real
estate is not too high, and whether or
not tho ndvancp of prices and values
has not been abnormal. Tin invar
iable reply has been: "No, we don't
think prices are too high." Our re a
son for tho reason is based 011 obser
vations made elsewhere, in other
growing towns. Iu tho first place, few
localities are favored with the same
advantages, both as to location aud
adaptability for becoming so import
ant in the commercial aud lunnufee
luring world; then again, where these
requisites are found, tho environ
ments are such that tho room is limi
ted, so that comparison is hard
to make. Values on the peninsula are
011 extremely reasonahlo basis. No
suburb of Portland comares, even
to a limited degree, in point of present
and future commercial possibilities
with tr,.JHj(tt1 yet real estate is.
at higher rt5 tn, rule, here.TS
there are' very delral-lw i
denee diatrieta arauitd Pirtlat.d3l
nnne. of tltemiare more desjrabhrfur
homes (JuMffreat peninsula, wkieh
baa in addition a commercial, railway
and muritJeae importauee not to .he
found elsewhere. A little inveethja
lion along this line will soon give em
phasis (6 our relpy. ;
The ladies aid .soeiely of the M.' E.
ehurck, are arrangiHg for a novel en
tertainment, to be held in Biekner'a
JtaltVtke evening of December 9. It
iM" U he eaMed a season social. Four
IsMiewj wM be Arranged, sering, sum?
xat S4M wiuier, in eaan ot
heniha edibles and delieaeiea
i,t9 ih;saasaii which the.fctfetk
iU, will he sold, thus, sirw-
W-riK sud 'seconnsnimis in the
ifjjtig, tee eream and eaka in summer,
pumpkin pie and turkey in the faiL
uyfttm-s.and'fUins' in the winter. Kaeh.
neeti will be supposed te natsiaws
the booth representing tlte eeaaen in
waieh mey were imtn and will nave
to pay an amount eual in number of
eanta to the date nf the month on
wbieh this .wMwWra.' The idea is
a nevel one. and' nKnriated with Hiea
)tmvr BjUsfwiijd, " 'wheW "ytry utknsi;
The Oommecial Olnb Molds An Im
portant Session.
Tlioilgli only n fortnight has pas
sed since tho Initial meeting of tho
St. Johns Commercial Association, ni-
Ircady good results nro becoming ap-
F 1 Mil . t 1
imrcui. 1 11c regular session was nciu
Wednesday evening, nttended by fifty
representative citizens, and tho en
thusiasm displayed prives tho com
mercial interests of llio city are nlivo
to the fact that much good can bo nc
complishcl by united action.
A number of new names were ad
ded to tho mil, and nfior somo routine
business was transacted, tltc question
of increased schoil accimmodations
was brought up, and discussed from
various points of view. Tho principal
of the school was present and upon
request gnvc somo, verj1 interesting
pointers lif regard to the present nec
essities. Tho total number of pupils
enrolled is cIoko to 250, and tho at
tendance is increasing at the average
rato of 0110 pupil per day. He claimed
that two additional rooms, with two
teachers, were necessary to meet tho
demands. A committee, Messrs. F.
Smith, T. J. Monahnii and Chip
man, was appointed to prepare and
present n petition to the school board
to call a meeting of tho raio-paycrs
of the district to vote on tho propo
sition to cither build 01 lease premi
ses to meet (ho immediate dumaiuls
for more room.
Thu proposition to vacate tho low
er end of Itichmoud streot for the
uso of tho Portland Steel Ship Build
iug Co., brought out tho fact that the
meeting was unanimously in favor of
recommending t lint tho city totincil
devise some legal way trnrit tho
einimnv the frtdils.
for a term of live years, a
tiou containing much a n
tion vas pawed.
Tho question of tho
improvement was threshed
the fact developed that if tho property
owners along the street were permit
ted to make their own improvements,
according to the plans and specifi
cations of the siiervislng engineer,
all object ions .would be withdrawn and
tho itiiprovemiit carried out at earl
iest time Mw4ble. A resolution rec
ommending that the council adopt this
plun'wns carried thriiigh with enthusi
asm. An cxeciitive'eenutiittce conijosed
if Messrs, Kliewnl, Smith and
Stockton, was apoInted, and a most
Interesting and valuable session clos
mat tne association is a surai,
nnd a mak'uifieeut suej
question. In "ii'iion tl
was uover mo, foreib
ed tlisu in .the illustrat
by the St. Jbema eommei
tion. The perfuet harmoii,
absence Qi' iiienssluici or
1n the go"!
The Royal Neighbors of An
heW Jut wijoysblc siHeial hessioii
their carnr in Hickuer's hall, Monday
evening.' Eleven new menibers were
adored, The degree, team of Mar
guerite camp, of Portland, was pres
ent aud put on the work, which, it .is
said, was done in excellent style, Tho
ladies of the local camp served Re
freshments, after the camp adjourned,
and entertained the visiting sisters
in a most enjoyable manner, TkjsV
ganlsation here is in a HourUhii:3jpi.
ditioti, and is rapidly increasing 'in
Osnnty Bed,Werk.
S wi input n" " " V
QfC', rHwmnns sWerintendent ef
ruad division Xo. aus dene seme
ellut work thw
aiderable Hmeunt at
lamette boulevard.
that the bouhtyerd im
be emitmaetl'iiori
with Columbia
make one of
wm n
ft is Am tntinffln
in wall mTJmLiiiumt lu u
HEffiHPCnd Sneet
feBWi. Mr. Stmj
rmBBsVpT ia wide nan - itt
1 r.
. .1 V
- m... iv. ..isM. 1 1 11 A mm. is 1- . . jJ. .; VZ " . rV- ?
. r ' r I