ST. JOHNS REVIEW , University Park and Portsmouth. The Hoard or of l-'iiivprrfly I'mk i attivc mid if doiim i""l w"k in tlio matter ii.Ii1iik improve ments . TIiioukIi Hi.! of tin; IJonnl. Columbia I'mk, .1 tract C ''" ncros for which thu i'oillnnd I nrk Ilonnt paid ?:i".0imf i .fiiur improved nn.l n htnrt made, to iv Ihc Peninsula oiw of tlio most nttrrlivf P'"""' parks in ihe Mty. . , . Another xo'Ml move, is the widen up or nil sticele rioin flleiiwuod htntion to McKi'iiim Avotinf. from AO to w fuot. This i 11 wiec move, mid n tjin" ly one, h tin- work can hu efomplin ct1 tit 11 miiHi Im Ht now tlmii t wnll until tl") iotert.v on llm-f. lrwl in improved. An orxm.ic.1 elToil if MiW l induce home-owners to itnpmve mid bcniitil'y their Kroiinds by plmitinj flowers, KhnillK-r.v ami lawns, hilli University I'mk mid Portsmouth hnvo Mdiu- or I In- mo-l clejiant ipsnlencos on the. IVniii'iiln. mid fn mndf Hi; or tin' most benulil'til riftifH'ti'i' districts r I'm timid. Larger wnli'f mains nte licnut mm tlnoiiMlimil Hi" district, it much need .1 t , Ml piiiiiiiiit Hu' water supply wh" '' M'14"1- '"",, itiiidciiunle lo Ihe tHi'iln'int'iiK It In tile pnrHW oC :. Iteview lo aivc special nlli'iili"" " Im-ai o.Mllcrs in I'niw-rsitv I'nrk and Poil-montli. mid will emlcnvor lo i all I',""' new of lint"1 iiiiHiilnt lilncls hoimClcr. Tin- nne.xpcclcd oVmIIi or Mrs. ln . D.'Vi'imix. wilV "I Mr. H. h. Dev- iiriiux. 11I Ihi' family ifi'l" l'oitmoiilli ln-1 Monday was very mid. Di'iilh n-nlled Tioiii thild.lilrl 1. Drciii.r.l win .'l veni-s "Id mid lnitli lv iospecle.1, iiml her early demiso has east 11 jilooni over llii' mi'IkIiImmiiimmI. tlic bennved IhimIwihI Ih llie s.Vin piilhv or iiuiiiy liiemk I'micni ecr vlci wii- lii'M Thursday mul tin body taken lo llw SpIIhimmI fii-iim-lory. Portmnoiith New. Tin- IihIIi or iiiv w. T. r. or ITniv.-rt.ily I'mk ml ThHr.liiy Hfli'i ihmui 11I llii' Iioim- ol' rtituli ill Kl I'orllmid. Tin' .MTHfioii wnti wry ioinllll'. . ... ... , Hi-v. .1. T. Hoy.', or llu- Wi-t WdH. Ihix Ih'iii I'lillfil lo tln im-loiuto of tlx' I'liivumily I'mk HiiplUl rimnli. Id' Iiiih not xivrii lil1 .I.'.'!").)) I'1' iimlli-r yil. II.' will ocfiipy llu pnl pll Kiin'iliiy tiHHiiinit. Tin- I'liili'tl Aillwiiw. I.1ii.' N'. ;l; nt I'oiMihiiiIIi. will ivi' n I'm I r m'I ImyiiHi- 11I Ihfir hull i I'ml-nioiilli. licuiiiiiiiMC WVdiii-diiv. K.-n-iiilii-r II. I'oi'liiii.inif I'uHi I'vi'iimir, until mm in rliidi it! .iiIiii.Iii.V I'Vfiiiinr. .Vill iinivi' Ml SI. .lldllH, lUll ilnllv. H A. M. mid I :m I'. M. MnlU rloM' nl Id in lllld III r M Fflipiogmem FOR ALL University Park lies central to that 1 great manufacturing district extend ing along tho water front from the ' Portland Flouring Mill to St. Johns. Two thousand hands will soon havo employment within easy walking dis tance from University Park. The bet ter class engaged in this district aro striving to have their homes at Uni versity Park becauso it is tho desiro of every good man to havo his homo In rcspectablo surroundings. University Park now has tho far famed Bull Run water at CO cents per fawcot, has moro lino residences un der construction than any other Bub urb, has employment for moro men than any other suburb, has better educational facilities than any other part of Portland, has a larger payroll 1 than any other suburb, has tho high est dogrco of morality in Portland. It offers tho best opportunity on earth 1 to investors and homesookcrs. Prices I of lots aro advancing. .Call and sco us about University Park. PRANOIS I. M'KENNA Room COO, Commercial Block Portland, Oregon DANIEL BRECHT... HOUSES TO RENT If Yi.r WANT A HOI iK CAM. S MK ST. JOHNS, ORKOON GEO. W. CONE LUMBER GO. 1'LOORINO, OEELINO, RUSTIC And All Kinds of Building Material IWH IMIvrry llwtw i-l. MII.I. AT TOOT ItUllMNOTON HTttllKT nr. joiinh, oitr.uoH Edmondson Company g Hardware, Plumbing and Tinning in All lis Brandies i! Jemcy Street, Near School Hoiuo I Phone Scott 1005 ST. JOHNS, OREGON aaxmeev 81. JOhnS LUIRDGT MP 9 A. S. DOUGLASS & SONS rnopBiETons I Manfgs of Cedar, Fir and Larch Lumber HOt'dll AXI) DHKSSKl) PXIITICfMIt ATTKNTIOX OIVBS TO T1IK I.OCAI, TltAl.K ST. JOHNS, OREGON Portsmouth Grocery linn KM-ciillv I'lmiitti'il mul i ltttur iiu'itnn'il Itinu .vrr to fuiiiili you iho lifft Kioeeiii'. at jiifl pnew. V niu hern u n pciiiiiiiu'iit lifiiit-f iiifliliilioii, jiiiiiiiiiiliTimt hiiI ii'm.'l ion on our (jooik HV Milieit a share of your pnlroimjru anil will do miiiiiic iI-iiIihk Willi chilli an wi'll as pmvnl. Hcaonnblp pndll, lirst fines oods and Imi1c.1t tlcul ini: Is our motto. Come in and et priffs and provo our claim. Q37-n.old.s, IDotsorL 6z Co UNIVERSITY PARK DRUG COMPANY IE KilKHII HTOVK OK PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMES, ETC. rncsonirTioNB cAncruttY compounded AIo 11 Hmu l.liif ClKmf, Tohnmw, t'oiU'cclioni'iy, flniferii'M Slnlionory and School lliMiks Post Ollice Corner UNIVERSITY PARK O00004040000000000000000000 HENRY C. SCHROEDER I llCAI.IIt IN' rURNITURE AND BEDDING, CARPETS, MATTING, LACE CURTAINS, PORTIERS, WINDOW SHADES, STOVES, TIN AND GRANITE WARE l'lclurt rumlm ind riitnllurt Krptlrlng Alfiit QUICK MEAL flll IUnM UNDERTAKER AND rUNERAt. DIREOTOK UiMhU ilrlHrrnl trtf f rliarir. Wr will mull llrrl rr lit In iurtlirr llial lltp .rjim. I'lnliwiiil Jiiiwllun. IIbwU Hriilrrl In l,r rt.rrnrl. oio.ojn n.i.i ojb niiHBrr.T. BTDrr.T 6 Station B o:'':'c''':'coc'''oooo