4 ST. JOHNS RISVIKW ST. JOHNS, OnBOOM j, o, cnoMii iwdw miI tmbiwhtr lHbtUhil Kirjf Friitf Ki-uiiiK. ST. JOHNS REVIEW MhirriHiiim ntl. II On iwr rrr in MtvHm JIdMttMMe II Wi pur Inch pr inmith, All lnTllln Mil NMlr irt of ch nrantn. Jh I'rlnllnt eirnitrH In Brtt ! rtrlx. lUftii far Jab Prlntln rmN mi iMIvi-rr. ..Ml tammunl' llMn ihimlil br l1r - l ti The Iterltw, Ml. Johns Orr. i'lUDAr KVBNItftf XOfJttCBBX 11, 1H1 THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW. Tin' follow iiu; nili'-li'. written li.v ifenlleirmii who Inn lccn n done ob wwr, ami hn prmed hix faith in tin t'eiiiimild l.v he.ny investment flint', Mi'. W. M. Kllin.-w.rtlt, l .f Ncinl inlercMi ; tlml the ti.lc r.r x.M.tl iniiiiiirnitiiHi niul ' Jnjrn, new enterprises, ulc., In fnct ... cupilnl i llnrtinn tlii wny, mid you mid uveryllunjr which will )0 0r , Fortlwul Between the RlftM, The Ihikv shuttle that weave (lie will njtree with nie Unit the I'tullnnil ' terest. Don't forget (his, please of the I'ncillc will xpeeiiuy iieeoinu; .. .1- r il... til.. ..I.'.. I " ii- (in' .cw win iii mi' ii!im-. Tiro Insurance Rates. well of iimiiiirti ml -realties i li littlu till bucket, well Alleil, Unit threads its way bark ami forth Ih Iween tlm wia home of the laborer nmt (lie mill ill produclion, tlotlom cd IIJHHI jiixl xiirh IhHf' i the l'cn tiixtila belwccti the Willamette ami ('..liimljto riverx. The O. It. N. i'niuwiiy ha Imilt it line nluiiif the east bank ol the Willamette fiver linin the tciminal around in HI .iilum. HlTiiriliiiu' lertninnl rale ahuur Hie enliro aix mile of deep wnter rier front. This road will eventual ly be ex I ended mi. acrox a bridne III xtniliiiK flti.v ! enlcrpiixe it I irereaxary Hint the cm inanity tnmlil HliuVrliiml the object of ,ieh ptiterprto, ami to thix end the pule lUhvr herewith, in brief, tells what lie frpa tn do, In Iko flrat place, we believe Si. Jufciw anil the IVnlimula haa rcnehe.l pnhinir tlm t'olumbin river to Van- that it. it, m.wll. W, m mm.!"' .,WR f , ... . itry t two vo ih nmt hast with fun Ijr b a neee.Mty. The piMMier, h,;,,, tkmhy NMillf ,he ,imc ,, ,.x rernfrnlRtiw thi, feeU warranleit in Ipenee of frrriiw of nveilaml Iraina latlfiehiiip Tlio Review. Ml Kalatna. Jlere in imr tlilfiirtii, in a few) Knrthenwin', il ban been aarertain wmla aa iHuwible: N ? ,,M" "'? ' ti. n-.,i... ..:n i i . .l-.l'M, 1 "iiiwwa iiiiiiuiiif almiir Ihe iinrth Tim Review will In. .1. v ..le.1 to II ,, . of . ,v h , , J ...... . .i.I . t! I ..... . Mirm iiiiFrmiK in nil .Hariri, hiki M,rp, nvailrfl.V lor mniiiifnetiiriiiir jilitilarly tlte maniifaettirinir imliw- jnnl nhiifHiir 'Mincn at n nominal trv. rmt, and ftlmuM doiiblinv i'orllandV ti,- tr.... -:n ..i.....t i .i t- Iwliarf advantmrem, , I A MilIve ewdenei' ibnt Hie flreat inwrewBii, aa iim-.v npeome neewarj r PP p,(rawl ill In biull i.h.ii the filMl nl HH'aaiiivN pnblie or private, J IVnintibt I eall vmir lii uti.ii to Ilw whiek have Tor their object llie Mier-1 r Dial the tiiimeroim hrtdue whieh unii of lite itkiriet. frrt be ehaiiitel of the Willamette ti,. O...I--. .itt ... .l. . lure xteadiiy dm mix henvy biiineiM m., ,m ,.: -nw" lb.. eonfliH'ilee of the Col nf any i'lbiH or elmi. but iln roliiMHa nmbia ami Willameii,. rivere. Al will lie tiiMii to Ihe iliwiiwlon of any Iready we have Implied there mam tiniiuMlihui wklli ill I,.im.i Hu. molb ear kIkiii". runl buiikein. wheal twoiiio mb m wluilo elevalorn, aiMple t-i miiikiI uroumU for The rate demanded f"i' lire iiisnr- ii'ue in linn city me exet.-dmuly liih. W" ilo nol elnim I hut tliiv-n hiuli ..ifiiiimn rail's aiv not wiilimit unr rmil. but till' fflet remfliii!', llie.v lire very teep. Tlio remwly i" lmt ohoiild elnim tlm iilleiitioii of the pinH'ily owner. Tltnl there it ti remedv. no dinibl exintn. We are not aware t lint till' mailer hie eer le- eeiveil any cerimis attention, but the time hit- nniveil Mhen Ihe in i tmi loieex itnelt'. Willi Ihe number of new building iiliedd.V erected mid in eolirce of eon-Miielioii (lie nuttier of inwirnnee rale pivKnN a problem. At the nit'M'tii the city i wit lumt any adeUHte Id'' IlltlllilUt llpnililtil. Hut, een if iiii'l the mo-t modern machine, we me without the picitt needful, wnter. m Miilleient iptuutity to be oi any vrent mi Inc. I lie appn reliiK "an be ohtmueil At no irreut i'ol but the wnter tiroimiition pievents another plow ol tlm fpiention. TJm KevteW meielv retrm to Hit imtmrlatit nubjeet m thin time, mid in rut lire lo-uew will if into the mnt ler more fully. In the meantime, nuy xuitueMiom alonir thi-i line will be Klmlly iub)i-hiil, Two KimU of Leral Option, Iraiieeoulitieiilnl niul- of ,,w . i .ti i .iii. . I ""'"'"""-oiiii niul-, n vaueiy ino irnimi aim imoiMnni im-rrfiii ,,, u.nt.if n l ,..,.i.... L...,. ,..ill ...... . i -- . , win wave lite nrntel nptiorl. nhe lamen in die 'iieiiie Noribwe.) 11m imblWier will aim to mnki Tlwheneer worl. n li .,k-I i o Meeomo- Rovlow. ii wide-awnke. uilo dale ' , irye-i iupf., mill wi nleii ...i . . . . Ih, mm,W a credit city ""tZ FJZXVXZ. ami dlalrk'l ami will Mme to n.erit Uiae commorca and areat manufau- Iho mwrly miiiinmI and eiMtneratioit I turffuc Iniltiatrfaa moat of itMoaaitv or nil iiHere.te.1 in huildimr tip wbal r8 or."!1 ar m ',oln Mtabllaliod w ww retranieti n one or Hie imwl ti... i .i . , . .. . . ne I mill ol I In- tmiNoiiiiii i hi-hi r IhMly,, Uhi .. i ......... r..-i ......... I ., .... . . '" ' "" ,ml "' .......,.., nil,,!, win M. ..I,.-, I. .,, ... ... .1.,-I.J t.. V......I . I, ....... ... . ' ' '. nmiii" iiw .'iiiii'i, lieu nr.' io Hie itiuit rlii'Mlim I lie xile A Hillulrfe ami uit-lo-date prinlintrl"' I "illmol ami ihe I'eiiin-iiln n ..lM... atll.. ! 1.,. .1 . . I lttettllMCllllf. Ma I. til . ..... mmii hiiiii hii won me ten oi meei-l,. , i. r .r, m iHeiy deia-iMl tor M ami job lJ RTOtf T "fe .. i.i .ui i . . .. ,i .. r.. . " r iiit- jfnniinin wm tte niMaiieti in our new weel ami lhal I be urealer lily of the Hee MMiwjf, wilboul delay. The immeiliale future mii. lM 'buildetl lieiHMNniey of 1U lUrlow in ihua an """V "J,""' iiin-nla, Mween lite ilnblitetl fael. "" '". elewltere. ... . . r . "ceowmHMiaie I lie lmlllc or t he upi-rl of ewiy firi.M..r ,.,.lMii. ti.- ..i ' i .... . t , , .. ,. .1 . vn- M.flM.lH.f iimietii oi mi ivoiiiMita iitHiiri, ami ueeilM of r. mnmree. imttit.oinii..i. akall emleavoi i merit Mieh MipfHl. himI inantilarittreis which iiium Im Io. eaieii wneiv lite nver ami railr.miU meel, tiiiatoitlaitly am luevliuMv .1... THIS 1'UNINHUI.A-ITH rUTURE. lermlne the ii,, f .MelroiN.liian II'..hU.ui i'iu. i..ui.....i i .,! .. . . . I" -"' tr,- XTII-MIHI P f 111,1V ialH.lee.1.1 Il.d If - w.rv U. I'"" "". "-lM- ' - imnn aiiiiHniBiiMMk nun mi ..i.. Imyc iiHiuher of e..pl, hilly iiueri- KalUn well above all now.ible ,hnU ale the future -ibililon of lbelr water. I'lltlilMlla ilUlrlel. Ia.ii antoiNc lh e L S"' ' i Mory of the I'arille to who buvo mudo Iteavv imealmenl. UTk' "V.'.Tr ...r? JW"ll no HlOM mil Ibomt bo do mH fully Itutlilie. foe vtlmln. -il.. -J'l. lonllii wluit U in More for Ihk lbemitiely itroNiable inveatmentH In wul Ollll' INltlmil HiuMituiiLlMil bm.1 Lu. elt, KMeh a IWW U iUfM,wl in all ffll'bl.1.1 c io of lit imin-1 4!li!!,- ,,!li'?!!,H, w,,,,,. Am.,,,!,, hhiI Mm ImlnMrW 'ifi Tfi-,; Krft.iVir-'i;! IMitor Rexiew : We have hud for .'I yea i a niI in Ihe Slate of Orcirou what the liipior ntee pleaee to call the local oiHIon law which ooverneil liv ih litioii ami remount rami'. Some hntc liei'ii under Ihe imprexxion lhal xince the taxinif of the lHnl option of i.i-i .tune llml hi nnv Iiimii iitiH'inl. eoimly r in Ihe whole xlale the oe xbould uo attain:! orohibitiou. when xtibmitietl lo a V 'te. that di-liict ax a whole would he thrown wide open Io liiiiioc traffic and lhal our cilv toiiuril Would have lio MiWer Io re- iriei, mil mix m a mlxlake. When the u next ion ix xiilimitteit Io n vole of I be 'leopln il i lo deletmiue whether the liiiior Irallle xball be en tirely probibileil or if il xhall Ih mo nel l iy ami under Ihe law of lie- I II loll. S, .ImIihx uliTiiirl mux dpffaleil io i'mhihilion umler local oniioii law by nine ballotx, xo now we xlaml un der Ihe law dealiutr with the liuuor ipiexiion in Hi. .lohnx by etilioii and n iiK.u-lraiiee. xo the xiiiii tola! it. Ibix. Hi. ,I,iIiiix in n dry ax ewr and only in one way el .in a xalouii be mil iii M. .Iidiiix, and llml i by netilioti ami a I ler prlilioti ix piexeuletl Iheiv may la' Miiioiixitniiie prewteil and pre xenied which may nullify ptitition. Kiiiiber, the cilv council lutn ilw iuhl of arlimr iiihmi the ix'lilioii ni.u xcuicd befoiv I hi m and dclei'iiiiuinic the moral character of ihe H'ion or in-i-MMix lhal ak ihe favor and I lie advisability of yraulimr mich iielilluii. liicterore, while defeated on tlm nli-o. bile proliibilion aa a pieeinct, vet we itiav xlaml ax a pndiibiliou town ami preciitei by n allowing xiieli a iHieiueiw to come in our miilxt bv tllion. CITIXK.N OK ST. JOHNS. Oitr frlemle are imttMle,! lo xomiI in all newt. iipMta f mimmmI IhIuimi. aweb aa )nMkMl Hut., mM aatatir- 1 VATOHMAKER JEWELER OPTICIAN mid priielieiil nl tlml. Aiiv,r in the line of rupiiirin-j Vnch eleuiillijr, or proiierly fitting Vo. willi filnsM'S, niul uvurylliin f. Iy tmrmtteeil or no pny, Ko (() A, E, Wilson, the Jeweler Hi prices are rijjlil nii.l h,. w, snliIV you. Call and inaku hU acipiitiiitaiice. ST. JOHNS, OREGON MRS. L. D. JACKSON UAH A l't I.I. MNI2 oP MILLINERY HATS, CAPS, ETC. DOLLS HriMllrrtl Btiil HrPMtil IVllifi nmt (IIiivm Clcani'il aint Jersey Avenue ST. JOHNS For Choicest Cuts 01' 1'IIDHII MEATS, llEBr, l'OHK Oil MUTTON WINDALL & WINDALL CAM TLEASn YOU Hum ll,it. Iiril, Hie , nlwn)'x llui l.cul (HU" tin n Itlnl jnacY STAR MARKET '.TllIICT, Ntir School Ifoui ur.H II. Ill ).V 11,1,1:, Mminsrr RELIABLE ELECTRIC CO. riXTUitE AND LOCKSMITH WORKS MmicI AUrau iniuileil Home llclli ami Km 1 1 l.inr ,f Kt. . IrUnl lxi,U In HImU Ml , iii t,um,.iili nl m. joiikh. oiiuaow The Hazelwood Ix ail up-to-iliile ipiiik l.iuicli, CiuMf, foil reel i ry mid Xowa Slaml. The felebm!ed llaxel hihhI Ciemn mid Mutter kept in Mock. Corner Jcrney St. and Broadway St. Johns. Oregon FRANK H, IRELAND I'lUDMONT JUNCTION IUIH'I Kihiih, CimfeelMineiy, Ci jrar, lee Cixam, l.'le. ttmm IVhM tatX '. " 1 " ' fjaft