St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 11, 1904, Image 2

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. ..HONS
or' our elinmte. Oicfc'oii
tho world nml Ciilifornin.
Tlio "Mold-vomsos" nio having
lliuir inning thix week, nnd fool eloc
lion hots tiro ilno nil over the cmn
I ry.
'J'lio iioiMiliilioii of St. Johns is com
MiiVHtivolv tlimnled t two thoiiv
nml, hut It I xonornlly Iwllevwl that
ft cnroful fount would xhow n giealor
J'riini nil IndlPtitlonn. Tom Woiil
Sh fdioiilT or Miilfmmmli nounly.
Knowing the fitin' il hi oath when
Itikinic oilletf, lie daiox 1i hi duly.
Ami lie ix ii'kIiI .
Well, tlio wmiitiy Im hocn xaved
( ) wniili, timl tlic hwnlors for Dtp
wtt'tiwuf'Hl iwrl.r are trt'lllrur Iwy Irv
ine to xt't apiinnlimmia to twram
jhjverninoiit jHwitiiifM nts reward lor
"jNtllllilil OlIoN.
tici't nil'
Million who J t r-1 ( i ini n
nml Hourly killed I'olico
man Nelson, litis horn xruloiit'ed to IS
ytu in tlio penitentiary. II ix iio
dirlod thnl, through tlio iiincliiiuilioiis
o nltoinovf nml dolnvs ol nppoulx,
hII'iii will land in Snlmn nliout .Inn.
I, I WW. l'eihnp, maybe.
A liuililinir and I' f) n nwrintion, or-
jrttniiced on wife nml peonomintl plnnx,
wmild ho n fhie tluntf for M. Johns.
The attention nf lit oxomtive of the
rojnmrrelal (,'luh inljcht tonxider tlio
ifniHilioii. Ihee n-xoeintmnx hnvo
i"rn a urviit hlp in huildimr holm's
ror tlio wnxo um liter in oilier oitlox,
nml. m ihmhl, wonhl jimve very ml-
vnninvroiix netr. it i" n iioxiiun
tthieh xlioillll ln roled'h'ted.
lletwoon "ItriunlhiHn" at I ho K
I'itmi, To.xno, Itritcntitur (?ofim ihe
Oioxoii itolivNloK will allow! hull
flalil. Thoxe Tcsan will sbitw I ho
wohfinilent u thing or two hImmiI "it
Now toiiion Iho road nf I'miIImh!
iHiliio ili'imiliiiotit to the loin In in
VoxliitHle tlio ekarno (hut wiiih'IhhIv
Whnl ahalt I ho
Ini Itoon icoolvoinif m "arHfl" from
f'llillmi uultlltl.ll. !
hnml lief"
It ix m ill Chief Until if a int.hahlo
rniiiliilulo for .Matin of Portland. Yo
(lodxl Itnl iIhmi AhlotiMMii hvd .Mur-
iill nUi IniM ixplinlionx ill Mil wlin
I'i'tiou. Wind imx our iiolirhlHir lit
tlio iior etor ilono lo dewrte
I hi"
Tlio oily ooiinril tuiiiht inloiel il
' r-elf in miming tho Mieotx nml iiiiih
lioiiiMf tho Iiniiixv. Ah ii inwtil in
ilirooliiiK ii xlniimor in Si. .IoIim. tho
lioxl ono inn ilo l o my Ihnl "ho
Mvih llil Ihhim- ho,oml Johii Smitli,"
nml Ihi'to you hi i'. Con I nil nt, miimo
uhnl. Tho Si. .IoIiih hokiii hu mil (mil
mi iiiinnlo for inoio limn Imii iiHiiilh".
Thin onk oliiinoti for Iho iihiiiiIk
of n yoiniK oily of Iho iIhhihihI hhi
iilo. j ilouhll'iil if Iho Miirn- inn
ho t in t It lit I l.v Hiiil of niiy ollwr oily
of 01 1 mi I Hinihilinii on Iho nnilinoiil.
Itouilyii'in of nny oltHniolor i mIiihI
mi iiiikiiouu olomonl in St.
Wo iiiko iimiii Iho iitnloix of Tho
jioviow in ooiim'II ho mhoiliiiitf iil
Minim of Tho Itoviow. They will llml
Ihoir oory wnul run ho Hinnlieil liuhl
hoiv ut homo, nml nl luit'o jiift nx
loiiNinniplo tm onii lie lotimi niivwhoio.
SI. lohiix tin n kooi chix of iiior
rhiinlH, woithy of Iho imiIiiiuiiho of
ovoiv olllen, nml ,oiir iNilroiumo
hhiiuhl hi'Ktoii Ihi'iii. I'nlinnie homo,
(Iiiik holiilit); In I til i hi 1 1 1 Iho oily.
No olhor m i 1 1 1 on Iho river offer
imliioomoiiU for Iho lonition of fno
loiioM iiiinl In S, John. Thoii' U
loom for M'M'ritl Mine inoio hnye .
liihllxliinoulM, nml il will mil ho n
lili'til while hofoiv Iho whole liver
I'tiuil will ho ncoiiiieil. The proton I
pi icon n whioli wnler fhiiilime ix hohl
tire leiiMiiinhlo, nml Iho "oiipttiiiix
of in.limlry" will not ho Mow- In Inks'
uilvnulUKw of tliix furl.
.The Rcvlow itnileo xuuittlionx nml
lixouwhm tliroiitfli ili n.lnninx of nil
iHihlio iiitoiilionx. nml will ohoorfnlly
irivo xpooo to oiiiilriliuiorx for tho pnr
nm of fxpioxxinif Iholr vlonn. Of
ooiirM', the editor rospno Iho i ixlit
to ho wile iiiiljfe of the Htnon Mini
pioprioly of miy nml nil oor"Hiiiil
pihi', ami will permit nolhinv of n
Ifrwitml nKliiie hiiIop doomtNl of uon
oral Jiilorfxt. It your oommiiniou.
lionx he hriof ami to Iho mint.
IS lAf ini
Coast Laundry 1
Xow, Up-to-diilo, with nil tlio Inlosl t nnd tuns!
modern improved Ltiiiuilry Mnohiuory
Will call for work and deliver promptly
(lood work KiinrnntcPit nl Jirln- rrnotiiilp nml nll((irlory
Give Us a Trial ...ST. JOHNS, OREGON
UtNK.ST KI.MOTT, 1'. II. (I., I'mprlrlor
Il nim mlhor unfair I lot!, nflor
Iho omiiliMlio liNiMiwo of the Ore-
iftiiixn, Mime of Hi" t hkmhI odilot-v
honhl "till iiiif( Dial Iho xuiiHiit
rfivoii . .owix ami I'lnik fair hy
llixl Hnirrml ix from inoni-niir' ino-
live-. Wild nil Iho fanllx of tin Ore-
iPtiiati, wilful fnlxifvimr i not one!
if lliom. (llo ike devil hi duo
1'oillnml'x hilt daily i more lluui imv
olln'r xinalo iMMitv.' reiniiiii( oV,
whalovor ilojtiif of nertx lutx Unix
far hoeii nlliiimxl in Hie nininoiioii of
I lie hi ei lull'.
Tlioio ix n iIomiIIi of ilwollinit Imuiv
e for lent. In fori, it i- dlffleiilt in
ohlnin nny kind of a lmtie nl dux.
nl. Iloie ix an oHioiluiiil.v for iu-
vixlmi'iil h i h'li offor ihhhI lelnrnx.
Thoie nt i' ii nival many iMmxo ownoi-x
ii i. lottiif, a itioMior pio Mirimn,
iH'tllMIM. lllMII IIV I'll i- i.r II .!
in Ofeoii, nml liuiiilitxi ate luiililinjf. 1
U'liul I.
' '"""i firini i mi initial t t'
ni.v fmir or He tiu u aoeonifniMlalu A
Iho htte uuinhfi' of onoi-Mlitr emnlov. i
id in the ililfoioni fnotiiiiox. Within
lite ne.l few lifoiitlf llione will ho
hiimltotU of M elam of imidettU.
Ill I llwiv iiiiiI Iu. iM.fLLI f.. 'I't.t-
mallor in woilht I he nllonlion of our'?!
immiod inoti. f,i
Our ptiiox nio out with I'orllunil. Sell every! Iiin;,' ns olietip ns
Volt run url it ill 1 0 1 1 1 II 11(1.
f ..'It llolllo Swtiinp Im. ..-rt
1.00 Itolllo Swninp Kuiit Ru!
t.OO Itolllo I'ortiiin H.')o
..'I) Ilottlo Syrup or I-'i'kx I0o
llolllo ('tirlerV I'illx 'JOo
.'.'.'i Itolllo llmmo-Scltxer 'JOo
.'J.'i Cuko ('uticttm Soup 'JOo
Our xpitee i ton lituiloil lo men t inn nil the nil prieex.
We rn i it n full tine nml ill nny liuio we nio out nf tmylliiiiu' you
wnul we will xoml nml col il.
Telephone Union 4002
I Bargains 'in Real Estate
bitx nml llloekx in I'oiul View ltlx 'J.ixl0il. .f.'i down nml f" per
i moiitli.
lllllxllHl IVot III (Ink I'm k elonied mid fomod, flllll,
h lllxlllil fool, wild Imyo hoiixe, on onr lino, .flollll.
tt 7VI00 fool, with I riMiin Itoii-o oiiliioly llnixhod, ."11.
lOllxlOO feet, ill line looiilimi, nvorlnnkiiu; river, fTull.
i bil ."0x100 fool, Willi -I loom lioiixo, oily wnlor nml lino river view
fl)"", fJ'.'i eixh nml hiiliiueo flO per inoiilli.
Keep ii liuyc xlnck of O'liornl .Moiohiitidix', iiiolmliiitf Dry (lomlx,
llootx nml Shoex, (iioferio, llniihvnie. Ilotixo l-'iinilxliliix,
IVeiL lite. In fuel everything. Their Ptitox nu
rijthl. Don't wm. to your lime itolu In
I'm tliiml, hut eotue in nml xee our
xlork mid piiro.
Corner Jorxoy Sneel mid llnmdwny
St. Jolnm, Oregon ' f
The (oimitoieiHl Chili Kttiitn out on.
dor I'nvorHhle nicpirt-., ami hid fuir'Y
to hoeome no iiiiixn limi I'iii.Iup in m.'A
xUliw ami Mihhi)f l'orwnrd nil InmN ! -CmciCmOC0000 0Ch0000k5000000000Ck"
lal of thih ditiiet. True, n O
liMUe ueiieral intoie mlulil he lmui,'
hill I hote ix every leiinn In holieve
Ihnl IIHilO enlllllhiuMII will he ilevehm. X
ed when il i !Jimwii Ihnl II luh'v
liionii- hu-iuoM. Hveiv oillen inler. '.T
ocled in Iho dMrii'l xhouhl hoeoiuo ?
nil nrlhe inoinhor of iho orviiiiliili.n r
'Pieie nio many mnllrix uhirh douinud 9
ul lent ion, oiyauiirtNl nl tent ion. Tho 7.
now eliMiter, wnlor, liitlils iiiMinimu f
role, ami olhor internal inuinive- 2
inenli. in whioli overv oiliiioii Ix ilireol- V
II' llllMtM.!.-! Ulll lit . .... .....I
. I.M..I. 2 50.r0-fi0xl38. modern ll.nN.m hoiue.
....... ... ..rTf. Mir, , nil! I 111 IMIUIO T ,
loiHdod. Thoie ix mi lack of wmk 2 . uom holt, llcslileiico LoU. Aero Tracts. Eaiy Terms.
$170-Uix ."11x100, only I hlorkx rmni Iho lmim- xeolioii or Si,
3 150 100x100, oveil.Nikni.' the river.
$550100x100, oIom' in,
sr.7r mnvinn ....i.. i i.i i r
Z 'l" ,v""'i "on ' oiiirh- ill e NIWIIIIIIX,
nml woik thnl itm-t he done, nml dnim
hy Iho Hodo, whelhor hy Iho few or
iiiT at t.i.... n
J t