ST. JOHNS REVIEW 11 PERSONAL NOTES. tt, .1 I), Lawrence, of Livingston, JUil'vUimr tlio llurhort family ... I..I.I.U i; 'i l Axlel, .f lJl1lf.V, Ore, . i l..-r mini Jlw. y. ir. !!.'" ut. will siiend a couple of : 11117. '" i .'.,! 'their ol1 homo in Clnrk Conn K k Mr. Scoll will relurn in . I. 0K5 " '. 1 r,.n.ilv Infi Tups- 1 " Zl ..i lenst it is hoped so. "?.H7," .m.,im.(l. a brother of i ,nnl Slifinr,1. rccontly arrive. i . Imh.1 to vixil his brother and 7 , .i"""l ' " v,cw ,,f S n rH-l,Mt of 81. Johns. The Elections. Xl,t. iomiH 1 ln"l Tuesday's elec tion a n U'l'MI'li' 'w 11,0 'P"l'li rin, rnrn" ; their opponents out Pfiltl. 'I'1' in Orison wan a forep'tio 'afloii, ho far as Hie ,rr!tU'nttnl .-if was concerned, the 'inly live i"1' '" in l,"','il'li""' l''V1' ciinlief iml "'' i '''W' f l,m hiliilonii'ii, v " only three precincts tu' 1 oiinly voteil in tlio af finitive. hk,.siy Hark, .Monlavilla J I .mi ll u-.v. In St. ' precinct prohibition Mit alclVnti)! v eleven voles 10S for mnl II" 1 Df course, this does not iiieiiii Hi '1 Johns is, without further iiult a "wet" town. The matter will Im to he determined by llie rllv i'" i i. il. - "ii .Mayor miok says V .. .... .11.4 ll... I it.. ...II niiii eiiiHinii' mm . aiII HJit "ii licenses to the bitter rml. It H 'I' 'stood the eoiineil iiti.iiiiiimiil.v KiiHiilt the position of the niiiyoi' The mI I bund iiioslion wax a liv- ins ine The electors ileeiileil liv n vole ID lor ami im against the iiniiiMil lai'i' of .10,0II0 of bonds In initke ii.I.IiIihih to the present m-IiihiI hinl.litiv The ' ie easl here wan very lyhl. Si.t njjtt crsoiis MWino in voles, hating tailed to icgistcr. The St. Johns Land Co. is oracling -I I...M.I! i - n r 7. ii iii-iii, illuming mi uiihi muo oj. Jersey street. The company will occupy tlio front for their own olllces. Tlio Ho vlev has lense.l the rear room, anil hopes to hu loeatcil heforo tho next issue of tho paper. Tho room has heen specially flnishc.l to accommo date! tho (liio now printing nlnnt onlcr e.l for Tho Hoviow. A masqucrado hall has boon an nounced for Wednesday cveniinr. Nfivemhor 12.1, nt Hickncr's hall, under till' nllgtlit'ns It f SI. Jlllma Hn in ll Nil 77.1, Woodmen of tho World, (loot! music hns been secured, and a good nine, is uniicipaieu. C. 1). Kdwi.rds sold his houso nm lot, near tlio veneer works, for .fwll unmet iireeni was tlio purchaser. DON'T WAIT TO DO GOOD. Thevi untitle .loliu It. Seherrer and wife, ot I I'lirlliiml, visited our rlly Tliiiixlnv of this week, lit ex hu'mmI IiiiiimII' as mine Hum delight ed with St. .Ii'lin. .Mr. Heherivr is mid to the i.lilcM Odd l ellow in the Idle, liieMluy lie went to tho polls and east his ule. We Miggesfed Kimi'tell, hy ttay of a ttuess. "Oh, jes! oh, J'r l(iHtevelt, tif niiue' iiu jk'mhI Hie well pleas itl HV Mr S hener was horn June, Ml, in. (I thuifiiie in his II 1 1 It Vi'ur. Il Ii ii' in I'lii'ln Yotk. ( litniiM ami I'oilhiiiil, and iiiav til lite in Nt .liiluis. lie was jtiht ID. verti old when he enisMil the At. lanlic. hill It liHik mi lonif then. .Ill l.iv-. he Mild, that he wild "I felt Ihnt I iiiii have heen horn on the iiriiii, Hi,, niit pulleniaii is ipiile rherful ami witty, And, gentle dames, It ttniilil do you uiHid to hear his lov- licnnd atleiiltve wife always address lain "llnitev." 4Mle never wants hi Kit in' " remarked the wife. I. U, fuller, loimeilv one of tin. imiieii. or Hie l.iiiiiiiui sawmill, is hitilillM.' a line leshleni'i, mi Ills hits In Si. Julius I ink. S. I, Ovili'ii. nt' Vnrili Kl .L.liny talleil yeMenlay, and slaled that work nuiliimr Miriug fr f ni t,p ,,niH. nrs uie eiie 'oragiiig, Now is tho tlino to do good now is tho time to scatter sumdiiuo nnd nhove all now is tho timo to cheer a hrolher who is lonely and sad hy mini words ami loving deeds. Oil if you have a smilo for anvono give it now, don't wnitl Life is said lo lie "what wo mako it;" hut oh. I mink our lrlcmls ami brothers yes, ami all whom wo meet from day to i , , .,. ... . ,. , nay aim men- miio in lorming our lives for wo nio susecptihlo to in llueiieo moro or less. Tho geniality and wannlli of the smile invigorates whereas tho frown and tlio harsh words depress ; hut how thoughtless wo are, many a timo when wo frown, wo might just as well smile. If anyone has a kind word a word that would cheer another Oh, itivo it now. Don't wait until it is too late, for tlio ilnys aro Heeling by and now is the time they need your words of com fort nsd cheer to help them tread the rough path of life. If you havo it strango hrothcr In your midst make him welcome that he may feel that ho has a nlaco in ... (your Itenrl and your Lodge. ii you nnvu a kiss lor someono tivo it now while tho lips aro warm wi'.h life and can thrill with love and It Ik qrnnd and nohlo lo ho nhlo to proiluco n smile instead of a frown likj a Hash of light in tho darkness. Ilio frown is darkness yea, death Itself, hut the smile is life, sweet life. Let us as hrolhors all send out moro sunshine in tho world to lighten tho pathway of our hmlhers, friends :iud neiglihors. Our llowers, our love or our smiles will most assuredly help tho living. Wo nil hunger after each other's sympathy and love; give it ero it ho too late. It is grand nnd nohlo to love; nnd in lovo wo share each other's burdens and dlhK.'l tho darkness and scatter sunshine all nroutid. "Let's ho nwful happy hoys livery blessed minute, Then tho old world's hound to hnvo Lots of sunshine in it; l'or tho old sun when ho sees Us so blooming jolly, Met you he'll rliier up and say I'm with yon Iny b'golly." It. fc?. Livingston. WHEN ADAM WAS A KID. iiicro niu't. ltuicli lint in livnr now For little kids like me, 'Causo everybody's down on mo An' folks won't lot us ho. It didn't uso to ho that way When Adam was a kid. Ho Wasn't hullyragged nnd jawed l''or everything ho did. He didn't have to go to church An' Sunday-school an' such, Nor wash himself, nor brush his hair Nor sit up straight not much, llu dono whatever ho'd n mind -l'or nulliin' was forbid- Yon bet that boys hnd jolly times When Adam was n kid. If ho wont through tho melon patch- As kids most always do, Ho didn't have no dad to take An' lick him black and blue; An' when ho heard his mother's voice Ho never run an' hid; Hoys didn't have no pa and nm When Admit was a kid. The world, folks say, is wiser now, An' better too, than then, Hut I can't see that latter limes Turns out much hotter men. Slay ho wo'vo got i loro hooks nnd schools Than what tho ancients did Hut people had more common koiiso When AJjiii was it kid. I cannot walk fast in mama's shoes. Hellc. Well, nnd why did you loan yours lo your dry goods clerk. Hy this timo ho should hnvo it pair of his own. If it costs mo fiO cents I nm going to take Delia to tho theater. William tho law student. WlPeicoflf I wish (hem limes would romo ag'u To little kids once moro And lot tho world wng on ng'n, Just like it dono '"jforc. Who wouldn't like to ho n hoy Jl ho could live ninid Such bully times as them When Adam was a kldt C. C. Johnson. Somehody did n golden deed; Somebody roved n friend la need: bomcbody sang a beautiful song: Somebody smiled tho wholo day long homebody thought, " 'Tis sweet to live." f Somehody said, "I'm glnd to givoj" bomcliody fought n valiant light: homebody lived to shield tho right; its that somebody you 7 AMATEURS AMD rilOrEDBIOKALD. O'mnk H. Ilullrrworlli In KotrmUr Oullnc). Alt mtlftlvtir U tin who l.Uir. fur iit..ium mill' I lis run Uy wild whom lis iiicttrt, mi Ion m lis Ut for tKMur alone, II nifty Hy wim nr (gamut I cum which Ii lidliff lilil nr lilt tin fur tflltt mnn.vt lia mar nlay with timf.itlnnali nr animl TIicip U nil rraann wlir nit amaltur aliiiuiil nm pi in any company lit piraari an long irolilnl lit ilaa only for Ihat rra.iin. Tli tirnf.nlnnal fa nna who niftp in slhlrlKa fur n llttllhooil. Thla. hnwrtrr, wnulil not make tirpffiilonal liaarball piayrr nrofrttlanal Irnnla tilayar. mm olio re iilayltiK for llrellhootl, that Kirrlmr haa atiglit, lltat ai a mis la fur itifihev. ulara amall valua nn til.aa. ur n,i a to ready lo mar His fin by nuar rrllnr, IrlcVrry nr unlalr itrallnr. It U only liwrn I ho protrotanal Inula (lis ptrac urn of Ihs cam that lis la olI cllonalli. Thl la not Oir ilMltirllon iitrcslrcil liy our makrra nf rule, who hare hen to abiorboil In Ihs ttinnvr, uinnir haitball ami aumincr Imanl nurallnn that Ihsy havs fall J to nnllfp how ranlilly htvy wrrs rrralnc In Ids amateur wnrhl all Ihs unplraaanl rharatlcr. lira of His prnirtilonal, ths moil notule of whlrli la nuarrrUoiiienrai anil inaVIng uutinrta ni u an. a for heir alhlalla inlercouras nrnt only llis roiutnon ruls that an amateur The rolleiea nt, who haa rerelreil nn rompenotlon fur hta alhtetlo Villi that thais who liars rereliej aurb rotnpenaallon ars profcolonalat ami Ihat profeolnnala ar hrrel. With all ulnrrlbln lo llila almpls root ml Urine up In It only an agreement lo meet ainrially rarh year for n common perioil woult L futlhrr iirtilfil. REAL ESTATE IHSUnAKCE HENTALS L0AH3 .flllllll Lot 100x100 in husiness center l)l)l)-Lot 100x100 near woolen mills one block from O. H. & N. K. K. I00-L..I ftOxlOO, one block from O. It. & N. I. It, :i(IO Lot (10x100, two blocks from school house. A lino corner. U."0 bit nOxlll, close in and near ear line. Other lots at other prices. Also in surance and loans, Lorresitoiideiieo invited. W. J. PEDDlOOItD Phono Union 000 1 ST. JOHNS G. R H, VAN H0UTEN HKM.S e a 1 Estate ST. JOHNS W. H. Killingsworth THE PIONEER REAL ESTATE DEALER OF THE PENINSULA . . . The llnesl list of residence immnrlv in the district. Walnut Hark offers tho most dcslr. able home sites streets urailcd. lots rtOxlOO. Sold at iirices tlio most fnv- uahle in the market. W. M. KILLINGSWORTH 303 Chamber of Oommorco, Portland ST. JOHNS HOTEL M1NH ItKUt, Pro.tlrlrru Jorsoy Street - - St. Johns, Oro. Ooo.l Maala Comfortable Iloomi tjui. iiiiiiijiiitfi'i.uiBnwiLiiifMvauiauii lwiu iaii