THVMDAT, tVLX f 1M1 CROOK' (JUVNTI fOU RIVAL Page I. HIS FIRST CLIENT By LILLIAN P. LtONARD. llll, k? MaCinr Kteitaaar Sr allow.) "tJhetro, old darP 1 "Whirtfi get that tuff, cheeroT "Cheer up I Look at the sua shiuing and" "Littl blrdlM singing tweet tweV I suppose I" growled Ko Id a ton of tter disgust Bringing his foot down from too window till with a bang and rising with a bug yawn ba stretched la already long aruia to their utmost Aa he atood In tbla position he looked like aome colossal figure sup pllcatlng the cohiuIc power, bla mouth wide In Invocation. So thought the apparition aa (he opened the door and atood hesitating ou the thriholdt Rosa, crlmsuu, brought himself Into shape, while the men opMslte slid the cuspidor under the desk with bla foot. For the girl In the doorway was the Brat bunian being, other than thein elves, who had opened that door ; that door lettered with ornate gilt letter tag: Ross Adams Henry Demson Real Estate, Mortgages, Jostle of the Peace Notary Public WALK IN. Th girl atepped into the room and took th chair proffered by the mo mentarily flustered Rosa, while Henry evaporated toward a door marked "pri vate" In severely plain, blsck letters. Th aanal light remarks bad been Bade, and Roes, taking a gaaplng fly r Into bla' first taat of business, asked: "There Is some matter I could assist yon In, Mite? "I cam to se a Justic f th tce," replied th girl, blushing vividly. "Well, I am Ross Adams, Juitlc of the . peace." The girl looked at th flow, bit her Hp and stammered: "Ton marry people?" Be took a grip on himself and an awered airily: "Oh, yea, to' b sure, when very thing appears all right and parties lave th license." "How many people hav yon mar tied, Mr. Adams V "Why, er er hundreds of conrs I never kept count" "Oh, I am so sorry ; I wanted to b the first Will you marry met" "Tea, Indeed. I aball be delighted." am lied Rons. At this moment th door swung pen and two men, heavily bearded, stalked Into the room, and In military precision took a stand on earn aide of Root, while In duet they chanted: "We are wltneNses to your promise to marry this young ladyT . With a swift back-action swat, Rosa raffed the pseudo girl soundly serous the cheek, while with lightning speed a clntched at the men'a beards. They tame forth In each hand, but there also came forth a startled yelp In an ininlstakahly feminine voice from the girl In the chair, and Rom was staring horrified at "Girlie" of college days In the face of one of the men he had denuded of a beard. "Now, gee here, tllrlle,"' said Rows, "I always told you that no good ever same from pnictlcal Joking. You hnve brought this upon yourselves. Hut," turning to the girl, who was crouched down in the rhulr wilb a hand held to crimson cheek, "uiy deepest regrets to this young Indy for my brutal act and my only hope la that she will for give me. Who .la alie anyway?" "Oh, that's only my kid winter and he don't mind a little crack like that I Ought to see her sometimes after she bus put on the gloves with met" "Huh!" flushed the girl. "Mr. Ross, ' you should see him when I get through with him! He looks like a beef steak pie for a week ' after I But though I know that every tooth Is knocked down my thmat and that my jaw is fractured in a thousand pieces, I guess I'll forgive you this time." "Gee !" mourned "Girlie," "went and messed up the whole show after our rehearsing for a week. But, see here, Ross, this Is Jim Turner," motioning toward the other man who hnd leaped to to the side of the girl and was trying to comfort her In a most lover Hke manner. "All right," replied Rons, "and now, the why of all this fool' farcer "Oh, Sis and Jim want to he mar ried, that's all. Folk kicking up a rumpus, hut Sis and I are strong for Jlqj, 'so go to It!" - ' - Ross, frdm whom all tlnrlrtlty of "first business" had fled, took from iuV'; desk drawer the necessity hook and cafWng In the grinning Henry as witness Joined the couple in mar riage. - - I.,"-' " , "Now," said Koss. "my privilege t klBS the bride shall tie tuken advan tage of and may it in some measure erase the memory of the blow," Sq. floss pel-formed this ceremony, "ahw, to everyone's satisfaction with tn exceptiou, possibly of the brlde- groom's. g 1 P'd'-' - ' . "The Joke's on me, so It's my" Ross put his hand Into his pocket where reposed safe and Round Just even coppers, one dime and a pant's button. I should say not. It's our splurge," aid "Olrlle," pressing a fat. roll Into Ress' hand. "So, on with the feast 1" After this spectacular entry Into the business world, Ross went surely and flnnly upward In his practice and the day was not long In coming when the same group, with the addition of a certain girl, made up another wadding party MISS FINCH y CLARIMA MACKII. (B lilt, fer MoCltm MewitM wuuai.i Noll Latimer bad met Cell rinch and Ethel, th youngest of that pop ular family, noted for It feminine pulchritude, but of Rosamond, the eld est, be bad only heard echoes ot bar cairn beauty, Man aald ah waa a marbl atatua and that nothing culd awaken her dreaming peace. "My sister Rosamond V Oil had repeated ou day. "She's the dearest thing, but ahe wouldn't b Interested In any of this," ah waved her fan at th room full of dancers, "She I browsing among book most of th time, Is th most absent-minded crea ture Imaginable, and we are missing most of this dance, aren't wt" sh ended wistfully. Nell npologlsed and In a moment they were vanishing In the mase, Ou afternoon when th fever of spring was In the air and he could not remain Indoors harnessed to th routine of busy office, Nell got Into hi car and rode out Rast avenue to th country club, Th Finch resldeuc waa on Kast avenu and he bad passed Mrs. Finch and the younger girls In the shabby car driven by a middle aged negro. Th Finches went poor In this world's goods but. aa the cam of a good old family and bad many rich relatives, th fatherless family went around a great deal and entertained occasionally In their love ly, decaying horn. Oiled with heir looms. Just aa Nell reached th Finch resi dence he becam awar that the ma chine needed water. A maid waa landing with ber back t him hanging out a snowy washing of clothe. Hh wore a pink sunbonnet, but b could see a couple of clothespins pro truding from the depths. of th bonnet "Qood morning," he said In his pleas ant vole. "May I hav pill of water, my car" he did not flulsb th sentence bnt paused In dismay, for th clothespins were removed from th loveliest of lips and th face turned to bis was never that of an ordinary maidservant Such rar beauty could only belong to the sister of Cella and Ethel she aaw his embarrassment anc" smiled gravely. "Water Certainly," she aald In a vole which mad bla pulses tingle. "If you will com to th hous I will give yon a pall : there la water In th garage, but you may aa well fill th pall In the kitchen." Hh led th way luto a great kitchen, Immaculately clean, where an ancient colored wo man, crippled with rheumatism, sat In a comfortable armchair by the fir. She croaked hoarse protests when th girt gave Nell a shining pall, "No, Miss Rosamond, honey, don yon b waltln' on folk Ink that " "Please, h quiet. Aunt Heppy," chlded the girl. "I am sorry to trouble yon I didn't know that I might be Intruding I am acquainted with Mrs. Fiucb and her daughters and " "You must be coming to dinner to night, then," suggested the girl. "I recognized you at once I am Rosa mond Finch." Nell took her hand. "May I stay a little while and he kitchen company?" ho asked. "I'd like to get acquainted." Rosamond looked doubtful. Then a wave of color Invaded her fairness. "I shall be glad, Mr. Latimer, but you see It would embarrass mother and th girls If It were known you see, Heppy Is crippled, so, as we cannot afford another maid, I come out and -help. Heppy directs me and I love to cook " "She shore am de beatenest cookl" Interrupted Heppy. Rosamond joined In Nell's laughter, "Heppy Is a good teacher, and It gives the younger girls a chanc to go about. "I've been out two seasons al ready, and I do like a chance to keep up with my studies. I must fly around now because there Is dinner to get oh, we have an extra maid in for that to help Aimer In the dining room. Can you mix mayonnaise?" "Can I?" Nell washed hla banda and pushed back his cuffs. -If yo-i will let me help you a lit tle I'll forswear any knowledge of you and your, dark plottlngs In this kitchen." "Very well," she laughed merrily," "only you must fly at the stroke of fcur, so that yon will not scandalize mother and the girls." Nell never forgot that hour spent In the kitchen wllh lovely Rosamond Finch. That night ot the happy, Informal dinner piirly for which the Finches were fiiiiious Nell saw her aguln and she seemed unother girl. Her family and friends took fire from her gayoty ami It was a never-to-be-forgotlen eve ning. Rosamond Finch hud awakened. During the weeks that followed Nell learned more about the Interesting family of girls who maintained their social position on a depleted Income, remade their own clothes, until there came a day when they had to unpack Mrs. Finch's own wedding dress and veil for Rosamond's bridal. After all the "eldest Miss Finch," who had con tentedly stayed at home In the kitchen, was the first bride, and Aunt Heppy, who had turned her Into a famous cook, was almost as proud as Noll himself as the bride came up the aisle, "She looks, like a lovely etatue," said some on that day. .. Nell only smiled. He knew that beneath the marble there was flame had he not- kissed his Galatea into life? , . ; FASCINATION IM AIR FLIGHT Varleu Rtaeens Adveneed Why P to pi Will Pay High Prlo fr theft Trip Through tftoe. Why do people fly Would you car for apln In th air to much aa to spend 110 for a 20 minutes' flight? If so, what la your motive Interviewing a half doao commer clal aviators along Miami's water front on this subject brought th fol lowing facta to light) About 60 per cent of all paeeengets carrtedoo th abort 20 minutes' sight seeing flight ar women. According to aviator the types to whom scraping the clouds appeal are: The wealthy man the business man. He wants to e what flying la like, lit sees th future of commer cial aviation. The short flight offers also a novel method of uiertalulug friends. Th "sport" H flics for th ex citement of the thing. II usually In sists on stunt flying. Then, too, an occasional flight provides a way of demonstrating to hla friends his sport ing self. The average man. fie finds In the short flight at $15 for himself or a tor himself and a companion a method of realising th thrill and pleasure of th air. lie Is presented wltb an op portunity of realising an overwhelm ing desire at a minimum expense. The large percentage of women passenger Is considered something of a slap at tbos raveling In th thought that woman were too timid to fly. Ac cordtng to pilots, In most cases wom en accept an offer of an aerial spin on the direct dare of their mstcullne companion. Miami (Fla.) Herald. TRAINING WAIFS OF CAIRO Government f Igyptlan City Has In stituted School Whr Stray leys Will Is Idueated. It looks as If th problem of the wslfs end strsys of Cairo was going to receive at last serious attention. After much Insistence on the part of some public-spirited officials a spe cial school for boys of this clsss has been opened In the environs of Cairo, where tbey will be looked after and trained by the government without their having committed some crime to admit them Into the reformatory, pre viously the only Institution of the kind. Nothing so far baa been doue for th girl children, though another home la promised for this purpose. It Is there fore satisfactory to bear of th forma tion of an organisation called the "Brotherhood Federation," ostensibly nousectarlan and International, with the object of looking after and Im proving th lot of th child waifs gen erally. A meeting recently held In support of this movement was given iliuch prominence In the local Kngllsh paper, but In spite of Its Intimate hearing on a purely Egyptian problem none of the Aruhic papers appears to have gtveu the mutter any pulillclty. Christian Science Monitor. ' Progressed by Slow Stages. Thirty years ago the men of Hart shay, a hamlet of Derbyshire, Kngland, were accustomed to meet at a brldg on the edge of the town, where they would read the papers and discuss events. This whs ull right In summer time, hut In the winter It was differ ent and tliey would occasionally ad journ to a sheltered spot under1 th bridge. From this they moved Into e vacated pigsty and later annexed an other pigsty. This rude building "was Improved by their own efforts until It was a fairly comfortable pluce.' ' From this humble origin there Is now ' a rather pretentious library, .with th best paper? and magazines and a stock of good books. , . . Willed Everything Away. A lawyer In Chicago was retained by n contractor to draw up his wllL The task was accomplished apparent ly to the satisfaction of the clients the lawyer's fee was paid, and the lat ter supposed, of course, that the mat ter had been concluded. To his great surprise, therefore, he received an other call from hla client the next day, who expressed hla conviction that the affair had not been properly ad Justed. "Why, what's the trouble?" asked the legal light. "Trouble enough," said the man. "I didn't sleep the whole night through for thlnkln' of that' will ! You've fixed It so I've not left myself a chair to sit on !" Milladelphla Ledger. Comparisons Are Sometimes Odious. Johnny was attending his first grade scli'ol. nfler graduating from kindergarten, where he greatly adored Ids teacher, a pretty young woman In her teens. Ills mother noticed his luck of enthusiasm In bis new studies, nnd that he never mentioned his teacher. Finally, one night when she wae putting him to bed, she asked: "Johnny, don't you like your new teacher?" "Oh, I like her well enough," he1 re plied, "but, mother, alio looks Just like a potato chip." Chinese Railways. " Of 6,830 miles of railway In China In 1918, more than 4,(XM) miles of main and branch lines were owned and op erated by the government, these com prising 14 railways In 14 out of the provinces. In addition there r provincial and private rallw owned by mining comp gating 425 miles and lines aggregating near '' : ' IRRIGATED LAUD 110 acres ot Irrigated land under Ochoco Project adjoining olty of Prlnevlll at stockyards, all fanned and cultivated, 60 per t-cre cash. Address Mrs. B, t. Newsom, Prlne vllle, Ore. SERVICES AT PAULINA The Reverend W. O. Tenlnty, paster of th tint Presbyterian Church, will leave today for Paul ina where he and Mrs. Tenlnty will spend practically th rest of the sum mer. There will be service held reg ularly at Paulina every two weeks, beginning on Sunday July 10. Th noxt service to be held at Prlnevllle will be July II. Services will be at Post, Suplee, - and other points during the summer. LOCK COTTER PIN IN PLACE Net Necessary to Btnd Knd Over Flat Against Bolt or Rod Just Prevent Slipping. After having slipped th cotter pin Into plar do not bend th ends over flat agalnat the bolt or rod. It Isn't necessary to do this, because the cot ter will lock Just aa securely If the end are apread Just euough to pre vent slipping out When the.enda are bent considera bly. It Is harder to straighten them sufficiently for later removal of the pin, and further, th ends are very apt to break off when the part la In serv ice, with th very probshl. result that th Ill-treated cotter will slip out. Thus, Instead of excessive and bend ing being so effective locking means, It Is la reality no lock at all. TWO-PIECE JACK IS USEFUL Contraption Will Be Found Convenient by Owners Who Intend to Lay Up TNIr Care, Th Illustration ahowa a bit of a contraption that abould Interest such automobile owners as propone to lay Handy Two-Pleee Jack. op their car for the winter or to leave them (mm of service for any great length of time. It Is simple two piece Jack made of round bar steel and capable of lifting the tiros off the floor with one motion of the lever. No car, or course, should he left Idle for long with Ita weight resting on the tires. HIT-OR-MISS methods of manufac ture produce tires of qualities vary ing from A-l to Z-13. If If you get the A-l sualtty, you are lucky; If you get the Z-13. you are stung. Every Kelly-Springfield Tire Is In spected twenty-four times In the course of manufacture. This rigid tnspctlon eliminates any chance of Imperfections.- It assures A-l qual ity ln every tire. Kelly-Eprlngfiuld tires are not the lowest priced, nor are Uiey the highest, but they ARB the cheapest dbecauaa they can be depended on to deliver more miles than any other tiro you can buy. ... SERVICE MOTOR SALES Phone 801. wmmsmnsMMm; IjJ By MILDNIO WHITft 0 ( till, Warfare Htwaaaaar " Janet Darcy stepped from th train tt WUIowby Junction, and stood peer ing through th bslf-darknet. The small station was dosed and locked for the alght, and the great train rush ing again x It way left Janet Krtltary arrival Troubled, she walked th length of the platform, then sat down on the crude step" to tblnk the situation over. Bhe bad left her beauti ful city home that afternoon hastily, ind In an unenviable frame of mind. Mother, father and the governor were all Insistent In their demands for an rarly marriage, while Janet was not ure that sh wanted to b married it all In br hasty departure Janet bad oever considered the possibility of ber present position. Taxis, she supposed, waited train arrivals In even WUIow by town. Aunt Clarsbelle's cottage, Jsnet knew, nestled st the foot of the strag gling village street, two miles swsy. It wss not th walk of th two mile that ah feared to attempt, but the un accustomed dark nee of the tree bor dered road. A she sat on the station steps, the sheltered girl became nerv ously alarmed; the spot was exceed ing desolate and the purs in ber traveling cloak pocket waa filled with bills. Desperately, at last she arose and began ber stumbling wsy. Ruts and twisted bramble seemed set like a trap for the unwary. Then, almost directly before ber. sh suddenly aaw a light Someone, bad come from among the tree to th roadside, and th someone carried a lighted lantern. Janet drew back fear fully, but aa the light went twinkling on, noiselessly sh followed. It would be uaelee to try to locate Aunt Clara belle's abod In th confusing twist tt Iwsys. This light must toad to some com panionship, perhaps to the village, where she might be sccommodated for the night ; Jsnet steadily and with new courage pressed onward. The striding figure before ber tuned abruptly down a hidden lane; at Ita end Janet saw th outlines of a small house. The man, ss she drew near, put down bis lantern to open the bouse doon Jsnet silently waited, aa unannounced he entered and struck a light She saw at a aid of th room a sick wom an lying upon bed, with a child fret ting at ber aid. Th tsll man advancing lifted the child gently In hla arms and with a laughing word sent It after aa orange toesed on the floor. Then, throwing aside his cloak, he bent an anxious face over the sick woman, Janet studiously regarding bis face, waa all at once reassured, "Yea, doctor," Sh heard th woman gasping ly answer a question; then, Impulsive ly, Janet stepped pust the lantern Into he room. The doctor glanced up sharply. "Take off yonr wraps," be startllngly commanded, "and come here." Half unconsc'' - of her own action Janet Darcy obeyed. "We will have to work fast," the man told her. "Kindly follow direc tions without question. Hot water at once." Peremptorily he Issued his or ders. Janet the sleeves of her white waist rolled high, went to the cold kitchen stove. There was wood piled near, mid nintche ,.LU J 1 .. U , , !, LL I ( WB-llMM MllTiilM Kelly-Springfield Are Dependable III KK 5i 1 V,. effU i 7 " G. A. HOLMES Our Rest Rooms Men and Women UMPerateiy, as the woman Moored breathing reached ber, sh bent to bar ak. A Are was crackling at taat beneath the kettle- Janet' soft flnge were smudged and blistered, but ber eye shooe vlctorlowriy. g he aaw the pereplratloa oa the young doctor's forehead a ah re sponded eagerly to hi demands. "It's pneumonia," ae una ner as tbey rested. "Pretty bad. but I think we will be abl to break It Rural peatman Informed m of th cas. re turning from bis rout thl venlng. Immediately I telephoned to the dqr for you. That Is, I telephoned for my usual nurse, but I uppose you hap pened to be the only on available at th time. Ton made good time get ting out Now, we will leave oar patient Look to the comfort of the child." Janet turned with a smile In her wear- , Incus this Isnguag of command she bad never known Impressed her pleasurnhly. It was a If between th strong capable man and herself ex isted some bond of understanding snd sympathy. - Janet washed snd fed snd coaxed the baby to sleep. Then, disheveled snd star-eyed, she sought the watch fully slert pbyslclsn. "Any further orders T she ssked quietly. It waa ten days later when Janet Darcy stood In the smsll bouse door wsy, while Bukey Wells sang Inside, wltb the patient now well on her way to recovery. Alan Brent, looking down rn the volunteer nurse, smiled a very, very tender smile. To him, she bed just made full confession ; to him ah had told ber atory. "Ton ar wonderful," he said softly, "I think," mused Alan Brent the doctor, "thst I will send little Sukey Wells, our genera helper. In the morn ing. Ton will both be kept busy." "Rut, oh I Janet, you who have been so sheltered, ar yon certain that you will never regret your refusal to mar ry the great governor?" Janet Dairy's answering smll was confident "Tour light" sh said, "showed me my true wy," IRELAND UNDER ALIEN RULE Pwr ef the Dane Broken by Brian Bom In 1014 Normans Became Amalgamated. . '! - - - viltt About 800 A. D the pagan boats of th Northmen and Dane fell on Ireland with fierce destruction. After a century of destruction, Irish kings led their people In a succession of ware, for the deliverance of their country, and Brian Borama, or Brian Bora (026-1014), king of Hunster, by hla great victory In the battle of Clon tarf. on April 23, 1014, finally broke the power of the Danes In Ireland. In 1171 Ireland waa Invaded by the Nor man from England, In the time of Henry IX and Its conquest began. "In Ireland," to quote the words of Prof. Edward A. Freeman (1823-1882) "the Norman was more purely a conqueror than anywhere else, but In Ireland hla power of adaptation caused him , to sink In a way In which he aank no where else. While some of th Nor man settlers In Ireland went to swell the mass of the English of th Pale, others threw In their lot with the native Irish, and became. In the well known saying, "more Irish than the Irish themselves." Detroit News.-'' WANTED Clean Cotton fUgs at the Journal office. - laMI IH) 11111111 nil ll 11 Mllaalllfeil llfaiB fat Tires Tires HE v fvt ,. um . are open for 7 i 1 1