tHtKSDAT, JULY T, IM1 1 ' crook comnr johmal , Mammoth Cave In 1112. VI nil ore to the MHtnmofb cave In Kentucky, whose stt'ntlon Is attracted by the brilliant arches of crystal, by (lie amazing echoes, and by the di versity of the rock formation, may not rernfftulier that this partlculer lo ullty wss once of greet prscUcal iM-m-nt to the country. For It was by reason of tie Immense deposits of salt reter. used In the manufacture of gun (towdeff during the War of 1812, that ihe spot was Bret given notoriety. has overcome the commonest causes of tire trouble -r. tit 1 ' NUMBER 1 TREAD CUTS When a tire is cut, dirt and moisture work in between the layers of cords weakening the tire and causing decay. In this construction every cord U Impregnated with rubber, the tlr being single man that offers unique protection against Inroeds of dirt end moliture ye ii flexible tn the extreme. Mlchelln Tires offer maximum pro tection against such Injuries. The exceptional toughnnes and thickness ot the Mlchelln tread prevent cuts from penetrating; and It a cut does penetrate the Injury Is minimized by the Mlchelln body-construction. Let us show you a Mlchelln cord. - SERVICE MOTOR SALES CEO A. HOLMES We put on a new tire within a radius of 5 miles free of charge for aorvlce PHONE 801 Where the f Is Sacred. In Japanese mythology the f.ix Is represented as having been horn first Into this world, and even now when a fox la seen he la renal-tied hy moat of the more humble -liinea s a nipa-eti , er from heaven. Checkers Played by the Ancients. The cntiie of checkers l very an cient, being- known to the Egyptians, Oreekii mill IImiumiik., It wit played In Kurope In the Sixteenth century. An old form of chv kern J known tn China ax "the name of circumvention." -4B' ' No marrer a nurbjr Hrby U. WW says th&t 'hM$wi fees auns MOST everybody knows the easy-going sort of man who never takes a tire seriously until he gets a blow-out. How long he will resist universal tire education is a question. But this is sure More people are finding out every day that between leaving things to luck and getting real economy there is a big difference. Many a car-owner has come to U. S. Tires because he couldn't afford to keep on paying that difference. Probably seven out of ten users of U. S. Tires came to them only after they'd had enough of "dis counts", "bargain offers", "clearance sales of surplus stocks" and other similar appeals. They have found economy and they stick to it. United) United States Elkins Explanation of Name "Canada." Thura r. varimia thuortoa an tA how Canada came to be no called, one whlilt merle with wide approval Is that ilia word Canada Is derived from n Indian word, "Kannaihn," tnt-anlng i vIIIuk or collet-turn ur tiuta, ana ii la minnowd that Jaraues Cartler. hear !uu this word uned by the Indians with wfHrcmv tn thHlr settleiiiKlits. mlfttonk lis meaning, and applied' It to the ebole con til 17 Novel "Ferris Wheel." The ferrls wheel of fluu'lad Is built of long poles attached, to a heavy long crowtrilece ; on the ends of the poles rode woollen chairs are placed. In which the lovers of excite ment are uttumwd, while by mun pow er the revolution la made, the rider get 1 1 tin a tlold thrill of the real Ferris wheel. Tha Mama Llfa. Rennomlea chuniea man's actlvltlea Am inn rlmim a itinn't activities roc change his way of living, and as yoo Change his environment you cnnnin his state of mind. Precept and liijunc tlon do not perceptibly afreet men; but food, water, air, clothing, shelter, pictures, books, mimic, will and da affect them. Exchange. Lines to Be FUin.-rnj;red. Many a aliuft at ruii' kciiI, Amis mark the archer little 111 it; and many a word, at random spoken, tuny soothe or wound a heart that's broken. Walter Scott. wAere ihmy re there's V. S. Ceaer with him 5. Factory Branch" They pay a net pricenot "some thing off list" that may not mean anything in the first place. They get fresh, live tires, being ' made and shipped while this mes sage is being written. No matter where they live there's a nearby U. S. Dealer with his nearby U. S. Factory Branch. U. S. Tires keep moving. No opportunity to get old and dried out. No shifting here and there trying to find a market. Every U. S. Tire a good tire, wherever you find it anywhere in the country. Because the U. S. policy is a good policy that serves the car-owner all the time. U. Doing the very best for him" that U.S. human good faith can do. $' Tiros Rubber Company SBlXaVV Motor Sales The Bank of Prineville , CAPITAL STOCK $55,000.00 ""THERE is no section of Oregon so full of latent resources as Crook County and adjacent territory. We have abund ant faith in its future growth, and purpose to lend , every assist ance in its upbuilding and development. You can help in this development plan by opening an account with us. There are many other ways we can be of real service to you. Come in and let us get acquainted and talk it over. "The Bank of Helpful Service" OFFICERS J. t. KARNOPP, Pre. A. J. NOBLE. Vlco Pre. W- O. HALL, Cashier. Geo. F. Euston, Aaa't Cashier. THE U. S. CHAIN TREAD One of the few tires of which It may be said that they daliver economy year in and year out and tire after tire. The U. S. Chain Tread glvea sufficient traction on all ordinary road sur faces. It ia probably the handsomest, and by all odds the most popular, of the whole U.S. Fabric Tire Una. - 'Tea,V -VK.h v ' I United States fires are Good Tires U. S. USCO TREAD U. S. CHAIN TREAD U. S. NOBBY TREAD S. ROYAL CORD RED & GREYTUBES DIRECTORS J. L. KARNOPP, W. O. HALL. . A. J. NOBLE, J. M. ELLIOTT, LAKE M. BECHTELL. Don't forget that the Crook County Journal is only awaiting the re ceipt of your $2 to appear at your home times. It saves you the trouble of always borrow ing it from your neighbor. 52" TRY A CLASSIFIED AD