CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JULT T. tMt Nicolai Says This U yaw opptnnlty giant tube of cool, clean KLINIO Dental Cmn for BOo nnd fall slae cake of the Klenao Toilet Soap FREE. Sea our ad la the Saturday Evening Post. July 2nd- Zb l&XaJUL S&T9 . prixeytlle drug go. The Dutch Laundry It will pay you to hT your washings dons good not rained, not too much blueing, bnt nice and white. I am looking for more clothes ruff drying, ironing and wet wash. Ton will find that my prices are reasonable. Blankets washed 3 for (1.00. No fading, bat they look like new. We get the washings and return It nice and clean at all hours, every day in the week. Mrs. M. Trapman East 6th Street To Rid a Lawn of Moles. To exterminate moles from a garden or lawn take a tablespoouful of tur pentine and mix It well with a cupful of ordinary sack salt, and with s ta blespoon scatter it through their run way. Yam mmt 9X 91,"- M? fefm F Ms art 9X w IT In u Melliajrer Fly Tir. Dangrtr f term bruis cr b'ow- , ( w v mm acu.ticu lO a taioumm. fccllinTcr T.-At fly Tirw ra Bud Md I f SnpcjVjaJiwd. White Kubbtr hsrc the Vienna t ran in us GUARANTEED 8000 MILES wor rrprewntative win ;.J Toa thm titi.. - i . . Mdlinwr Tires. Alio ik .ooct MIlmr Speriml Tires, Qutigr txr at a FostUr Price. KSTKBCED EdDSVaj E? FOR SALE OR TRADE We have a Studebaker passenger car nearly new, we have no use for it, being we have two cars and need only one, It Is a 1918 car, four cylinder, and a good one, five or seven passenger. Address Piercy Sc. Sons, Tumalo Oregon. 41-44 STRAYED One Black mare., un branded, with bay colt. At Ham ilton Stables Owner can have same by proving property and paying cost 41tfo J. W Fincher, City Marshal Moody's Last Sermon. Dwight L. Moody pitched the last sermon of his life In Kansas Cltv In Convention hall on the night of No vemher 16, 181)0. lie had undertaken to conduct revival mee lngs In the ball from November 12 to 19, but on the nijjht of November 16 he became so 111 that the next afternoon he gave up the meetings and returned home. He died at his home In Northfield, Mass., December 22. 1899. .-1-...-H-.. 6 C!s5KVS THE rem.rk.bls engineer- JlSni 7 1 I- V H'i remarkable engineer- Skill which built tha Columbia River Highway opened a veritable paradise for motorists. This highway follows tha Columbia River from the Pa cific Ocean near Astoria aa far east as The Dalles, and leads tha tourist through a country of indescribable scenic interest high waterfalls.huge rocks, picturesque woods an ideal vacation land for the mo torist who appreciates nature at its best. And on your travels along the Columbia River Highway you can always get "Red Crown," the gasoline of quality an all-refinery gasoline with a continuous chain of boiling points. Look forthe Red Crown sign before you fill. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Gflje Gasoline if qaUy He'll Get His at the Terminus. The way of the transgressor Is hard, bat be setms to find plenty of detours. ill Has the Cost of Living Come Down? One Year Ago 100 Pounds of Sugar Cost $26.00 Today For the same amount of money we can supply you with the following list of mer chandise: 100 POUNDSof SUGAR 51bs Macaroni Order Your Hay Hands And Other Farm Help From Us We have the "Big Farm Office" of Oregon and furnish help free to the employer. The Pioneer Employment Company 22 YEARS IN OREGON Phone Broadway 2278 Residence. Auto 280-2 J 14 N. 2nd. St. Portland, Oregon 1 Barrel of Flour 1 91b Sack Rolled Oats 1 91b Sack Corn Meal lOlbs Japan Type Rice 1 doz. cans Standard Corn 1 doz. cans Standard To matoes 1 gal. Kary Syrup lOlbs fancy small White 8 iars Pure Fruit Jam Beans lib Package Cocoa . E. Stewart We handle Maz da Lamps of all kinds and sizes Des Chutes Power Company Prineville, Ore. Omar Wilson Contractor and Builder MUCK AND ALL SUM OF CONCRETI WOM Hardwood Flooring WTMATM CHURTULLY OIYEN ON ANTTHDfO IN TH BUILDIMI UML U Ml MFORI TOU BEGIN THS WORK n MR ABOUT A MODERN BOMS ON BAST PAYMENTS A Want Ad Gets Results IRELAND'S City Transfer & Express Auto Delivery to all Part of the City and Vicinity Phone me (cr quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD CALL BLACK 303 . FOR IJGHT Oil HR IV T f BOOK TICK Morse Transportation Comp'y PRINEVILLE, OREGON Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At this critical 'period la oar history oar Danaftinrtr offering their Mills snd ear young nan are offering their nor" row to Us United States government Would jou Ilk to tie r iu aar and help, by patting yor aioaey where It will rnworr new federal Reserve Banking System, which the gnr-wat has established to stand back of oar commerce, tadtirtr? a a agrtcsltsref Ton oaa do this by opening aa aeeonnt with at as part ot dollar so deposited goes directly into tha new syeten, tnrr wlU always be ready tor yoa whao wan tea. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK WANTED VEAL, HOGS, ' MUTTON, BEE)', CHICKENS, TURRETS, DUCKS, GKE8E, BOOS, HIDES, BUTTER, AND JACKRABBIT8. GITN TO A TRIAL, HIGHEST MARKET PRICE GUARANTEED. PROMPT RETURNS. GULLICKSON A MILLER Established 111 I 100 Front Street, Portland, Ore. PAINLESS PRICES Before the war, during the war and NOW. By careful buying for cash, with no rent or clerk hire, we are able to protect our customers and save them money at all times. Homer Norton POST OREGON V