Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 07, 1921, Page Page 5, Image 5

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cbook oonn fotmnAh
Rail Chief Declares Freight
Chargat Net the Cause "
41 it 'Stagnation.
1 1
uilneti Depreiilon and Lack
of Demand the Real Trouble.
WMkKfiba, o. C.-U testifying bo
tare the senate aomalttee Interstate
mumm, wnisa u eeaaueting u II
anlry liu the railroad 1111111100, Jult
M Krltcbnltl, chairman ( the board
et the BoutUera Peclflo Company, went
tot greak detail M the (((act of freight
ratea oo produce lolptuenta, (erelga
and domestic Tba mala palota ha
geade lo tula part of all tsatltuony
vara: Ural -That business deprea-
aloa la set tba result at blab fieight
ralea, oeooud Tbat tba real cauaa
at stagnation lo produce shipments la
lack of market or profiteering. Ha
aid. In part:
A widespread propaganda la bring
tarried oo to arouse publlo eentltueat
against existing freight ratea, whereas
tka (act la tbat evea alooa tba ratea
have bnn advanced tba coil of trane
porting commodities la far leaa tbuo
tbt toll laki'O by tba commission nier
bant and tba retailer fur buylug and
nailing tbeia.
People Milled Aa ta Situation.
People are misled and conclude tbat
blab ralea have Hopped tba movomeut
af a large amouut of freight and tbat
tbe railways would make mora money
If tbejr would reduce tbe ralea and
tberebjr revive tbe traffic. There la
the strongest reason to believe tbat tba
very great reduction la trafflo baa
been due almost entirely to general
bualneea eondltlona tbat are world
wide In tbelr effect and that would
have come if there had been no ad
vance In freight ralea.
Prlcee of couimodlttea reached their
maximum lo the flret half of the year
1120 and thereafter fell with great
rapidity In Prance, tbe United State,
and the United Kingdom. Tbe fall la
the United Btatra began In May, and
waa rapidly oo Ita way downgrade to
September, when tbe advanced ratea
took effect. Nevertheless traffic did
not drop for at trait four months,
Slump: Not Cauaed by Higher Ratea.
It waa a general deflation and fall
to nrlcea from tba heights to which
they bad been drlvea by war ooadl
ttpns tfiet baa cauaed a stagnation ol
business throughout the world. That
It la not cauaed by the coat of trane
portatlon la convincingly ahowo by
the fact tbat stoppage at baying haa
cauaed an overaupply af ships, benoa
ocean tonnage ratea bava beea recently
Ot the loweat points lo tbelr history,
Notwithstanding these low ratea.
ocean traffla ahowa aa great stagna
tion aa rait traffic, and millions of
tons of shipping here and abroad are
rusting away In Idleness. Maay com
modifies would not move aveo If tha
freight, cbargea oo them were abol
ished entirely, because produce re can
Mod no market
That the decline to buslneaa la not
due to prohibitive freight ratea la
hewn by the following examples:
In Januky of this year the total
tonneae of lines west of Ml Haee aad
Ofdea operated br t Routkera fi
ctile Company feU erf 41 aercent
The combined Intrastate freight toe
nags In Arlsona and Nevada declined
10 percent although Increase la the
Intraatate Irelgkt rates la thoee
etatea has been as yet autkortaed or
made effective. Tkle decrease em
braced grain, hay and live stock, ea
well ae ores and ether commodltlee.
Cotton Unshipped fer Lack of Market
Of a Texas eotten area ol ever four
mllUan bnlee, 49 percent remains un
marketed. The average teat ef rail
and water shipment from producing
point to Liverpool has beea reduced
about ll.MVt per at pound la the
face of whlek about ene-helf million
bales ef cot tun leas than normal have
Beea exported to Liverpool. Obvloue
ly the freight rate la not reeponelBln
for the reatrlrted movement. During
Beptember, October and November,
l2u, 46 percent lean rice, 10 percent
leas canned salmea and 11 percent
lees dried fruit were exported than
during the sams months of the pre
vious year, Although the reduction
In ocean ratea was eubitantlally mere
than the Increase In Inland rail ratea,
ae that ths material decline In the
exports of these commodities was la
ths face of a Isss aggregate coet of
Tha Case of tha Fruit Crowem.
Tha troublea of the California lemon
mere have attracted mucn auen
tlon. Ha olnlms ha la anabla to ahlp
hla nroduct because of tha Increased
freight . rates. A removal of all the
recent Inorease of tha rata on lemons
uiiiid nat bain him. Ha haa a rata
by sea through the Panama canal of
leaa than half 48 percent oi ui r
rata, yet hla lemons are not marketed.
The average price of a cantaloupe laid
" down In New York In the aeaaon of
1920 vas not quite 11 cents. Aa thy
were retailed at about 88 centa, there
la a further profit to somebody of 14
cents per cantaloupe.
The managers of tha propaganda for
, a general reduction of freight ratea
have lost sight of the fact that in Octo
ber 1920, 1,196,321 carloads of coal
were moved, being the maximum
moved In any month In the preceding
two years, although It waa handled at
the advanced freight rates, and we
have heard nothing as to coal being
produced at a loss or of the coal mine
owners going out of business because
of existing freight rates. The per
centage of freight charges to value In
the early part of 1921 Is almost exact
ly the aauie as It was In 191.
Inglleh Visitor fays Tribute to Via.
suae Ho Noted aa Distinguishing
America feopla.
A while ago I published ume
book uo a tour I made la America dar
ing war Hue. I dedicated It "To the
kindest peoplt la tha world," and I
pat the dedication lo Latin to apart
their bluabee. BbouU ) write another
work of tbe aame kind, I think I
should dedicate It "To tba most good
natured, tolerant and patient people
In the world," writes Sir Arthur .
aiilpley lo the Outlook.
Although as the election grow a
mlntnt Interest la It became keea and
dtecaaslea eager, atlll I only owe
beard aa acuta disagreement between
the supporters of tha rival candidate,
and this waa between a husband and
wife. It seemed baaed noon fund
mental difference of opinion on that
most Innocuous and unexciting fluid,
Aa a rule the discussions were moat
amicable, and usually finished up, aft
ar the method of Lincoln, lu a Juke or
a atory. Their toleration equals their
good humor. They bear patiently
every variety of religious dogma:
tliene are almost aa numerous Id the
United Btatee aa are patent medicines.
They quietly endure and Ignore the
moat Infernal noises. Owing to the
enormous distances one has to trav
erse In the alutea, one spends a con'
alderable part of one's time on the
train and It la this reason which pos
sibly nrcotinta for the fnct that Vtnerl
cttns iH-rxlNt In talking ou the cars.
Mr. I, liens has recently reminded ns
(hut Carlyle bequeathed certain bonks
lo Harvard university because of his
esteem and regard for tha American
people "particularly tbe more alien!
part of them." The latter exist not
only In the Imagination of the Chelsea
pljlosophcr. They are perhaps uot
very numerous, atlll they exist
Residents and Visitors on Island of
Valamo, Finland, Must Obey Law
Centuiiee Old.
Every day la fish day on the little
Island of Valamo, Finland, 12 squares
miles In area. Almost ten centuries
ago monks of the Oreek Catholic
church embarked on Lnke Ladoga to
find a now home and landed on Vala
A fine old monastery they built and
framed a law Hint from that day on
no men! should ever he eaten on the
Ulund. Keceiitly several members of
the Atnerlcou Ited Cross stationed at
the IttisNlan- refugee cunip at Viborg,
niicrte n Journey to the Islnni and were
entertnlned at lunch In the monas
tery built to replace the one destroyed
In 17M. The old low Is still observed
by the 4T0 monks uow living there.
From the day they arrive on the
Island to the day they leave or die
no meat la eaten by them. Husky,
strong and living to a good old age,
this lack of meat as food la not ap
parent In their build. For lunch tbo
Americana had fish In several rorma,
fried, baked and In soup, but aiwaya
H-intlng la barred, trapping la ta
boo, so that temptation In tha ahapo
of meat may never come, Smoking
also la banned.
No Aerial Mall for Chinese.
While Chang Tso Lin, who today
domlnatee the north of oiina, waa
wondering Just what ha would do wltb
six alrplanea which he ordered from
England the queatlon of the disposal
of three of them was settled for him.
He waa undecided whether to use
them for military purposes or for the
establishment of a mall service, In ac
cordance with the terme of the con
tract. Whllo debating the question h8
ordered three to be sent to Mukden,
for possible postal use, and the re
mainder to Paotlngfu for military pur
poses. Those shipped to Mukden were
loaded on flat cars and atarted on
their way. Some distance from Tient
sin they bumped a railroad bridge and
were not only am ashed but also put
the bridge out of commission. So It
looks aa though those who expected
to get their mall via tha air route are
doomed to disappointment
Thrill Not on Program.
President Obregon of Mexico haa
given hla sanction to bull fighting by
anrjearing one Sunday afternoon when
nodolfo Gaona and Ernesto Paator
fought Jointly. Ho occupied a ring-
aide seat When Pastor, playing the
last bull, made what appeared to be a
death thrust the President arose to
leave and tha band immediately
struck no the national anthem. The
bull, however, waa not dead and atart
ed to charge. At tha sound of the an
them he atopped In hla tracka, lowered
hit head, and wltb Pastor standing at
rigid attention not three feet from the
bull's horns, the hymn waa completed.
A second later the bull tumbled over
dead. Veteran flghtgoera asserted the
gDectacle waa the strangest ever seen
In the Mexico City arena. Brooklyn
Then All Waa Quiet
Junior has reached the age of In-
qulsltlveness. With grandma, he wag
making a social call. He noticed that
the piano was not In the snme posi
tion as the one at home, that the dnv-
euport was different, ana mat tne
library table was of another design
unit called attention to the facts In
tones that all heftrd.
"Grandma," he kald, finally, "'haven't
they got any mote chairs?"
"Why of course they have,
keep quiet."
"Well, why Is that ma at
tbe plauo Btool tbenT
Who Had teen Apart far
Forty Yea re Made Up When Ma
Wore Woman's Present
forty year ago John Kuuooos and
Charity Tlmmona of Blshupvlllo. Del.,
wort twenty years old and sweet
hearts. With her owa Undo Id lea
Tfaamona made a necktie aa gift for
bar young gallant. The. evening of
tbo day he received It Burnous put It
on. Uo didn't Uko the colors aud re
placed It
Aa usual, ho visited Iflsa Timmeoa
that evening, according to a aVlby
vUla (Del.) dispatch to tha Philadel
phia Lodger. It waa a alee summer
night The snout revealed thai ho
waa not wearing love's token and Mlaa
Tlmmona demanded the reason.
"It's too loud." replied tba youth.
Do you mega yoa will oovev wear
M Then you doo't love me," aobbed
the girt, and alio went Into tbo bouse.
That apparently waa tbe end of tbo
romance. Emmons went to Portland,
Ore., and prospered. Aa the owner of
a big department store In the far
Northwestern city, be returned to
Blshopvllle last Chrlstmaa for a visit
It was Inevitable tbat ha should
meet his former sweetheart In thtr vil
lage. Boon each learned that the old
love would not die ; that each bad con
sidered the other the only mate and
that neither bad married.
Of course. Emmons proponed, Mlaa
Tlmniotis did not refuse him, but nhe
bought a tie aa nearly like the one
that atiirted all the trouble aa she
could find. Then, when he wore It
without fllnchliiK. alia coyly murmured
"yea." Anil so they were married the
other evening.
New Method, 8ald to Have Originated
In Russia, May Result In Rtllev
Ing Shortage.
A new method of drying turf to re
lieve the serious fuel shortage In Fin
land has been putjn operation In vari
ous Scandinavian countries. The new
method was Invented by engineers
working under orders from the. Hus
sion soviet government to find a more
labor-saving method of preparing turf
aa fuel for the great central power sta
tion near Moscow, the process being
made known In Finland through an es
caping engineer. The fundamental
principle of the process Is quite sim
ple. The raw turf In the swamp, by a
powerful Jet of water under a pressure
of 20 atmospheres. Is freed from all
old roots and changed to thin mud.
This Is pumped out on a drying field
and spread In layers. When sufficient
ly dry It la cut Into bricks of uniform
slse by meana of a tractor. The turf
pump Is constructed like an ordinary
water turbine, la reversible with aid of
electric motor, la equipped wltb a cut
ting apparatus which completea the
work of the water jet and can be
raised or lowered as tbe surface of the
mud varies. The entire equipment la
mounted on a car which can be puahed
forward or backward on rails along the
line of work. Scientific American.
Convicted by tha Bible.
Law founded on the Bible la good
enough for Mayor Gllmore of Morgan-
town, W. Va.
A local man charged with not hav
ing the tall light burning on his auto
mobile waa arraigned before the may
or, who assessed a fine of $3.
The accused protested, said It was
a poor law under which be waa fined
and that he did not think It would hold
water in court
The mayor declared any law found
ed on the Bible waa good enough for
him. The defendant said be couldn't
aea where a tall light had anything to
do wltb the Bible. Tbe mayor looked
pltylngiy at the accused, and aald :
'Do you remember the tale about
the ten virgins, five of whom bad lights
and five of whom didn't? Well, If you
do, you will remember that the Lord
wouldn't have anything to do with the
five without lights, and neither will
this court"
Cotton Stalks Will Furnish Paper.
The possibilities of cotton stalks aa
a source of paper have long been sus
pected and experiments In this direc
tion have been made, but for one rea
son or another It has never proved
quite practical.
The nearest approach to success has
been made recently, and It la an
nounced that there Is a plant at
Greenwood, Mass., where SO tons of
paper are made every day from three
times that amount of ajalk.
Certain thin tubular fiber In the
plant will make excellent cellulose for
durable papers. It la strong and flex
ible. If a quarter of tha annual sup
ply of tha cotton stalks of the South
were put to this use each year were
would be no need of a paper shortage
In thla country.
Reservation for Aborigine.
The commonwealth of Australia has
taken steps for the preservation of tha
aborigines of that country and has as
signed a tract of public lands in the
northern territories aa reservation for
the tribes. It Includes the Mann an!
Peterson ranges and practically the
whole of Luke Amndeus. The govern
ments of South and Western Australia
have set nslde adjoining areas for the
purpose of this reservation.
in Plunk Center.
"Why do you doubt that my shovi
will pnok your insignificant town hall!
It ran 300 times in New York."
"No offense, mister, und mebbe so.
But she's got to be a purty good show
to run one time yere." Louisville Cos
"'- Japanese Marriage Law.
The- legal reetrictlooa oa the age
at which a person can iiarry are
different between men ard women,
according lo tba civil coda of Japan.
Man must bo above 17 and womea IS
years. There can be ao marriage with
out tbo voluntary agreement of tbe
aa a ad woman whoa a marriage la
to bo contracted. V they have
parents living they most obtala their
ceo sew!, aaloea the mta haa rem plated
kla thirtieth year and tha woaaaa hot
twenty-fifth. . i
Ada Displaced by tleetrle Planar.
Tha ada la probably among the org
eat of metal Implements, bat Ita work
la now being dose by ao electric
planer which performs too taak mack
easier and wltb less expenditure of
time-. ; t( la designed for heavy work,
each aa haa beea deuo by the ada
about Shipyards and elmllar ee-ah-llahmetita.
It la driven by corapreened
air and works on the turbine prin
ciple with a two-bladed cutter.
Various Storm Warnings.
Flowers, trees and low-growing
planta send out storm warnings. Cer
tain plants and flowers done up tight
ly on the approach of rain. They give
ample warning. Tbe common dande
lion does this, and also tha leaves of
tha white clover. Tha allver leaf pop
lar gives fair warning of rain by toss
ing the allver under aide of Its leaves
upward continuously.
Daisies Mlstsktn for Sheep.
In - New Zcsland there la to be
found a member of the daisy family
which la ao large that It Is often
mlstHken for a sheep In the distance.
It grows in exposed placea and the
branches of the plant are covered wltb
email leaves which greatly resemble
the wool of sheep. The shape of the
plant and the flowers add lo the de
ception. It Is sometimes called tha
vegetable sheep.
'Thought the Clouda Hollow.
Every child today knowa that tha
clouds are composed of tiny globules
of water carried In tbe air and hav
ing some affinity to enable them to
bold together. Formerly It was
though! that clouds were hollow like
ooup bubbles, for otherwise tbey would
not be aUje to float
Seven Champions.
The Seven Champions of Christen
dom, who are often alluded to by old
writers, were St George, the Patroo
Ralnt of England; St Andrew of Scot
land, 8t David of Walea; St Patrick
of Ireland, St Denla of France. St
lumes of Spain, and St Anthony of
Italy. '
I Your
A Conundrum.
Whllo watching a moving Dlrtnre
f the Isle of Wight reoeatly, an old
Engllah rooandroat was recalled to
our mind. It ran thoa: Why la tha
lata of Wight a fraud? Bee see H
haa Needles you cannot thread. Freak
water yea cannot drink, Oowaa yoa
cannot milk and Newport yoa raaaat
hotUev-Boetoa Transcript
Saltwater Rain,
ahwater rain haa frequently beea
reported daring tbo prevalence af
tropica! cyclones. Tbls la explained
y the fnct that the array from tha
treat wavea which the atom genet
ilea la often carried many miles la
and by tbo wind.
Campaign Emblems. .
As far as known, the first campaign
emblem waa a finger ring of copper.
It waa worn by the adherents of John
Qutncy Adama la 1824, wbea he raa
for Prealdent and waa Inscribed "Joha
Qutncy Adama, 1S2S." Tlntypea and
medallions were among the Insignia
of the I860 campaign when Lincoln
waa elected. ,
Names Traced to Chinese.
Many names of cities, inoni'liilnr
and rivers lo Ibe West, and along the
Pacific coast which have generally
been regarded ss Indian nsmet. ar
really of Chinese origin, according t
a writer In the New xora neram.
Even the namea of the state of Cluh
and Nevada are of Chinese origin, he
saya. "Pe" or "Pie" meana north In
Chlnene; therefore the Pleote Indian
were merely the North Cta Indiana
Remarkable Phyalcal Strength.
While the average woman poseessea
only about two-thirds of the physical
strength of the average man, there
are plenty of exceptions, and there
have been women who could rival
almost every feat of the strongest
man. One of the most wonderful of
them all was Mlaa Kate Roberta, tbe
daughter of a Welch preacher.
Though there waa uothlng In the
least massive about this young wom
an, she could lift a full-grown man
above her heed with one arm.
Coal in Ancient Times.
Medieval writers usually refer t
.oal as "sea-coal" (carbones man
tiuil, or carue de marl), in order t..
distinguish it from cliarcoui (vui
bona). The name evidently nro
from the fact that It was brought U
some places by water. Tbe name was.
however, used of coal which was car -ed
into Chester from Ewloe, aud of
that found In the middle of Derby
shire. Iu the reign of Elizabeth coul
waa measured by the barrel, nine bar
rels to tbe ton.
Suit j
' ' mi
Will be right and will
be priced right if you
buy from us. Standard
lines of High Quality
Men's Wear, Shirts, Un
derwear, Neckwear,
Shoes, Hats of the most
approved make. :
Honey Mentioned In Bible.
There are references to hooey ta
the Bible, la tbe sacred hooka of tba
Hlndua and In tha Korea. Ia tba
Far East aew honey baa for agea bee
adeemed aa a laxative and old hooey
aa an astringent. Honey waa eoe of
the materiala which tha Egyptian
need ia embalming, and oihera of tba
anclenta used it aa a food preaervativa.
There was a considerable traase la
MitTe eggs and egga packed ka
wort shipped long Journeys.
' ' Forecast: Cold and Cloudy.
Tha host waa showing bis aathof
friend the room ia which tba Inttar
waa ta sleep during hla visit Indi
cating the books in the room, bo ape,
ogixed. "I'm afraid you'lf find thaea
a pretty drpreaalng collection," aa
said. '1 aiwaya damp my rabbtak
here." The author rao hla eye ever
tba shelves. One volume aainast
strangely familiar. He took It dew
and handed It to hla host "It took
me two years to write that one," ha
' Patience and Insensibility.
A phlegmatic Insensibility Is a
different from patience, as a pool fro
a harbor. Into the one. Indolence
naturally sinks us; but If wo arrive
at the ether it Is by encountering many
an adverse wind and rough wave, with
a more skilful pilot at tie helm thaa
self, and a company under better com
mand than the passions. Dilwyn.
Many Kinds of Honey.
T!:ere are ..iore kinds of hooey than
yon Ihlnk. There is noney mi
black and aour; honey that is reo;
honey that , ly poisonous, honey that la
green and honey that is rose color.
Many of ue have eaten honey mat ia
white, and most of us know honey
that ranges In color from pale yellow
to brown. Honey la of many flavors,
depending cn the kind of blossoms
the beea work on.
High Explosive.
Trinitrotoluene, a prodnct of toluene
la derived from - coal tar and com
posed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen anc
nitrogen. It la considered one. of ths
most powerful of the high explosives
and ia used for purpose for whlck
dynamite and nitroglycerin are not
adapted. The latter la the most pov
erful explosive of Its kind.
To Remove Tar or Grease.
A very sure aud safe way to re
move tar or any such grease ataina
from colored ginghams is to rub weB
into the spots fresh lard. Let It lia
several hours; then wash in warm
soapsuds. All spots will come out
& Clifton j