Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 07, 1921, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    THCRMPAT. Jri t 1, Ittl
9f .
Jea. Forrester in lm Prineville
this week.
WUI Lodtrd wm In the city tor th
George Brewiter u Is town tor
tli celebration.
Beulah Bennett ot Barnee arrived
tn town Tuesday.
Adolph Bchreckl In th city
tor the celebration.
W. L. Harrie ot Poet, u in
Prineville Friday,.
Ogden Mills cam In the tint ot
the week to celebrate.
Major "Doc" Rary waa In the city
thta week, celebrating.
B. F. Johnson returned from Port
land Saturday morning.
Byron Kate and family ot Culver,
were in the city Tuesday.
8. M. Bailey and family were in
the city for the celebration.
Lyle Laughlin came in from Paul
ina to spend the Fourth, Sunday.
Lot Pearce spent the week end at
Madras visiting with his parents.
Nate Wursweiler has been in
Prineville this week from Portland.
Sammy Stein returned from Port
land with his wife Saturday morning
Jesse Tetherow and wife were over
from Redmond tor the celebration.
H. K. Allen of Powell Butte was a
business visitor in Prineville last
John Dobry spent the week in
Prineville from the Ochoco Ranger
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lister and
Robert were in from Paulina for the
E. J. Wilaon and family were in
Prineville tor the celebration trom
the Junction.
Frank Foster and family were
Prineville visitors this week from
Powell Butte.
Bob Hilliard and Russell Keeney
were in town for the celebration
from Culver. ,
Clark Morse left for Portland
Wednesday morning, driving George
Nicolat's car.
M. W. Skip worth returned from
the Legion Convention at Eugene
Monday evening.
Homer Norton bought a new Buick
trom the Service Motor Sales, Tues.
Mrs. John Bolter and daughters
Veva and Marlon together with Dor
othy Glenn, who is visiting them
at Gateway spent Monday and Tues
day in town for the Fourth.
D. W. Medley arrived Sunday
morning trom the valley to play ball
with the local team.
Norrls Blxby waa In trom Paulina
Thursday and left tor . Portland,
where he will spend a week.
Dr. A. N. Petty ot Portland, will
preach at the Baptist church Bun
day morning at 11, July It.
Brie Langhlin was In Prineville
Saturday with a herd ot cattle that
waa loaded on the can tor Portland.
, 1oe Llater waa la trom Paulina
last week. He returned to the ranch
Saturday afternoon with a truck load
of farm Implements.
Mrs. I. M. Mills retimed from
Portland, Sunday. Mr. MlUs has
been taken to a sanitarium and bis
condition U Improving.
T. M. Leesy, employed on the I.
M. Mills ranch, bought a new Ford
touring car trom the Inland Auto
company Wednesday morning.
Will Ford and family were In
Prineville from their home at Day
ville for the celebration. Will um
pired bases for the ball games.
Edward Gould of Roberts, was in
town Friday, transacting business.
He is well pleased with the crop out
look in that part ot the counry.
Mr. and Mrs. Albin Peterson and
family from Bear Creek Butte,
sDent the 4th with Mr. Peterson's
sister, Mrs. Frits Peterson ot 6th
Wallace Cannon arrived in town
Sunday after having spent the past
year at the U. of O. He expects to
remain In Prineville the greater
part of the summer.,
J. S. Fox waa called by telephone
to Warm Springs July 4th to vlatt
his father who is suffering from a
severe attack of bronchial pneu
monia. Dr. Fox is government phy
sician on the Indian Reservation.
Dr. and Ms. Fox returned home
Wednesday to Prineville where he
will try and rest up a few days. Dr.
Edwards Is attending him.
A Series of Human Interest
Talk on Insurance
What is Legal Reserve
Life Insurance ?
I have been asked this ques
tion many times.
Some think Legal Reserve life
insurance is a gamble where you
must die if you are to win.
What is your aim In life T To
create an estate for yourself and
family, isn't it?
When you buy a policy from
Oregon Life yon buy an interest
in a group of mortgages and
bonds on the installment plan.
Mortality tables scientifically
foretell how many are going to
die and how many are going to
This enables Oregon Life to
know exactly how much each
must pay in order to set aside
the funds invested in bonds and
mortgages to pay a given con
tract. These funds are pro
tected by state laws and must be
held in reserve to mature your
Only by dealing with groups
are we able to do this. We have
always paid in full.
Think it over and talk with
T. li. QtlXN
xesllent Plan to Tights Luf by De.
an Thereby Aveldln Tee
Mima en On . '
Whea the shoalder oa the wfeeel de
signed t hold th demountable rim be
eosa worn, th rim and Its tire will
reap es th wheal Naturally this
snake th valve stem project at aa
acute angle and tf continued long
enough may eet It off. If th valve
stem la held firmly by mean of a cap
th strati tails spos th tower per
on ot the atem and that part of the
loser tube which ssrreende K. IB
this connection It Is well to fall atten
tion to the seeed for tlghtaarnc th
rUa lug by degree. If they are tel
ly ttghteaed one after th other and
all tke way around the wheel there Is
apt to be toe much space on one side
of the wheel and toe little on the
ether. Th proper way Is to tight)
one lug and thee the on nearly op
posit It and so on.
Device Qlve 8mooth Action en Accel
erator and Prevent Choking f
Engine en Bad Road.
A readily adjustable heel support
for the foot which operates the accel
erator Is constructed so that It may be
A special meeting ol the Farm
Bureau waa held Wednesday even
ing. - Some very special matters were
up' for discussion.
Mr. Jane returned to Portland af
ter an extended visit with his son
Milton and family.
1 IVnrv Fowler ot th Bend Bulle
tin start was s Sunday visitor at the
Crows Nest. ,.
Tom Dealy waa summoned Friday
to the bedside ot his father who u
seriously 111 at Prlnsvlll.
' Mr. Barn and sons, Qlena and
FarreU ot Prineville. Mr. and Mr.
Edgor Barns and tittle Robret of Cul
ver spent Sunday at the Bhulta
ranch. -
Mr and Mrs. Donn ot Bend are sow
nermantly located on their home
stead at Alfalfa.
John Hohnsteln and Earl Brant
made a trip to Redmond Friday.
Mr and Mrs. Dean Coovert return
ed to the ranch Friday, after a few
week's sojourn In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 8mock ot the
community crocery store made a
business trip to Bend Monday.
At Prlnvlll, In th BtaU ot Oregon at th doss of business, Jan I.
.117,77. .It
Loan and discounts. Including rediscounts, if any
Overdrafts secured and unsecured ............
U. 8. Government Mcurltle owned
Other bonds, warranto and securities, Including
foreign government, state, municipal aad oorporatlo......,
Amounts dne from banks, bankers and' trust companies, -
designated and approved reeerte agents ot this bans ...
Exchange for clearing hone sad Item oa other, banks
In th nam elty or tows as reporting bank
Cash on hand In vanlt ...... ..a...;.......
Total cash and do from banks....:. $11,018. 7
Interest, taxes and xpnse paid ,
1,41 II
11 flA'f
FOR 8ALE Binder, good as new,
has been used to cut 80 acres.
Will sell on terms. H. F. Powell.
Foot Comfort.
moved forward or backward. Its n
Is snld to give a smooth action on the
accelerator and prevent choking of the
engine on rough roads, wearing ot the
heel of one's shoe, wearing holes In the
floor mat and wearying of the leg.
Afghans Abstemious.
Young and old Afghans take snuff,
but have no particular fondness for
wine or spirits. Tobacco raised in the
land la Inferior In quality; the better
sorts are Imported from Persia, Rus
sia, India and Egypt. Amir Habibul
lah Khan always bud a good private
stock of Havana cigars. Both young
and old people take snuff.
Unlike Humans.
Kind words never die they don'l
have to, te be appreciated. Boston
All Doubt Can Be Removed by Run
ning Car Over Smooth Road
With Ruts In It
Most everyone knows the noise ot
squeaky spring, remarks a contrib
utor of American Motorist.
"But If you doubt whether It actu
ally la that," he continues, "run your
car over a smooth road which has a
few small holes now and then. Drive
over these holes at the rate of about
13 miles an hour. If your car squeaks
only when you go over the holes, and
rides silent while on the smooth parte.
you may be sure that your springs
need oiling."
Sugar an Ancient Food.
Sugar is an o!d food in the Orient
Herodotus tells that the Hindus "ob
tained honey from reeds or bamboo.1
There Is a wealth of classic lore on
bees and honey. In ancient days hon
ey was extensively used In the prac
tice of medicine and our European an.
cestors so used It. Even as late as two
centuries ago they claimed medical
virtue for honey, and many Interesting
recipes are stored away In faded books
en medicine.
Woodchuck Living Room.
The burrow of a woodchuck at first
descends obliquely Into the earth; it
then passes nearly horizontally for
several feet, rises moderately for th
last liulf of its length, to terminate in
quite a spacious aod round chamber
which constitutes the "living-room"
of the entire family, says th Amerl
can Forestry Magazine. Such a bur
row may be at least thirty feet In
length so long that one never dreams
of digging a hole.
Put It Up to the Teacher.
It was Jimmy's first day In school
and he appeared to be very much In
terested and was very sttentlve to
everything the teacher said. In one
class the teacher asked Jimmy bow
many fingers he had. The little fel
low stuck out his fingers and said
to the teacher: "There they are
count "em."
World's Greatest Runners.
For speed and s.amlna, we do not
believe there are any runners In th
world capable of beating the Tara
huinare Indians, of whom about 15,000
survive in Mexico. They are In great
demand as government couriers, for
they are said to be able to cover 170
miles a day on foot and have been
known to run 600 miles in five days.
Woman Started First Daily Paper,
The first daily paper In the world
is said to have been established by a
woman. Miss Elizabeth Mallet, In Lon
don, March, 1702. She polished and
edited the Daily Courant, which she
founded "for the purpose of doing
greater Justice to women In general
through the elimination of Impertl
nences which the ordinary papers con-
Notice Is hereby given by the und
ersigned, the admlnlstatrlx of the
estate of Robert Marlon Templeton,
deceased, to all creditors of said d
ceased and to all persons having
claims against said estate to present
the same, with the proper vouchers,
to the undersigned, at the office of
M. R. Elliott in Prineville, Oregon,
within six months from the date of
the first publication of this notice.
Dated and published the first time
July 7, 1921.
Jennie M. Arnold
Administratrix ot the estate of Ro
bert Marton Templeton, Deceased.
42- 46c .
Simple but Often Effective Expedient
Is to Loosen Nut and Drive
Car Short Distance.
Sometimes one needs to remove a
stuck wheel on an occasion when no
wheel poller Is available. As a simple
but often effective expedient Jack np
the wheel In question, put the car In
gear, and after removing nut, key, etc..
shake the wheel hack and forth, pull
ing at the same time. If this does not
work replace the key, drive car a short
distance. Thin method will loosen a
wheel even when a puller won't
budge It
Notice is hereby given by the un
derslgned that by virtue of execu
tion and order of sale issued out of
the Circuit Court ot the State of
Oregon for Crook County, on the
6th day ot July, 1921, and to me dl
rected In the suit of
Annie Mailing Walker vs. H. H. Co
fold et al, I will on the 6th day of
August, 1921, at 10 o'clock In the
forenoon at the front door of the
County Court House In Prineville,
Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash subject to
confirmation by the court the fol
lowing desibed premises, to-wit:
' The west half of the northeast
quarter, the southeast iquarter of
the southwest quarter and the south
east quarter ot section sixteen in
township fourteen south of range
fifteen east of the Willamette Mer
idian in Oregon.
, Dated this 7th day of July, 1921.
' Sheriff of Crook County.
.... ... . '
Total - . m.m.v.,
Capital stock paid la .:'
Surplus fund.... '. .... - .--
Deposit due the State ot Oregon, and deposits due county or
cities and other public funda
Individual depoaits subject to check -
Cashier's check of this bank outstanding payabl on demand Ill 21
Total ot domand deposits, other than
bank doposlta , subject to reserv $74,695.13 -
Total 1107,971.01
8tat ot Oregon,
County of Crook,
I, George F. Euston, Assistant Cashier ot above named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above stalment I true to the biwt of my knowledge
and belief
CEO. F. EUSTON Assistant Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before m
this 7th day of July, 1921.
Wlllurd H. Wlrts, Notary Public.
A. J. Noble
Lake M. Bechtcil
jramW!' " ' .Director.
Can Be Inlet on Engine Operated by
Piston's Suction Downward Ex.
haust Is Mechanical.
An automobile valve cannot be
either an Inlet or an exhaust It can
be an Inlet only on the engine, op
erated by the piston's suction down
ward. The exhaust valve must be
forced open against pressure of the
burned gases In the cylinder and there
fore must be mechanically operated.
Regiment Proud of Long Service.
The Third Infantry, the oldest regi
ment of our army, which dates from
1784, has developed Its arms to show
Its early service In Mexico. One in
teresting device nsed by this regiment
is a baton crossed with an oldtlme
bayonet back of the shield. The ba
ton which figures prominently in the
regiment's history was made from th
flagstaff of the capital of the City of
Mexico and was taken when the city
was captured. It la still one of th
most highly prised possessions of the
The Fourth Dimension.
The fourth dimension Is merely a
mathematical speculation. It is as
sumed to be the property of matter
that should be to solids as solids are
to planes. Mathematical Investiga
tions are nnde on the assumption of
an Indefinite number of dimensions.
Then and Now.
The old-fashioned mnn who used tn
retire with n few hundred dollars now
hns a son who spends a few hundred
dollars each day before he retires.
Custom Long Kept Up.
Dp to a few years ago a horse, sad
dled and hridled, stood In the stables
of the Vivyans (Vivian, as It was
spelled in the old days) of Trelowarren
(Cornwall, Eng.) ready for use night
and day. for WM) years horses had
succeeded each other in commeinora
tlon of tlie escape on horseback of a
Vivian who lived In the days of the
memorable Hood which submerged the
land, some say In 1014 and others in
We wish to take this means to
thank all those who In any way help
ed during the illness, death and
funeral of our mother, "Grandma"
Spraye. For the flowers, the music,
the tenderly spoken words of'sym
pathy.and those who carefully plann
ed for us; we thank you all.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Charlton
and family
J. L.
Powell Butte,
45 Head, Ready for Service
For Sale at a Reasonable
Telephone, 26F-13
. . Oregon
Tuesday morning the two loosing
teams of the previous games, Port
land and Antelope, played and Port
land won by 8 to 0.
Portland swamped their oppo
nents In the second Inning by
tramping In seven runs. After the
second a real game ot ball was
played by both teams.
Riggs, a Portland man, pitched
for Antelope. He showed good work
but bad no support when be needed
it most. Although luck was against
him In the second inning he came
back stronger than ever during the
remainder ot the game.
Pordtland .8 6 8
Antelope 0 8 7
Batteries Portland, Larson and
Antelope, Rlggs and Bonney,
The Portland Woolen Mills evi
dently found what they were look
ing for when they played Maupin
Monday afternoon and were de
feated by a score t to '' 8, When
Portland came up to play, some on
in the team made the remark that
they hoped tbey would find a team
that could play. Dy the end ot th
game all appearances Indicated that
tbey found what they wanted.
Morrow, the Maupin pitcher, al
lowed eight bits but struck out nin
Portland batters, while only two
Maupin boys struck out
Battarles-Portland: Drlce, Lar
son and Golden. Maupin: Morrow
and Renlck
TTT During the Hay Harvest we will be glad to extend
MJ every accommodation to our country friends.
If we are not in the store when you need anything,
feel at liberty to call
BLACK 69 1
and we will cheerfully supply your needs in any kind of
Men's Furnishings.
6 Tofffferv
J. A. Stein & Son
Harvest Shoes, Work Shirts, Overalls, Jumpers, Work
Gloves, Straw Hats.