Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 30, 1921, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Tlf I.
crook oouirnr joctmal
i-it T( wn tt 1-tr rrr
r? nt rv. n -k pt in t n cr7
Safety First
Don't takt ny chance with tht lit
tl ohm; bar them good, purt cndy
nd you will not bt troubled with
Ick child on roar bandi. Wt apt
lalltt In absolutely para candr of all
fends, and you will find that oar
prices are very reasonable. Com to
oar store and rent, and if you think
of anything you need In our line,
we will be pleased to Quote yon
prices that will at once Interest you.
Melvtn Craln was In town on bus).
Bess Tuesday.
F- S. Towner was a business Tialtor
the first of the week.
Ben Mocho of Post was a busi
ness visitor Monday
John Darin of Pauline was In town
with a load of wool, Monday.
Eddie Myers of Paulina waa In
town with the truck, Tuesday.
Tom Bacon was In Prlneville the
last of the week from Snow Mount
tin. Ben Burchtorf was a business
visitor from Roberts, Monday after
Boon. George Turner waa In town on busi
ness Monday and Tuesday from Mil!
8. D. Mustard motored In from
Powell Butte on a business visit
Casey Brewster arrived in town
from Sisters, Saturday and stayed in
for the ame.
Dave Jones motored to Paulina In
his bug Sunday morning, and return
ed the next day
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Profily are the
parents of a baby girl, born Tues
day, June 28th.
Raymond Smith and Frank
Broslus left for Grizzly Monday eve
ning, where they will be for the re
tnander of the summer, catting wood
C. C. Klmmell of Suplee, was In
town on business Friday.
The Service Motor Sales sold two
second hand can this week.
. Tne service Motor Bales sold a
new five passenger Bulck last Sun
day to Qua Monner of Gateway.
Pat Riley of Ashwood took two
bands of shep through this week
to summer range in the Cascades.
William Horsell and daughter,
Constaoce of Alfalfa, were Prlne
ville visitors Saturday afternoon.
James Fellows, representative of
Wylie B. Allen piano company of
Portland, arrived In town yesterday.
Miss Nellie Roba and Ruby Roba
arrived from Portland Sunday and
are visiting with friends and rela
tives. Mrs. Iora O'Connor, Francis
O'Conner and Mrs. O'Conner's father
arrived from Portland on the Satur
day evening train.
Otto Kasemeyer and wife of Bend
stopped In town a short time before
going on to their mine up the Oohoco
to do some assessment work.
Mrs. Lottie Morrison of Nappanee,
Indiana, arrived Sunday evening.
She was called to the home of her
father, Jerry La Pard, who is very ill-
.After visiting with home folks and
friends "for two . weeks, Percy R.
Smith returned to Seattle where he
is employed as head watchmaker for
Sears, Roebuck and Company.
N. Paulson, State traveling re
presentative for the Canadian Pacific
system was In town Saturday, ex
ploiting lands for the system. He Is
planning on returning again some!
time this fall.
L- L. Jones passed through Prlne
ville this week with two bands of
sheep from his ranch at Mitchell.
The sheep are on the trail tor their
summmer range at Davit Lake.
George Truesdale of Powell Butte
was In town Sunday. He reported
that haying would soon atart and the
farmers were looking for haying
W. A. Donnelly and family
left Saturday afternoon, June 16.
a short visit with Mr. ' Donnelly's
parents near Richmond. They re
turned Monday evening.
The Ladles of the Catholic church
will serve Ice cream, cake, sand
wiches and coffee on the Fourth of
July In the building formerly occu
pied by the Ochoco Creamery, next
door to the Prlneville Meat Market
Mrs. A. Cohrs and Lucille Cohra
visited at Ashwood over Sunday,
They returned the same evening
with Ilda who has been visiting with
her uncle, Tom Hamilton, for the
past month.
W. H. Barney of Hood River ar
rived in town Sunday evening. He
will remain here for several months
before returning. Mr. Barney stated
thnt the fruit crop was excellont and
at the present time Indications point
ed to hlth prices. Eastern buyers
are aready offering from 12 00 to
13.00 a box. i
At this season of the year when
money is a scarce and much need
ed article. NWhen yoiir running ex
ceed your income and you are be
side yourself as to how you will
meet the expense, wouldn't it be
fine to have a checking account at
this bank on which to fall back?
Why not resolve now that you will
open an account when the first op
portunity presents itself and be
prepared for emergency.
Capital and Surplus, $55,000.00
The Bank of Prineville
When you sail
sail under the Stars
and Stripes to any
part of the world
summed up the merchant
marine by saying that wc know
"We cannot sell successfully
where wt do not carry."
And iiow we have a great
American Merchant Marina,
with ship tailing under the
Stan and Stripes to every port of
Importance in the world.
' Certainly the American people
will never permit this merchant
marine to decline from It. preterit
preeminent poaition. Nor will It
If each one of you will ship
and tail under the Stars an4
Operators of Pasaenger
Admiral Line, 17 State Street, Nnr
lark, r. I.
Hum Navigation Company. M
ftiurocxt , Kid.
fco. Gay Street, fciaJuroure,
Munaon Steam Shli
Street, New Yorl
Nnr York and Porto Rloo a. 8. Co
11 Broadway, N York, N. Y7
Pacific Mall 8. 8. Co., 41 Broadway,
New York, N. Y.
U. 8. Mail 8. S. Co., Broadway,
Naw York, N. Y.
Ward Lina.fNtw York and Cub. Mag
Free rue of
Shipping Board films
Vm of Shipping Board motion plfturs
Alma, four rccli, free on rmjueet of any
mayor, pal cor, pcaumaatcr, or rganf
satiun. A great educiional pltur
o( ihlp. and th eta. Writ, for fofcrm
ation to H. Leue. Director Information
Bureau. Room ll,jm '"P tueet,
K W., Washington, D. C
(2. Amtrlcm tillim fy)
Steal Iranian, butb ail ana anal
burner.. Alao wood eteamere, weo.
aulla aad eeeen-Jnint tuite. farther
latortnatioa abtaieed by raqeMt.
For sailings of passenger
and freight ships to all
parts of the world and all
. other information, write
any of the above lines or
Kelly-Springfield Tires
Are Dependable Tires
111T-OR-MI83 methods of manufac
ture produce tires of quantise vary
ing from A-l to Z-1S. If If yon
get the A-l suallty, you art lucky;
It you get the Z-1J. you are stung.
Every Kelly-Bprlngfleld Tire Is In
spected twenty-four timet In the
course of manufacture. Tblt rigid
Inapctlon eliminates any chance of
Imperfections. It assures A-l qual
ity In. every tlrt.
Kelly-Sprlngfleld tires art not the
lowest priced, nor art they the
highest, but they ARK the cheapest
dbecauae they can be depended on to
deliver more miles than any other
tire you can buy.
Mi illl
Phone 801. Our Rest Rooms are open for
Men and Women
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Douglas and
Mrs Douglas' father, E. J. Coats,
visited In Paulina over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Olle Olson and son
Robert of Portland, will arrive on
Friday, and will visit for a short
time at the Stearna ranch.
Mr. and Mri. Out Monner tnd
children, of Gateway, wert Prlne
ville visitors Sunday. Mrs, Monner
Is a daughter of W. P. Ilorshey of
thlt city. '
H. S. Soule of Portland, arrived
in Prlneville Friday.
Earnest Gibson left for Diamond
Lake Wednesday morning In Ralph
Proflly't new Ford truck.
The Ladles Aid .of the Christian
church held thulr meeting at the
home of Mrs. II. P. Belknap,
Mrs. Bruce Gray of Post, was In
town Thursday. While here she
Joined the Eastern 8tar lodge.
Mrs. Alei Dsvtnport
from Portland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. S. Stearna art
moving to town and will llvt In the
Iiubcork house.
E. J. Wilson and family motored
up from the Junction on railway
business Tuesday.
S. W. Dahcock left Tuesday night
for Monmouth, where ht will attend
the summer school.
Kirschbaum well-tailored Suits
$22.50 AND $37.50
Palm Beach Suits, dark colors, $20.00 -Boys'
Iron-clad Knickerbocker Suits, $12.50
and $15.00
Latest Season's Footwear for Men, Shoes and
Oxfords, $6.50
Dressy Hats, the season's latest, felts, straws and
beavers, $4, $5 and $6
Dress Shirts, a complete line, also negligees, in silks
Madras Cloth and pongee, $1.50 to $6.85
Complete line of Furnishings, such as Neckwear, Hos
iery, Arm Bands, Supporters, Collars, Belts and
Suspenders. A fulK line of Underwear.
We sell the celebrated Kickok Belt
I A nice assortment of Straw and Fibre Suit Cases, $5
oee Uur Window Display
. w.