Till RHDAT, JI NK 80, lOil iMMiumw BAvraaataa LJM ,11 r Lt. Prineville Lt. Wilton Lt. McCaWater Lv.ONell Ax. Prlnevl J't ISP rr ihimi mmM .;" .-.J V3kffiS The Sign 0 II WW !;" aj.rnrx . 1 Opposite Masonic Temple Motor II !r" II . I irrrvr rwr urf mwn RATTFBY STATION No. 4 No. ( f At rirst-ciaM vianges in nvii t a a-a-4 1 a-, rr aaai v - ...... i, 'h lilQ d other Dealer ; ; fa vfSPS r i All Ford Work Done on Contract Price. gg Auto Repairing and Ignition Uur Specialty. -' Ed McGilvray, Prop. . rtioM buo. ni and form a model farm group. The ' V A NT E D--G ood fiirm hand, a man I Ar. Prineville At. Wilton Ar. McCalllster At. O'Nell Lt. Prinevl Jet Wct Bound Motor Motor No. I P. M. 7:15 T:SI 1:1 S:l 8:10 East Bow ad Mixed Motor No. 8 A. M 8:88 8:88 7:08 7:68 7:40 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL GUY LAFOLLETTE, Editor -lid Publisher stored t th poatnfflra PrllwrUte. i OrrfO. M vond-clj matter. frk 12 M par W. Dybl itrk-tlj la 4 Mm la east of chant of addraa pUaa. BntK. at one. (Win tot aM and aa THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION POWELL BUTTE PROVKS TO TO BE LIVE WIRE COMMUNITY and form a model farm group. The farm will be under full operation by fall, and will be of great value to this part of the state aa a demonstra tion of what can be done with proper buildings and farming method. OBITUARY The big June Ball given by the Powell Butte Co-Operative Associa- tlon at the Community Hall, Friday evening, June 84th, was another, one of those enjoyable evenings for( the dancers. A large crowd attend ed from Prineville. The music was well up to the standard and full of pep- Refresh ments served at midnight consisted of generous portions of cake, straw berries and shortcake, and were en Joyed by all. j The dances are becoming popular, ' and will soon necessitate the en-' largment of the Community Hall. Improvements are being planned, which the completion of the Macken sie Highway, will make this Hall the popular center of Central Oregon The proceeds from the dance arj used In the various activities of the Powell Butte Co-Operative Associa tion, which is the commercial organ ization of that Community. The midsummer Ball will take place on the eve of July 15, and will have added features to make it the rent of the summer season. Furth er announcements will appear before the event takes place. BUILDING BEING FINISHED AT THE STATE FARM Foreman W. E. Roberts has just bout completed the erection of four of the small bulldngs at the state farm, the poultry house, brooder house, hog house and machinery shed all practically ready for paint The barn and dwelling are all sup plied with concrete foundations Bozeman, (Mont.), Daily Chronlcle The body of Mrs. Lillian Walrath Towner, wife of Frank S. Towntr, who died Sunday at Prineville. Oregon.is expected in Boieman on the Northern Pacific train at 8:40 this afternoon, and funeral services will be held Thursday morning at 10:30 at the home of her mother. Mrs. Harlet Walrath, 303 Third av enue north. Interment will be in the Bozeman cemetery. Deceased was born in St. Law rence County, New York, November 25, 1872. When she was about six years old she moved with her par ents to Michigan, and she was ed ucated at Ferris institute. Big Rapids, Michigan, becoming teacher. She came with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Amos Walrath, to the Gallatin Valley in the fall of 1895, and they located on a homestead near the present town of Amsterdam. Miss Walrath was a teacher in the county for a time, and she was married to Orlando Foley, a daughter, Reetha, from this union surviving the mother. On December 13, 1813, Mrs. Fol ey was married to Frank S. Towner, and they have since resided In Prine ville, Oregon, where she died after a brief illness from pnuemonia. She. is survived by her mother, Mrs. Hariet Walrath, of Bozeman, by one brother, A. J. Walrath, and one els- ter.Miss Alice Walrath, both of this city. W A NT E D--C ood farm hand, a man who understands irrigation. Throe months work or more to right party. Address W. E. Rob erts.state farm. Prineville, Ore gou, or tuQuira at Journal office. tic HEMSTITCHING and Plcoting At tachments, $2.00. Buttonhole Attachments $9.85 tit any Sewing Machine. Personal checks 10c extra. Lights Mall Order House, Box 127, Birmingham, Ala. 41-46 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Rhode Island fries one dollar each. Phone 43. 41-43. nnr I r I r 19 Qutatlen About Cancer. That cancer apcars by preference at the point 0f lowest reslatnm' la well known, although urgeon speak simply of precancerous lesions or areas of Irritation, uiys the Medical Record. But when they say that tli growth results from trauma or chronic Irritation alone they go too far else every excessive smoker weuld have cancer. Delivered, In City Limits. Call Phone RED 201 JOHN PRICE mow Rainfall Is Ptcordd. The government gauge for record Ins rainfall consists of a cylluder two feel hint', eight Inches In diameter, upon which a funnel of the name diameter flts. Within that la a hrn! cylinder of the same height, the dinm eter a little over two and one-half ii.'hi's. In It Is a measuring tul. the urea of which compared with the n rm f the funnel Is as ten to one. so ilmt when a oue-hmidredth of an Inch falls In the funnel It become one- nth of an Inch In the measuring tube. Puritan Custom Also Chines. The Puritans of old Knglnnri and New England were unconsciously Imi tating the Chinese when they called fhelr children Faith. Mercy. Hope, Prudence. Perseverance, Temperance, I'harlty. Love, Glory and Felicity. All these names have been used In China for 3,000 years. Marys Little Lamb. Regarding the authorship of "Mary's Little Lamb," a recent number of s London magazine says: "There have been many claimants to the distinc tion, but most of the evidence seems to show that the real author was Mrs. Sarah Buell Hule. who for a numbet of years edited the Lady's Magazine, the leading journal of its kind for al most half a century In the United States. She was the author of many popular poems for children, and her on. Horatio Hale, stuted that the j.oetD was Bret published by bis moth er In IfWfi" Prince Albert's a new note in the j oy s of rolling 'em! Talking about rolling your own cigarettes, we'll tell you right here that Prince Albert tobacco has 'em all lashed to the mast! y . You've got a handful-of-happiness coming your di rection when you pal it with P. A. and the makin's papers ! For Prince Albert is not only delightful to your taste and pleasing in itsrefreshingaroma,but our exclusive patented process frees it from bite and parch! And, for a fact, rolling up Prince Albert is mighty easy! P. A. is crimp cut and stays put and you whisk it into shape before you can count three ! And, the next instant you're puffing away to beat the band! Prince Albert is so good that it has led four men to smoke jimmy pipes where one was smoked before! It's the greatest old buddy smoke that ever found its way into a pipe or cigarette ! Print Albort It mold in toppy rd bag n, tidy red tint, handsomt pound and half pound tin humidors andinthm pound cryutul gtat humidor with cpongd moiattner top. M a-a - - fj Copyright 1921 by R J. Reynold Tobacco Co. Winton-Salem, N.C. ) Health is Wealth ! Health is your Heritage. You will find it at 'DR. LONG'S HEALTHATORIUM NO DRUGS-NO KNIFE Rooms 3, 4, 5, 6, Benton Block Phone Red 561 Prineville, Oregon Indian Nam of Quaint Old City. The Indians called a strait "Kehec, and the name waa given to the sit of the present city of Quebec from the peculiar configuration of the St. Lawrence river at that point, for th river there grows narrow and from Its deep waters rises the bold height on which the ancient city stands. Tin French-Canadian still pronounces tilt name Rebec. Mrchandling RoaJ to Millions. A careful slutlHtlclun recently uimln a list of 4,(H7 American millionaire and what each imiile Ills money In. The result shoucd that general mer chandising Is the best road to millions In the Vnlted States, and presumably everywhere else, too. Bachelors and Children. According to one eminent literary suthorlty the heat descriptions of chil dren and of child life have been writ ten by bachelor. Why They Ar Blind. The Lancet mud dun from on qunrter to one-third of the Inmate of Institution for the blind ur there he ranse their eye were not adequately treated whea.they were born. WathlnQ Bottles. Put cruxhtNl etn Rhclla In amnll hits or a few carpet tack nr a small quan tity or guu shot Into a bottle. Then till one-half full of itrong soap suds; shake thoroughly. Then rinse In clear water and the bottl will be Hennaed. . .. i Goodrich Tire Prices reducedQ per cent The last word in Quality The best word in Price fl J I 1 1 J II I mm SILVmTOWM COKJH J i I vMllltl 1 Sill Aial-MuaS-Wyft! TUBES " t 4 fillP I SO3 $24.50 3LSS - I lilt If! 32-3 $31.90 90 ill1 Iff ri 34 Hl.85 35S ' If J 1!L !4 43.1Q -3.70 5 fell if J III 32 47.3Q H50 t 1 m if ! 48.4Q 4j65 5 jj I Frfl l 49.6S H.7S jf Mf 33S 58.9Q 5.55 Bf! I fill I 1 355 II $61.90 1S80 Ut II 1 1 ait If i Fabric Tires , m ml fill" I 11303 11100 ifcty3242690 il' fin! Efa 7 30 45 Safety 334 230 Coodrich 50x3 anti-tkU safety tread fabric tire Goodrich 303! five Voints of "Excellence 1. One quality 2. Extra size 3. Specially designed 4. oAnti-shid 5. Fair price The name of Goodrich on a tire means one quality only. Like all other Goodrich tires this 30x3 1 is one quality. This stand ard is a fixed principle, and that quality must be the best our resources, skill and experience can produce. THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY adkron, Ohio the national joy smoke I i X