0 01 O UBRAKT Cr County 1 , - Journal ook COJNTY OFFICIAL PAPER OF CROOK COUNTY TOLUMB XXV. EBALL Milk cows of proven worth and thB sows of one of the best known standard brnr,ds, registered broods ere to be supplied the farmers throuKhout tbe county by the Dunk of Prlnevllle, according to the ann ouncement of J. L. Krnopp, lu president, today. While the plan la not announced In detail, a mlnnlmum payment only In to be required of the farmers, and showing that tufflclnnt provlilon In the way of hay, pasturage and bolt er, all of which ihould be met by men on the Irrigation projects, la to be the only requirements It la aald- In the opinion of the directors nf Nffi the Bank of Prlnevllle. the future of: rr,,'evllle pacl"d ln lca nd ,now the Ohoco Project with He 12.000 '" th "' srds of the car.and acres of Irrigated lands, depond very largely upon whether It can be aettled by ranrhere who own from forty to eighty acrea of land. It ! unreasonable to think at thla time that any man can mflte a living by ralalng alfalfa at the preaent prlcea. We believe Irrigated land n the Prnevlle territory la particularly well adaptable to the dairy business. How can a rancher fare better than to have from five to twelve cowi and receive a milk check each month with which to pay hla grocery and other expense billa. The Bank of Prlnevllle la ready to atand ahoulder to ahoulder with the dairyman and aaeat him financially to eecure cows providing of courae the Ranks requlrementa can be met. Arrangements have been made with County Agent Tucker to select the ('own. In company with professor Fills of Oregon Agricultural College who has pledged his services for the enterprise. The cowa will be deliver ed to the farmers at actual cost, which will perhapa be from $85 to 1100. Mr. Karnnpp aaya he la Interested In seeing a large number of cows In herda of five or six, placed during the remaining six months of the year, and believes that the venture Is ons of the most Important ones that could be undertaken for the farmers, and he wlahes all who are Interested toj call at the bank aa soon as possible and sign applications for the cows and bogs. i IRRIGATORS, LEND I YOUR EARS! Irrigators, you have., accomplished Much. In the Battle of the Rose Festival, you have Justified that which Crook County expected from your Intrepid ity. You have covered yourselves with Eternal Glory. But more remains for you to do. It is for the Crook County Irrigators to show to the People of Crook County the fruits of Victory. THEREFORE, I. ALFALFA REX, by the Crace of Votes, King of The Irrigators, do hereby ordain that on .the Fourth Day of the Seventh Month in the First Year of Our Reign, all LOYAL SUBJECTS shall esaomble, in full uniform, at the City of Prlnevllle to assist In showing the fruits of our Glorious Victory and Celebrate the One Hundred and Forty-sixth Anniversary of (he Indep endence of The United Stutes of America ALFALFA REX Attested on this twenty-second day of the Sixth Month of the FlrBt Year of the Reign of His Mnjesty, Alfalfa Rex King of the Irrigators. .BARON STOCK YARDS Meet at Legion Hall nt 9:80 A. M., where line of march will form. Ladles rest rooms have been pro Tided for the celebration on July 8, 4 and 6 at the Ladles Annex and the Service Motor Sales gnrage. ILL IPPi COWS IP TOU EAST LAKE NOW A party compound of J. L. McDan lol, E. E. Evans and Wm, Peteraon returned yeaterday from East Make, where they spent two dayl trolling for rainbow trout. , They returned with 40, none leaa than alxteen Inches ln length and omo well toward three feet, all caught with the trolling apoon, baited with fiih gill. The flub, were dreaeed, brought to photogragha taken to prove to future i generations that the story Is true, j The fl"h were very good, we have first hand Information. L TO GET OF !T By special arrangement the newt of the big prize fight which Is to be beld Saturday afternoon, will be re ceived in Prlnevllle and Bend by tbe cooperation of the Journal and tbe Bend Bulllten. The newa will come Into Prlne vlle, round for round, as the fight progreases, and will be on bulletins In front of the Journal office. The latest dope la to the effect that the main bout will start at about five o'clock eastern time, which la about two oclock here, and the first bulletin should come about 1:80. E COURT AFFIRMS DUFFY In the case of A. M. Logan and Fisher C. Logan, doing business under the name of Logan Brothers, plaintiffs, versus R. B. Cross, defend ant, the Supreme Court at Salem affirmed the Judgment of Judge T. E. J. Duffy, on Tuesday, June 28. Logan brother bought two hundred tons of hay from R. B. Cross In Jan uary, 1920 and claimed that It was not all delivered to them. They theD brought suit against Cross thru their attorneya. Jay H. Upton and Willard H. Wirtx on the grounds of non-performance of contract. The case- was decided for Logan Brothers In the Circuit Court and w appealed to the Supreme Court by the defendant, where the Judgment waa sustained. SKIPWORTH OFF FOR LEGION MEET M. W. Sklpworth left this city Wodnesday for Bend where, he Joined members of the American Legion Post, there who were on their way to The Third Annual State Convention of the American Legion of Oregon, and the First State Con vention of its Woman's Auxlliay, which meets in the Armory at Eu gene, Oregon on July 1st and 2d. . The Legion representatives from Bond are planning to make the trip by autos and are taking theMcKenzie Pass route. They will start Thurs day mornng. JUr. Skipworth and Donald M. Gra ani, who is now in Portland, are the two representatives from Prlnevllle. Delegnt.es from over a hundred posts of tthe Legion will be on hand at Eugene, and questions of national and western interest will be taken up. . FOR ALL CENTRAL PRINKVILLK, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON THIWOAY, JUNE 0, 1921 WMl, WIS, SHARK FOREST SERVICE NEWS IN BRIEF Ranger E. W. Cy) Donnelly, accompanied by Cy Klmmoll, went to Dear Valley on the Malheur Foreat ; on Wednesday, June 22, and took I over from the Malheur an almost new Kaxh-Quad truck of the two-ton type, and brought It to Prlnevllle on ( the following day. The truck waa ' loaded wlh gasoline and supplies of I every description and taken to the Snow Mountain district, where It wll , ( be used In connection with the new ' road through the Forest between Suplee and Burns. It Is expected that the truck will work fine for use In pulling a road drag. W. B. Bennett has taken up work with tbe Forest Service again and ia now helping Lee Blevlns and J. E. Wilson finish tbe road up Summit Prairie bill John Dobry and Jack Ireland are doing some work on the road up to Lookout Mountain, and It Is expected that this road will aoon be in shape so that the venuresome motorists may climb to the summit of the mountain If they desire. Word was 'phoned isto the super visor's office from Mill Creek road camp June 27 that in some way the saddle and pack horses belonging to Ranger J. .0. F. Anderson had eaten some poisoned oats that bad . been kept in camp for rodent poisoning, and that his saddle horse bad died within a few minutes. Word was re ceived that the other two animals would probably recover. Ranger C. F. Congleton spent a couple of days In the office of tbe supervisor last week going over graz ing and fire plans and the like for the present season. ( Ranger C. W. Goodnight came in from Maury staton Tuesday suff ering considerably from an ulcerat ed tooth. rather perplexing problem con fronts the sheep men who are trallng to the Cascade mountains. It ap pears that certain bands of sheep In fested wfth scabies have crossed and trailed over the range between Powell Butte and Benjamin Lake, making it Impossible for clean sheep to get from the Prlnevllle section to the Cascade mountains without cross ing the Infested area unless they trail through the lane by way of Redmond. This means that the sheep must be dipped under the sup ervision of an Inspector before they enter the - mountains, or else take the road as mentioned. It is understood that the sheep belonging to S. W. Yancy, Ralph Proflly and possibly T. H. Brennan, will be dipp ed in a vat to be constructed at Cres cent, IRRIGATORS SEND ENVOY TO OLCOTT Traveling by air. Dr. J. H. Rosen berg, Prince Chittem Bark, Prime Minister for Crook County Irrigators will drop in onGovernor Olcott this afternoon, Via the airplane route, with a special message to the execut ive. While the contents of the mesage are not public. It is said that the governor Is being tendered the ap pointment of Prince of the Airplane of the Crook County Irrigators, and with it a special message to be in at tendance at the Oregon Inter State Fair In this city the first week in October. , OREGON PRINEVILLE TAKES Last Sunday afternoon, the Prlne vllle nine showed real class when tbe team defeated Madras 8 to 1. With Tetherow on tbe mound and allowing only two hits, Prlneville's bunch treated the local fans to Its first victory on the home lot. Mad ras won Its only score in tbe first inning, and after that victory was hopeless with half the team on Its way to the bosoltal and the other half none too optimistic as to when it would be led to the slaughter. It was an unlucky day for Madras. The first man up to bat was bit by the first ball delivered, and a short time later another man was taken out because of Injuries. Now that Prlnevllle has won from one of the best teams in Central Ore-1 gon, and also is assured of having j lemerow pucn, considering mat ne pitched a no-hit no run game against Bend, the fans are taking keen in terest ln the coming tournamnt and the local team has won the support of tbe fans who are looking forward to a big showing against the visit ing teams. TO SECURE SETTLERS Plans for the securing of actual settlers on the irrigated lands of Crook county are being worked out by the County Chamber of Com merce, according to Secretary W. B. Tucker. All land owners who have irrigated tracts for sale are request ed to give tbe information to the secretary at his office in the court house. STREET IMPROVMENT BEING MADE TODAY Wednesday afternoon two of the County trucks hauled gravel on the main street, and Thursday morning saw the adjoining property owners lined up along the thoroughfare busily raking the larger rocks to one side where they could be kauled away. The work was done under the sup ervision of C. W. Woodruff. At first the plan was to put a substantial surface on the road, but owing to the expensiveness of this course, the idea was abandoned for the present, and only sufficient work to get the street in shape tor the celebration was all that was put on It. INE CUTS FINGERS OFF Willie Carey, employed at the Ha rold Baldwin ranch, was seriously injured when his team with which be was mowing, ran away and threw him into the cutting bar of the ma chine. Three fingers were severed from his left hand. WO XOEKLY V VLLKR Wendell E. Fuller and Edylhe L. Wondery were married Monday eve ning by. Reverend Gallaher at the Methodist parsonage. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the bride's mother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller will make their home on the James Prose ranch on Dry Creek. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER OF PASTORS WIFE Wednesday afternoon, at the borne of Mrs. W. I. Dlshman. an in formal reception was given ln hon or of Mrs. William O. Tenlnty, wife of the pastor of the Presbyterian church. All the ladles of the city were invited and over a hundred guests were present A special musi cal program was rendered as fol lows: Mrs. E. C. Bergh Vocal 8olo Mrs. O. O Adams Vocal Solo Mrs C. M. Elklns.. Vocal Solo Mrs. Chas. S. Edwards.. Violin Solo Miss Flora Edwards Violin Solo Miss Ethel Conway Piano Solo Mrs R. W. Douglas.. Piano Colo Miss Blanche Shlpp Piano Solo Refreshments, consisting of crushed strawberries and wafers , were served. - , The reception was given under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of tbe Presbyterian church. P1IEVILLE4AKEVIEW HIGHWAY IS LIKELY According to the Oregoniafa this morning, the state highway commis sion will build a highway from the mouth of Bear Creek, connecting with the present Crooked River highway, to Milllcan, connecting! there with the Bend-Burns highway, with a view of going south to Lake view for an all year connection with California points. This includes the graveling of the Crooked River highway' and the commission states that it believes such a connection would be an all year road through the state to the southern country. Tbe commission is letting con tracts for the construction of bridg es across Mill Creek and Marks Creek on the Ochooo highway. This construction is progressing rapidly, the grading on the east end of the road being well advanced, and the distance around the Ochoco res ervoir is well opened up and much of the way the highway is completed ready for graveling. This highway will make traffic between Prineville and the Mitchell county much easier, and will mean much to the people of that com munity and those in tbe east end of the county, in addition to being a valuable link ln the east and west state highway. NEWS NOTES ABOUT ALFALFA PEOPLE Mr. and Mrs. Charley Johnson visited at the Brant home Sunday. Mrs. J. N. Crow and daughter Lora are at their ranch home, after several weeks in Bend. Mrs. Gillkey left Tuesday evening for Portland, having been called to the bedside of her. mother who is seriously ill. Mrs. Albert iShults and daughter. Verna, entertained the Jolly Neigh bors Thursday. There were 26 women and children present. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Muller ami children, of Bend, attended the an nual school meeting in Alfalfa Mon day. Miss Rae Leonardos spending the ' week with relatives in Bend. ' Clarence Mertsching of Prineville, t was visiting relatives and friends ; in Alfalfa last week. He graduated ' from C. C. H. S. this year. FOR CITY OF PRINEVILLE SIB JIY 345 ! ' 1 " The baseball tournament opens 8unday, July 3d, with Prluerillo playing the fast Antelope team. Ia the past games this season these two teams have divided honors, each winning one game. Tbe Wasco County boys have a fine record this year, having defeated Maupln, Grass Valley, Prineville. Bend and Madras. The game Sunday, will be a bummer as both teams are old rivals and they are going strong at tbe present time. Antelope won from Maupln who has lost but one game in nine teen played this year. Dugan Rooper. the "Christy Math ewson" of Central Oregon will be on the mound for Antelope, while op polng him for Prlnevllle will be Jess) Tetherow, Prlneville's iron man, an old time favorite with tbe Central Oregon fans. On the Fourth, the Portland team and Maupin will have the field Following is an account published ia the Oregonian last Monday: "Port land Woolen Mills team batted its way to 13 to 1 win over the Amer ican Express aggregation. Larson of the winners allowed but. three) hits. He got a home run and a two bagger himself. Davis made a home run with two on ' in the eighth. Battery for Portland, Larson and Poff." - j Maupin team is made up of a very strong- aggregation.- If will be re membered that this teem was defea ted by the Prineville nine last year during a similar celebration by a score of S to I ' On the third day of the celebra tion. July Eth, the two losing teams will play in the morning end the two winning teams will play in the after noon. Tbe team taking first place will walk off with the, purse. In addition to the baseball tourn ament, will be other events, as in teresting as well aa exciting, in the way of street events in which both young and old can participate. On of the principle events to take place) on the street is the parade, which is scheduled for July Fourth. The participants will assemble at 9:30 and the parade will start from the Legion Hall. Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at the Ball Park, an open air service w ill be held and Rev. M. R. Galla her will deliver the sermon, "The Nation's Obedience to Faith." A special choir will furnish the music Following the parade on the 4th, an address will be delivered by tbe speaker of the day. Rev. J. Edgar Purdy of Bend. At noon on the Fourth, a barbe cue, in charge of H. W. Kelley and J. W. Horigan, will be held near the City Park. Everyone is invited to take their lunch to the park, aa there is plenty of shade and a clean place to spread the feed. A number of new benches were lnstalledby the Mayor and Councilmen, which, will prove to be very convenient. Tho Celebraton Committee will serve barbacued beef, coffee and pickles, and the people are requested to bring only the trimmings to finish the feed, and cups if they want cof fee. Monday and 'Tuesday evenings, the crowds can find entertninment at the show or at ie Legion Hall, where a jitney dance will be given. The Johnson Creek jazs orchestra will furnish the music. ' ' MAKES FAST DRIVE FROM OAKLAND CAL Mrs. P. B. Poimlexter, son Vernon and daughter Cora, arrived in town the first of the week from Oakland, California, where they spent the win ter. They drove from Oakland to Prineville in 36 hours running time, and report the roads excellent.