THTRNIIAY. JI NK B, iMl crook rorvTT JOURNAL rare i PRINKVHXK t'lTV tlt.WAY Time Table No. A KffrcUTe 111:01 A. H. Sunday, tb rM7 , ! Wert Bound Motor Motor Utloni Mixed No. i No. t No. 1 A. II. 6:16 6:10 1:46 6:00 :i0 P. M. Lt. Prinevllle 7:15 Lt. Wilton T:6S Lt MrCallister S:l Lt. O'Netl 8:10 Ai. Prinevl Jet 8:10 P. M. 4:45 6:00 6:16 6:16 5:45 Kant Bound ...... Stations Mixd Motor No. i No. 4 No. A. M Ar. Priueville 8:35 Ar. Wilton 8:10 Ar. McCallister T:06 Ar.O'Neil 7:65 Lt. PrineTl Jet 7:40 P. M. 6:65 :40 6:16 C:15 6:00 P. M 6:10 1:10 1:16 8:46 8:15 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL GUY LAKOLLETTE, Editor and Publisher Entered at the pctotfic. at hiMrnk Onaaa Mcoadlw aMttcr. . 'V?" Frfce H O par rr. payable M la n of ehans at address llmi ottfy a . fivinc ett THE AMERICAN PRESS A5.soCLMhON BOY SCOUTS CARING FOR SUGAR BEETS The Boy Scouts are doing the thin- Bitg and weeding on the iritl plots cf .;;. be is whtcli are being raised ct fee OcWo Project this year. Th, beets are up and growing rap- lijiy, ana are oeing woeueu buu thinned this week. The Scouts are under the care of Rev. Gallaher, and. the boys are to be paid for their work by the Prine vllle Commercial Club. O. A. C. MAX IX THE Fire Culet wa another event that LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL Interested Corvallls last week. A C- A. Thompson has been appoint- hundred or more Intrepid fire right ed as instructor in Smith-Hughes gathered to discuss the latest agricultural work in the high school methods of prevention and control, at Prineville. June graduates of the Corvallls. by the way,, has what Is college are having no difficulty in feting teaching positions. Twenty appointments made this week have been announced by the school of vo cational education. FARMERS WEEK DKVWS SLANT By Robert Osborn Farmers and farmers wives, stock men, boys' and girls' clubbers and many people who probably never Baw a farm, were drawn to - Corvallis last week by the magnet of Farmers' Week. The town and campus of the col lege swarmed with the visitors from every part of the state. Agricultur al agents, home demonstration ag- i ii 11. ! V- " oiiuuiu uk uiaineu irom tne cranxcase at v. . regular intervals and replaced with fresh oil. "'s This statement is made because engine operation causes road dust, carbon, fine metal particles and other impurities to accumulate in the crankcase oiL The gritty oil circulates through the engine, impairing its performance, and ulti mately leads to rapid depreciation and repairs. These careful instructions from the manufacturer are often disregarded; cleaning the crankcase is a job generally disliked. " -3"0- E!?1 his need Modern Crankcase Cleaning Service has been established by first-class garages and other dealers co-operating with the Standard Oil Company. These garages and dealers use Calol Flushing Oil, the scientific agent that cleans out old oil, dirt, grit and other impurities and does not impair the lubricating efficiency of fresh oil used. The cleaned crankcase is refilled with the proper grade of Zerolene. Look for the garage or dealer displaying the sign shown below, it means " Better operation and longer engin life. Z'" jl:- ' t T MODERN CRANKCASE CLEAMMG SERVICE We we CALOL FIUSHWG OIL ZEROLENE onts, farm lecturers, writers and the like were much In evidence and five days were crammed with lively In struction tn every phase of rural life. For the farm wife there was crery conceivable class, from the i most approved method of bolling ' water to making the latest wrinkle ! in milady's something-or-othor. j Aside from the great value to the .'visitors in the scientific instruction .received, the social side of farmers' week appeals- The association of these workers together for a few days could not but result In a help ful exchange of Ideas and experi ence. One could see men "paling" together In knots about the, campus and In the lobbies. Dormitories were thrown open to all and the brand new swimming pool at the gym received many a splash. Wo I men chased classes from1 one build i Ing to another, talking for all the world like college girls about Prof So and So, schedules and the new- tangled way of making It warm for huhby when he returns late at night. Boys and girls clubbers, the clan that raise pigs, cows, chickens, gardens, and all of the good things on the farm, were much In evidence. These youngsters can be calculated on for nTtfkin as good cltlrens and fe neTer ound rai8lng anything e,9e bu, whnt thev Bet out t0 d0- Kiamflth county had the largest at- tendance of clubber. j gaw Mf Ttlckpri the Crook Co agent, and I think the Journal might get an Interesting story from him concerning his Initiation Into the secret society of "Bulls," the Shrine of Agricultural Agents. I Tha PnMfic Pnnnt PnnvpnMon of considered the best volunteer fire J department m me united states, The greatest tragedies I have seen in small towns all over the state have been the result of Inadequate fire protection, and much discussion at the convention centered on this phase of the work. The free tuberculosis clinic at Corvallis the 17th, was successful in reaching mfany patients. Twenty nine were examined, 16 were found tuberculosis and nine were in Im mediate need of hospital treatment. This was a high percentage for the community and was an eye-opener to existing conditions. It is the plan of the Oregon Tuberculosis Associa tion to hold a clinic In each county. Ask for yours when you want it. your instruction book It says- STANDARD OIL COMPANY ufbr better operation m dand longer engvehfi WHERE BUNGLER DOES HARM Always Makes a Mm of His Own Lift and Too Frequently the Lives of Other. , Rungler sre frequently talkers shove iho r ability to perform. To Me sure tliey want to he rated well among their friends mnl frequently go to (lis limit In telling others what they arw Villi); to do. Thill's how tJeorce got into the lnwilliil. It eein Georce and aiiollior colored chap did the gar iteiilntt oti a ceriuin imin's estate In the .Middle West. One morning George didn't turn up. The master went to Sura and sold: "hum, where' George V "In de hospital, sh." "In the 1ms. ptlftl: how USI that happen?" "Well, yon see," replied Sum. "tieorge Is mar ried and he's le'n telling me for a long time as how he's goln' to llek his wife, 'cause her nuggln", and ylsttldy she done hear bin! at It. Put's all." And how tunny there are like hi in. They are giving to turn the world upside down until they meet face to face with the facts. After the bungler' get In their work It's Impossible for anyone else to make a good Job of It They take perfectly good reputations and have them pretty poor examples of what Is good. No wood butcher ever made a bigger mess of good lumber than has many a bun gler made of other people's lives. And these artists even bungle up their own lives. They get their heads full of no tions that lead to folly. Like guns, they go off half-cocked and the dam age can never be repaired. Careless of the facta, they frequently make as sertions that are far from true and act according to what you expect of such creatures. Every effort added seems to add to the confusion. Grit RIDE ON SUNBEAM EXPRESS Journey That Would Be Remarkabl for Speed and for Wonder Seen Along the Way. Emlle Belot, the French astronomer, suggests that. If one were able to straddle a light ray (which travels 186,000 miles a second) and thus voy age through space, observations along the route would be exceedingly Inter esting. It would take only a little more than a second to reach the moon and In 4 minutes and 20 seconds one would arrive at the planet Mars. One would get as far as Jupiter In 35 minutes, to Saturn In 79 minutes, to Cranus In 2H hours and to Neptune tn 4 hours. On the way one would come across a great many comets without tails nebulous bodies of spherical shape which are rarely seen from the earth. It would take two years to get out side the sphere of the sun's attraction, and by that time our orb of day would look like nothing more Import ant than a big star. The star nearest to ns. Alpha Cen taurl, would meanwhile he looming UP, and the wayfarer through spare might expect to arrive there In a little more than four yenrs. By this time he would have Journeyed 24,000,000.000 miles. Painfully Thrilling Gam. The natives of the Philippine Islands have a game known as "slapping." It Is played by two men. Both are nude, and after tossing a shell to de termine who is "It," one of them, the "It" man, takes a seat on a log In such a manner as to expose his fight thigh. He then lights cigarette and endeavors to maintain an air of con temptuous Indifference. The other man steps back so as to get a good swing, and then slaps with bis hand with every ounce of strength he can put Into It The report sou a da like a pistol shot. A Judge examines the spot where the blow fell. If a blood blister Is shown that Is, If the blood can be seen Just under the skin the victim has no chance to come back at his antagonist. If It does not show, then he can swing at the other fellow. The Characterless Derby. The derby was as void of character as an Iron pot, yet Mr. Howells wore lt for a time. Can one fancy Mark Twain In a derby hat? Walt Whit man always wore a broad-brimmed, gray, soft-felt hat. One thinks of Lin coln with a stovepipe bat on, as he wore this In most of bis pictures. Roosevelt liked a wide-brimmed felt hat, like that of the cowboys. While he was President 1 once saw him go ing to church with a shining silk hat on his hesd. The first time I saw Em erson he had on a stovepipe hat one much the worse for wear. He proba bly never wore any other kind. John Burroughs, In the Dearborn Independ ent Men Short in France. The average height for men la 8 feet 6 Inches, and for women Is 5 fee 2 Inches. The observation Indicates that 85.10 per cent of the French peo ple have chestnut hair. The blondes are next In order, forming only 12.32 per cent of the population. Pure black hair Is fonnd in 1.8.'i per cent that Is, slightly more frequently than red hair, which altogether whs found In only 0.72 per cent of cases. Pure black hair, so rare !n France, Is the rule in certain Mediterranean countries (for Instance, In definite re gions of Spain). Hi Great Talent "Blank's a great artist. Isn't he?" "No." "But he gets big prices for bj? work." "Yes, he's a mighty good salesman," Boston Transcript illiilllllliilii ill i III ! bl I I Jill U II I ill II I lui. ii i.j.vj ii . i u il i! I li I 1! I r ve tried them all? but ive me a I'm through experimenting. No more switching. No more trying this and that It's Camels for. me every time. They'Te so refreshing! So smooth 1 So mellow mild! Why? The answer is Camels exclusive expert blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos. Tnere's nothing: like it. Lo Ovher cigarette you can buy gives you tho real sure-enough, all-day satisfaction fiat comus from tho Camel blend. Camel is the quality cigarette. Civa Camels a tryout. Buy a pack today. Get your information first hand. You'll tic to Camels, too. WANTED Clean Cotton Rags the Journal office. at IXLf OH tHIPS OH TBI SPItH 51AI Irrtporters, exporters, travelers ship xand tail under the Sura and Stripes NEW triumph In Keel, steam and electricity have carried the Start snd Stripes back again to th seven teas. On more than fifty trade and pusenger route American owned snd operated thipt, lying the Flag, are ready to carry your goods, of to carry you. to every foreign land. They ar splendid thlpt, th pride of American genlut, dc tigned ffnd equipped to give th finest paaeenf et comfort, tervlc and safety, and to handle your goods in the moit economical way. Operators of Passenger Services Admiral Lin, i; State Street, New . York, N. I. Mataon Navigation Company. 1 60. Guy Street, Baltimore, Md. Munann Staara Ship Una, 2 Beavar Street, New orli. N. Y. New York and I orto r.lco S. 8. Co. 1 1 Broadwr.y, New York. N. Y. Pacific Mall S. 8. Co., 45 Broadway, New York, N. Y. U. 8. Mail S. S. Co., 45 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Ward Line. (New York and Cuba Mad S. S. Co.) Foot of Wall Strew, New York, N. Y. Free use of Shipping Board films Uie of Shipping Board motion picture Alms, lour recti, free on regt).-sr of any mayor, pastor, potimater, nr org:ml- cation. A great educational picture of ihipa and the sea. Write lor i:if irrit ation to 1 1. Lauc, Director Iniorniation Bureau. Bonm ll, 1 J 19 "h" Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. SHIPS FOR SALB (Ta Amtrican cltin only) Steal tearaeri, hntb oil and aaal burners. Also wood steamer., Weu4 aulls and ocean-liinf tuxs. I urtiisr iaiornatioa obtained by luquest. For sailings of passenger and freight ships to all parts of the world and all other information, write any of the above lines or U S SHIPPING BOARD WASHINGTON, D.C ''.rVM' mw ft i kiliH'.'ii'l I S '.)'.. tJfa mil 3L Lk? IV! V tUV'' It I ' i Ji.ii..: 1 j ' " ' 'H J How Neatafoot Oil le Mad. NVntxfiHit oil la olitiilncd fniin ux or cow ht-tjla by IioIIIiik thwn In wuiit and skimming oft Hip oil. Tlit on so obtained Is kopt gently heated by menus of warm wuter until all th water has subsltled from It, when th clear portion 1 poured off and. If raaary, flltrd. the heart . of the Cascades On the motor road from Seattle . to Tacoma and the East, the motorist passes through many points of unusual scenic Interest. Lake Keechelus is one of these. It is over s'x miles In length, having the appearance of a great river, and is situated at an eleva tion of 3,000 feet in the very heart of the Cascade range. Motorists will find this region a most enchanting country dot ted with beautiful lakes and mountains and huge fir, spruce and cedar trees measuring In some instances six to eight feet in diameter. And all along the route the motorist can get Red Crown Gas-, oline the all-refinery motor fuel that insures quick starting, rapid acceleration and more power. Look for the Red Crown sign, . STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) .llpiaaiejsa a) If . r ,' . ii i - eJ "U lUUB.'TbimutuT'p K 1- RF.YNOI.n Tob.cco Co. WiuttuB. jliwi, N. C Parrot a Favorite Beneficiary, If all of Hie motiey Hint lint been left to iwrrnts In illrTarenl roiintrles eoiilil lie irnthereil tntetlier It would rniilte enuiiKh to iinnrt ihe average orphan aylmn. In most ranes tliea hrqueMi foine from unmarried ladle who hs found solar and cotupao lonslilp with their faToiit piirrot. e Gasoline ' of Quoiiy f Camel Mm (i-w.l'- f ULIV'YIZ II S'j rS