Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 16, 1921, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    rnno rrrsTT ocXL
Till U-IMV. JIAR m, insi
MUMlll.r ItfV fcULW.IT
Taw laaAe l
EWa M wl A. H- tmmAat. Ilk
itg ---; 4 ti'.r a-awtr. sd
r f 4 IS lb -r,AimSIIty g
c .f -r k;a t- Gay Laf -fe
rx t
X a
.v a
P. M.
t. rviatne
I. Wlltm
L MrCaJJotfr
L crisx!
Aj. fruf i t
7 it
I 11
t I
Ko. 4
i at
Ar Priavavllle
A. Wtltow
fruurrl Jet
7 :l
CtefMtK. f OC'TTT MH.ft.A1.
EdHr awl PaMteW
T w lak ta epnmet oa ttt
k.'jl!y oa tk apftaJ 4Hitm of tbe
Crook Coaatf ioaraaJ of HAy Hi.
it r 'ra! rxtr eotfa
ad 14 car to bar tka 4mtr-,
kat aavmc miiHl r? f
ko ara t Jt Oro oa tb ar-
UI trala Wrf Oska Ja!
Wa asl W Jfr J. R. nnr'tr.
Toara Try TnJy.
Oneral awUry. Or?oo Stat
CTsmbT of C'mmrit.
we thavk Tor rTce
"Aeewpt or eonrrataUtSona oa
ts f ' J'-B'I'I ff yior papr.
It 1 a rdft to Cr.?rl CfTfm trrm
a tgiBa a wH m a mhioieal
Toar RapH.fatly,
V. B. Comml'tkmr, Bead, Ora-
Tha ajoat laoilahl pt of arva
paper enterpr that haa roma to
enr atTit)rjn In Or-fm la this effort
of the Crook County Journal In Ita
wtt pee1at Derelopment Edition.
I: la a nine auction papr of I pagea
to the aaetfon, and wealth, popula
tion and equipment eomparad. It
fceata anythlnf ever rotten eat by
tha Portland Dafllt. Tha edition
la a food adTertlaement for tha
Prlnarllla eoontry and the Ohoeo
project, not only beeaaaa of tha
waalta of InformatlTa material eon.
Ulned In the paper, but that the eft-
lzen. .hould make auch an edition
r-4 i RA f ' a M. taamtt b mttnttf at aA
ai i a at aawt cwaa M M a
Crimp I M ,a , I I ,
T4XAAttaCA.' J-Mifl A-JUATfX Jj
, a? dk' 2
W41 - 11 11
ct It . Mt r i is (k
laori-4. aMtta-r la tlal kg
.:(4 k4 cr.aUa't fca fM r
!! l til lb r-sat at k-.w to
1 1 r'. "0'fca '
Wa effrr encrraia tr-a to 14
Cfnok Caaty JoaruU oa ita TI
ti unt d r-.p'.iT f i3t rerta
of ta oaatry It arra TV J oaf- J
tal enefwa t&At U la SjakAt !
tr4 of taa iaaaa" aa4 it kaa a
rt to fc. j
Tk Crwk Owastr iirat ret -
It imttA a f:a r?-! 4 j of 71
(ac. fail of fata (iB artl ar-
UrlUa. Tk nA.tHm tu Iter!!; pa
tttnlifA ij Crock Conty ajTrti-
era Ti i:t!' Xxi a w1iJ rtrrala-j
tk. aaka caa aot fa:I U avaka ;
ka i aarv taa a4rastafa of
Crook CoAty.
Tla Jadca la a Chk-aco
eoart gittm tacae ralca for aelectlac
a kaabaad: Doa't pkk yoar ksahasd
7 taa ay tka Uylor auca k a tlo-
Doat erpact a food daaelBc part
ar to Ek cod kaibaad.
Doa't tklak tkat a Baa who al-'
w.t. a. fci. rrw-,n fwH.l -til
' --n r -
ba af al aa tl aa oreaastaJ tr
oaad tka koaaa. A bib of tbia typa
Bur b all bat ft Uka a hurt-1
lr to tnn boma the baeoa oowt-
diya I
Wbn ro a, a fr.n -hn b!b,. .1 '
- ,
'tis work night asd day, kp yoar
ey op-a, for he ia likly to make
an ldI bosband.
A good prorider unit a happy
The aaitor whom moat clrla ra
a oooo tcaa o war a uare-bBt-
losed eoat and forget to thine hia
thoa often tarna oal to be a Prince j
rharming la h.a home acd derotcd
to hia wife. I
Thit repr,nu how a man would j
aelect a boabaod. The glrla hire at
way of their own. for many centnriea
it bat worked well, alUio of lata
yeara it tema to ba allppinf a little.
Where -PtfT la LiaticaA
Thf day i birt in Innlia ,
It ei4"te bt-gioa before 11 o'clock In
tiir nrnu.K Tlr Is a "tiffin" or
luix-b pt-rlod, proally two bwjm Umt.
folioaed by at early di;.g. Tit
American &l-j;an, arruafuied to
jiiriipitiij from tiiwn to town on fat
'r!n, ng ewmurn early and late
end amdlng daily ot'Ith to tbe
I hardly
I hardly the one to tarkir
6Mn,M '
to JT "T""! 'B "V'T
lrwn niiiifiilar It ondefilahle.
our Kitchen
clean as a new pin
1 : JL
YOU can keep it that way
when you use a flood oil
cookstove. No drudgery
no dirt. Juot touch a match
to the burner and you have
clean intense cooking heat
To be sure of best resulta
in yourstove.use PearlOil
the uniform kerosene. Pearl
Oil is clean burning and eco
nomical. It is refined and re
refined by a special process.
Every drop is converted in
to real heat.
Pearl Oil is for sale by
dealers everywhere. Order
by name Pearl Oil.
i i;
'a -w,awr
Ik fl 'rr- ,. aa-3 rrrj ! t
rrvt fc'rs :fc rss4 a&d
; "VJf nui W w
it t-U r-4 A i.m a
way. . V.- by La-
cr?r. ti kr irt-v U4 tA
t-r1 ef t mt-l H.
Hate a rJr Ti-e - taw
raxg v t( c sts a
u aat. caaw (a a res
t.Ag to tt Hi tni a
, .rt. Ms A a ram m txxm-
:,, r 41
i tra al act a V.
; "ygf r W rrv-l Jrf-I I "r kt-m.
; Hf (&rili On ta tr tax a-a(
t tj rr. Ior.a hntwf
d I T-r u k!p. rnH tte
! Brat a&4 .! iat u rva4 aAA4L
i "UTtra ta. ftr
tj4f! A'J rtjAt; kT Tfca
r4 aa artaiac a inft woods
a-4 v aJoe ri T la iba
rltw. T far rma mixk aa amatan
tr. -Braka eat at mnirrl l a. I
keipr Bo6 RiyUri llstntL -Koort-
urirsa Utr4. -1 a atsltiM
abaw mj (Srtntt. I wawom. Tn fcad
Ul tor aQ day; Jo 7 4r rlda
a-ita mr
Ta taa dato:" ad Eo, Dora aoi
ran! y t&aa a la'4HL
Ioartly tx aa ra--r'af at ala
aTrAvn L- anA nA. - ' . A a.
T. . . - -- " '7. ac
J f If khM f ni 1
r, at
a brara troot.
iad ad It.
) tba mnri ha4 h a rt i ..k
wmo ta tarry faaif a man? Tb
b1 amp r 4ot!o that bad
0l'! a rroartahla arlatnr cara I
him rr, -r m iw . a .a.-
T ' "
Je--idin ao a ftmire
run to i!ju bJa tinritmt
afurtt. only to tui It Irapoxn.t.le to fc!
mairrM twniy. fjjufl t m'ztif
t-OI.-rf tO th UJW 4,f KJKle.ijift (l0.!rt
r.-l il. Kit, wub ti bean and ual
I Iiiifiri; T1j.ij art girt.'
1 1 arJ wii tlsn.pd l .o tie
hi mtad
liil id .1.
re t!h the iron of fair p!y.
Th-r! Ir a U";"" ara n! On
r" Tm JnmpT Yj ran't. of wnw r
il"r' tnsanil at tbe bfl ia depa!r
lut " "'l ".
"We re rmng over Tm a-ry
,nil f,Doe
rra.tied with the lmrrt.
The far pltl at riarfct an1a Into
iw a uiu rapitna ano till.
Jerked, bozzed, down Ita bending
length to the beaHl txfneath, stofilng j
1tn the front b-la tn the water.
The alide of 20 f wat, thua broken,
ivjt more exciting than a good bwp-
tie-loop at tiit park, bat the girl felt
tbe grip of renfiilillty before there
waa time for fear, and the man
euraed bi lnpot'u-y to belp a a man
wno waa not a wre-k a thing tn
MIet might help. To be atrong and
oaeleaa ! what a pain !
All waa Doris unfolded from
the bottom of the car where tbe drop
lariflwl her, and peeped oer tha seat.
"What? Aren't you d-adr Thank
heaven, though I'e little right to eren
speak of heaven, after risking your
life thla way. How eouJd I guea It
would act sol It did It thla morning,
and landed me to tbe ditch, but the
garage man said it waa all right now,
"Turned It too bard, that's all."
Bob unacrambled the real and the
artificial of hia belongtnga and crept
from the car. Holding by the back
wheel, be handed her the crutch.
"Can you ault? If you can, you
won't get wet. I don't know how we
will get out of Hilt.' He looked up the
sheer face of the cll!T. "but Unit, let's
get out of the machine, anyway. Sure,
you're all right?"
"Why, they're alive!"
"Not after that falir The voice!
came Incredulously from above their
head. .
Leaning over tbe rail, two scared
facea took account of conditions be
low. "Can you walk V
"Burel" cslled Kol, "If we had a
chance." He looked up and down the
rocky shore dublouxly.
"How la the car?"
"It looka all rlht; wet, of course."
"Well, wait, and we'll get ropea and
things from the garage."
When the cllinli was made with the
aid of engines and pulleys and many
strong arms and Ingenious minds, two
people rather shaken now that It was
over, xat In the hack seat, the girl
smiling tremulouHly, but finding cour
age tn the face of the man.
"Do you still wnnt to go to the golf
grounds," she slo.
"Well under the circumstances "
"Say," broke In a gruff and practi
cal voice, "that engine would go If It
wasn't wet. As It Is, we're going to
tow you r.ome i take the wheel, one of
you !"
"Meeting adjourned," whispered
Bob, as he heliwd Doris over to the
driver's seat. "There's to he a happy
ending, Isn't there?"
Khe smiled and leaned a bit on his
shoulder as she piisNcd.
"Yes adjourned," she said, and he
braced his good foot ttjralnst tha Iron
rail, and dreamed strong dreams as
they went on their way. I'erhaps
there was still In him, after all, a j
power to serve.
Needed Boiling Down.
Walter Was the dinner cooked to
sntt you, sir?
Diner Yes, all but the bill. Just
take that back and boll It down a
llji. if
how you 11 take to
a pipe and P. A.!
Before you're a day older
yon want to let the idea slip
under your hat that this
is the open season to start
something with a joy'us
jimmy pipe and some
Prince Albert I
Because, a pjpe packed
with Prince Albert satisfies
a man as he was never satis
fied before and keeps him
satisfied! And, you can
prove it! Why P. A.s
favor and fragrance anJ
coolntis and its freedom
World't Largetl Pctnned Forest.
The bur-u nf forrviry that
lh petrifsnj fumi ut Arizona U cuo
l!erd the lar.-si In exitteura. and
out ta be put in a cia with the
oetlonal ,k of the United 8 ataa.
There are pe;rlfied forrata in Colo
rado and NehrakA but nunc coioi.area
lib tbe petrified forest of Arixtoa.
vxroix asm oa m am nuj
American sbipc, flying
the Sun and Stripe
will carry you and
your goods anywhere
Two and trtree generarioM
ago, the Stan and Strip
were all over the world.
Then they slmost vanished
from the seven teas. But
today they are back again.
Big plendid ('camera, Ameri
can owned and operated, carrytrif
pattengen and goods, ara crowd
ing their wtv into ail foreign
harbort with the Sttrt and
Stripes proudly flucKrtaf from
tketr mates.
American exporter, MutMjcicn,
travelers tU ctn help by thip
ping tnd tailing under tha Stan
and Stripe.
Operators nf Paaaenger
Admiral Llnf, 17 buta Sfraat, Ntw
Yak,N T
Milnii Nitin Company,
So- Oay Sif. rtwlumtwe, MH
Mumon Staam Snia Line, S3 FWavar
Streat, N..-w Yt, C, N Y
New York and no Pico S. 8. Ca.,
1 1 BirJwar. Ntw York. N. Y.
Paciftf Mall ft. 8. Ca., 41 braattvay.
New York, N Y.
U. ft. Mail S. ft. Ca., 41 Braadway,
New York, N Y.
Ward Line, Nn YnrV atviOA- Mail
S. S. (a) Foot at Wag itraat.
New York, N Y
Free uaa of
Shipping Board flkna
Ua of Srttpptnf Board ,mM.ijn pasture
Alma, four reefs, frer on rffueM of arty
imayor, pMjr, pattmaaft, or nrfwi
imtion A grrat edu(iatK'y! ittura
of ship and the at. WrRe ' tr tnrm
atton to I . I .arte, iractAr Info, fria'ton
Hau, Room all. Hit ' F' Ural,
N. W. Waruntoo. D. C
(ft Aturitsm MUm! aaajit
Steal ateaaert, awth oil ud aaai
bmrmwrt. AU wnod tteflrnrrs wood
hails aad oaaaa-io( tutb. P-a-tfaer
iafarimstioa abtsissd nr reajaaet.
and freight ships all
parts of the world and all
otherinformation, write
any of the above lines tr
1 1 "'. -
from bite and parch (cut
out by our exclusive pat
ented process) are a revtv
lation to the man who never
could get acquainted with a
pipe! P. A. ha.s made a
pipe a thing of joy to four
men where one was smoked
Ever roll up a cigarette
with Prince Albert? Man,
man but you've got a
party coming your way!
Talk about a cigarette
smoke; vie tell you it's a
? Albert
the national joy smoke
Paint AIo Help
Ihm p-ij,l; gu i the eit-iie !
bating cellar walls wfilteu'al -l
erj year or to. but frw x-..jile f.t-1
that It la ner-ewary tn bar.- any iam!
Ued in lie cellar. Ilimvvrr. It la a
go-d idea to have cellar 'airs treatex!
to a coat or to of good Sour paint. It
proling their lifw and makes Ibeta
ea er to clean lati-r.
WHera Auttral a C-t lit Nama
The name Australia Is Isken direct
ly from the Latin word auatralla
meaning eeuthero. Thus the smallest
of the five continents la tha south
land la nam as well aa In location.
V ,1 a. ?
about your craukcasc
Road dust, carbon, fine metal particles and other
impurities accumulate In your crankcase oil from
engine operation.
The gritty oil circulates through your engine,
Impairing its performance, and ultimately leads to
rapid depreciation and repairs.
Automobile manufacturers recognize this dan
ger, and in their Instruction Books, carefully ad
vise regular draining and flushing of the crankcase.
These important instructions are often disre
garded; cleaning the crankcase la a job generctly
To meet this need, Modern Crankcase Cleaning
Service has been established by first-class garages
and other dealers, co-operating with the Stand
ard Oil Company. These garages and dealers use
Calol Flushing Oil, - the scientific agent that
cleans out old on, dirt, grit and other impurities,
. and does not impair the lubricating efficiency of
fresh oil used.
The cleaned crankcase is refilled with the prop- .
er rg rade of Zerolene.
the garage or dealer displaying
th sign ihown here It mam
"Better opsrstitn and Urtgtr -l'in$
life A service promprljr
given tt nominal coat.
UwQr better obrratinn
QJand longer engine life"
K'4W.T"1-.I at. ) .
f fVV
Prfnt Aihmrt (
Ai. (Htr r Itnj.
hmmjfm an
,mt4 m t wtth
CoT"fkl tail
by R 1 InuiA
Wik ( 3b m,
rsumoer of Continent.
Therr sre iiatisllr ctinmiir-red a
t rue lari;e Inml nrna (,tltl.Mt
Hi. nuine of coiihueiii, Nonb Arner
ba Hrinh America. Africa, Karasta
tmj A i. -.1 rail a. i'nlltli ally, Euraala
It sulHlivlded Into tha two cosillaasiu
of Kuroe and Ala.
fe.tirg Giauwtrt.
To inutjhen lump cliliimcya and
gl.-ws re iiitim-rie file article in a
h.i filied with cold water, ta which
ii)r 'omnnn salt his been added.
It-ll the water well and then cwel
slowly. Clasa treated In thla way wta
he more apt to resist any aaddatt
rl.sin. of temperature.