Till llMH.tr. jcsk B. 1031 ntnos (imn jocks. r4 i ITAtWITiri! CM uuiamiiua im M CONDITION I LT feS rjUK'.ld BilLFT tJUMI ly rtdms of Crook Coanty is sa&ao a Cia'-iuaur or raitaiiauoa la cottnoruoc with lrfcbaruu&e itvolT H I U aliairs t tbe Crook CiaxtT Bark. Tin inautauoti m rt!Blr4 to F)tid bii;iees i8 Iwn.ber XT. liivr lb i tt r.utiiniw.1 are authorised t pTf a j-rf Hi ll ' ) or make gwud nr 1um de r,iitt4 at tbat t'tt a rrLHi bnis wtttia a yrri'ji of e:rty da- la tL erect, B'. ", ttat a rwrgasizatiua pfrt.id ato ol lb atutaaulGen witkia ttat tiste. tbe BeperuiU&eeot ( Banks auar reorganise at any UM iber afUf and fteraut tbe beak to rcam bun net. After a careful erKintio tb approxUbate losses were d-t-nn aud effort wsre s&adc at ttat time to porlMt a roorgaaUauoa. Tb weald aut bare Wi UfIralt Lai It ttToJrei gvarscU of tbe deposit sad ibe removal of doubtful aae., bat ta additios ta aasaasiag tt lia feihgr ta depositors tb back bad a large volssae of rediaoowsta bili fayafele sad reparchaae agreement which the svew ergaaizatiua would bare beea rj aired to annate. Tbeoe aggregate approxiautxrly I1J, . Is aoon:ig these liabilities) ther w-r aaa c y eomplkatioiis wfcith saade it ry 4;fji-h to provide a satisfactory or eocveei:l soletjoa. Ja addition to tie Lrw.t obi jrs.loi aa't of tit back bad beea pk-dgd to secure the t-artneEt of tie Tda connta and bills payable wth were fctrii by oifct-r luii to ewcsre them er.aiiiat loe. Is aoMffi'ig tie ad- 'ktkl lib:Jjri tie t-w wjitiii tiws atdltir would bare au taiD4 W'jiLtl3 VKa wi'a so IKaaibilitx t reeeirltf mta t".o (or aar-amitif tbi-ae additional bsrdc aod tbe roiunue ork and time nt8srT to lioS4aie the obllentioca and r-ra poeetscaioa of tbt eollaterai dfHitd aa a-vritjr Aa ttwa aa tbe bank aaspeaded buaiaeaa a petitkm waa l.A b Mr. Kareopp arid approximate! forty other eitizeni atid ridt-cia of Crook County requested that a cbartr be Saaaed authorlzirif the Bask of PrinerlUe to eceag ia tbe baakixc btuliiUM. I'poa making cartful in quiry I vaa aatisfted ttat Mr- Kar opp aad bis aaaociates cooaiatad of Haas of mea of bigb moral iateg rMy and with tbe fi uncial ability tuffi'-ient to conduct a Mbstastial (CStitQtiOB. Aa kxd aa Mr. Karaopp'a applica tion bad bee-a favorably considered by tbis Departsest a cev proposal a autm-ittxd t iwtiui J u-t fci tut ifi-nuf aritk . J. rr. i rciiuty b-ta If r Kar Ki)ip Lad -ai'ld ;sb rra.ijtj;r ail r-qG:r-Bitu S rouiWi -. i.w -t.t arid a rir tu ;B tb tt. fur tBB;ti but ut-u(3-d d-f.i;He artiiiB feelitf ttat acjr f:rat tt'T a ta tbe t'pi i'Pn i tbe Cjk. Cvactr bat.k and .f it "ii aj-jwarfd t be a 'w t-htT 4 rirraiiita!ia I d:rd ttat ary ;k.rti v to bsst benuroe tcterwded tbouid ke first cuue.deratkHi. I ar.ltB:ttd tbe Biatter t Mr. Rew art Mr Cornea std Mr ETkn. b re tbe rrtonjial wrlkt44ert of t.e Crw.-k Cwirttr Bark Tier were sot W-frr vbLated BBder aa aa ii!itB"iit ftT tbe aBcest of atork abH-b tbey t13 at It time tbe baik suapesdd bas'aeaa. bat fur tbe p&r poee of pfTtv.iil a rwrfaBiaatloB tbnae fertlemea aeiaDtarOy offer ed to ssrresitid all tbelr r-ork ad ta add k tberKo Mr. Btearart. Mr. BrovB. Mr. E:kins aad Mr. Coraett rare n a rolettarr acrrost to tbe effwct tbat they weald raarastw aty loaan cp to lit wfclf rep reaested tbe entire capital of tbe Crook Couaty baak. Tbto raraatee by tbese foar fectleatea avot oaly ux-laded tbe amount of stork, wbirh vaa b-M by tbea lud ridaaKr. bat also Utrladd aa aoaoBt eamal to be balase of tbe fjact vbich a beld by otber parties. This ar?e loect tBTolTed a aacrifiot oa tit part of tbese foar featlesseiB far tbe pfjteetioB of tb depooitora ar greiratf apprpi?iatery f!l$-, asd tbis amovEt os!d perbapa cor er tbe l-jef as nearty aa tbey n-tr dvterEhied at tila t'sve Af"er reneHirp tb! f aarat re tbe parties aabtEfrt'cj tie new plat were permitted t make aa eraEln itios of the aaaeta acd attairs of tb bark. After careful rHeratioB tfcae plass were abB9aHL. Tsey Tere- perbays. w!I!r j to aaraoe tbe j'tjtr.eit of all depositf but tbe i d'tiocal l:abf!tia to be aaeimed were la sac cofJ.'tloB tbat tier did sot fel JoWf;d ta rrrTf B-i-r aey plana ta rorrir're tbe old lark. After tbeee plans were abandoned lie dfrfwtors of the Crook Cotnty bank and njyalf dedd4 on wbat we wceMerd a fa!r and reaaonable rai se for tbe present bar bmfld!sg Tbis proposal was sabioftted to Mr. Karnopp and aeeepte4- 1'b4t the eircBmaUneea I feel tbat e bare resorted to erery pos sible soarce wit a rle of perfect in? reoranizatioa. bot nder tbe r-ct financial ancertaintiea and the many com plications which exist ia eocoectioB with tbe old instil b tion a reorgaBlxatioa doea not ap pear to be feasible. I regret rery saaeh tbat the old bank could sot be reopesed. I fol ly appreciate tbe many hardships which will be eneoaatered by tb 1 Which areyott? T IS your kitchen uncomfort ably warm and does it re quire constant effort to keep it clean and tidy? Or are you one of the thou sands of happy women who delight to work in a cjo1, shin ing kitchen with a good oil A good oil cookstove is easy to operate bring a steady in tense heat concentrated direct ly on the cooking. , ; For best results use Pearl Oil the clean economical ker osene that is refined and re refined by a special process. Sold by dealers everywhere. Order by name Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY ( California) Mr dfx PEARL OIL HEAT AND LIGHT t"t'i b are o'p udmt a lb dfpuarts of this batk ta ooadart lm;r buaiuesa It aun)!y afteaua ttat l!t wi-tin ctpital of Cn C;acty is atauact Llgut ftui tf an iw.lfmt of ttis rbar h-.t ia ery eprtHs:rtil I atisy aar. boaerer. that we are -rt-rrat g erery rwaatmatiVe efff w?t t r- er tb twii and drtar cvjo-?es i tb dn!'tra I anti riimi tbat tb firm 6-ritin,e will b jiasd abortiy ttter ialr Irt Just lew rcavk itm will be I as acabW to derni; at tbia t:tte- rnfiT tie prBt ootid ttitiB we are snakier erery effort o eBct loans, rmt w must c.tiid tb ability of tbe par ties to pay and br ponefYii aroid try turds bardkbipa or ettbarraaa ix.er.t At tb aatoe unit the depoa rt'jrs are ertnM to a rlaVa of tbir awoner as rapidly as fsods aaay be aot-cxG slated tbrw ljcaidatiae. I bar beea aaked asaay t'nt bat swroentar. ia tty opiEioa woaid be retarned to tbo depoaitora t rery difficah at tbts tiBS to e termis tbo exact loaaea. bat I fee tbat if cropa are BoraaaJ asd reaaoa sble prions may be obtained for tbe rotaxce of prod art la Crook Coast y tbat tbo depoafkora eboaid rvcolTo at least e cbty per oral. I do rot decire, boverer. to Btake say deC- te forecast as tbe reaatta to be ob tais4 depend alxaoat entirely cpoa tbe fat are coedirioca and prosperity of Crook Coanry. ta any erect, tbe lic.aida.tfoa will reealr considerable tixae. Ft err person todebted to tb Crook Coanty bask will be reqaesled to snake payment and where sw arr ttvita will be f.ld to aaake ro coTertea. I dlre also to softest tbat in tb process of licaidatioa ail expena w3 be held to a mirimsm. Tb old atotkb elders of the Crtiok Concty baxk will ttot be otrisdeiil in any way antil rwtrreries bar -o cade oe (be aaats and paid to b deoactor. gbonld tbere be any funds rema.cici on Laid after tie dpoa tors bar bB paid in fall, tb tvxkbolderi win be entitled to eoa sideratjoB. Otherwise tiey forf4t all of their et'xk or any Interest that tbr bad ia tbe old insJitstioa- Aa a matter of temporary cotrea ience Mr Gorge F. EnrtoB baa beee appointed DepBty BaperintBdeBt of Barks, who. snder xny inst radioes will coadort tbe liijaidatkm. I base irrjtri for office room is tbe baak of P riner ilie where Mr. Esstos will be arailable to all creditors or par ties Interested in tbe Crook Coanty Bask. I bare issued a charter to the baak of Prinerille wbkb will opea for b sineaa a boat Jane lt Tbe capital stock of tbe bank will bo 1 5Mt. The following persona wfll conitito te officers aad directors; J. L. Kar nopp, of Portland. OregoB; Presi dent; W. O Hall. Cashier. George F. Kaston. Aasisunt Cashier; A. J. Noble. J. M. Elliott and Laka M. Bethtell. Iirectors. Under the present conditions this new Institution will fill a rnach needed reQttirement In Crook coanty. The officers and directors are rec ommended to me aa men of high mo ral character and personal Integrity. Tbe stockholders represent some of tbe moat aabstantlal men In Crook County. I feel sure that the bnsl neae of this Institution will be ably managed and successfully conducted I predict a prosperous future for tbe people of Crook County. The potential values under proper dev elopment will represent he most substantial products. During tbe pat few years this eounty has un dergone a period of substantial de- rclopment. Within tbe nexx fire years I fel that even greater accom pllfshment will be realized. The agricutlural resources, the stock Industry and the vast supply of available timber should Insure the future success and prosperity of Crook County. With these ereat possibilities for future development I predict that the Bank of Prfneville will merit tbe confidence and pat ronage of the people and develop a volume of business which will In sure a thrifty and successful Institu tion. FRANK C. BRAMWELL Slate Superintendent of Bonks VI IT f T . fey. WT aw . J 'J saaaaW i M U n ?V Z22?1;IrkPkt 1 Basin! I i i n . , I 30x3 Standard Non-Skid Tire I 1 J fe twe -0 a K.: Th is new low p"' is mads Kosibe by striclest econ otnies and apeciai ued pfoductioa. Itanl No. 2 was erected (or tits sole purpose of making 30i3i-c Nora Skid fabric tires. With daily ca pacity ol 16.000 tires and 20.000 tubes, this plant perniiu refined pro ductioti OO S quanuty basia. AH materials uaed are the best obtainable. The quality is uniform, b is tb beat fabric tire ever offered to the car owner at any price. Firestone Cord Tires Tars) repairmen, who judge valuee best, class theas tires at having the stunLest carcase made. Forty-seven hifc-h-grade car manufacturers use them as standard equipcnenL Thry are the quality choice of cord users. 30x3?a'-inch Cord - - New Price $24.50 32x4 " " - - " " 46.30 34x4 " . . " " 54.90 For Sale by LAKIN HARDWARE, Where it Pay. to Trade rid . 'SaaaamSBw m an advantage worth while Back of the Zerolene you buy for your engine are the combined resources, expe rience, knowledge and equipment of the Standard Oil Company. They create an efficiency in the manufacture of fine lubri cants hard to duplicate elsewhere in the world. You gain this advantage in the use of Zerolene. Our Board of Lubrication Engineers recommend the grade of Zerolene to meet the requirement of your type of engine. Follow their recommendations as embod ied in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Chart Ask for a Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Caafsrais) OA grade fir ecuth type of engne was represented by The Dalles, when tbat school defeated Bend. Salem high I 'bool, aa winner of tbe cup for tbe third time, at Inter vals of three years. 1915, 1 91 S, and again tbis ytr. has obtained per manent posHessiou of tbe cup. Pro fessor . E. DeCou, who gave the cup, baa announced tbat be will pre sent another to tbe Oregon Debate League. Tbe subject of tbe final series of debates was; "Resolved, that the United States Government should own and operate tbe railroads." dkhate hami'ionhhi WOV IJV SAtKM First place In the Oregon High School debate league went to fialem High School and second place was taken by Corvallis. Eleven districts were represented, which required forty-four debaters, thirty-three Jud ges and eleven presiding officers The finals were held In the Univer sity of Oregon buildings at Eugene lu the week beginning May 16th. The high schools which represen ted tbe various districts are as fol lows; Burns, Corvallla. Coquille, Eu gene, Grants Pass, Heppner, Kla math Falls, Knappa, Lostlne, Salem and The Dalles. The Crook County high school Is In the upper Columbia district which ALFALFA IAKMH Miss Lora Crow was taken to a hospital In Bend ThurBJay and Wed nesday underwent an ;jeratlon for appendicitis. Her mother and sis ter Eveline are with bcr- Mrs. Mary Benn who has spent the winter in Washington arrived home Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. Horsell entertained the Jolly Neighbors Thursday.' She was also the recipient of a beautiful toi let set, glfe from the club mem bers. Will Irving has gone to Portland to seek employment. His family preceded him several weeks ago. Tbe Shults home was the scene of a delightful surprise party Monday evening when sixteen Redmondltes brongbt with them a bountiful sup ply of Ice cream and cake, the par ty included Rev. Brown and family, C. H. Doty and family, Curt Hallo way and family and Ralph Gillette, all o Redmond. Billy Free and Howard Burrlght of Alfalfa were also present Mrs. Frank Ruff left on Friday evening's train for Portland where she will combine business with a visit. Mr. ami Mrs. Dunn, recent antr al In Alfalfa gave a house warming Monday evening. Mrs. J. N. Crow, president of the Jolly Neighbors Club attended th meeting of the civic league In Bend Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pyatt, for merly of Alfalfa, but now of Mon tana are rejoicing over another ba by boy. j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smock are I parents of a bouncing baby boy. Nicolai Says FROM JUNE 2ND TO JUNE 9TH, BOTH DAYS INCLUSIVE; YOU CAN BUY 2 BARS OF SWISS ROSE GLYCERIN SOAP Oil TWO BARS OF HARDWATER COCONUT, WOOD VIOLET, PEROX IDE, CARNATION OR GERANIUM TOILET SOAP FOR 11 CENTS S BARN FOH 11 CENTS THESE SOAPS ARE MADE BY THE PALMOLIVB SOAP COMP ANY, AND ARE GUARANTEED PURE FOR SALE ONLY AT . ' The QefaaSJL Storo PRI NEVILLE DRUG CO.