Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 02, 1921, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    THIIWDAV, Jl'NK 2, 1021
CIUJUK coejmr JomsAt,
Tl.0 Waetefui for Modern Day, but It
Had IU Point of Rul
Aiming (lie once ni- cnl iIi-h of farm
life Unit ri'lltcti'U pruUitf.tlUy III III
Um uf viiluulilv I i i it In r vvux tliu old rult
fence. 1,1 ki many ill her uIiihihi by
gone uf rural lllu, it place in lnnu
BMlcf ulni'xn now la wull okIiiIiIIhIicU,
and jut It hud Hi uhui for which lit
triilitlit lliiii wliu funv ruiiuiit qualify.
Tim olil mil fence' serrated
atrclchca wwrv the home of aiuull Bill
luul life Unit now U ruplilly disappear
lug. Aruuiiil It timber lucre grow
tin1 utii'UlllvHti'il blackberry, with IU
iHtur lliu rsapherry, and among IU
reccmioa there ihrlvud Ilia elder, who
fruit once wa coveted ilu material
nii wIiimu bloHaoiua were the founda
tion for elUurborry wine that matron
aervvd uf a winter evening wht-u lb
neighbor gullicrcl.
The mil fence, with It Invariable
nudcrgrowlh, wa the favorite protec
tluu for Itob White In whiter, and from
It top be iniig lu the warmer aenaona.
Beneath, the little ground squirrel bur
rowed. From af retreat he chattered
If aoiue lutruder came near to annoy
Dim a he wa hually engaged lu gii in
ert ng hi (tore of food for the uow
To the bat-vent hand It afforded pro
tection at the wid of the long row for
brief respite and It comer formed
huiled nook under which the water
jug might be kept.
And from what royal timber wa
till old fence coniilruf ted I black wal
nut log, chestnut log and the iniootb
length of the ah tree were cleft by
numeroua rati splitter for the "seven
nigh" feuce that atood the itorui of
decade. There wa many a black
walnut rail whoe timber would niaka
the inuuurncturur of gun tock chorlla
with aatisractlou hud he Mich a prea
ant lupply of wihhI at bl comiiiauiL
Coluuihua Dispatch.
Variety of Pumice Stone I Coming
Into General U In Japan Haa
Many Advantage. ,
"Koka Rckl" U a variety of pumlca
alone which, a far aa now known,
report Vice ('miaul II. T. (inoiller of
Yokohama, la only found In the email
group of NllJIma laland (New Is
land), which lie on the count of tlia
ldiu peninsula, about ninety mile
aouth of Tokyo. Though uaed In
MlJIma from ancient time a a build
ing material, only comparatively re
cently ha "Koka Hekl" become known
commercially In Japan proper. Ma
cau of It durability, high tenalla
atrrugth and capability of realatlnf
1.3U0 degree C of beat, It la ult
able for boiler and furnace conatruc
tlon a well a Inner lining or aafea
and the manufacture of Ice cheat.
A It I claimed. It can be easily cut,
will take a aurface of paint or metal
pliitlng. and aa nail ran be driven
In. It l thought that the nae of thl
material will greatly Increaae. It la
however. In re-enforced concrete barge
Hiding In Japan that It la beat
i " Maeterlinck Lea a Dog.
Maurice Maeterlinck ha a special
weakness for aniuiala In general aud
for dog In particular. II waa great
ly distressed, therefore, when, the oth
er day, a gentle little Pekinese which
be owned wa bitten by Alaska, an Ill
mannered Kaklino dog, brought back
from America by the poet. .
The little dog' Injury wa aevera,
nffectlng th aye, and M. Maeterlinck,
finding the animal' Buffering Inmin
portable, called Into conaultatlon on
t tha beat eye apeclnllat In Nice.
After a careful examination tha phy
alclan declared that an operation waa
necessary. The four-footed patient,
however, unable to take an anesthetic,
died under the knife.
Now for service rendered, the spe
clallat ha charged M. Maeterlinck tha
urn of ttOO franca, which le inaltre re
fuse to pay. The physician ha gone
to court with the matter. Krora La
Petit I'arlslen, l'arta.
New Goldfleld In Africa.
Another goldlield ha been dlscor
red In Kaste.o Aklm which pronilaea
untold wealth. King Oforlatta, wba
waa educated on European line, first
aecured the passage nf law similar
to those adopted In South Africa to
protect the country from exploitation.
The king then proceeded with hi In
vestigations, but meanwhile a coloni
al government survey party unex
pectedly discovered diamond a year
ago. Oforlatta, after a yeur of re
aearch work, now claims that he haa
discovered that gravel deposits which
have been worked for gold for cen
turies lies over a layer of clay, beneath
which Is more gravel than that of tha
top layer. Under hi direction an area
exceeding an acre has been excavat
ed. The king states that he Is satla
fled that the Indications point to the
existence of huge goldtlelds.
Like a Wall-Known Voice.
A telephone call came to me one
afternoon. The voice had the well
kDowu, honeyed tones of my best girl.
Shu was somewhat peeved over an In
cident that had occurred a few eve
nings before. In order to reconcile her
I revealed some of my feelings, which
were meant for her alone. At the end
of this conversation I was gratefully,
and hilariously thanked for my In
formation by a suddenly changed voice.
It proved to be a friend of mine,
who took pains to see that I waa told
about it for weeks following. Chicago
Wauld Kaap on Most Anything.
In Turkey th moment the roof la
built over a new bouse it ia customary
to bang from the most prominent
aave a string of garlic, witb an old
boa, to keep off the evil eye.
Twa Ever Thus.
Th hotel dweller longs for the com
fort of borne. And the home dweller
longs for th comforts of a hotel.
Brooklyn Eagle,
A pipe won't butrn your
tongue if you smoke P. A.!
' fx ft that nin0.norfTT.l1Aa Kii7nor
Frinem Alhirt U
oJaf in tappy rd
bagM, tidy rmd tins.
Handsome pound
and half pound tin
hamidorM and in tA
pound crystal giagg
humidor with
apong moiatunmr
Or yrfsM lSKI
L; & J. Reynold
Tubacco Co.
N. C.
'jC -v J ;:. i , . . --i-. f
..Jriil!v- ft 'U iZM H&i
m m ,, , Af W" i IT1 ' w . aaaaaaakw. aua aMaMpnatiaaBajgjKaj
4? H
Thru, lor Vt, Miki
"Ol bate tlattery.' suid o Km-n ihr
other day. "Klaltery makes ye Hunk
y ar bettber than ye are. an" no mini
llvln' can Iver b that." Boston Tran
Imperiihabl Attribute.
Whatsoever that be within us that
feel, think, desires and animates. Is
something celestial, divine, and. con
sequently. Imperlshshle. Aristotle.
.,"-" , tktaW I y.',. . -.J t .-
Get that pipe-party-bee buzzing in vour smoke-
section! Know for a fact what a joy'us jimmy pipe
can and will do for your peace and content! Just
check up the men in all walks of life you meet daily
who certainly get top sport out of their pipes all
aglow with fragrant, delightful, friendly Prince
And, you can wager your week's wad that Prince
Albert's quality and flavor and coolness and its
freedom from bite and parch (cut out, by our exclu
sive patented process) will ring up records in your
little old smokemeter the likes of which you never
before could believe possible!
You don't get tired of a pipe when it's packed with
Prince Albert! Paste that in your hat!
And, just between ourselves! Ever dip into the
sport of rolling 'em? Get some Prince Albert and
the makin's papers quick and cash in on a ciga
rette that will prove a revelation!
the national joy
Crater lake are lake which occupy
the crater of volcanoe or pits- The one
pictured here 1 the most Important In
the United State and ia situated In south
ern Oregon. In 1902 the government aet
aside 159.360 acres surrounding the lake
as a national park and every year a large
number of tourist rlalt the spot It ia
160 milea distant from Prlnevlll by aoto.
The accompanying photograph show
several views of the lake Including the
"Phantom Ship" and the "Lodge" or
' Tourist hotel which la lighted by two I
K. W. Delco-Ltght plants. These plants
are aold by the Inland Aoto Company,
Prinevllle, Oregon.
It Is reponeil Unit t'hlnese proiierr?
deed? or lease often have HH oitrna
tnres. The ronton Is thiit bind Is often
owned by syndicate and ac-einenra
must be sinned by every member of an
Boot.d Up.
Let an ii."rvaa ei praised to the
ikies ami she Is In a 'sir wa,y of be-
romlng a star. Boston Transcript
Cultivate Chaerfulnesa.
Clieerf illness is a small virtue. It la
true, but It sheds such a brightnaaa
around us In this life that neither
dark clouds nor rain can dispel its
bappy Influence. Alexander.
A Tough Beard.
; A woman stated at Westminster the
other day that her husband, saying he
, was going to have a shave, left th
house six months ago, and had not r
turned. London Dally Mali
Ship and Sail under
the Stars and Stripes to
all parts of the world
SHIPS with the Stars
and Stripes blowing
from their masts are once
more sailing the seven seas.
They are, by the Mer
chant Marine Act, 1 920.
". . . ultimately to
be owned and operated
privately by citizens of the
United States."
They are American ships,
carrying passengers and, as
President Harding has said,
"... carrying our car
goes in American bottoms
to the marts of the world."
Keep our splendid ships
on the seven seas under
the Stars and Stripes by
sailing and shipping on
Free use of
Shipping Board films
Use of Shipping Board
motion picture films, four
reels, free on request of
any mayor, pastor, post
master, or organization.
(To Amtrican citiuiu only)
Steel steamers both oil and coal
burners. Also wood steamers
wood hulls and ocean-going tuga.
Further information may be ob
tained by request.
v For sailings of passenger
and freight ships to alt
parts of the world and all
other information write
to . ;
; U. S. Shipping Board
Colored Tobacco Grower Knew What
Wa Expected of Him, and
Had Coma Prepared. j
A colored man from Kentucky droro
to a loose leaf tobacco lulea ware
house In one of the Indiana cltlea oo
the Ohio wlih a load of tobacco.
When he received hi sale slip and
weight he noticed the customary bank
check wa minting.
Approaching the cashier he aald :
"Look here, boss, where la taf
money for this here tobacco?" Tha
sales sheet was consulted.
"Its tike this: th expense for
weighing, unloading and commission
for selling your tobacco amounted to
more than the tobacco waa worth. Too
still owe os Just 50 ceota," explained
the cashier.
"Well, that'a all right, I gnesa, but
I ain't got a cent with me."
"Then next time you are coming
over the river. Just bring along a
chicken with you and we will call the
deal square."
Within a week the colored man ap
peared In the office with two cblckena,
one under each arm.
"Here are the chicken."
"Sure but you didn't have to bring
two of them, one would nav paid th
"Tea, boss, but Tse brought another
load of tobacco." Indlanapoila News.
University of Pennsylvania Law 8 tit
dent Who Receive Hug Income
Live In Modest Fashion.
"Wanted, a stenographer of unim
peachable character, experienced la
shorthand and taking dictation, who
will be willing to devote bar Sunday
to Indexing and preparing the cases)
of a struggling law student at the Un
versity of Pennsylvania."
Thla la the model of stenograph! '
ability required by the university's
richest student, John Jeffrie V of
England, who la "struggling" only la
so far as his law work goes, for ha
came to this country with th mere
triUV of SO,0UO a year oo which to
live, says the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Jeffries, who la a second-year stu
dent, already has one stenographer,
but bis earnest delving into the intri
cacies of Blackstone and bia Ilk re
quire more assistance and be la now
looking for a suitable young womaa
to add to his stall.
The young Englishman, who Is tha
fifth direct descendant of John Temple,
governor general of Ireland, and has
three cousins in the house of lords, is
popular among hi classmate, who
declare that he ia quite democratic, hi
spite of the bu-den of his wealth. Ho
Uvea quietly and unpretentiously, and
nothing in bia mode of living aeems to
Indicate that he spends even a half of
$80,000 allowed him.
Japanese Remain Buddhlsta.
That 80 per cent of the Japanese)
IWing Id the sugar plantation camp
of Hawaii never have been touched
by Christian propaganda, and that
American plantation owners, manager)
and others who have helped support
Japanese Buddhist missions, "did
foolish thing. If ever man did," wera
two of the statement made by Bar.
Ulysses G. Murphy, representative f
the American Bible aoctetr. In a rar
i cent address at Honolulu.
Rev. Mr. Murphy ale aald that thai
elder generation of Japanese living
In the plantation campa, owing to their
Isolation, are forty year behind their
native country In thought and under
standing of modern condition.
Any attempt at Americanization at
the Japanese In Hawaii which leaves
untouched their home life and faila
to recognize that the key to the prob
lem Is the Japanese language school
Is foredoomed to failure, Eev. Mr.
Murphy declared.
Almost Had It
One of the Terre Haute ward
schools was having a contest In seeing
which children could learn the airs of
a number of standard songs so they
could tell their names when they
heard a few bars of the melody played.
After "Home, Sweet Home" and
"Old Black Joe" had been played sev
eral times the teacher put on the rec
ord "Believe Me, If All Those Endear
ing Young Charms." It was played
few minutes and she began to look
expectantly at the children.
Then a fair Hi tie youngster looked
triumphantly up from the list of songs
he had in Ills iuind. "Oh, It's that
believe me In tours all about your
charms," he hr.zurded. Indianapolis
Would You Believe It7
The game uf croquet does not de
velop experts ami enthusiasts to the
extent' that golf and tennis do; but
uiore people play It aud more wood
Is c-wanted in providing the balls,
mallets and stakes than In the pro
duction of golf clubs and tennis rack
ets combined, says the American For
estry Magazine of Washington. The
entire playing1 outflt of croquetl Is
made of wood except the arches, and,
sometimes these are of bent wood.
Some Large Emeralds.
One South American country haa
prodnced an emerftld of 630 carat
s'7.p and claimed it was the largest
emerald In the world, and then learned
that fields In the Ural mountains have
produced emeralds that weighed six
and three-quarters pounds, while the
South American stone weighed only
one-third oft a pound. The six and
three-quarter pound emerald waa
among the crown Jewels of Russia, and,
IU locullou uow is uukuown.