Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 02, 1921, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    TIIURHDAY, JUNE 2, 1021
fage B
Ballots and other slectlon par-
apblnalla are bulng distributed
thli week by Am W, Oattlt ,
County Clurk, (or th slectlon
which will bo held throughout
tha country on Tuesday next.
Tha usual voting houra will
be observed, and tha ballot eon-
talm but flva measures, all pas-
and by the racont legislature,
and rfrrd to the people (or
One of the moat sensational danc
es ever given In Prlnevllle ws stag
d at the Legion Ha'l Friday night,
when King Alfulfa and his royal
coterie sponsored tlie first bull to be
given by the Crook County lrrigat
ora. Thny officially proclaimed Mr a
Harold Baldwin queen of tbi do
main, The music waa there, the crowd
waa there, and when the dunce waa
over, King Alfalfa and hla (ollowora
were the Inat to go home.
A booth constructed of balud hav
waa arranged at the entrance, whore
the Irrlgatora stationed eome of
their number to collect the article
' alon to the dunce and alao to H
badgi of the Crook County Irrlga
tora. The ball room waa attractive
ly decorated with pensnts, baloe of
bay and saga. The hay waa used In
the place of chalra. The beat part of
all waa the corner fixed up to rep-i
rr-sent a bar, back of which John
Roea waa the official dispenser of
the Irrigator' Cocktail. The John
son Creek Orchestra provided the
claaa of music that brlnga them all
to the floor, both young and old. A
platform waa arranged for the or
chestra In the center of tha door.
It was decorated with aage and wil
lows on each corner and the tops
were gathered together with four
Unfits clustered In the center of the
bower thus formed. No efforta were
spared by King Alfalfa In the deco
rations and the climax waa reached
tn the erection of the queen's throne.
The singe win used for this purpose
and the throne Itself was made of
balos of hay upon which were placed
' t rvim Vans and products of the Irri
gated lands. Juniper trees were
placed behind and around the throne
while In front a border of ange waa
constructed, overtopped with early
potatoes stuck on pitchforks.
The Irrigators wore tholr official
uniform, blue dcmlns, Jumpers and
straw hats.
Nominations for queen were made
during the dance. The arrangement
being, that the peraon receiving the
highest number of votes would be
considered the choice for queen and
the next two highest would be the
Maids of Honor. ,The totes were
sold st ten cents each. Competition
was keen and each candidate waa
quipped with a quota of efficient
electioneers. Mrs. Harold Baldwin
received the largest number, while
Mrs. Henry Howard and Mrs. Sam
Ganger were selected as Maids of
The coronation ceremony was duly
performed. Jsy H. Upton as Prince
Water Itlguts escorted the queen to
her throne, and the Maids were con
ducted to their seats at the foot of
the throne by the Duke of Ochoco
and General Sags Drusb.
After the ceremony, the dance was
continued, Supper was served In
the Club Rooms on the first floor.
The prises given away were a five
pound box of candy to Mra Homer
Norton of Post, for the woman com
ing Die farthereat distance to attend
the dance, which was twenty-seven
miles; and a box of cigars to Melvln
Wuberg of Supine, who traveled 83
nillos to attend the dance, thus being
the man who traveled farthereat to
Following Is a summary of tbe
financial statement rendered by Ba
ron Cream Can, the Treasurer.
Admission 1201.70
Drinks 20. SO
Badges snd buttons 16. SB
Votes for Queen 118.80
Total, $366.86
Music, f 4000
Buttons and badgea 41.00
Deoorationa 111. 66
rubllclty 60.80
Receipts 1
Balance on band,
Notice Is hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Crook
County, Oregon, will bold tbe regu-
lur examination of applicants (or
State Certificates at Prlnevllle, as
follows: v
Commencing Wednesday, June 8,
1921, at 8:00 o'clock, A. M., and
continuing until Saturday, June 11.
1121, at 4:00 o'clock, P. M
Wednesday Forenoon
U. 8. History, Writing, (Penman
ship), Drawing, Music.
Wnlnfwday AfUTnoon
Physiology, Reading. Manual
Training, Composition, Domestic
Science, Methods In Reading, Course
of Study for Drawing, Methods In
Thursday Forenoon
Arithmetic, History of Education,
Psychology. Methods In Oeography,
Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art,
Course of Study for Domestic Art.
. .. Thursday AfU'rnoon
Orammar, Geography, Stenogra
phy, American Literature, Physics.
Typewriting, Methods In Language,
Thesis for Primary Certificate.
Friday Ktimioon
Theory and Practice, Orthography
(Spelling) Physical Geography,
KngllBh Literature, Chemistry.
Friday Afternoon
School Law, Oeology, Algebra, Ci
vil Government.
Saturday Forenoon
Geometry, Botany.
Saturday Afternoon
General History. Bookkeeping.
J. E. MYERS, Bup't
The election called to pass on '
the Ochoco bond Issus of 876,
000 will be held Saturday at
Orlmes Cbapel.
Tha bonda are to be used In
retiring outstanding warrants
of tbe district and are In no way
an Increase of tbe obligations
but Instesd will sssist materially
In tha administration of tbe af-
(airs of the organisation. .
Every land holder should corns
out and vote yes on these bonds.
AxUo Wadding, Csrtmonlts.
The wedding ceremouy of the early
Aiteca waa an operation which con
sumed four days. A great number
of persons took part In it Including
old omen, who watched the couple
during the ceremonial agonies.
Long Distance Service
to The Coast
The summer season at the Oregon coast resorts will soon be
here. It will soon be time to move the family to the cottage on
the ocean beach. Long distance lines of the Pacifio Telephone
and Tolograph Company reach all coast points, Seaside, Gearhart,
Long Beach. Seavlew, Cannon Beach, Newport, Tillamook, Rock
away Beach.
Why not reserve you a cottage by long distance make sure of
your arrangements (or the' summer season by using Pacifio Long
Distance service. It will save you a trip to the beach and will be
quicker and just as satisfactory.
Then plan to keep In touch with the family during the summer
Season by telephone. It Is better than writing a letter and more
satisfactory. Every effort is made to expedite calls by day or
night. You will find the service quick, efficient and courteous.
' Ask for. Pacifio Long Distance. , .
I The Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph Company
Part of the Journal force attend
ed tbe big annual fish fry at Vanora
which took place as Sunday. We
had often been told qf the fun to be
had at these big feeds, but had not
tbe remotest Idea of just what a real
flab fry was.
We arrived early, being the fifth
car to go down the long grade, and
made ourselves domfortable under
the fruit trees near tbe old mill site.
Naturally we were on the lookout
for the long strings of trout which
were to supply tbe main part of the
much talked of banquet, but saw no
thing In that line for some time.
8hortly after our arrival cars from
all over began to put In an appear
ance, and by noon there were 188
autos parked In the level glade ad
joining the orchard. Among the
cars to arrive was one light truck
from Madras with the fish for the
occasion. 1,800 trout comprised the
load, and tbey were all cleaned and
covered with ' crushed Ice. Theae
fish, we were told, were all caught
by the local fishermen of Madras,
the bait used being artificial flies.
They ranged in size from ten Inches
up to eighteen or twenty inches, and
we want to here state that 1,800
trout all in one pile la a proposition
to big to be fully realized without
actually viewing them. They were
piled out In great mounds on two
long tables, preparatory to being
placed on the hot plate for trying.
The stove used for the cooking of
this great mass of trout was a large
brick-walled affair with a steel top
three feet wide by five feet long
When this large top was gotten to
Just the right heat, it was flooded
with grease and then covered en
Urely with fish.
Messers- Howard W. Turner and
Austin W. Gulp acter as chefs for
the occasion, snd the way they turn
ed raw material into beautifully
browned food was a revelation to us
Each of these gentlemen were armed
with hot-cuke turnera, and they
worked with a system that made for
speed. While one was dishing out
fried fish to the long line of wait
ing guests, the other was turning
the long rows of trout to keVp them
from burning and at the same time
piling on more fish. The range top
was entirely covered with trout for
fully two and a half hours. In ad
dltion to trout another range, un
der the able management of Perry
Read was kept busy boiling coffee
and keeping the chilli beans hot.
There were over 700 people pres
ent and all seemed to be out for a
great big time, and It they didn't
bave said good time they sure had
no one to blame but themselves,
This was our first fish fry, but it
we live and are within driving dis
tance of Vanora next year it will
not be our last one.
This try is an annual occasion put
on by the Madras Rod and Gun Club,
this being the eighth annual Fish
Fry. We foel that special mention is
due to Howard W. Turner, Austin
W, Gulp and Lewis H. Irving of
Madras, also to several other people
whose names we were unable to
learn, for their efforts tn seeing
that all present enjoyed themselves
and we feel safe In saying the Mes
sers Turner and Culp were the most
of Oregon on that day. We believe
that the Rod and Gun Club should
award them not only a rousing vote
of thanks, but also a fitting medal
for their labors. They are gentle-
men whom it is a privilege to come
In contact with.
The Journal wishes to call the at
tention of its readers to an Item pub
lished last week in reference to
Eighth Grade Examinations held
May 12th and 18th.
In this article, It was stated that
Charles Gaylord, Doratha Christ
ian!, Adeline Slayton and Nellie Fos
ter graduated from District No, 1,
which Is the Prlnevllle school. The
statement as It should have been Is
that these students graduated from
District No. 2, the Lower Rye Grass
school. ,
I From $2063 to j
Qj-i) li ' U U rQ) PR'NEVILLE
Come and Get Your Car
Service Motor
Sales j
Thursday morning, May 26th, city
marshal. John Fincher and Deputy
Sheriff Dave Jones made a raid on
the Ochoco Rooming house operated
by Mrs- R. E. Jones.
A number of bottles of moonshine
wej-e found. In one of the rooms
three pint bottles containing liquor
were found, and In the woodshed
two full quart bottles and one partly
emptied were found. Mra. Jones
was placed under arrest at once, but
denied any knowledge of the liquor
ln the house and was released by
Justice of the Peace E. O. Hyde, be
fore whom the case waa brought to
A short time later, Pete Brltton
acknowledged ownership of the li
quor ln the woodshed and in hla trial
was fined llOOMn the city court and
350 in the County court.
Later it waa discovered that
Mark Holdrldge was the person to
whom the moonshine in the room
belonged. In his trial he was fined
$100 by the city court.
The S- S. Club held their first
meeting on Friday, May the twenty
seventh and made one dozen baby
bibs for the Albertina Kerr Nursery
of Portland.
This Club will hold a candy sale
in J. E. Stewart & Company's store
Saturday afternoon. Home made
candy will be offered for sale and
everyone is invited to drop in and
see if your favorite candy Is there.
The money derived from the sale
will be used by the members of the
club to purchase goods to make oth
er articles to send to the Institution
at Portland.
Read: "ol.
There Is hardly a roadside pood or
pool which has not as much land
scape in it as above It. Ritskln.
LOST May 26th, Globe tire, infla
ted and on rim. size either 84 z 4
or 85 x 4 1-2. Leave at Journal
office and get reward. S7tfc.
LOST Blue prluyt of timber esti
mate of Rogers-Williams Lumb
er Co. Please return to Crook Co.
Journal office. 87.
TO TRADE Two yearling; colts will
trade for a Jersey heifer. Address
C. D. Oppen, City. 87tfp.
Out where the birds sing a little
Out where the trout bite a little
That's where the West begins.
Out where the neighbors treat you
Where the flowers that bloom are a
little brighter,
Where the cares of life are a little
That's where the West begins.
Out on the banks of Crooked river
Stands a ittle city as in a quiver.
That's where the West begins.
Out where tbe coyotes thrill in the
Where the ground hogs are playful
ly roaming,
Where the deer and birds are joy
fully homing,
That's where the West begins.
A Classified Ad gets results.
Out where the klne are a Httle .
Out where the swine weigh another
That's where the West begins.
Out where the Ochoco foams and
There's where the hay rolls up In
Out where your worries tall In crum
bles, s
That's where the West begins.
Due to congested conditions that
will prevail within the next tew
days, preceding the Rose Festival at
Portland, and during that time, it la
earnestly urged that all parties
needing automobile repairs of any
kind or wishing to make any par
chases, attend to such matters at
once in order that we may be ln a
position to render you satisfactory
Hard on the
a JUHP ! " Cass , Viill! 1 II I! i I
"w "-w w -S "V Un flHU ';TV I ik" Hi
But Nofe
they are
Red Goose School Shoos
YOU will note a big drop in the
family shoe expense if you will demand
for your children. TTiey are made with a keen apprecia
tion of the hard service to which children's shoes are nut-
Tbey meet this terrible active-boy-and-girl resistance.
The "Red Goose" shoe is stamrjed with a trade-
, mark like that shown to the left, and there is a style
tor every boy and girl between tbe ages or J to 16 years
styles for dress; for work, or rough play every one
of them built of LEATHER,
The name of this shoe b easy to remember; and the wear and
service it gives your children and the money it saves you will not
be readily forgotten. Call at our store for "Red Cook All-Leather
V v
J. E. Stewart & Co.