Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 19, 1921, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Page I.
Tiuie Table No. 5
Effective 1S:01 A. M. Suaduy, Feb
ruary 80, 19SO
40 and 80 Acre Tracts
On the Ochoco Project
In a
Wret Bound
moon cocnty jornxAL
UUodi Motor Motor M)d
No. t No. No. 1
P M P. M. A. li.
Lt. Prineville 7:15 4:45 5:15
Lt. Wilton 7:55 5:00 l:K
Lv. McCallWer 8:19 5:15 5:45
L. O'Neil 8:20 6:16 :00
Ai. Prfnevl J-A 8:10 5:46 ;20
Ea4 Bound
tattons Mixed Motor Motor
No. J No. 4 No.
A. M P. M. P. II
Ar. Prineville 8:35 6:65 8:10
At. Wilton 8:20 :40 1:80
Ar. McCalliiter 7:05 :16 8:26
Ar. O'Neil 7:65 6:16 8:46
Lt. Prinevl Jet 7:40 6:00 8:15
new size
Editor and Publisher
Eater at the postoffloe ei
Oiiim es seconeVclass aaattrt.
Price K.M per im. payable strictly ta
warn. In ease of chance of address please
amity m at one, shrine kotk oM ajsi mmm
' FosejaAJierUsinsRuiiriii.t ti I
A Washington news dispatch
"The cut In federal reserve bank
Interest rates, announced within the
week at such widely separated cen- ide Permanent and stable settle
ters as New York, Atlanta and Chi-jaenU in Europe. The business of
ago, comes to American industries : th country, as a measure of sound
with all the cheer of a burst of sun-jPolicy wknta that done and is bring
hine after a storm. j ,ng PaT hv " done. Ore-
"A lively quickening of business j "on Journal.
which even the most casual obser
vers cannot have failed to note, has
been the immediate result The
outlook today is the brightest since
the armistice was signed.
The credit situation is described
as a great deal better than a year
ago, and money easier than at any
time for months. An avalanche of
gold is sweeping down on America '
from every quarter. The govern- P,e- w tney must weign tne mat
menfs strong boxes are declared to ter and think for themselves. Much
be at the bursting point. depends upon which road is taken
Values of securities tn the New now r ln September.
York stock market are higher, and Dai,y we meet PeoP'e wno If
the volume of trading is increased. ' 1 nad on'v finished High School, or
Whether Wall Street actually sens- "why aldn,t 1 reaIlz8 tne value of a
es an improved situation or not, its
tone and its action are evidence of
Its belief in improved conditions.
America has more than one third
of the gold in the world, and the
other nations could not, with the re
maining two thirds, pay the debts
they owe us. The deposits in Amer
ican savings banks have risen to six
and one half billions against three
billions before the war. The bank
ing resources of the United States
are far beyond anything ever known ;
in thn world 1
. America is the ona nation on earth !
that is in a position to manufac-
ture things at 100 per cent capacity.
and the one nation that is compara-
iively free from heretical oroblems
in industrial disputes. Pert ln that ,ine and th expert Is
The world has been at a standstill the man who et pleasure out of
in construction for half a dozen work M wel1 a b,8
years and the United States is the' Don,t t0P school until you have
only nation with plants and work- t0- Ex.
ers capable of meeting the demands ! '
lor building and structural enter-j DECORATION DAY v.
prise. Settlement of world condi-j The ceremony of placing flowers
tions is the thing that stands most gnd flags, of holding Memorial Ser
in the way toward the reconstruction j vices is only an outward sign of the
necessary after so long a period of honor we do our soldiers. It is but
son-construction and years of un- j a sign of the reverence of our hearts,
sampled destruction. rt is one of the Important days of
The decline in interest rates as ' the entire year. No other carries
recognized by lowered discount; the lesson of patriotism and sacrt
rates in the federal reserve banks is ' f jce for country so strongly. If all
scarcely the beginning of the decline j boys and girls are taught the true
of such rates certain to come. The ; meaning of Memorial Day, and that
, money n?ed in the last two or three it is a privilege to take part rever
years in extravagance and specula- entiy i the exercises of the day, I
tion at colossal rates, is no long-!there will be no problem of Amer
er required in that field. The huge ! Wnizatinn far an these voune-1
wms employed in hoarding by
Iiteers who sought and much time
held control of the markets, is large
ly liberated because of the deflation
in prices. The late stagnation at In
dustrial plants through fear of the
future and by reason of cancelled or
ders threw more money in Idleness.
' Money will not remain in idle
ness. Its owners want it to work
- and they will presently be seeking
' borrowers. Then the decline in in
1 terest rates will go to a maximum
- and the sequel will be the effort of
c money to earn a profit thru in-
reatment in productive enterprise of
every description, It is impossible
for the United States in our plentl
o nf mh. credit and resources
rcont nue to' do other than advance
VU tuuuuuo -
into a growing activity.
, A better feeling will spread over
the country as the trend of the Har
ding administration toward efforts
to stabilize Europe . becomes more
marked. The better feeling descri
bed In the above news dispatch is
indonbtedly in part due to a grow
Jng belief that Hughes and Hoover
are .gradually leading President
Harding Into plans for throwing the
tafluence of the United States on the
All over the country thousands of
boys and girls are finishing High
School and Grade School. This
chapter of life is being closed. The
question, "What Next?" must soon
be faced.
Up to this time decisions largely
nav been made for the8e younK Peo"
college education?" Gone are the
days when a sixth gTade schooling
armed a man or woman to cope with
business conditions. To be sure, we
all know folks highly successful ln
business in spite of the lack of book
learning, but think of the greater
Success they might have had if they
1 possessed the advantage of a thoro
ughly trained mind.
So to every boy and girl we say,
if possible, continue your education.
If breadwinning is a necessity right
wy. accept the work at hand cheer
fuIly and worK and hard 'n ne
Great School of Experience. Many
P&ths are open to the young folks
of toi7- There is enough about
anT work to learn to become an ex-
pro-tsters are concerned. Ex.
Men who try to do something and
fail are infinitely better than men
who try to do nothing and succeed.
The dance given for the Burns
High School on Thursday night was
quite a social event, aiding consid
erably in getting the Burns students
and the local students acquainted.
There was a good sized crowd in at
tendance. The music was furnished
by the Johnson Creek Orchestra and
the organization can now be consld-
?red as a standby of the town.
le.lw,.a rrAtex nVinvn ft conn
1 IIO V tflliui a "tic " e
a time as could be given them under
the circumstances and they all seem
ed to be well pleased with Prineville
even if their baseball team did suf
fer defeat in both games.
More Coffee Perhaps,
Abyssinia Is the original home ef
the coffee tree, and In the highlands
of that country there are immense for
ests of it that have never been
10 cigarettes for 10 cts
Handy and convenient; try
them. Dealers now carry
both sizes : 10 for 10 cts ; -20
for 20 cts.
It's Toasted
Merchants are more and more re
alizing that the old days of exces
sive profits are a think of the past
and that people are going to buy
where they get value .received. Al
though there Is no opportunity to
examine an article and thus Judge
correctly as to Its quality when deal
ing with mall order houses, yet the
lower price often found is the bait
which brings them customers. The
Inland Auto Company of this city
has taken the pains to examine and
tear apart a number of these suppos
ed bargains from among the lines
which they handle, and their win
dow display clearly explains the
false economy of sectring a much
Inferior article In order to affect a
small saving ln the purchase price.
Notice ti hereby given by the nnderslgmed
'. the sheriff of Crook County. Oregon, that
' pursuant to an execution and order of sale
; issued out of the Circuit Court of the State
j of Oregon for Crook County on the 11th day
oi may. isi, in the suit In foreclosure, Her
man Dill ts. A. P. Franch et at., and to me
directed, I will sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for eaih, at the front door of
the county courthouse In Prineeilla, Oregon,
on Saturday, the 11th day of June, 1921 at
the hour of ten oeloek In the forenoon of
said day, the following described real estate,
to-wit ;
The North half of the Northwest Quarter
The Dutch Laundry
It Will pay yon to have your washings dons good
not ruined, not too much blueing, but nice and white. I
am looking for more clothes ruff drying, ironing and
wet wash. Tou will find that my prices are reasonable.
Blankets washed 3 for $1.00. No fading, bnt they look
like new. We get the washings and return It nice and
clean at all hours, every day In the week.
Mrs. M. Trapman
a- East Oth Street
An Oregon
$15.00 per Ton
Why' Pay More?
Cornett Stage Co.
' Stages leave Prineville and Paulina Daily
except Sunday
Office with Ochoco Creamery
of Section Twenty la Township Fourteen,
South, of Rang Seventeen East of the Will
em rite Meridian in Oregon.
Dated thai Xilh day of May, 191.
34-SS& Sheriff of Crook County, Oregon
Notice la hereby given by the andertlgned
sheriff of Crook County, Oregon, that pur
suant to an execution and order of sale la
sued out of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Crook County on the ltth day
of May. 1051 In the suit In foreclosure. Rob
ert Wiley vn. Charlee C. O'Neil el el., and
to me directed. I will sell at Public Auction
to the highest bidder for cash, at the front
dwr of the county eourthouee In Prineville.
O-egon. on Saturday, the lHh day of June,
1921 at the hour of ten o'clock In the fore
noon of said day, the following described
real estate, to-wit.
The Northeast smarter of Section Thirty
Four and the Smithwret quarter of Section
Twenty Six In Township Fourteen South, of
Range SWteen East of the Willamette Meri
dian In Oregon.
Dated this 12th day of May. 11.
J.-IISc. Sheriff of Crook County, Oregon
Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned,
the administratrix of the estate of John R.
Foster,' deceased, to all creditor! of aald de
ceased and to all persons having claims
airalnst said estate, to present the same with
the proper vouchers to the undersigned at the
office nf M R. Elliott at Prineville. Oregon,
within siv months from the date of the first
publication of this notice.
Dated and published the first time May 1!,
Admlnlstrat-lx of the estate of John R,
Foster, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned
the administrator of the estate of John W.
Snyder to the creditors of the aald deceased
and to all persons having etalms against aald
estate to present the same with the proper
vouchers to the undersigned at hie office tn
Prineville, Oregon, within aim months from
the date of the first publication of this no
tice. Dated this 12th day of May.
Administrator of the estste of John W.
Snyder, Deceased.
Product for
At prices that are fair, terms that you can meet.
If you want an irrigated ranch, we have it for you.
Office with Crook County Journal.
LAND CO., Prineville 0re8n
Johnson Creek
This dance is given for the benefit of
the PrineviHe Base Ball Club and
will give all hard-boiled and other
wise a chance to not only bestir them
selves but also to help along what is
expected to be one of the best ball
teams in these parts.
Suit Yourselves as to Dress
Tickets to Dance $1
Nicolai Says
Take Peptona if you need a Reconstructive
Tonic, an Aid for enriching the Blood, building the
Strength and improving the Health Generally
$1.50 a pint bottle.
For Sale Only At
A Want Ad
May 21
Jazz Orchestra
Punch Served
Gets Results