Till IIHI1.AV, MAY 111, 11(21 (Win COUNTY JOURNAL Pag &. IXB UA.IM FOR, BALK One Kord Truck, Two Kurd Tourlnic cur and on Ford . bug. Will Uk wood as part pay mnnt. Otto Bontag. I3tf. FOH BALK Ntrtled Gora potatoas, s C. M. Charlton, Powell Butte. MILLINERY Just received new tuck of millinery. Another on the war. Look at my stock be fore buying elsewhere. Price rea sonable. Mrs. J. N. Wright. FOR BALK About BO March hatch ed chick. Br Mra. McNeely. t-tf TYPRWRITKIt FOR BALI In first class condition, at very mall price. Inquire Trl-Btate Terminal Co. 82-e FOR SALE Two Brown Swiss milk cows. Inquire at Journal offlce. 11- FOR BALE A course In borse breaking and training. Original cost $26. For Ml at 110.00 Write "J.B.", car Journal, city. l-.6p. FOR SALE Good ranch near Prlne .Title. $85 acres, well Improved. Good terms. Bos 45, PrlnerlUe, Or. 5-tfc FOR SALE Evitrbearlng Strawber ry Plants. Spring delivery. C. P. Bechor, Tumslo, Or. Sl-tfc. FOR BALE Sued Rye and Marcu Wheat, L s w 1 1 Rcgolsbcrgr, Prlnevllle. IB-lf. FOR SALE Ootid work team, hnr ness and collars. J 1-J Inch wa gon, or Jersey cow, two hotter calves. If you want a bargain, see these. Louis Regolaberger. , 16-tf. FOR SALE Hhenp ranch. Inquire of D, F. Stewart, Prlnevllle, Ore. 14-tfo. PLANTS Leave orders for cab , bage, eelery, tomato, cauliflower, pepper, pansy, and aster plunlM. Ochoco Warehouse Co. 28- Mall your Hemstitching and Plcot Edge work to The Singer Sewing Machln Co., Bond, Oregon for prompt sorvtce. The Singer Sew ing Machine Co., Boa S60, Bend, Orcg. 18-tfc, TO RENT 75 acres on a crop basis. Ownor to take car of all water assessments. A good chance if taken at once. Call at Forestry Offlce for particular. Il-tf OCHOCO PROJECT Irrigated land to trade for Prlnevllle property. R. L. Scbee, Prlnevlllo, Ore. Z8tf. MISCELLANEOUS LOST Pair of De Lux Auto chains In brown canvas bag on Sunday evening on Ochoco Road. Finder leave at Journal offlce. IS-tf. LOST Jersey heifer, two yean old. Larg whit spot Strayed from Powell Butte. Reward for recov ery. Notify (his office. 15-tfc. WANTED All kinds of Sewing to do. Inquire of Emma Randle, nt Mra. Ouy Sumner. ll-tf. HIP US YOUR WOOL We do cleaning and carding for comfort ers and mattresses. Manufactar era of pure wool bats. CRYSTAI SPRINGS WOOLEN MILLS. Port land, Oregon, mills, 760 Umatil la Avenue; office, 801 Spalding Building. IStt. SCALE BOOKS Neatly printed and bound. Sent 11.00 to the Journal and one will b mailed to ' yon, postag paid, Itfc. Do your eyes trouble youT - Ar .ar glasses giving satisfaction or do they need changing It so, call on Dr. r. H. Day, 510 Main St., Prlne tlle, Oregon. He Is permanently lo cated at that address litre. , BEFORE YOU SIGN a life Insun - ane contract in any other com. pany examine th superior eon tract and low premium rates of Oregon Life. Sea. T. L. Qutnn, tta local agent 14 tfc Thoa baring eye trouble or ser vo troubles should call and see Dr. r. H. Day, (10 Main St., PrlnerlUe. Oregon. . lltta HATCHING EGGS WHITE LEGHORN setting , eggs. From best egg stock' on coast. Eggs can be had at Michel's. Sam Bills. I8tf The Journal doe modern printing on short notice. 1 a UNITED ARTISANS, Pr!nUl As sembly No. lit, meets Una first nd third Monday of each month, la the K. of P. HalL AU visiting Artisans ar wilcom. FLORENCE CTRCB. M. A. MARTHA A. NEVBL, Beey. OPHTHALMOLOGIST OR. T. H. DAY Physician, ophthal mologist, neuralogUt Bpeclalty of eyes and nerve. OUsees fitted Hour 19 to II a. m. J I to I a. a. Evenings by appointment 111 main at. PrlnsvUU, Or. S7tf. ATTORNEYS W1LLARD H. WIRTZ District At torney. Office Crook County Bank Building, Prlnevllle. Oregoa. if. at. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Uw Court House 8t, Prlnevlll Or PHYSICIANS DR, E. O. HYDE Phyalciaa sad Bf geoa Office lot Thlr4 Mr Prteevllle CHA8. S. EDWARDS Physician Burgeoa Glasses Correctly Fitted 17 Mala St, PrtnevUle, Oregoa. H. P. Belknap L. V. Belknap IELKHAP A BILIIir Physicians aayj Baigimsai Office in ICaat Third Street PrlaevUle, Oregoa Otflo phon II Residence II DR. H. 0. DAVIS . DENTIST Crook County Bank BaUdlag Prlnevlll Oregoa LAKE M. BECHTELL U. 8. ConimuKloner Attoraey-At-Law Oook County Buk Building PRINEVUXE . . OREGON THE PIONEER EMPLOYMENT COMPANY "The oldest offlce In Oregon" 14 North Beoond Street PORTLAND, OREGON DIU PAUL C. LONG Chiropractlo Physlclau Electro-therapy Acute and Chronic Casea OFFICE HOURS 10 to II, I to S. By appointment Offices over Journal Press.' Telephone, Red 661. Calls answered day or night w. h. cntus The Jeweler MASONIC TEMPLE PrlnerlUe, Oregoa NOTICH TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that, the undersign ad, aa Superintendent of Banks for tha Btata of Oregon, is in charge of the a sets and af faire of tha Crook County Bank of Prinerllle, Oregon, for tha purpose of liquidation. AU persona who may nave claims against such bank ara hereby notified to make legal proof thereof, by filing a duly verified claim, as by law provided, with tha Deputy Superintendent of Banks In charge, at the office of tha Crook County Bank, Prineville, Oregon, on or before the 18th day of June, 1021, FRANK C. BRAMWELL Superintendent of Banks. A Classified Ad gets result. NOTICE , Notice is hereby given that El liott & Scroggln will not be responsi ble tor any obligations or debts In curred under the name of Elliott, Scroggln & Wolfe, unless the same Is first authorized by Elliott & Scroggln, with written authorization from Elliott & Scroggln. Signed ELLIOTT & SCROGGIN. CITATION In the Cmintr Court of the State of Oregon, fur the Count? uf Crook: In the Matter of th Katate of B. M. MrCubblna, dreeaern'. To Myrtle Kuril. Kind Mar? I MrCooMni, Eltrln MHUm MrCubbine, Edwaid AIIm Aab r. Cora Ellle and th. unknown blr of Laura Mediating Millar, drceaaed. and all other tterenne anknown, Greeting: la tha nam of the state of Oregon. You. ara hereby cltad and raajulred la , la tha County Court of tha State of Oregon, for in txrunlf of Crook, at tha Court Room tharaof. at PrlnerlUe, In tha County of Crook, on Maturday, tha 2alh day of May 121 at taa o'clock In tha forenoon of that day, than and thara to aho tauee. If any you have, why tha administrator in tha aforaaald mat ter ahall not ba autliorliad to aril tha fol lowing deeertbed ml pramkHat Tha E4 of hK of action IV and tha WU of NWV. SUM of NWIi and Yl of htcM NWW of taction I. all In Tii II I, K I W tl W. M. Is Lane County, Oregon. Witneae. Tha Hon. N. (I. Wallace, J Hilar of tha County Court of tha Btata of Oregon, for tha County of Crook and tha Baal of aald Court hereto allUed, tha) Ulb day of Aurll, last. SIMM Attait: ARA W. BATTLED. Clark. SUMMONS la tha Circuit Court of tha Btata of Oram for Crook county. Frltt Vole, Plaintiff. Allee Volk. Defendant To A Ilea Volk. tha ebore aamad dafandaati la tha nam of tha aula of Oregon, yoa ara hereby raqulrad to appear and an war tha eomplalnt fllad aaalnat you In tha above en titled ault on or brfora tha tota day of Man, imi. aa prearnnea in tna order for publica tion mule herrla, and If you fall to eo an war, or appaar harain, for want tharaof tha plaintiff will apply to tha Court for tha rallaf prayed for In tha complaint ftlad harain. to-wit i For a derraa of thla court that tha bonon of matrimony now aakrtlnn batwaan you and lha plaintiff ba dlaaolrrd and bald for nauahtl and that tha plaintiff ba abaolvad from any and all obllsatlona arialnc out of tha mar rtaaa contrart now axtatlna batwaan jam and aid plaintiff and for auch othar and furthar rallaf aa to tha Court may aaaui mart and jnaL Thla lummoni la aarrad upon you by pub llratlon tharaof for all eonaacutlva waaka n tha Crook County Journal, a waakly nawa papar of frncral clrrulatkin, publlahad In Frlnavllla. Crook County, Oraaon, by ordar of tha Hon. T. E. J. Ihirtr. Judna of tha Cir cuit Court of Crook County, Btata of Onion, whlck ordar waa dated tha 11th day of March. ini, tna data or lha flrat publication bains lha Slat day of Marrh. LAKE M. BECHTELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Raaioenca and Port OnVa Addraaat Prinavilla, Orason tM4 NOTIC FOR PUBLICATION (laolatad Tract) 02108a. PUBLIC LAND SALE, Dapartnwnt af tha Interier. U. 8. Land Offira at Tha Dallaa, Ore., April I, 1921. Notice la hereby given that, aa directed by tha Comminloner of the General Land office, under provtiiona of See. 146S. R. B., purauant to tha application of Richard 8pa llnaer, Serial No. omoiu. we will offer at public aala, to tha hlRhret bidder, but at not leaa Ulan 12.00 per acre, at 10:111 o'clock a. m., on the 7th day of June, next, at thla office, tha following tract of land: NWU NWl Sec. S. T. 14 8.. R. 16 E. W. M. : Inintainlng 40 acrra). "Thla tract h or j den-d into the market on a allowing that the i greater portion thnreof ta mountainous or : too rough for cultivation." I The aale will nnt ba kept open, but will i ba declared eloaed when thoaa preaent at tha hour named have ccaaed bidding. Tha par ' aon making th hlghrat bid will ba required : to immediately pay to tha Receiver tha ' amount theieof. I Any peraona claiming' adversely tha abova I deacribed land ara advued to file their claims, j or objections, on or brfora the time deaig- nated for sale. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Kegiatar. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION HI 5774. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore., April 16. 1021. Notice la hereby given that Frank A. Hac kleman of Barnes. Otvgon, who, on March 2.1, 1016. made Additional Homeatead, No. 01B774, for swV, NKV4, NK14 &W and Nft SK, Section 18, Town. hip 18, South Range 20 Kant, Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice of Intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Chnrlrs A. Sherman, U. 8. Commissioner, at Barnes Oregon, on tba list day of May, 1921. Claimant namea aa witneeaea: Fisher Lo gan, Harry Barnes, Byron Bennett, Harley aaunaers, an or urn-nes, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 2- Register. When writing adrertlaer please mention The Journal. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ftlAATB Department of tha Interior, TJ. S. Land Of- nee at ina uaiiea, uregon, April la, 1821. Notice is he-eby given that fIRA r. CDCucn nf PritlMvttlM flMintn ah. ah XT.... e ima made Homeatead Entry, No. 016078, for EH . Wi4, wNEi4, Section 8S, Township 18-South, Range ,16-East Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make three-year proof, to establish' claim to the land above described, before Lake M. Bechtell, United Slates Commissioner, at rrineviiie, uregon, on tha 25th day of May, mi. Claimant namea as witnesses t B. E. Kid well, William I. Dishman, Ernest 0. Mattaoo, nonert Browning, a or Prinavilla. nmrnn 81-85 H. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 019289 019466 019584 Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Of lce at Tha Dalles, Oregon, April 6, 1921. Notice is hereby given that GEORGE A. PARKER. of Alfalfa, Oregon, who, on October 18, 1917, ma tie nomestcaa Entry 01DZ39 ; on Dee. 10, 1917, made Ad. H. E. 019465 and on June 10, 1918 made Ad. H. E. No. 019684, for E4aE14 Sec. 80, EV4 EW, 8WW NEW. 8ec. 81. SWU SWK, Section 82, Townlhip 17-South, Range 16-F.nst, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice or intention- to make three-year proof, to ea- WDlisn claim to tne land above described, be fore H. C. Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, at Bend, Oregon, on the 8rd day of June, 1921. Claimant names as witnesses: Alvin Pet. eraon, of Alfalfa, Oregon; Charles H. Erlck son, Bettie Erickson, G. Eldridge, all of nena, uregon. 81-86 H. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register A Classified Ad geto results. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 019240 019418 Department of the Interior. U. S. T .ami nr. Ice at The Dalles, Oregon, April 6, 1921, Notice ia hereby given that FANNY PARKER of Alfalfa, Oregon, who, on September, 24. 1917, made Homestead Entry 019240 and on June 10, 1918 Ad. H. E., No 019418, for WH SEW, nd SW14, Sec. J9, and N NEVi. Section 82, Township 17-South, Range 16 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to es tablish claim to the land above described, be fore H. a Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner, at Bend, Oregon, on tha 8rd day of June, 1921. Claimant namea as witnesses: Alvin Pet erson, of Alfalfa, Oregon; Charlea H. Erick son, Bettie Erickson, H. G. Eldridge, all of Bend, Oregon. 81-85 H. FRANK WOODCOCK," Register IRRIGATED FARMS Am b-div Idlng my Irrigated farms one mil from depot, Prlnevllle, Oregon, In the Ochoco Irrigation District, al so on mite from th Oregon state farm. Good public and high schools, churches, electric power line, telephone lines, dally rural mall, flowing artesian water, ex tra flood water and good road. , Sold on small payments down, bal ance long time and easy term Write or call onrD. P. Adamson, owner, Prlnevllle, Oregon. Free auto use for Inspt. Zl-tfr. Confectionery Cigars Tobacco Oregonian Agency -----aBa-aBafjBaBBBBM JOHN J. PRICE Prineville, Oregon N0.4M.0.0.F.I J wots every Satarday nlaht la Oeka. o Lodge Hall, on Second Street, bo j tween O and D. N. O., K. D. Has- j ton; V. Oh W. J. Johnson; Secy., J. ! Cram; Treaa. O. p. Reams. i OREGON DAILY JOURNAL DAILY COe. DAILY AND SUNDAY Se If raa daren't waa! wsna adarty, boM Bed iSl two wiu seaa aste ap ay wecm nailKrTLLB DRUG CO. IRRIGATION' TIME GOODRICH RED LINE RUBBER BOOTS OUT WEAR ALL OTHERS, TWO TO ONE. J. E. STEWART & CO PrlnevlUp, Oregon BILL'S BIG BARGAINS, If you can't sell it, let us take a . whirl at it. If we succeed, pay us, 1 if not, you are out nothing. Foaal-'' bly we can trade it If it won't sell. If you are game, shoot. BILL. $800 TRACTOR Will sell for any price or 'trade for anything. Ask me. WANT A STUMP PULLER? TTora la a rinnriir Ttrtll anil a.. I . -J a. uuuu II ... Dull . u , cash or trade for most any old thing. Ask here. BUY THIS OUTFIT One Hughes saddle, chaps, bridle and spurs. The whole cheese for $75.00. Ask us. $275 BUYS A GOOD FORD TOURING OAR This la a 1917 Ford touring ear, newly painted and in good running order. My client will sell for $2715, cash, or $300 on time $50 down, balance to suit, or will trade tor land either dry land or Project atuff. Speak up quick, because I wont hold It. Inquire at once at this of flce. LISTEN, GENTLE READER! A dandy range, and a real baby cart. Either one of these arttcles i syours at a price that will surprise you. Come quick before your ehlM gets too old. OCHOCO REALTY CO., with Crook County Journal Now, folks, dont wait, 'cause we are tired holding them. Last Big Block of Reserved a-T-imw iimma ll, T'r Kt " ,Mt A Waalira Canada that all) auka ran aaiud farimnc ar w.ll aj Brain arowina. I uniil 11. Vmk la dltaoard M. Canada Ikal all) auka ran rivato MMri-iid luturallr, Bir will i wui larai lamM I aa eoarea Tour Last Bif Opportunity and bark knot la Ike Llord- II aifwtar af Haukfwd fntra IK ''l Alharta ana aikatrhawa. Dran.a af aumtooa, aubatenrwan ilZ.TvJ7" "T boat Ka aa aara aod aa. 20 Tears to Eara uJ Pay Tan Caanllaa ParUa affara yaw Ma land a m emc urm. aaay aarownla arkaaiala ttwhaurra faar Toa Bar aawa VT Th-n aaa baa aa aayaMot aa tha prtaripaf autil tba 1 and af taa fuarth yaar. tbaa (U taaa aaaaal aaraMoaa. aauraai m n. ra inaraj oaa fceteaarwaa. aaaaar w barW fraw tba world Laads ilajer Irrigatkni i aVtHrtlaaaw'al efes)rt0a GBaaffdiflafl gSisift Mailway aaa fcaafcioal laa iaraaaa aaahrldoal brlaatlaa naoartaktaa aa tha Saiirliaa Caatiaaaa, Tbaa autriat niiiiaa aaaaTaf taa aaaa laaaa la Carnla. aa aafaai.e I Cia.diaa Gaaaramaat. P . ri ii i ii 1 1 j i i 1 1 1 m ' m 1 1 1 1 1 t pnaaa r 3 The PORTLAND HOTEL Widely known as Portland's "Hotel of Hospitality Rates $1.50 a day and up Richard W. Guilds, Manager A Classified Ad Brings Quick Results Business By it Long Distance Telephone I There is seldom a business ent places that cannot be completed by telephone, in many instan- T ces, in less time than it takes to dictate the average business letter. - X Consider the time taken by correspondence and the unavoid able delays of the mails. Try the long distance telephone in your out-of-town business transactions. Recent improvements In transmission have made it possible to talk satisfactorily to any point in this country. Long distance service is the direct and economical method of communication and does away with undue expense and delay. Ask for Pacific Long Distance. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company TRY A CLASSIFIED AD Omar Wilson Contractor and Builder BRICK AND ALL KINDS OF CONCRETE WORK Hardwood Flooring ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN ON ANYTHING IN THE BUILDING LINE. SEE MB BEFORE YOU BEGIN THE WORK SEE ME ABOUT A MODERN eeeeeeeeeaai the Canadian Pacific Farm Lands H V. a? t!-i Tj -n!i rt plr S-arrM faraa af. roa on areori at knr m fun k ,n. i rt-h and in.k-o-nrt.nl. Tfc. ,.n. tm l.at-r, tIM fm Nnda can h b ai'i4 un y front ba b.tfl.cr. iir rr. narar asaia aa ue ana amarlran aalaw. NoTaxes ea Improvements anm,. m m u .L. I J . J II dr. i. .. Vr.rT," T. I I H . . ... " . . y - J fjj i,. ataril, auildinaa, ar.prTaJniS. awhla rnadara arhmlt rt..'M. i airua. ara attraauaa. tiara y Na SsJaWkaMnt Inrestiial , Tha Canadian aerlaa will aotad! a . Mil raa aaaa laaeecMl it, T' kji v aalaalu and aaary aoaatiaa aairama . r fara tataia ap yaar huaaa. laaaftlaatiaa aj taillai and aiaala aaaa. TMa n.lm.nr...l-,a aa attantlon aa taa laal araal alwk ai I anMf ajfiek I laalaaa. Spedal Rates for HoaHteelert aavd Fa laatainiataan aaartaa aaar. BaeJaaw far lta UmUU4 aaaa. atiwa aaaa.rlaa.all lanflim ml aMtaw Ki5 aVwaaaa-at ad aahwa. anaaaa TUuTpmmt aaaaraaaaaa,ala. lui ai dilia. wiaaTbaMr OCHOCO BSALTT CO. Aeata PiiaerlUe, Ora, leaaaafcaataWalP.a i I,, ,iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini For Solid Comfort Make Your Portland Headquarters transaction between men in differ- T HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS