Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 05, 1921, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Ttff I.
Till I11IM1, Nil o, irai
Fred Landis was Prlnevllle's ref
eree at the Redmond Game.
The Methodist Ladies Aid met this
week with Mrs. Guy Lafollette.
Dr. and Mrs. Rosenberg motored
to Redmond on Sunday tor the
The Psychocrats will meet on Sat
urday at the home ot Mrs. Lake M.
Ogden Mills is back at school, af
ter visiting his parents at the Paul
ina ranch.
Mrs. Peorge Wiley was called to
Albany Sunday on account ot the
erious illness ot her mother at that
A little snow fell on the hills ar
ound Prlneville last Sunday and the
ground was slightly white In town
Monday morning.
John Beard left Friday evening
for his home in Lebanon, after visit
ing his mother, Mrs. Eva Beard, tor
couple ot weeks.
The home of George Ray on west
First street has been treated with a
tresh coat ot white paint, much im
proving the looks of the property.
Pat Ireland, Dad Ireland, Mrs.
Brace Ensley, Mrs. Bill Ireland and
little Bill Ireland composed a car
load that made the trip to see the
Redmond game on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Arnold of Bend
visited the latter's father, Mr. Mar
lon Templeton over the week end
In Prineville. Mr. Templeton has
been quite ill at bis home in thii
Joe Howard has purchased a new
trailer for his car. He took his fam
ily on a trip to the ranch on Tuesday
and' took a couple of calves in the
trailer to have fattened for the but
cher. The Sunday School and church
services will be combined at the Bap
tist Church Sunday, May 8th. A
special program will be given in ob
servance of Mother's Day, beginning
at 10:30. t.
Lot Pearce arrived Monday morn
ing to operate the linotype machine
In the Journal office. Lot has been
working on the Banner-Courier in
Oregon City, but on account of the
asthma was compelled to come back
to Central Oregon.
ereS an
for each
i Jh
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Brink were
Powell Butte visitors Sunday.
Charles Parrlsh and family ot
Powell Butte visited In Prineville
I Mrs. Hugh Laktn is ill with the
I la grippe. Mrs. Custer is caring
for her.
I Warren Brown returned on Sat-
1 urday morning from a business trip
to Portland.
! Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Frolseth have
moved into the Joe Lister house in
j North Prineville.
I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foster spent
; Tuesday night in town from Powell
Butte with friends.
The Presbyterian Ladles Aid will
meet with Mrs. John Wigle on the
12th of this month.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kelly visited in
Trineville from Milllcan, where they
moved the first of the week.
The Service Motor Sales announce
that they have taken on the Dodge
line ot cars, in addition to the Bulck
and Chevrolet and Chandler cars
and Republic trucks.
The Lyric Is to have a special
showing of the Moon Riders on Sat
urday afternoon on account of the
school play Friday night, with ano
ther film to round out the program.
Mrs. Crisp left last Saturday to
make her home with her son In the
Valley. She has been employed as
housekeeper for Carey Foster for
some time, and has been active in
church circles.
The winners of the public school
athletic try-out are, Lester Daven
port, Buster Tull, Roderick Lafol
lette, Lewis Gillam, Clyde McDan
iel, Avex Miller. Wilfred Donnely
and Clyde Gallaher. Thus far there
are no additional county entries.
Among those attending the Red
mond baseball game were, Mrs. E.
R. Laughlin, Lyle and Lela Laugh
lin, Veva Bolter, Madge Rowell.
Robert Chambers, Ben Fox, Sylvan
Michel. Lloyd Hainline. Victor Sund
nuist, Victor Coshow, Lee Llpincott,
Dr. H. G. Davis, and Mrs. Sam Gan
ger. Four tables were Beated when Mrs.
Ted Carlson entertained the Even
ing Bridge Club at her home on
Tuesday evening. Mrs. Alta Bow
man received the club prize, and
Mrs. Mattie Elliott carried away the
guest prire. Mrs. Custer, Naomi
Hughes, Mrs. Frank Foster, Mrs.
Mattie Elliott and Mrs. Jay Upton
were guests The hostess served
very dainty grape ice cream and
in t&e
of th Standard
Oil Company whicfi
combine to mak
of quality
Jr - sr. .7 .-7 -r -r.-.-1 r A
Nicolai Says
? Rexall Corn Solvent
will remove that CORN.
"Your money if not satisfied."
25cents the bottle. For sale only at
T. J. Ferguson was in town on
business from Roberta.
Judge Wallace returned yesterday
morning from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. John Knox ot Post
were iu town on Tuesday.
Mayor Wurzweller left last night
on a business trip to Portland.
Ira Swift of Summit Prairie was
in town on business last Wednes
day. Miss Lenora Cunningham spent
the week end at her home in Port
land. E. J. Wilson was a Sunday night
passenger on the outgoing train for
Z. M. Brown of Portland, was a
business visitor in Prineville during
the week.
Miss Josephine . Thompson left
Thursday night to visit with friouJs
in Portland.
H. J. Day returned to Bend Sun
day after several weeks visit with
Mrs. R. L. Schee.
Illda Cohrs left Tuesday evening
tor a visit at the Tom Hamilton
place at Ashwood.
H. C. Ellis and wife of Bend were
visitors in Prineville Sunday. They
also visited the dam.
M. R. Elliott has been making a
business visit In Portland, leaving
last Thursday night.
Three cars of cattle were shipped
by Ed Clayton on Saturday, and S
cars by Claude Christ.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morris and
two children of Bend, were visitors
iu PrineVille last Tuesday.
S. S. Stearns came to Prineville
from Eugene last Tuesday. He will
remain here during the summer.
J. E. Stewart and company on
Tuesday announced reductions In
nearly all lines of staple groceries.
Mrs. Hershey Is entertaining her
two little grandchildren, Helen and
Willard Monner of Gateway, this
A "Juvenile" party was given at
the home of S. W. Babcock last
night in honor of the high school
Cecil Stearns made a trip to the
Harvey Dunham ranch last Sunday.
He returned on Tuesday with a
bunch ot cattle. ,
Mothers day will be observed with
appropriate services at the Metho
dist Church Sunday at 11 A. M., also
sermon at 7:30 P. M.
H. D. Schudder of the State Land
Settlement Board is in Prineville
this week looking after business in
regard to the new State experi
mental farm near Prineville.
The Local railroad office has been
quite busy with lncomming freight
this week. Four cars of lumber were
received on Tuesday for the State
Highway Commission, and one car
of iron pipe for the county.
Mrs. L. M. Hodges and daughter
Dolly l;ft for Eugene on Wednesday
evening, to visit with Mrs. Hodges'
sister. Dolly will visit for about a
week, while Mrs. Hodges will extend
her stay for about a month.
FOR SALE One Ford Truck, Two
Ford Touring cars and one Ford
bug. Will take wood as part pay
ment. Otto Soutag. 33tf.
FOR SALE Netted Gem potatoes,
see C. M. Charlton, Powell Butte.
MILLINERY Just received new
stock of millinery. Another on
the way. Look at my stock be
fore buying elsewhere. Prices rea
sonable. Mrs. J. N. Wright.
Flowers For Sale For Mothers' Day
Flowers may be purchased at Mrs
Wright's store on Main street by
those who are observing Mothers'
Day, May 8th.
All the citizens ot Crook Coun-
ty are invited to the Court
house Iu Prineville on next
Tuesday night at eight o'clock'
to help organize the
Under the direction of Flatow A
Blumtleld, sates managers, the stock
of the Trl-8tate Store Is moving
fast. The stock of the Redmond
store was brought to Prineville last
week, and goods were sent down
from Portland In order to make the
stock complete In all particulars.
There are bargains In all depart
ments, according to the managers,
that are really unbelievable and peo
ple ran only find the extent ot them
by looking the bargains over for
A very interesting afternoon was
spent by the members of the Ladles
Annex at the May meeting, held on
Mrs. O. A. Hedluud offered a
number of books to the Annex Li
brary, which were gludly accepted.
The plans were partly laid out for
a party to be given some time dur
ing the month, for the men, as well
as the ladies.
It was definitely decided to keep
the library open through the sum
mer months.
The program consisted of a vocal
solo by Mrs. J. H. Rosenberg, piano
duet by the misses Blanche and
Bernice Shlpp, and Jay H. Upton
explained and discussed the five
measures to be voted upon at the
special election In June.
Thirteen new members were tak
en into the Annex at this meeting.
She was tho last woman in the
world he would have suspected,
then came the swift raid on crimin
al headquarters, the round-up, the
inspection, the appalling climax!
She, the girl he was to marry, stood
before him, ringed with the over
whelming evidence of her crlmlnall
ity! .What did he do? What would
her more respectable sisters of the
Special Notice
On account of the School Entertainment Friday
The Moon Riders
Will be shown
Saturday Afternoon
At 2:30 o'clock
And to round out a splendid program for thls mat
inee, a 1,000 foot reel, entitled
"Grazing Industry"
Will be shown. This big picture Is sent out by the
Forest Service to better acquaint the public with
its great activities, and is sure to be of great in
terest to all
Kntire Change of Program
world say should be done with her?
Law and Order; Justice and Duty
clamored for her conviction. "Part
ners ot the Night" will movt you,
thrill you, lift you from your seat.
Written by Irojr Scott and present
ed by Samuel Goldwyn and Rex
Beach, this great drama, directed by
Paul Scardon, Is a mystery Master
piece. At the Lyric on Monday.
Prineville kpok second place In
the contest tor the Biggs Cup, which
was held st Madras on Saturday
night. Bend scored 90. S and Prine
ville 89.5. The loss ot one of the
members ot the Prineville team
Just a few days prior to the contest
put the kibosh on Prlnevlllo's per
fect work, though the local team
almost won In spite of this. Nearly
every Odd Fellow from Ochoco
Lodge was able to go over, and near
ly 800 members of the order were
One of the exciting episodes In
DoiikIhb Fairbanks new Artcruft
picture, "The Knickerbocker Iluck
aroo," which will be shown nt The
Lyric Theatre. Is that of the screen
athlete climbing out of a window of
a speeding Pulman, continuing up
to the roof ot the car and running
along on the top of the train, then
Jumping to the swinging arm of a
water feeder from which he leitp
onto the back of a horse. This Is
the start of a thrilling chase In
which two hundred cowboys pursue
Falrbunka for miles op Into the hills
Arrangements were mndn with the
office of the Dlrector-Oonernl of
Railroads for the nso ot an entire
train for the scenes above describ
ed. An abandoned track' In the San
Fernando deert was selected for
the location, because of the scenario
demanding tho desert atmosphere.
Whitening Cleans Paint.
To clean ulnl tliut is not varnished,
take a llunnel ami squeeze nearly dry
out of warm winer, and dip In s little
whitening. Aly to the paint, and
with a llttls rnlililng It will Instantly
remove ici'i'iise, smoke, or other
stains. Wash with warm water, and
rub with a small cloth, it will not In
jure the iiiohi ilelli'ste color; makes It
look like new; and last much longer
than If cleaned with sonp ami water.
(laolatrd Trait)
Drparlmrnt of th Interior.
U. 8. Land Offlr at Th Halle., Or.,
April . IU21.
Notic It hereby nlvrn that, M directed
by th CommiMtoner of th General Land
offlr. tinder provision of See. 24A6, R. S.,
ptirauant to th appliiatlon of Rirhant 8pa-llnir.-r.
Serial Nn. IlilOKS, we will offer at
public aal, to th hliheat bidder, hut at not
lean than 12.00 per arr, at 10:11 o'clock
a. m., on the 7th day of June, next, at thl
offlr. th following trait of land! NW'.,
NW'.. Sec. 8. T. 14 8.. R. 16 K. W. M.
Oonuining- 40 acre. I. -Thia tracC la or
dered into th market on a ahowlni that th
greater liortion thereof Is mountainoui or
too rouiih for cultivation."
The aule will not b kept open, but will
be declared Hoard when thoa prcernt at the
hour named hav ceaaed bidding. Th per
ann makinii th highest bid will b reuulred
lo immediately pay to th Krlver th
amount thereof.
In the Evening
Any neraons claiming adveraely 111 above.
described lend Hi ( til. Ihrlr fl.lru,
or objection, on or befor th. Urn rleelg.
naled fur Ml.. H. MIAMI wuuuaii K, .
S-a Rgkir.
Penarlmcnt of In tntorlor,
U. B. Und Off I., ot Th Halle. Or.,
April It, Itul.
Nolle, b hereby given tool rr.nk A. Ilae.
airman of liernea, Oregon, who, on Marrb
. Ilt. Additional Homestead. No.
OIS714. for S NKV. NKH MWW and N't
HKli. Kertton 11, 1'imo.hln It, Houth Kai.g
SO fcaal, Willamette Meridian, naa riled no
lira of Intention lo make lhr-y proof,
Ui eatabllah claim lo Ihf land ftbttva So
arrtbed, before Charles A. ftharmnn, U, S.
Commissioner, at Mantra Oregon, on th II. I
dor f Mar, IU!!!.
1'lattnanl nam, a witnesses! Fisher
nn. Harry llarnr. Hymn Had
tiaunorra, all of Hrn. firnrnn.
It-N IUl.ur.
Nolle, la hrb (Iv.n b th undrralsnM),
W. I). Ilarnra. A.lmlntatnilor, wllh th WlM
Annranl of Ih. Kalal of Core W. Updike,
draad, lo all prnMina In aaie
ratal, that h haa mail and fllrd with Itva
County Cl.rk of IhU County hi final ft.
rounlln of hi dmlhUlatkn of aaUt rvtal,
and th Court haa Ml Monday, Ih ith day
of Jun. at H:H0 p. m- at th County
Court Room In I'rlnrvlll.. Onmon, aa Ih
tlm and plar for hrarliiK nnd nettling aald
final arrountln. at whlrh Mild tlm and plar
any pron In lit .lal may au
par and objrt to ..Id final art'ounlln.
W. D. II A UN KM, Admnr.
W. W. A of th. Kalal of timn
ll-U W. Dpdlk. dn-eaud.
oilman omit) j oi(,s4
Department of th Interior, I'. R. tnd Of.
Irr at Th Dalle.. Orrm.n. April I, ItUI.
Notlr U) hetrlty tflvrn that
of Alfalfa. Orenon. who, on October IS, I KIT,
mail Homeatcad Kntry nmi'Sll; on Dee. IS,
IWI ,'. mad Ad. II. K. 01U4KS and on Jun 10,
HUH mail Ail. II. K. Nn. MUM, for tW-i
He.. 90. K'., F.'v. HWk, NrAj. See. II, KW4
NWt,. Her Hon SI. Townahlp II. Houlh, Hanir
IK Kb. I. Wlllamrllr Meridian, ha Sled nollr
of Intention to mak three-year proof. lrt e.
Inbll.h rialm lo III. tnml al"ive di-eerllwd. b
fore H. C. Kill., II. S Cominl.,loner, at
tlend. O'-eiion, nn th lint iluy of June, lli.'l.
Cialmanl ftamr. a. llnr,i! Alvln I'.l
eraon. of Alfalfa, Dreiion : I'hurlt. 11. t'.ri h
on. IMile, II. C. CUIriilm. all of
Mend, Oretron.
OID'.MO llll
Deparlnirnt of the Interior, tl. R. Land Of
Ire nt The lolle. Orraon. April , M,
Noth-r t. hereby tflvrn thnt
of Alfalfa, Oreifon, who, on Betitemher. K4,
lt'17, made lloineelead Kntry Ullilo and on
June III. I'll" Ad. II F. No 0 1 V4 1 n. for WV,
RKV,. and SW4, Her. t, and Nl Ne4,
He, lln Vi, Tnwnahlp I7-Knuth. Ran I.
Kn.t, Willametle Merlillan, ha. Ated nolle of
inlenlkin lo make Ihreo-yrar proof, to
lnlllh rlalm to th land above drarrlhed. b
for II C. Kill.. V. S, Commluloner. at
Hend. Oi-eon, on the Srd day of Jun. Ifr.'l.
Claimdnt name, aa wltnmM Alvln I'eU
.raun. of Alfalfa, Oreaon ; Cliarle H. Krlrk.
on, Mettle Krtrkton, H. (1. Kltlrldi. all of
llend. Oreyon,
11-311 II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Rrylit.y
In th County Court of th Slat of Ormn,
for th County of Crook, In Ih Matter of
the Ratat of Kalherine Reverman, deaa4.
Nottr Is hereby given lhal th undersigned
haa been appointed by th County Court of
th Hint of Oregon, for Ih County of Crook,
prohat deiiartment. AdinlnistralriB of Ih
Katat of Katherln. Kev.rman, deceased. AH
teron having rlalma agalnat said Katat ftr
hereby rniuired to present them wllh th
pmtwr vouches within sl month from th
date hereof to Ih. Admlnl-tralrig al 1I.0
Hi.sulillng llullding, I'ortland. Oregon.
Dat of Aral publication, April tl, IH'il.
Dal of last publication, May 10, lv:l,
Admlnlstrtitrli of th Fatal
81- of Katherln Keverman, deceased
Department of th Interior, II. S. tjnd Of
fic nt Th Dalles, Orrgon, April 12, mi.
Nolle la hereby given that
of Prineville, On-gnn, who, on Noy. I. 11.
glad Homeatead Kntry, No. 0IM7S, for F'4
NK'i. Her. S4. NWI4. WljNK'i, B.llon St.
Township U-Houlh. Kan l-Kwt Wlllsm
elte Meridian, haa filed notlr of Intention V
mak three-year proof, to estsbll.h rlalm to
the land above described, before Lake M.
Dechtell, United Hlalea CommUiloner, at
rrlnevlll, Oregon, on th 26th day of May,
Claimant names aa witnesses: B. E. Kkk
well, William I. Diahman, Km rat O, Mattaoa.
Robert Drowning, all of rrlnevlll., Oregon.
31-86 H. KRANK WOODCOCK, Register
"Alias Jimmy Valentine"
By Bert Lytoll
And Comedy
Alice Joyce in
"The Vengounce of Durnnd"
And Comedy
"Partners of the Night"
And Comedy
Douglas Fairbanks
"The Knickerbocker Bucaroo" and big special
Mildred Harris Chaplin in
"Old Dad"
And Comedy