Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 05, 1921, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    TIII'KMIlAY, MAV fl, tlSt
rage t
Time Table No. S
Effective 19:01 A. M. Sunday, Feb
ruary 8.
Wet Round
Rations Motor Motor Mixed
No. B No. S No. 1
P. M P.M. A.M
Lv. Prineville 7:15 4:45 6:15
Lv. Wilton T:66 6:0
Lv. aicCatliater t:l t:15 1:45
Lv. ONeil 8:20 6:15 ' :
Ar. Prlnevl Jet. S:10 6:46 6:20
East boa ml
Stations M'xad Motor Motor
No. 2 No. 4 No. (
A M P. M. P. M
Ar. Frineville 8:35 6:55 :10
AT. Wilton :2 6:40 t:S
Ar. McCallister 7:06 6:26 6:26
Ar.O'Xeil 7:65 :16 1:46
Lv. Prinevl Jet 7:40 6:00 8:15
Editor and PubUsher
bkiri at tat pottorfica at
. Oncoa a Mcoa-cla awttaa,
Frio 1 M ptr nr. parable itrlrtl la
mm. la caw of ekBi of addraa ataaM
asttfr aa at oaca, ginng both eld tat as
- (By Rev. R. M. M. Gallaher)
We praise the Pioneer
For making this a paradise:
The herds of sheep and cattle
Care the multitudes a rise;
The bunch grass on the hillsides
And the meadows in the Tale,
Maintained the Pioneer.
Booster. Booster, be a Booster;
Booster, Booster, be a Booster.
Booster, Booster, be a Booster,
Boost the sturdy. Pioneer,
But now we've passed the station,
Where we have the open range;
The rancher must diversify.
And boost along the Orange;
Well convert the plains into a farm
With water make the change.
To Boost the Produce on.
There are knockers on the corners,
There are knockers in the hills;
We will put them on the hummer
With a thousand stinging thrills.
We will fill their place with Boos
ters, We will make the Project show
While we Boost The Ochoco.
With canals upon the ridges.
And alfalfa in the fields,
We will beautify the homesteads
And produce abundant yields.
With cows and hogs to Jielp us
We'll put dollars in our kiels.
While we push the work
Then we sing a strain for Upton,
And we hum a line for Biggs;
We will advertise the features
Which will make the tourist dig;
While the roads will honor Wallace
And the Dam will stand for Rea,
! , While the Railroad rolls
An exchange has paraphrased the
Ford as follows:
"The Ford is my chariot, I shall
ot want. It maketh me lie down
in wet places, it destroyeth my soul.
It leadeth me into deep waters, it
leadeth me into the paths of ridicule
for its name sake. It prepareth a
break down for me in the presence
t mine enemies. It will fear more
vil when it's with me, its rods and
its shafts discomfort me. It anoin
my face with oil, its water boileth
over. Surely to goodness if Lizzie
fallows me all the days of my life,
I shall dwell in the house of nuts
torever. Ex. , ;., , - ..
ing weeds on his own place, in a
surprisingly short time the whole
project would be free from the nui
sance, to say nothing ot a saving ot
several .thousand dollars In taxes
each year, cleaner and better grain
and alfalfa and better water service.
There Is a law In this state gov
erning the control of weeds and it
results cannot be ubtulued otherwise
the County Court and the Irrlgatiou
District may be forced to co-operate
and put the measure into effect. The
subject has been discussed by the
Court and the District and If put
in effect will mean that each ditch
rider in the employ of the district
will be appointed a weed inspector.
He will have the authority to notify
any land owner to clean up and
burn the weeds on his property, if
same is not done within 20 days af
ter notice has been served he will
have the authority to have the work
done and the cost will be charged
up against the property concerned
and will be a lien on the property.
a large Jam ot weeds, and about the
same time the farmer using the wa
ter below will note that his head ot
water is falling and will sometimes
stop altogether. He then will start
to cuss the ditch rider and the irri
gation district tor the rotten service,
not stopping to consider that the
matter is almost impossible tor the
ditch riders to controL This weed
condition will either check the wa
ter high enough to overflow the
banks and cause a break in the ditch
or will flood out the water-user
above the weed Jam.
To reduce this nuisance to a min
imum, it is suggested that the farm
ers under the project co-operate with
the district and get rid of the weeds
in the fields, and when weeds are
seen in the laterals that run through
their land, to take a few moments
time, pull them out and burn them
when dry. If each water user would
take as little as one hour's time dur
ing the week cleaning up and burn-
The anclem Greeks, like modern
chemists, ssld there were four ele
ments or forms lu which matter could
exist are. air, water, and earth. The
The Pythagoreans milled a fifth, which
they called el her. more- subtle and
pure than fire. This element, which
flew upwards at creation, and out ot
which the slam were uimle, was called
the fifth essence, hence quintessence
or "flfth-essence" menus the moat sub
tle extract of a body that can be procured.
Human Gambling Tools.
A set of small dice supposed to hsve
been rut from the molar teeth of a no
torious French criminal and profes
sions! gambler, who died by the guil
lotine, together with s dice-box mads
from a toughened piece of bis sklu,
wss one of the mhos disposed of by
a Paris curio dealer.
, " Conducted 28.000 Inquests.
A coroner iu one of the London
boroughs ba. retired with a record,
having conducted 2S.UUU Inquests dur
ing his 26 years ot service.
The Dutch Laundry
It will pay you to have your washings done good
not ruined, not too much blueing, but nice and white. I
am looking for more clothes ruff drying, ironing and
wet wash. You will find that my prices are reasonable.
Blankets washed 3 for 81.00. No fading, but they look
like new. We get the washings and return it nice and
clean at all hours, every day in the week. '
Mrs. M. Trapman
East 6th Street
Nicolai Says
tesZt Nux and Iron Tablets
Are excellent as a general Blood and
Nerve Tonic, valuable in "run down"
conditions, one dollar a box. Sold
only at
The 1&GaJUL Stozw
The weed nuisance is the greatest
difficulty now confronting the water
asers under the Ochoco Project, and
Jt Is the principal cause of breaks
and poor water service during the
irrigation season.
, Up to the preesnt time it has cost
the district about $3000 for clean- j
ing weeds alone and unless more
eo-operation is had from the farmers
it will perhaps cost that much more.
As fast tus the employes of the dis
trict clean out the canals and lat
arals the weeds from the adjoining
fields blow in an fill them up again.
When there Is water iu the canals,
weeds that blow in float down the
canal and nearly always lodge In the
, lances that cross the, canals or In
, h bead gates or other structures,
)B a very short time there will be
An Oregon Product for
Oregon Farmers
$15.00 per Ton
Why Pay More?
ix 1 . j -yr c- a:x
Cornett Stage Co.
Stages leave Prineville and Paulina Daily
except Sunday
Office with Ochoca Creamery
I II 1 i Vil ' -T ,
mi na re-.i iki
IV J 'J Ha J
If it is reasonably well treated
Dodge Brothers Roadster will
render faithful service for years,
and never vary in its economy
of operation and maintenance.
The gasoline consumption is unusually low
Tb tire mlUaga Is unuaually high.
Service Motor Sales
Home ot Bulck, Chandler, Republic Truck and Chevrolet
We ask you to give us a trial. Wa guarantee everything
we put out from shop work to cars and tires
Day or Night, Call 801
raw v .z&i
I 1
Do You Want the Facts
About Building Costs?
Do you know that lumber and building materials are
Have you talked to us lately about building? Do you
know how reasonably you can make needed repairs,
build your new home, or remodel your old one?
Better get in touch with the situation at once.
If you are4 planning to build, remodel or repair, come
in and let us give you figures. Then when we show you
the saving over last year's prices and how favorably the
present costs compare with those of 1914, make your
own decision. ' N
Get in Touch With Us Today
Tu m - A - L u m
Lumber Co.