Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 05, 1921, Image 1

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Within the next ilx or eight weeks
actual drilling of in oil well ijlll bo
Started In Crook County according
to the announcement of Nell A. Bor
tranills. of tho Blue Mountain Oil k
Cm Company, a concern recently In
corporated for thli business.'
Tho company hai ordered a drill
Inn outfit, which hn a capacity for
drilling a holo twenty Inches In dia
meter at tho surface, and depth of
five thousand feot or mora. It If
known ai a atandard rig, and It of
the ityle and aim aa the machines In
use In tho Texas oil field.
Toll equipment, on the ground.,
will coat tho concern from $36,000
to 140,000 and It la aufflclent dem
onstration that the concern meant
business and la spending Ita own
money In the attempt to locate a pay
ing oil field In thl part of tho atate.
The actual location of this teat
well hue not yet been decided, hut III
poaltlve lorntlon will be fixed In a
short time, and will be where the
geologist decide la tho most promls-i
Ing location for nn oil well.
The company announce that they
have no stock for sale, hut export to
determine with tholr own fund. If(
thorn Ik oil In this country, and If to
to develop It. I
They hovn a largo number of leas-'
ea In the upper Crooked River coun-
try, nnd In the vicinity of Post or!
above jieoma to ho tho most favored
Inrntlon, ncoordlng to tho geologist j
TIiIh concern ha been open and
f , I r In nit their denllnga during tho
pii two year, covering tho time
which b:ia boon rnnsnmed In pros
pecting thoae oil possibilities, and
should bo given every assistance In
tho wnv of leaaea that la possible
from locnl land holdora.
Thoy aro operating In tho manner
In which every largo concern of good
standing operate In tho oil bualneaa
and every oncoiirngomont ahould be
given them to aaalat In the prospoc
tlng of the local iltuallon.
Nothing could be of greater value
to thla country than tho location of
a real paying oil field, and theae mon
believe that the prospects are the
beat for such a field here.
A totter tr Mr. Tlortrandls from
Mr. TIeraohol Parker toll ronsldor
ahle of the loral altuntlon from the
goologlsts standpoint. It follows.
, I wna greatly Intoroatod In examin
ing the foaalls and aamploa of forma
tion and oapeclnlly your photogra
phs In the Blue Mountain Oil region.
I provloualy have been very close to
the same location with my friend,
Mr. Henry McCall of Prlnevllle, Ore
gon, and In fact hod Intended to put
In the spring and summer of 1920
In examining this vory ground for
what might be the poBslbllltlos of
either mineral or oil., I.- However,
had the opportunity to return to Al
aska to my placer ground through
which the U. 8. Government railroad
Prlnevllle lost the first game of
the season last Sunday to the Red
mond team on the letter's grounds,
nine to two.
Arthur Michel, first man up to bat
was hit by a pitched ball, and stole
home on an error by the Redmond
catcher. The additional run was
made' by Matson in the 6th inning,
trrors by both teams were common.
The line-up tor Sunday's game
was, p. Post; c. Ireland; lb.Wach
ter, 2b. Merchant; 3b. Medley; ss.
Maiaon; rf. Ensley; cf. Wolfe; If.
Fully fifty per cent, of the crowd
: at the game was from Prlnevlle.
Jess Tethrow, Pear and Norman
Wetgand, former Prlnevllle players,
were with the Redmond team.
runs, and ao was unable to carry out !
this plan. - I
The fossils that you have collected
In thla region show certainly a most
prolific form of marina life and
trove beyond any doubt that thla
country was once at least an element
of the ana. It Is perfectly, well
known that all the oil fields of the
world have been laid down origin
ally In a marine formation, that Is,
at or near an ocean coast and whe
ther the oil cornea from vegetable
or animal organic matter, It baa al
ways been found that it originally
associated with marine deposits so
that It la highly Important In any
examination of a prospective oil
field to first locate some form of
marine fossils. Next In Importance
Is to discover some form of rock or
conglomerate that would serve aa a
capping for the oil. The sand atone
that you have located In thla region
Is of a vory porous nature and acts
as a reservoir for holding the oil.
It is known that In a producing oil
district a material like shale or slate
should be associated wltb the sand
stone or other porous material. This
also you have found here In perfect
specimens. This then, gives us the
source of tho oil, and the proper for
mation, and all that would ho need
ed to furnish the best evidence of
an Oil producing field would he a
structure of the various sedimentary
layers. It Is always known that
where wells of large production un
der pressure have been located that
tho strata la In some particular form
either as an anticline, conlacllne,
syucllne. dome or fault line, The
topographical evidence in this re
gion Is that there have been Intru
sive lands of volcanic rock that have
domed the formation and given sim
ilar conditions to the oil fields of
Tamplco, Mexico, and elsewhere. If
there la a definite fault line to. this
country that may also have served
to form a reservoir for the oil bear
ing material. The Ideal way to teBt
this region would be by a system of
diamond drilling first probahly test
ing about three-fourths of the way
up one of these domelike slopes
which would correspond of course to
an anticline, and another way would
he It the fault line was rock adjacent
to It. The most promising method,
however, would be to avoid all faults
and dikes keeping as distant as pos
sible from then and drilling on the
surface of theae volcanic rocks Just
beyond where the igneous rock
forma. At least thla la the method
that, has been followed In the Mex
ico fields and Is well known as giv
ing the most likely results In the
oil fields In any part of the word.
Hoping that you will meet with
very great success In this enterprise
and that I may have the pleasure of
visiting you early in the coming fall,
I am, ' Very sincerely yours.
A. P. M. E.
, r Consulting Engineer.
The Central Oregon Dental Asso
ciation was formed last Sunday eve
ning, at the office of Dr. H. N. Moore
of Bend. Dr. Harold O. Davis of
Prlnevllle was elected president, Dr.
Moore, Vive-President, and Dr. Barr
of Redmond was elected Secretary
Treasurer. The purpose of the association is
to meet and discuss the dental prob
lems of this part of the country and
discuss new methods.
The Madras ball team will play
the Prlnevllle team on the home
grounds next Sunday afternoon. The
team Is practicing in full force every
night, and the game will be a corker.
m nnw m
County Journal
f Tji .;;.. . . J ' " :
. . . .: i j- , - -,- M
- ' , - . - i
Photo Showing ' - J-n
the Rush of jj I , ' ,;H Jb
Water Over the , yfx'. , . .
i: Wasteway ' .
:j: i: f -" ,
::, of the Big Ochoco i '
Dam :j: "''"'Sw
A special election to be held on
June 7, will decide the fate of five
Important pieces of legislation pas
sed by the recent legislature.
Briefly, they are to decide the
length of the term of the legislature
and the increase in pay to five dol
lars per day for the members of that
body; the 8oldier's loan and bonus
hill which provides for a loan to vet
erans of the world war to $4,000
each on a home or a bonus of not to
exceed $500 for any one soldier; a
veto bill which provides for the veto
ing of parts of a bill by the governor
without vetoing the entire bill; a
Wishing to promote the develop
ment of Crook County to the widest
extent and advertise to the world the
advantages of this county to farmers
stockgrowers, homeseekers, business
and professional men.
We, the undersigned agree to Join
and support an organization to be
known as
as the principal object of this organ
ization is to advertise and boost
every Industry and business of
Crook County.
We aUo agree to visit as a body,
wearing a suitable uniform, such
places as may be hereafter selected
and we further pledge ourselves to
attend such schools and instruction
as are necessary to teach the organi
sation to march in a creditable man
ner. ' v
(very excellent measure ' requiring
medical examination for both men
and women iu applications for a
marriage license and a bill which
permits women of Oregon to sit as
Jurors. : A more lengthy discussion
of these measures will be had in this
publication as June 7 aproaches, and
advice as to how the voter should
cast his ballot.
From first impression it ' would
seem that every measure is entitled
to the support of the people, and at
this time fail to see any reason why
they should not be supported.
The King And His Court.
President to be known as King of
Alfalfa; Vice Presidents to be known
as Duke of Powell Buttes; Duke of
Ochoco; D,uke of Prineville; Duke
of Paulina; Duke of Post; Duke of
Roberts; Duke of Lone Pine; Duke
of Bear Creek; Duke of Beaver
Creek, Duke of McKay; Duke of
Crooked River; Duke, of Combs Flat;
Duke of Camp Creek; Duke of Bar
nes; Duke of Suplee; Duke of Fife;
Duke of Upper River, Duke of Sum
mit Prairie; bake of Summer Fal
low; Duke of Mill Creek, Duke of
Grizzly; Duke of Johnson Creek;
Duke of Jones Mills.
The Money Makers to be known at
Sir Short Horn; Sir Hereford; Sir
, Secretary, Baron Stock Yard; Tre
asurer, Baron Cream Can; Master of
Maneuvers, General First Cutting;
Commisary . General, Lord First
Hi !X&-t,timn it
, ' ' ' s ' ,
wL roll A
Water; Quartermaster, Lord Shear
ing; Attorney General, Prince Water
Rights; Adjutant General, Count de
Spud; Surgeon General, Prince Chit
tein Bark; General Roads, Prince
Highway, Chaplain, Sir Knight of
the Harvest; Master Musician,
Prince Baa BaaV Editor ' In Chief,
Prince Honey Bee; Official Orator,
Bull Dust. , 1 ,
May 14, 1921, Redmond, Oregon.
9:00 A. M. Tennis contests. Dr.
Hosch and, gymnasium courts, under
direction of Prin. Geo. A. Gabriel, pf
Madras. .J
10:00 A. M.; Stenography and
typing contests. H. S. building. Un
der direction of Miss Daisy Leonard
of Redmond. p
10:00 A. M., Grade declamatory con
test at gymnasium. Presiding offi
cer, Mrs. Lillian Watts, county sup
erintendent of Jefferson County.
2:00 P. M. At Fair Grounds, field
and track events.
8: OOP. M. High School declamatory
contest at gymnasium.
Everybody get your tickets for the
dance on May 7th. The music will
be' great. It is to be furnished by
the Johnson Creek Jazz Orchestra,
and it will be ready to start in ear
ly. The dance is scheduled to start
with a snap at eight o'clock. Don't
miss this. :
The members of the Christian
Church of Prineville held services
in Powell Butte on Sunday In order
to administer communion to Grand
ma Spray and Grandma Brown who
are unable to attend church in town.
KO. 83.
At a meeting of the people from
'various parts of the county Monday
evening at the court bouse, the pro
posed constitution of the Crook Co.,
Chamber of Commerce was submit
ted, read and referred to the peopl
' of Powell Butte and the Ochoco Far
mers organization for, final ratifi
cation. The matter will be presented to
; the people of Powell Butte tonight,
. and the Ochoco Farmers on Monday
: night, and a meeting of the people
I from all parts of the county held at
j the circuit court room on Tuesday
1 night of next week for final ratifi
! cation, and the election of the
board of directors.
A goodly number of men attend-
j ed the Monday night meeting, and
I every man present signed the mem-
beshlp list of the county chamber,
which will be submitted to the com
i munities mentioned above before
final organization is completed.
As a feature of the organization
! Cap Fuller introduced his plan for
j the Crook County Irrigators, a club
with the one purpose of advertising
the county and promoting good will
among the communities and the peo
'' pie of the county in general.
It is planned to attend the var
; ious conventions and other meetings
in a-body, to go in uniform, perhaps
overalls and paekfnjr an Irrigators
' shovel, and march in the rose festl
' vol parade in Portland and other
meetings. ' ' '
f An idea of the plans for the or
; panization may be gleaned from the
pledge which has already been sign
; ed by some 200 men, and which is
: ready for you to sign,
j The commander of this organiza
: tion will be King Alfalfa, already
by unanimous consent having been
agreed upon as Cap Fuller, and the
: court will be selected by him. They
will have the various titles suggest
ed below.
Watch the Irrigators put Crook
County on the map!
! ,
The best photograph of the
Ochoco Reservoir, taken on
April 10th was submitted by -
Fred Noble, and shows the first
Bmall stream of water starting
over the spillway. "'
The photograph, will be used
with others in the big Special
Edition of The Journal which
will be off the press May 26.
Principal E. E. Evans has just re
ceived a letter from Prof. Phillip
Soulen, University of Idaho, secre
tary of the Northwest Association.
Secondary and High Schools, an as
sociation which embraces Montana,
Idaho, Washington and Oreg6n, stat
ing that Crook County High School
has been approved and placed on
their list for the year 1921. This
is the second time this High School
has been approved by this associa
tion, being approved in 1920 for the
first time. There are 232 High
Schools in the State of Oregon, 25 of
which have been approved by this
association and Crook County has
the distinction of being in this ap- .
proved list.
This must not be confused with
the Approved List of High Schools
compiled by the State University
and Colleges, graduation from which
furnishes credentials for college en
trance. Crook County High School
has been on this list for a number of
years. .- . ' ,'."''."",
The High School Board and facul
ty feel very proud of Crook County
High and are to be congratulated
upon the high standards maintained,
which entitles us to this recognition.