TlintHDAT, APRIL. 81, 1021 CROOK OOtSTT JOCR.fAL Fwf. V- Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At thla critical period la ear history oar oufaetantrs are ofertat their aillis and oar young mum or offering tkotr Herrloee to Uo United IlitM government. Won 14 yoa Uk to (la roar kara aa. help, by patting yoar aioaoy where It will aapport the aaw Federal Roaanra Banihu Byauae. which tka (ovaraatrat haa etbllh4 to ataad kaok of oar eomrea, indastry an4 agrlealtara? Toa oaa do thla by opening aa aoaoaat with as at part of orary dollar ao dapoaitod torn directly Into tbo aaw tyaUai, waara II will alwaya ba ready for yoa waoa waatad. Member Federal Resenre System FIRST NATIONAL BANK i EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD CALL BLACK 303 FOR MaRT OR HR IVY TRUCK TICK Morse Transportation Comp'y PRINEVILLE, OREGON 1 7a a IRELAND'S .' City Transfer. & Express Auto Delivery to all Parti of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick terrice at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 m a. i ' 1 WANTED VKAL, HOG8, MUTTON, BEEP, (HICKKXW, TURKEYS, DUCKS, (JKKHK. KGOS, MDBS, BUTTER, AM) JACK IIAIIMTB. GIVE US A TIUAI,. HIGHEST MARKET I'BICK GUARANTEED. PROMPT RETURNS. Gl IXK KSOX A MTLLER Established 1111 100 Front Street, Portland, Or. PAINLESS PRICES Before the war, during the war and NOW. By careful buying for cash, with no rent or clerk hire, we are able to protecTour customers and save them money at all times. , Homer Norton POST ... OREGON ! Prineville Green House I CABBAGE PLANTS, per dosenl2H ernU; or 70 cento per lOO TOMATO PLANTS, per down, 12 cento; or $1.75 per I0O CAULIFLOWER PLANTS, 8S eenta per dozen or tl.78 per 100 RiMlUhea, Hplnarh and Iettuoe now ready. Early and Into varletlea In aeaooa, A lira have aome flower plant and bnlba. Mall order given prompt attention. CALL OR ADDRESS: 'BOX 83, J. D. TOWNSEND, HYDE PARK. Townsend & Campbell Prineville, Oregon NOTICS FOR PUBLICATION mm aa iman of nmri, situated la Mid , . - . tro" Count,, state of Oregon, an nerttea- nepertment of the Interior. O. 1. Land l.rlr bouaded ana oaaenbed M lolWaa. OlBro at Tho belle., Oregrm. Mairh 24, lwi to-wit t Notlee la '- The northwest auarter of Beetle tMrta. ( A H KY A. CAHK. 1- T ....... - . ... n "' ""fVT;, 0r7"- who' J"- , IDS, tweatr. east of the willamatt Meridians ! 7" JJ? u "n?l?J'""Z- OI"'i4 To" ' notlfted that said Stuart mrv vww '.VV., 7.',y X? ,ul"'- HalMilf, kaa paid taia aa see nr.NW Sarllon JO. prmiaa for aliquant mn with tka aat wr,.hi, l-rth. lUaira It-Kwt. ,f oa Hid amoanU aa follow., atta MorMiaa, kaa (llrd aotlca of Intantloa to , f or th. w UK. Nina mm M-1M OolUia. m.k. thrr. rmr prw to t.blbb claim to p.M j.aaarf Hth, 118. lu racaipt aaaika L ... n f,TL ,rlbi kaf"" 14. with tataraat tkaraoa at U p.rrrot par HMhUII. Uniud guua CommkMiooar, at aonam ; rnnavina. unwm, aa tka th dar of Mar. , for tka roar 117, garaa and Dak lara, paid April ttk, Ul. tal raeaipt aaaa. Ml. Claimant namaa aa wttiMaaaa; Joanih'i .w-' .a inwiHin, nuiiam i oarwon, Brfi. por annum ward L. Mi'Kariand, ail of Kob.rU. Ora. . R FRANK WOODCOCK, KraUtrr. 28-32 For tka raar 1911. Ilaht aod U-1M Dob lara, paid April atk. tu raralpt aaaa. brr 10H3, with Intanat Ikaraoa at M parent par annum ; For tka fear 111. Elaaaa and II-1M Dob lara, HI receipt number 1021. paid April ttk. ltuo, with intanat tkerarm at 11 aaraent par Learning an Anthem, A choir Ifiiiler miyti: "In lit'.liiulng tli study of ik'w anitii'iii I tint) It K'iocI plitii to -ito rijflit tlirotiKh tli ttlmlH jili-ce at tlif flrnl attciiiiil to KM tlic KcniTuI outline hiiiI the ajplrtt of it. At tin1 flrnt rrHilIng I ibm by all uilHinlte u'b a f!e notek, wrong tliiit', lniiroier plirkxlng. etc. In otn wurkd It ibh to run through the whole iiiilieiii thin way two or three time tliHI the pltre may be graiiied u(Il clontly to enable the ilnnni to atudy the dot hI In with mure Intelligent re lation to the whole." Liquid Soap for Cleaning Carpet, Take two bar ot whit aoap bopped Hue and Dialled in one quart af hot water When n I moat r-oirj, add a tearaprnt of ammonia. Wtinn ready to wb or arrnb the rarrwt. pnt a lit tla a' her into th miztura. Keep it wall corked and add half a cupful of 'he mixta re to a large pailful of tepid vater, It make powerful lather. Wipe the carpet off wltb clear water. "Here's Real Tobacco" says the Good Judge That givc9 a man more genuine chewing satis faction than he ever got out of the ordinary kind. Smallcrchew.lastslonger ctT so it cosis less 10 etiew this class of tobacco. And the good, rich to bacco taste gives a world o( satisfaction. Any man who uses the Heal Tobacco Chew w ill tell you that. Put up in two styles V-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco Omnlvoroua Codfieh. That the codtlali ik ouuitvornua I ihown by the fact that, In addition to the cmatareana. email fUtt and (tea oioa which It entH all aorta of thlnga have hvon fntind In Itn Ktomarh. "ti'b aa iiunll aclaxor. rnrm-ohs, rubber doll and piece of clothing. Jlujtioo pun u. noninioi Utiajq fo niuti(iiioj jadiud a nmjj fltu.j atMng jmhi iikX; (aqi uu,. iSJ (BimiH. pinn!- aanj n;xwn.jn 0 iiutifam aitjai "Ml 4Mitimj -J a q.itq.M iiii.h Shia'i a II 'hui Unitiieu 'lJhiuaA 'iiii"M etaasng tot aiiw ajntxtv NOTICB FOR PUBLICATION Not Coal land flMartmeflt of the Interlne II tJ rfr., i -l. n .. u l 'i i n. m I annum : N.rtlr. I, hereby riven that OI.VIN - For tka rear 1920, Fourteen and 42-IM Dob THOMF'HON, for the heir, of CORNELIA i lara, paid January 2, 1921, tax receipt aaaa. HKWITHON, deceaaed, of Hampton, Orecn. , her 2, with intenat tkaraoa at U panaul who on Auauat ft, IVIn, made Homeatead Kn- per annum t trr. No. m., for WHF. Sec. , NKV gaia Bey.Hr FX Andrew., defendant, at tka NWtt.SKV,, NK8W'4. 8F-NWW. Section ! o Jva tltlTof tS dlt-ri!! 7. T.wn.hlo 21 S. Rann 21 E, Willamette erf -i Ik. kaa filed notice of intention to ord. and each of the other neraooa ahoee Meridian. Dominican Reputille, The Doilillltf'HU ttvfilll.llo la lnetrt t.,e ekhterf, portion of the bH.nd ; tftt'ttj? iST iiHiii. ,jur ii ine iflrKeni or me Weat Indlna. lying between a latitude of I7::l:40 and l:28:2il north and a Inngltnde ot ti8:i8 and 74:51 weat of 'Ireenwlch. Ita linuinlurie are th Atlantic orrap oo the oortb. th Mona cbniinel on the eaat, the Carlo bean cva ot. tli aoutb aod the Ha public of Unit) on tbe weat. make Anal three-rear proof, to aatabliah elatm to the land above dcarribed, before E. M Claimant namee a. witneeaea: Dick Rhoda. Kenneth I. Thomueon, F.mile Van Lake, Carer B. Herman, all of Hampton. Oreiron. JA8. F. BURGESS, Resuter. 2K-32 HATCHING EGGS EGGS FOR HATCHINO White Wyandotte egga, from choice atock; female, Flahel and Rlng houne atralni; mala Griffin atrain. $1.50 for 16. Ray V. Constable. 17- WHITE LEGHORN getting egg. From beat egg atock on coaat. Egga can be had at Michel'. Sam Kills. 28tf HATCHINO E008 S. C. Rhode Is land Red egga $2.60 for 16. Lim ited Incubation lots at $15 per 100. Mr. J. E. Adamaon, city. 26- FOR SALE A few choice, pure bred, 0. A. C. and Tom Baron atrain, White Leghorn, rooater. $2.50 each. Alao eggs for hatch ing, $1.00 per setting. Call 3F21 or write Doratha Christian! Prine rille, Ore. 27-tfc. glMMONS la Tka Qrralt Caart af The State af Oreaoa. Fer.Craok Ceaatr. Stuart SUpleton, Plaintiff, ve. Bevertr E. Andrew! and Andrew., ki. wife. Defendant. To beverlr E. Andrew, and Andrewa, the above named defendant: You are hereby notified that Stuart SUple ton, plaintiff, ia the owner and bolder of Certificate of Tax Delinaoener numbered , ieiued on tbe 17th dar of January. 1018, by the aheriff and taa collector of Crook Covntr, State of Oreiron, for the sum of Thirteen and Do ene-hundred the Dollara, tka same aeing tka amount tken doe and delinquent for for tka year of 191ft, together witk penalty, intereata and eoata thereon vpon tka reaJ property aa.rn.ed to you, of which yoa era tka named are hereby notified that tka aehi SUM Btapleton, plaintiff herein, will apply ta kaa Circuit Court of the County of Crook and State of Oreiron, for a decree foracloam tka lien ajrainet the property above described anal mentioned in aaid certificate. And yoa are hereby aummoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication of tka etunmoae excluetve of the dar of aaid flrat publication, and defend thai action or par tka aeaona due aa above shown together vltk soata and) accrued Interest and in eaaa of your falkxre to do ao, a decree will be rendered foracknv in the lien of aaid taxes and eoata aisine the land and premise, erjove deacribed. This summons ia published by order of tka Honorable T. E. J. Duffy, Judge of the Siv cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for ika Uranty of Crook, and aaid order waa and dated the 14th day of February, lm, l the date of the first publication of thai mona la the 17th day of February, lKtl. All process and paper la thk) pn may be served upon the nnoVralgneid, tka aaV tomey for tka plaintiff, residing witkia th State of Oregon and County of Crook, at Prineville, Oregon. LAKK at BECHTKLL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Postofllea Addraaai Prineruie, Oiipaa, TRY A CLASSIFIED AD Color Bllndneea. Na fewer than W persons In every thouaand are more or less color-bl.'id. The cnmmonent form Is not, as many suppose. Inability to distinguish red and green that affeca one person In 55. Tbe most usual aymptotn ia tin certainty between hln and green. This I experienced by on out of every 46 persons, but only one In 60 la unable to distinguish between brown and green. Color blloilness is more com mon among educated than uneducated people, and an odd fact is that musi cians are more Mnnie to this affliction than are any ntner class or profession. We handle Maz da Lamps of all kinds and sizes Earthquakes st Sea. An eruption occurring at sea is called seaquake and the chief effect Is tlit production of hug wavea and violent commotion of the water of tbe sea In 1854, during an earthquake at Sii iin. Jnpau, the waters of a bay were first agitated, then retreated, leaving the bottom bare in places where the water had been 30 feet deep. A wave 30 feet l)!h then rushed In and swept everything in Its path. Other earth quake waves have destroyed cities and shipping; part of the destruction In the Messina earthquake was causud'by a wave produced In this way. Plants In Bedroom. Do not hare tlnwers or plant In th bedroom, partii nlnrly overnight Poi sonous gas. Is evolved from the colored parts of flowers hoth by night and day, tnd from the green parts In addition at night It Is pleasant to have flow ers In a guestroom, but for the reason lut aet forth they should not remain In the sleeping chamber. The way to get around the difficulty la by the use vt window box. . Playing th Game. The New York cop had Just over hauled the bandit who was speeding away from the Jewelry store, his hands full of gems., "No fair I" protested the burglar coyly. "You didn't count a tundred before you started after roe." (Profuse and embarrassed apologle from the cop. who' calls off the chase.) New York Sun. Des Chutes Power Company Prineville, Ore. .Last Big Block cf the Canadian Pacific Reserved Farm l-ands THIS anwonrc the crffcrirw of the bat biff block of the Candlm Pstrtffe Hf fwl Fana Litnd. Lntii that btork hi diam) of. Yoa can Mroru it krw eou a ftvm birr Wefliern CaneUtv that will mut ron rich auid independent. The country w ideal for nixed farminc aa well aa grain arrowing-. i,tT, tbi lanHi ean be boogrit only from nrivitU uDcri arvd oamraliy, prices w.M be h'tzner, lSevar agaa oa tli hartta Ammteam Cuouaaat iU .'ana Ltada b offered at pnem to low. Tonr Last Big Opportunity Thta block txintUDa both fertile open rratrte and park larxJa ia th Liuyd nmiter and Uattit-ford DutricU of Central Aloena and 8akatclatwan. Yoa can buy farm landt oa th rich anirirn Mr Mamtobat. ariauikatf hewan and Alberta at pncL-f aerginsr about ttt aa ttcra. Or land ia Sootbero Altcrta onuer On irniratioa ayatcta at wti'lliTH water tnaB tww aa acre aod op. 20 Tears to Earn ant to Pay Tha Canadfaa Pad fie offert yoj this land Wider a piaa of kxtg term, eaay parmenta thiat mnarkabk in tha hiitory of i arm in mnieiita. Yoa pay down HrA. Then yoa baa no paymtmt on tha prinnpal until tha and of tha fourth year, than hi tern annual Earmenta. lnttrreat ia In Central Sa-atcfjewan.rrf-aau-Wbeek-r arew theworld'g priie wheat. W orto'a anaa aata wars growa &Uoyitauatm. Lands Under Irrigation In Boothern Alberta, tha Canadian rrtfla Railway haa devlond the tartreat indivdual Irriratroa underLukinaj on the Amtncfca Continent. Thia dutnet ceataina aom of tha hast Lavr.da in Canada. An onfall in a aupply of water if adintnititorod nixler th Canadian uovenonent. mcea range ironi 0 an acre up, dn the avna easy payment terms. Silk) lor.a m unprcvcnfctaU. twaay ty yoarsta paybaek. NoTazes on ImproTenents Tymtw! email tax on tha law sel dom more than 20c an acre foe all pur ooeee b':t thra ara BO taxes on your liv atock. IniildinaTi, Improranianta. ltnple?rnentl or p-rvooal effects. Good tnau-ltum. mo darn achooia. toaaia. h ore rata, amisementa, inaka farm Hfe d airaoie and attraeUfa. Her yoa caa mchtem No SaleWktout Inretiigat t The Canadian Pacific will not a 11 yon a f ontil yos bav inspected it. Yoa sour mj aatisned and avery q taxation answered for takms op your home. Inveatia-atioa is fevitad and mad easy. This anMoncesnaot eatta attention to the last BTtat block of Canadievn Paota evd Fans Luna. Special Rates (or Homeseelt&rt and FuB Iirfosmatki. eeveeW railway rataa ft bcawsMlief aaafcs t Sp- tiotlFsay. Bend now for fre (lltjtrd carnx ahieta ajiearertim all qietiocaa aod wttaaej furtis bnire-i about tmrt4 tahte. kcreaea rieWei, elrmaaav mwxiMaUtm,, JeHt iwt baOajr, KnutuWT OCHOCO REALTY CO. Vocml AjpnU 433 Main 8U rlneriUo. Oro. SWasltisliin i li s mi Ckii h.aafctbt Af.a For Solid Comfort Make Your Portland Headquarter The PORTLAND HOTEL Widely known as Portland's "Hotel of Hospitality Rates $1.50 a day and up Richard W. Childs, Manager SPRING CLEANING TIME HAS COME Get your furniture reramlshed nd woodwork repainted. Work lone by ex-service man, Lout Rovny. Leara orders at Lak in'a Hardware Co. Prineville, Oregon. DON'T DELAY DO IT NOW! I PAl A(!F ORMF II II nLnvL. VPI II III VP EL Opposite Masonic Temple ACETYLENE WELDING BATTERY STATION All Ford Work Done on Contract Price. Auto Repairing and Ignition Our Specialty. Ed McGilvray, Prop. I tteoa Black SSI II 4! del p