Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 21, 1921, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    TlirUHDAY, A mil, SI, 1031
Pag I.
AlfAlfA gets
ALFALFA, Ore.. April 1, mi
ll rs. Dimn Coovtirt. who li ipeclalls
In .full-blood poultry, received
bait '! of fan7 eggs Tuesday. All
beni vn the Convert ranch are trap
nested and a complete record kept
of each ben.
The lost of Cook'a sheep from the
Uulliu ranch ot Powell, Uu tie were
driven, 'through Alfalfa en route to
the blKh desert range Tuesday.
The Central Oregon Irrigation
bond election In this precinct result
ed In a vote of 25 for and one nega
tive vote.
Among those attending to busi
ness mutters In lind Monday were
W. M. llorsill,(Paul Mertaching and
Frank Dolling,
Arthur ilcynolria of Hoar Creek
was visiting relatives In Alfalfa on
llowurd L, ilurrlght, one of Al
fulfu's most congenial bachelors, en
terlainod at an oluhurale chicken
dinner Humluy the following guests:
Mr. and Mrs. C. McUne, Mrs. C. II
Hardy and children, Mrs. Crow and
daughters Kvelyne and I-ora, Henry
Fowler of Ileiid, Melvln Crow, Billy
Free. Leslie V. Clark, Mr. and Mrs.
II. IT. DnArmoud and family ot Bend
and Mr. anil Mrs. Albert Bliults and
daughter Varna,
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Miller ot Bend
pent Friday In Alfalfa.
Miss Lora Crow spent several duys
at the DeArniond home In Ilend this
Ralph Hiiioik motored to lied
mond T li urml ii y evening, returning
with sheep shearers.
Mrs. Dan Anglund Is now with her
mother Mrs. Lewis of Silver Lake.
Mike AiikIuikI brought 2000 hund
of bis sheep to the Cou Oreen ranch
whore they will he sheared and dip
ped before being taken to the sum
nier range.
Carl I ,ii mo and family spent sev
ersl duys at the McUuIre homo In
Itedmoud this week.
Mrs. Charles Johnson and son are
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Curl LindiiuiHt ot Towel! Butte this
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Terrlany have
locutcd on l lie Con Ilrnen ranch.
Gelrge lleelte made business trip
to fiend Tuexduy,
About IIU Alfnlfaites were guesl
at a delightful Informal party given
by Billy Free, at his homo In Alfalfa
Dancing, good music and an.elulmr
ate supper concluded the program.
Mrs. Fred Anglund returned to
Alfalfa after two months with her
husband on the high desert.
Alfalfa has contributed an act reus
to the silver Screen. Little Margery
Clark, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leu
lie V. Clark, formerly ot Alfalfa, hut
now ot Berkley, Calif., was chosi
out of several thousand school chll
dren to play a leading child's part
In a drama soon to be released
who are authorities on the subjects
assigned to them.
A nu in her of copies of this edition
will ho printed, and distributed In
the northwest and In the east It
will advertise the Ochoco Project
nd Its success far and wide, and
111 be the means of Interesting
onie seekers and bringing settlers
to the project. The edition will al
so be In demand by communities
where projects of the nature of the
Ochoco are under construction, or
being contemplated, containing as It
will, a complete story of Its con
struction, as well as advertisements
from nearly every firm contributing
machinery and supplies for Its build
lug, and also other companies' put
ting out goods that Interest the
building public.
The edition will contain many pho
tos of the project, the dam In var
ious stages of construction, and pic
tures of I'rliievllle's main buildings
and views of many kinds In connec
tion wth the project.
The first game of the season for
Prlnevllle will take place Sunday
the first of Muy, when the local team
will Journey to Itedmoud to play the
team at that place. Though Red
mond Is ahead in the matter ot ex
perience, having played several
games already this year. Prlne
ville has great deal ot talent to
pick from for the team, and the con
test will without doubt, be an Inter
esting one,
Next Sunday a practice game will
be played here, at which time the
team will be lined up. Spectators
will he welcome to witness this ex
hibition. AH bull players are ur
gently requested to forget fishing on
next Sunday, and turn out to help
get the team started right.
Figures Compllsd by Otologist Are
Certainly Interesting Though Per
haps a Llttls Startling,
A geologist describes by means of
graphic chart the comparative lengths
of the different periods of the age of
the earth. He places the age of the
earth arbitrarily at 72.ouo,MK years,
represented by clock dlul of 24 hours
H.OUO.iMK) years to each hour.
On the above bsuls the first six
hours of the clock represent Azoic
time, the earliest conjectural period
of the earth's formation IH.imo.w'
years; the next six hours Kor.olc and
the next eight Paleozoic time 18,000,
000 and 24,000,000 years, respectively
periods of mineral snd vegetable
formations. In the next three hours
animal life1 developed Meso.olc time,
9,000,000 years that Is. from the
twentieth to the twenty-third hour.
Thus the last hour of the 24 8,000,000
yeors of geologic time represents
Neozoic time, which Includes the ap
pearance of human life In the Quater
nary period.
This iHMt division of the 24 hours,
the Quaternary period, Is shown as
only ten minute In other words 800,.
000 years. The. existence of human
life on the earth, therefore, bears the
same relation to the sge of the earth
its ten . minutes does to twenty-four
hours. But since the period of writ
ten history Is estimated roughly at
only U.iwo years, this last division Is
not shown on the chart, since It would
only be 12 seconds In duration.
Scientific American.
Through Life's Pilgrimage.
And thus ever, by duy and night,
under the sun and under the stara
rllinhlng the dusty lillls and tolling
along the weary pliilus. Journeying by
land snd Journeying by sen. romln
nd going so straiigvly to meet, and
read on one another, move we resiles
travelers through the pilgrimage ol
life. Charles Dickens, In "Little Dor
Bad Luck . to Owe Money.
The halibut fishermen of the Pacific
nave a reputation for honesty. They
invariably pn.v all their bills before
stnrtlng on a fiihliin expedition. They
reenrd It as bad luck to Ipsvp any un-
ould accounts behind. Tiiee men do
not work for wages. Thc pay all ex
penses for their equipment and then
hare the proceeds of the trip.
Duel to the Death Between Bull and
Jaguar Is Considered Height
of Entertainment. ,
The Panamanlac who Is a real sport
delights In nothing so much as a fight
between a Jaguar and a bull. One must
visit the Isthmus to see this particular
kind of sport.
An enormous cage, strongly built of
scantlings and Iron burs, la placed In
the center of the ring ordinarily used
for bull fights. A bull Is placed In
side of It and presently one of the
huge South American caU Is wheeled
up In a smaller cage and Introduced
Into the barred Inclosure. The latter
Is about ten feet high, with twice that
length and breadth.
In the fight which then ensues the
hull Is victorious usuully. Not more
than once In ten such contests does
the Jnguur prove the victor. This
would not lie the ruse If the animals
were not restricted to so narrow a
space: but the big cat, being obliged
to rely mainly upon Its activity, does
inn have n fair chance.
Nevertheless, the duel greatly de
lights the spectators. The fair I'uou-
nlcurcH shriek with excitement, and
the little 1'iuiuiiuinlklus rend the air
with yells.
Mark ef Bondage.
Little Paul, visiting his cousins on
the farm, hud been taken down to
see the pigs. Noticing several had
rings In their noses, he suld to his
big brother: "Say, Kill, those pigs
must he married, 'cause they are wear
ing rings" Chicago Americuu.
Douglas Fairbanks' big Bpoclal
picture, "Ills Majesty the Ameri
can" will be featured at the Lyric
next Tuesday and Wednesday. t!p
to this time It has been Impossible
to secure pictures of this great star
for Prlnevllle movie fans. Douglas
Fairbanks Is one of the best liked
American movlug picture actors on
the screen today. Ills pictures al
ways takes the form of wholesome
comedies, which are full ot refresh
ing action from the beginning to
the end.
"Hla Majesly, the American" is
one of his latest pictures, eight reels
long, and is one of the best liked
Falrbunks specials that has been
put out. There will alBO be a two
reol comedy In addition.
"As Short ss It Is Violent"
"Woman's grief Is like a summer
storm, .short as It Is violent" The
foregoing quotation Is ' credited to
Joanna' Balllle, a Scotch dramatist and
poet. She wrote "Plays on the Pas
sions," In which she delineates the
principal passions of the mind, each
pasalon being made the subject of s
trngedy and a comedy. She died Id
Fish Thrive Under Water.
Water never gets colder than about
39 degrees. So no matter how thick
the day, and no mutter how thick the
Ice upon the stream or lake, the nshes
are enjoying a temperature of about
HI) degrees, and they move ahouVjn
the water and gather supplies very
well at that temperature. Through
the clear Ice one may Bee fish with
their backs agulnst It, where the tern-
iieriiiuie must he 32 deirrees, and If
you Htrlke the he above them light
ly they durt away with pretty good
speed. If you will strike the Ice Int-
niMllntely above them with the back
of an nx, or a sledge hammer, you
will kill the fish. The concussion
does the business and the fish will
turu up Its white belly upward, al
ways. It Is a common enough thing
In some regions for the boys to kill
the fish through , the Ice, and then
to cut a hole and get them out.
On May 26, the Journal will Issue
a special edition devoted to the Oco
co Project, In celebration ot the fact
that the dnm Is completed, the res
ervolr la full and water Is available
In plenty for the farmers on the pro.
iect for the first time..
This edition of the Journal will be
the biggest thing ot Its kind ever
put out by a newspaper outside of
Portland. It will contain the his
tory of the project, and many artl
cleg ot Interest concerning Crook
county and Prlnevllle, their resour
ces. Dosslhlllties and Institutions,
written by residents of Prlnevllle,
Pearls and Rubles.
"Pearl" Is thought by some writers
to come from the Latin "plrula,"
meaning "a little pear," because so
ninny fine pearls were pear-shaped.
"Kuhy" Is thought to have been so-
called from "ruber," the Latin for
"red." hut It may be that the word
"ruber," meaning red, was derived
from the name of the ruby.
Lovemaklng and Marriage.
Loveiuuklug stretches over ten or
fifteen years of our lives, and after
that Is nothing but a bud habit. As a
rule the love emotion is canonized by
marriage, and that is why I am for
marriage every time and for every'
body, faithfully believing that a bad
marriage Is better than none. Har
per's Magazine.
Observant Judge.
In a recent divorce suit, where tha
husband complained, among other
things, that his wife neglected his
buttons, the Judge said : "My dear sir,
you should remember that a woman
la so used to pinning things that she
can't understand why a man should
make a fuss about a missing button
or two." Boston Transcript
The Tunnel's Part In Progress.
In the history of civilization the
tunnel bus played a mighty part. In
Kurope the St. (lothard tunnel through
the Alps Is famous; It connects Gos
cheneu with Alroto, in Switzerland,
and 1b over nine miles long. The
Slinplon, which also penetrates the
Alps, Is reckoned one of the seven
modern wonders of the world; It Is
12V miles lu length. Still another
Alpine bore Is the Wasserfluh, two
miles In extent from entrance to en
trance. Another notable tunnel Is the
Khojnk puss, In India.
Among the Important Amerlcnn tun
nels Is that which penetrates the Cas
cade mountains, in Washington; the
Cumberland, under the Cumberland
mountains In Tennessee; the Hoosac,
In Massachusetts, and the tunnel un
der the Detroit river. Harry C. Drum,
In Leslie's.
Terror of West Indian Hurrlcan.
In the West Indies the natives have
named the hurricane warning flag,
which Is displayed by the weather bu
reau, "el panuelo del Diablo," or the
devil's handkerchief. The various
hurricanes are named after saints of
the church, and birth dates, marriage
dates and death dates are. reckoned
from them.
Revolving Door Etiquette.
The etiquette of the revolving door
has yet to be standardized. At pres
ent there are two schools of opinion
on the subject. One holds that when
a man and a woman approach a re
volving door It Is the man's place to
go first, pushing the door slowly so
us to allow his partner to follow In
the uext compartment without any ef
fort on her part. The other contends
that ludles first still holds sway. It Is
good manners, these theorists say, for
the man to step aside, let the woman
start the door revolving, and then
jump Into the compartment behind
her. In this way, It is contended, the
man muy assume control of the door
and guide It until the woman ahead
of him Is safely out. The bitterest
rivalry prevails between the two
schools. Argonaut.
Tomorrow - FRIDAY Tomorrow
Last of the
"Moon Riders"
Pictures coming for Sat
urday Taylor Holmes in
"Nothing but the Truth",
and Buster Keating in a
two-reel comedy, "The
Scarecrow." a Screi
Sunday-Harry Morey in
"The Birth of a Soul"
and two-reel comedy
Monday Jack Pickford
"Double-Dyed Deceiver"
and cartoons
Tuesday - SPECIAL - 'Wednesday
Douglas Fairbanks in
"His Majesty the American"
Eight Reels and Comedy
Thursday--"Soldiers of Fortune" and one-reel comedy
"He Never Touched Me.' Special, 6 or 7 reels.
At the
y ITlCj, Prineville
We are equipped to give you the
best of SERVICE at all times,
day or night. Our mechanics are
of the best and 'our work is bound
to please you.
Telephone: Eight -Oh -One
A few good used cars at a
very reasonable figure.
A cut price on Tires
with a Guarantee