Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 21, 1921, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Par 4.
TlllUMlAY, APRIL SI, 1021. '
i 1 !
i i
Do you know
you can roll
cigarettes tor
lOcts from
one bag of
Mrs. L. E. Smith of Roberta made
a business trip to town last Thurs
day. R. A. Booth, prominent official of
the State Highway Commission, ar
rived in Prineville Monday on busi
ness for the department
Rex Clark of Burns, a former stu
dent of the high school here, was a
Tisitor in town last Saturday.; Be
fore returning to his home, he will
also make s trip to Bend.
"Ikey" Mills left last Saturday on
the stage for a visit with his parents
on the Paulina ranch. He expects
to return in plenty of time to grad
uate with his class in May.
Mrs. Geo. Euston received high
core last Friday afternoon when
she entertained the afternoon bridge
club. The club does not give week
ly prizes, but scores are kept and the
lady having the biggest total at the
end of 12 weeks has first choice of
a number of prizes and each member
of the clu bgets a prize.
The Call office this week received
a new coat of green paint.
Melvin Weberg was a Prineville
visitor from Suplee on Monday.
A large new porch is being added
to the east side of the Brink home
at the south end of Main Street.
J. W. Hughes arrived the last of
the week to join his wife, who is
visiting her mother in this city.
V. D. Maddeus and family of
Hood River arrived in town Satur
day to make their home on the Och
oco Project
A marriage license was issued last
Thursday to Charles H. Barnes and
Anna Beerchtort. The wedding
took place at Bend.
Frank and Ralph Haner, Bend
high school students visited friends
in town last Saturday, coming over
by auto. Tbey formerly attended
the Crook County High School.
Albert Skelton left Friday night
for Spray, where he will superintend
bridge work for the highway depart
ment. He has been in Prineville as
sisting in the building program for
several weeks.
John Beard came in on the even
ing train last Thursday for a two
weeks visit with bis mother, Mrs.
Eva Beard. Mr. Beard is afflicted
with ashma, and it the climate here
agrees with him, he may remain.
The Psychocrats met on Saturday
with Mrs. M. E. Brink. Mrs. L. M.
Bechtell gave the book, "The Girl
from Four Corners" and Mrs. Hugh
Lakin reviewed the opera "Faust".
The rooms were decorated with daf
fodils and narcissus.
A good crowd turned out to at
tend the last number of the Shrine
Club Lyceum course, in which the
Colonial Players were presented.
The program was pronounced excel
lent, but on account of the extreme
frigidness of the hall, those in the
audiance could not give complete at
tention to It in comfort
The 6th annual ball at Communi
ty Hall in the Powell Butte district,
was attended by a large number of
Prineville people. The dance prov
ed to be a financial success for the
cooperative association, under whose
auspices it was given. It is under
stood that there were at least 150
paid admissions to the dance.
S. V. Dleterlrh came over from Alex Amnions spent a few days In
Metollus last Thursday on business. "Prineville from Roberts last week.
Mrs. J. L. Smith spent Sunday In
Prineville from Suplee.
V. H. Peck of Culver, was a busi
ness caller in town yesterday.
Tolbert Smith of Roberts" wat In
town from his ranch last Friday.
The N. 8. N. met last Friday at
the home of Mrs. Stanley Balfour.
Warren Brown made a business
trip to Bend on Friday, going by car.
Warren Brown has purchased a
Ford roadster from the Inland Auto
Charles Wyman came in from Cul
ver last Saturday, where he is oper
ating a ranch.
W. A. Donnelly, E. W. Donnelly
and W. W. Lapham were Bend cist
tors on Monday.
Fred Hampton and Vernon J.
Smith spent Sunday night in Prine
ville from Redmond.
Tom Houston arrived in Prineville
Friday morning after quite a busi
ness viBit in Portland.
Donald Graham and N. 0. Wal
lace spent Monduy In Bend, where
they had a case in court.
John Combs returned to Prine
ville Sunday morning after a long
business visit in Portland.
M. A. Ditmar was in town from
Suplee on Tuesday, and paid up ihs
subscription to the Journal.
Myron linger and George Wells
spent Saturday in Prineville from
the Powell Butte community.
Fred Thompson, representing the
Fobes Supply Company, called on
the trade in Prineville yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H Muncy and
Mrs. Lee Krug came over from Bend
on Monday, spending the night in
J. A. McCullough of Paulina re
cently became the owner of a new
Ford touring car, purchased from
the Inland Auto Co.
Vernon Faxon, Deputy Sheriff Ter-
rill. Miss Phelps and Miss Keyt com
posed a party which motored over
from Bend, last Sunday to bring
Warren Brown back after a short
business visit in that city.
G. M. Hall, auditor for the express
company, spout Monday In Prine
. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dealy, visit
pd relatives In town, from Alfalfa
Frank Gardner, the Baptist pas
tor at Paulina, spent the day in this
city, yesterday.
Tom Benson and James D. Taylor
of Roberts were in town yesterday
ou a business trip.
Floyd Houston, who resides in th
Held country, made the trip down
to Prineville yesterday.
Mrs. Dounld McKay and daughter,
who live r.onr Shaniko, are visiting
at the Chora home in this city.
W. T. Kuy made a trip over from
Bend yesterday. He is now the Band
agent tor the Oldsmobile car.
Mrs. E. J. Wilson and Miss Mar-
Jorle. WiUon expect to leave tonight
on a shopping trip in Portland.
Mrs. W. G. Manning motored over
from Bend on Saturday to visit at
the home of Mrs. Harold Malson.
Mrs. W. J. Sproat was a guest at
the home of Mrs. N. G. Davis on
Saturday, returning on Sunday to
her home In Bend.
C. L. Shattuck has built a new
fence in front of bis residence on
East Third Street, with the assis
tance of Gus Gustafson.
The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid will
not meet next Thursday afternoon
on account of the lecture of Mr. Sny
der, which will be held on that date.
The house occupied by Mr. and
Mrs. U. R. Wilson on East Third St.
is being repaired and remodeled.
Vernon Bell is the ownor of the property.
Mrs. Carglll and daughter Gladys
returned this week to their home In
Michigan, after making a long visit
with Mrs. Gargill's daughter, Mrs.
Clyde Day.
Judge Duffy will hold a special
term of court In PrUievllle, next
Monday, to try the Davison vs Brhee
case, unless something Intervenes 'to
cause delay.
The Carnation Thimble Club will
meet at the Masonic Rooms on next
Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs. Ro
bert Davis and Mrs. Charles Ross as
Joint hostesses.
U. R. Wilson and C. L. Shattuck
of the Deschutes Power Company,
leave today for Portland to repre
sent the company at a merchandise
show In that city.
Mr, and Mrs. Ben Tone became the
parents of a baby boy, born last
Monday. The baby baa been named
Ben Tone, Jr. Miss Louise Jordun
Is the nurse lu charge.
"Sailor Jack" Roberta, who has
been located In British Columbia for
the puat three years, arrived In this
city Tuesday night for a vlalt of a
week or two with friends here.
The Misses Onda and Margaret
Wilson, nieces of Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Wilson, returned to Prineville Tues
day, after a long sightseeing visit In
California. They expect to remain
here until after graduation.
Mrs. A. R. Bowman entertained
the evening bridge club at her home
Tuesduy night. Mrs. J. W. Hughes
and Mrs. Catherine Custer wore the
guests, the former receiving high
score. The hostess received the
club prise.
G. C. Blnke was In Prineville from
Mitchell last Saturday. '.
TIIK t IIUINii.lN ( lit IU1I
Morning service Bible School at
10 o'clock. Preaching and com
munion at 11. Bubjoct: "The Chris
tian's Hope." '-..
Evening at 7: SO. The preacher
takes the text outside the Bible and
preaches In It. Did you ever hear
a preacher take a text outside the
Illble and preach In It? Sometime
1 take a text In the Bible and preach
out of It. Sunday night the preach
er takes a text outside the Illble and
preaches lu It. Judson Brown, Pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Noble, resi
dents of the Bear Creek country, are
visiting Mr. Noble's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Noble, in Prineville this
i week.
Mrs. Mabel Connely arrived the
last of the week to again make her
home In Prineville. She will be em
ployed at the office of Ufa county
agent In the court house, and will
i live wun mrs. uecmeu, sr.
On Saturday afternoon the Bap
tist ladies will serve ice cream. The
location has not yet been decided
upon, but It will be in some store
room on Main Btreet. You know
how good their Ice cream always Is,
Just like mother used to inuke, so
be reddy to line up.
I have a stock of up-to-date mil
linery and will have some more In
(luring the next few days. Mrs. J.
N. WRIGHT. adv.80-
To Bore a Conical Hols Through Wood.
When you liavt a conical bolt to
bore, nch ss for s handle holt In
wooden maul or other similar place,
leave the ernter of an expensive suger
bit a trlde loose and begin boring at
the aide whers the smaller tnd of the
bole Is wanted. The Inner edge of
the cutter lip being sngulur, the cutter
will gradually draw Itseir out from the
body of the bit, limb lug the hole larger
s the bit goes Into the wood. Popular
Science Monthly.
Qu..r Word Explalnsd.
The real iiirlvstlu of the word
"esquire" Is, as everyone will remem
ber, from "eseayer," old French for
"shleldliearer," and so came to be ap
plied to the chief retainers of knights.
When the fends! days passed the word
Succtst In a Nutshell.
The talent of urces is nothing
more than doing what you can do
well, sod doing well whatever you ds
without s tlmiinlit of fuiii.--Lotigf.
FOR SALE Two Brown Swiss milk
cows. Inquire at Journal office.
FOR RENT Three-room cottage.
Call on T. E. Lafler, city. 31-8t
LOST 14x18 Tent on road between
Ilend and Prineville. Finder
leave at this office or notify T.
Going, Prineville, Ore. Si-
No trespassing on the premises of
the undersigned. Violators will be
subject to the penalties of the law.
31-2tp. MRS. N. E. 7 ELL.
i .... .
feLOSIHG 6011
TJT Of Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes, Notions,
L Hats, Wool and Cotton Blankets. Mens,
Womens and Childrens Underwear, Stock
ings, etc., at wholesale prices and less. EGGS
late Temieal Co. '
nil h a