Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 24, 1921, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    Is Your Money Supporting the
At ttta critical parted la oar k tat 017 oar aoaa.fact.rnrs ar
oJTartag taalr aillla ovad oar yoaag in aro offartac taalr Murtoa
to taa Dattofl Stat rovwrma.nL Woald to Uko to k roar
afcara aa4 kola, by aattlag- yoar aioaoy waara It will aapyort tao
aow PMoral Raoarro Baaktas Bvataaa, which tha goToraaiaat
has oataaliaBoa to ataa4 hack of oar ooauioroa, lataatry aa4
' agrtealtaraT
Toa oaa do thla ay opoalag aa aosoaat vita aa as part of ovary
dollar ao doaosttad gooa dlroetly lata tko aow ayatoam, wkoro U
will atwaya ao raady tor yoa. waoa waatod.
T ' Member Federal Reserve Sjstetn
City Transfer & Express
Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity
Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin'a
Red 951
"NOW - A
says the Good Judge
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut
1 Off Off Off Of ft fl
Before the war,
j; NOW. By careful
;; with no rent or clerk
to protect our customers and save them
money at all times.
Homer Norton
Transportation Comp'y f
A man can get a heap more
satisfaction from asmall chew
of this class of tobacco, than
he ever could get from a big
chew of the old kind.
He finds it costs less, too. The
good tobacco taste lasts so
much longer he doesn't need
to a fresh chew nearly j
as often.
Any man who uses the Real
Tobacco Chew will tell you
Put up in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
Established 1912
109 Front Street, Portland, Ore.
during the war and
buying for cash,
hire, we are able
Harmlaa. Touting by Bridal Attend).
nta la a Faatura of th A.f
ghan Wadding Coramony.
The ceremony of tha mirror, Is pr
baps, the oldest custom In cimnwtlon
with the Afghan wedding ceremony,
A mirror la placed before the bride,
and the bridegroom la asked to sit at
tha bride's left A shawl la held over
them, and the bride unveils and looks
In the mirror. Husband and wife sea
each other's face for tha first time.
It la their first real meeting, says Ik
bal All Shah, In Asia magaslna. The
bride la shy and does not opeo her
yea, and tha bridesmaids and oth
ers chaff her freely.
An engraved silver bowl Is then
brought, with a little sherbet and
Plata of whit rice pudding. Tha
bridegroom drinks a little of the sher
bet and offers the bride a sip. Sh
closes ber Hps tight, but fore la
applied and a spoonful put Into her
mouth ; so also with the rice pudding.
A shower of roses announces the term
ination of this rite. When th bride
groom attempts to rls, he Onds he
Is held down to the floor; a corner
of his coat has been sewed to the car
pet There is a roar of laughter.
The offender Is found probably a
younger sister of the bride. She re
fuses to undo the stitches uuless
gold coin Is given to her. As soon
as this toll Is paid, the bridegroom
calls his attendants to bring his shoes,
but one of them Is missing. Some one
declares she knows who has the shoe.
It Is returned on payment of two gold
coins, and the bridegroom la freed
from his tormentors.
Kitchen Garden Will Furnish Really
Exquisite Ornaments for tha Liv
ing Room Flower Vases.
Have you ever thought of going to
the kitchen garden to find something
wherewith to OH your flower vases.
when nothing can be found In . your
garden proper? asks a writer In Chris
tian Science Monitor. Why wander aim
lessly around that said garden, Just be
cause It Is a flower garden, when a
little farther on In the kitchen garden
that gorgeous blaze of pale lemon
eolor Is Just the thing to go with your
deep-blue Jars and Jugs. "But," you
will probably say, "that's cauliflower
gone to seed, and who ever heard of
decorating a drawing room with cauli
flower?" Prejudice, mere prejudice! Cast It
to the winds, you will never regret It,
and go and cut spray after spray of
those delicate lemon blossoms, being
careful to strip the leaves from the
stems, then collect all the deep-blue
Chinese Jars and wedgwood Jugs you
can muster, arrange the cabbage flow
ers therein, and, Judiciously placed on
chests, window sills and bureaus, their
effect will be absolutely charming.
The blossoms seem to arrange them
selves, each spray standing out clear
ly from the parent stem, not all falling
together as laburnum has a way of
doing, when one tries to arrange It In
vases. A combination of warm-gray
stone walls, old prints, pale blue and
mauve chintzes, and the pale-clear
lemon of cauliflower blossoms in blue
Jars In quite delightful, though other
color schemes would give an equally
happy effect.
Unwittingly Set Fashion.
lAn anecdote In connection with the
glove shows how fashions are started.
A young and beautiful duchess, having
promised to be at an entertainment
given for a charitable object, In Trou-
ville, France, found herself late In
preparing. She hurriedly took up her
gloves and put them on In the car
riage. As she entered the brilliantly
lighted room, she found, to her dis
may, that she had put on one black
and one white. The mistake hail
arisen from the maid having laid out
two pairs, not knowing which ber lady
would prefer black or white.
Imagine the surprise of the duchess
on perceiving that, In all subsequent
entertainments of the season, the
ladles wore odd gloves, corresponding
with the colors of the dress.
Gorgeous Insects.
To gain some Idea of the splendor
of some of the world's moth and but
terflies one should glance over nearly
complete collections of them from the
tropics as they( occur In South Amer
ica, Asia, Africa and the great enst
ern and western archipelago, with cer
tain parts of Australia. Such collec
tions are to be found In the United
States National museum In the re
serve und duplicate series. There Is a
superb species that comes from Africa,
wherein the "tails" to the hinder pair
of wings are over eight inches In
length. Then we have the gorgeous
Atlas moth of the East Indies that
measures a foot across from tip to tip
of its upper wings.
Glow-worms haunt the open, weedy
covered water-tables beside high
roads. Here, after dusk, they scatter
the grass with points of golden-green
and liquid light. It is a genial rather
than a cold radiance warmer than
many stars. At short range Its bril
liance Is extraordinary; but It does
not penetrate and only reveals a few
grass blades and Indies of earth
round the source of light. Yet upon
those grass blades and grains of sand
and soil exist many invisible creatures,
Who must see, or feel, the glow-worm's
little lamp; and to them her passing
Li far more tremendous than to us
would fee the blaze of a great comet.
"A Shadow Passes," Eden Phillpots,
Obaarvatlon. .1 r Show
markabl. Dlff.rnc. In Vtgeta.
tion of Tropical Forests.
Tropical forests ar divided by llano
Into those having month, of le thuu
six rainy days and those having no dry
season proper. Thos with no dr,
season ar constantly humid, although
th varying seasonal moisture has Its
lH. ,,...n w...
Influence even here, Umllsiurbed cou
stautly humid regions ar nearly al
ways covered with evergreen rain for
est; periodically dry districts ar oc-
CUDled by wriuullnnrf anil
savannah. With every slight annual
precipitation th vegetation becomes
that of the desert. Nmn An annriiai'tt.
lug. tropical rain form shows .
- " - w
much mort Irregular and jagged sky-
ltn thnn tlm t....t .A I..
. .w.., ...m .
varied slimles of green are usually
dull, but tifton broken l white, red or
Mh Illnnt.h.. a.i...
crowns. The tree tun, mnrxxor or
often overhung by climbing vines and
parasitic plants. The Ulterior of some
ruin roresis is ueiis mass or tsngled
foliage from the Ktiiuml lilt tn tlia traa
tops, but others arc like Immense dark
CIMUIUneU Dull!! WMVn afford a fr naa. .
sage and a clear outlook, with only
few ferns on the ground and tre stems,
As examples of light column forest
Schlmper mentions those at a siwrioa
of Canarlum on th mountain, of
Dominica and of manv in fwna in
Trinidad. In the closed forest, .ha
trunk and even leavea grow mosses,
algae and flowerlm hern. Th kiruc.
gle for light. Intensified by great mois
ture, is reature of the virgin ruin
High Blood Prcsour Curablo.
High bkxxl pressure enn be overrom
most cases hv exercise iwvi ih
Canudlan Life. This cause of the mnnv
rejections In life Insurnnco la not usu
ally a permanent disorder. It can ha
curerl by exercising, gently at first,
and Increasing up to a rensomihle
amount. Clients who have been re
jected on this account should be ad
fired to take up some moderate form
iff exercise, and In the con ran f a row
months they may be acceptable.
Koro.cno and Coal.
Kerosene contains more heating en
ergy than coul when considered on a
.eight basis. A pound of kerosene
contains about ID.) hpt nnlia
whereas a pound of hlgh-grnde coal
contains about 15,0K). The cost of the
various fuels for heating purposes de
pends largely upon the relative supplr.
We handle Maz
da Lamps of all
kinds and sizes
Des Chutes
Prineville, Ore.
Opposite Masonic Temple
All Ford Work Done on Contract Price.
Auto Repairing and Ignition Our Specialty. U
Ed McGilvray, Prop.
Phone Black SSI I III
i Nuiu u nriy n... that ' '
' . IUJ,?1i!"RA 5 Taikman,
" Onn, who, on Awwl 10, 1010,
mad HmMini fcnlry. No, 0lij;j. (orNWU
S.1- KiNW. Nwwt
nE'v" lVJPiSl
i " to-Kut, wuiamait M.ruiian. aa ai.d
; r.lrXlrhrrZ.:;
j a-fon L... m., uniid siau w
"'"'"'i Orasva. ok ih.
I '
loaunnnt wltraaa, CWI a
HlnlKom,. Cvorvv 0. Tar man, Clyd. R. Uu,
Harry itamaa, all of Rama. Orwa.
I Doeartmcnl of Ih Interior. V. 8. 14 Of.
I II ro at Th tall. Or., tab It, IS1.
i - - Hnruf . 1 .r n 111.,
I , hknhv rouNincR,
! Brn Orrm. who, M May It 111
nun. HomMtMd l.lnr. No. SUMS, (or VtL
. awi. action lo, Town.kip no-aouiat
I Rr ts-lti, win.moii. M.rtdi.n. i aw
."u ?', ""T" " "." r Pnl.
i m oaukoiun vioim lo tho utn. nbova doscriboa,
, bofora Charlx A. Nh.rm.n. iioni m.,
i ,mof"M.Th. mC' h ,"rt
ruiMKi - u . .
wimwiai i rraoiaw
8da, Com Road. Kdward I'auark, Harnaa
Haaa, all af Barnaa. Oraaun.
j" Th Clpr" ".?"ct4Ti craaV' ' 0nr"'
! Stuart 8tai.l.ton, " r'a'tnilfr.
. .
. vTSS wSSi
Tn H.w.r v K i H.l . I . .
. ' -. .ui. 1 annnw.
Ih. ahoy, namrd dvfrndanl i
Vim ar h.rrb, notlnad that Stuart Slapla.
Ion. plaintiff, I. tha ownar and noldar of
CrtlHral of Ta Dallnquanr numbarad fa,
laaurd on Ih nth day of January, lain, hf
tha atwrln? and tea collarlor of I n... Count,.
Btat. of Omton. for tha aum of Thlrtaan and
no on-hundrrdlha Dollara. tha tarn kalut
tha amount than dua and dallnquant (or laiaa
for th roar of 1010, toa.lhar with penally.
Inl.raala and aoau tharaon upon th raal
pro party aaaauad ta you, of which yoa ar lb
Last Big Block of the Canadian Pacific
Dda.atjAa-vVaaB.arl f7 A MM I arJ a.
vvi a
I LMBdm Until
i th offorliw of ih. im big
thm bi'x-i U dtatKrwi of,
to IhBl wilt nak itrt
A Waal am CaumMlot
li4 favrnint M wall m rraia arrow it.,
nrtWM aviMfv-ina naluraJly. privw wiU b
tvtii turn tmu tM wtm4 4 vtmw
i Tour Last Bif Opportunity
Thai baoa-k avntaiM boib tmS3m opm
ynurto vvd park larxla i (hot Uui
.malar amt Hattlrfunl Ihitnrta at
raJ AlhaaVtA Utal HkihMehaani.
Tod cm buy Tana aftsvla oa tK rirb
rairli of HanUolm. HMkathmaai
nd aUbarta mi prlcr aralnit about fTfl M
Varv Or lmo4 ta Hoothan Allwrla olvr
n MTtvatkMi tyatcm y'Tftfiij WmUtf
trooi tw m men awl ao,
20 Years to turn tni to Pay
T Caotvdidaa Pteif tTrt yoai Uitc tend
nd)rr iMan of kmf Urn,. MynMnta
(bat la r-araaU in th turiorv ol (am ln
VaauaMnta, Ywu ay d atari Kri. Tnn foa)
taav oo paTtnant oa tha tkrliwiMl jalll Uoaf
nd at tha fnwth yaw, tftaii Miwmn annaai)
Crmtmta. Interact la . InCvnlraJ Hv
irtborwan.lWaMarWiMakT traw th worUJ'a
prta hat. WurU'a prtM aata war grew
m Uaydrntoatar.
Lands Under Irrif atwn
In WoaithafB Aftkat-ta. tha Canarflaa PaHAf
Uilwajr baa 4rlopd Ua Utaa uadivkiuoj
trniatkm iu.ilTUirif on th Arnvrtem
L Thla diiitnrt eoMaina aoaaa oi
ua ooxi HUMM in canaom. Aa BnfaiUnfl
aupply af watar w aaatlntatarod iMkf aha
Cajindiu Oovarnmanl. I'rtcoa rars froas
fw) aa arra up. on tha anna aaay payatattl
tatrnM. tWOO loan in UBpruvanaaoia. XaTaa
ty yoara lo pay aaak.
Widely known as Portland's
"Hotel of Hospitality
Rates $1,50 a day and up
Richard W. Childs, Manager
Tlll'KNDAY, MARCH 24, 1081.
wn.ri m nrroari of lluntrd In mU
Cnuk C'iniF. Hl.l. of Orrenn, an. part fro.
larlr kvunM and aWnboil a followa.
The northwnt quartor of rWtkm thlrw,
In Townahip nlMlwn, otnilh of Haas
twonijr, oaal of ih. Wlllannta M.Hdiaai
Tim aro lurlh.r nolllWd that aaM Sluart
RlaiiMun, Blalnlllt, hat iald taoa oa aai4
pivmiM fia- wlmwni , olih Uw aW
of Intrroat om aaitf amounu aa IvIIomi
For th. ar mil, Nina a ad Ift-loo Dollara,
tialj Ja..H 111k lull i... -
Iih, with InUmt th.non at IS vt
Kor tho mi II1, Im and 11.10 DuV
Inn, raid April ttk. lull, lai racolvl aaao.
Wr wilk lalanal Ikorova at II ntrtaaa
nr anaumi
For tko roar lata. EliHl and 4S-100 ru.
lara, paid April ttk. WIS la raol4 aoaa.
kar llu. wilk tatonal tharavff at la aarvaat
Bar annuia
For tko roar 111. Elvaa and SI-IM tU
lara, ta rwotal nuaikar 1021, paid April tin,
liu, with Internal tkaraua al IS pa roan I pm
For Ik paar I MO, rurlaa and 4S.I0 IM.
lara, paad Jaaaarp M, I Kit, Ui roralpt naa.
kar i. wilk lateraat al II parcaail
par anauaa (
Bald B.y.Hj I. Andrawt, dafandant, ao Ik
. vtw aroai una of loa aoovo oaaano-
I ad raal ptaiaartr aa tha Hun apfaara af oaa.
- - wmtm vi u. vmar paiowaa aaoaaj
anwd ar karaky notlnad that th aatd Oaamrt
BlapteUw, plalnlllt karala, wUI apply 0 ok
Cm ail Court of Ih County of Crook Baal
llal of Oraajnn, for a aacra ftirarloalns Ik
llan aaalnat tn prouarty a bur a daaarlbad aaad
atanlloMd In aald cartintal. And yoa ara
karaky raanmonad to apiwar wtlhln olaiy dWya
after Ik Oral pualkaltan of th auatanuaa)
aarlualva of lha day of aald Aral puhllralloa,
and dafand thai acticn or pay Ih a a, map
du aa abuv ahawn buaathar witk aoala and
aarnwd Interaal and In raa of roar ratrar.
to do ao, a doer will k rendarad forarkaa.
Inp Ik lara of aald taaa and acta aaalaa
lha land and pramuw mr daarrthad.
Thai aummone la puhlUhad by onlar of th
hVnorabl T. K J. Ilufly, Jmlaa ol tko Ua
rull I '. M ik. Ili.i. ..r ,
w.m. .in, wmtm vi uia oinar
" - - w. vtvwvh. iv, uaa
County of Crook, nad aald ortlar wa aaad
and dalad tna I4lh day of F.bruary, IPII, aad
m una m i. nni puoihaikia or tna) oaaB
awna la th. mh day of Kahruary, I Hi I.
All proaaa and pa pari la Oil praraadan
nay b arvd anon lha andaraianad. la aa.
lomay for Ih plalnlllt, raaldln wlikla la
Btat. of Onrni and fV mi. nf r k
Frlnavlll, Urnltin.
Allornay for I'lalnlllt.
PoatonV Adilmai 1'rln.rlll., Oraava.
aim 4Vtuiu9
Meek W lb tMhtlwi PtHle Ibawaa fnm
fun tmn nortu ai Um mt lira ). m
l. and itJirmah. lha MMttiur all 1
I.air. Umo aamo lovtcra nn ba btytwht tMilv (
kiatvar, Ncvtjff mmmim a Lfaa Niatti. iiaaariiaiB
t Ivw,
No Taxes on Improvements
ThatVa a atnaU ui aa tha taad-aol
aVtti mttrm thmm Wk an awr for all pur
f lit b't lhr Bra ao taiwa on voot
hvoalork. IVWlUlliO. NrlprOwlMMnla.
krnplamoaia or praona) frTarta. 1mxt1
aaarhata, aiodora, ruada.
fffcorvftaa, aaiiamiwrrta, raka farm Df do
an am arad aitracUna. Uara oa aa acixtava)
No SalsWklioat loTestigat
IliaCwMMllan PaHfW arill iwtan rm a f
avitU yoa baa Imoariad it. Yoa mat' urn
aaUafVo,.nd aart , Uo an twarvd
Im Uktno op rtwa bum, lairaoticaitoa la
In-tisd and atdi mr. Vhtm atWaurcoant
alia attasUlo. to tha hat grant bWk mi
I'acida Bmtmt ai
Special Rates (or Homeseekers
avs tuM liafonaiatioMi
aoailal rwotAt ralaa
ai-wUaaair aWafw
ahUla aair i
a aatha b
m llfira-Haiail voHOk.
aad aoilUM f'fth
la iWMo r rtonaia.
H IIM lU4dkI
Bautvaa ! ( Jat ar
irtilliia a. iWoataaM
Local Aceata
433 Main 8U Prln.vUl. Or.
For Solid Comfort
Make Your Portland
. aJ