TiirilMHAT, MAIW H 17. 1M1. CROOK COWSTTT JOIUXAL l.'J, Ji 7.r.t y.'j tj vr gj ?.? j.? hf1? yj rx jn to y v tt to rx n i.t ft yxTT? T ITT FT rTTr " " " 'Do you wish to sell all or part I of your Ochoco Project Land?. If so come in and see us and we will no doubt be able to move it for you. It is very import ant that you act now in this matter in order to catch the early buyers. OCHOCO REALTY COMPANY OFFICE WITH Crook County Journal wpranqFtn Jmi a. "03 f MomM CCJ" MiYlliHRlgs&Ihiftsk Live Stock Facts NECESSARY CARE FOR FOALS A Soon Young Animal Oalna Strength Enough to en Hit Ftat Lt Him NurM. Fob In should Iiuim) after they fnln trengtb enough to got on ttu-lr feet nd walk around. In the oaita uf weak or very crooked-legged foal It may he necenwiry to mill l them lo getting tlio tiat. but often an effort la mad to lore them to nurse before they arc ready, Nature taken Ita own time on audi ocraalona, nd hurrying and bu tllni uiay do more harm "than good. Before thu foal nurses wash tbe uiaro'a odder with t warm S per cent anlutlon f a good coal-tar . disinfectant and then ritme with warm water. The flrat milk which cornea from tha mar la known aa col out mm and acta aa a physic on the foal, canalng the fecal natter Id tha Intestine to be dl tfurgod; bene the folly of milking the mare before the foal cornea merely because there appear to he ton much milk In the udder. If tha contents of the bowel am not ejected naturally within twenty-four houra, two la four tahlesponnftil of castor oil ahakea In milk should he given, end It elm may be advisable to Inject warm water nr two ounrea of tax tor oil Into the how el. Repeat thla treatment every three nr four hour ntiMI the bowels move. PARADED IN WEDDING FINERY Peculiar Cuetom of Elghteenth-Cei , turn Nau England Would Beam to Put Premium on Vanity. An unuauul custom in vogue In New England iu th Eighteenth century which canned newly married couple to apiear at church ou the four Bun iluya following their union dressed In all the bridal llm-ry they could get together, la recorded hy Edward J. Morris In bla book, "The 1'ayvbolngy of lrea." "Thin, of course, atlmulated a rival ry between families, not likely to fur ther the I'urltau ttliu of Miodeaty In appearance. Those who could afford it bad four distinct aeta of tluery, one fur each Monday, that there might be no monotony for those who formed the audience. In niuny couimuultlea a pew waa aet apart lo which Uj bri dul pulr was shown, ao tliut the cou gregutlon knew Jual wuera to look for the objects of Interest. The (elected seat were often In the gallery, sometime the front pew of the center alale, and at tlinea to other prouilueut places. The couple generally arrived a bit late, that the observers might all be aeated before their arrival ; then they walked slow ly arm In arm to the assigned seat, while tli entire congregation gave their huahed and teapeclful attention. At an appointed time, generally Just before the sermon, the couple aroae and turned alowly around two or thro time, that every angle of their ap-pi-urunce might b viewed ; tliey then aat down," The explanation fa simple enough. The elertrle fluid before It can paaa In to a human being or animal rnuwt flrat come In contact with tbe earth. Ita paaaage from the earth to tbe wearer of the rubber la, of courae, itopped by the aole of the latter. 80 next time a atorm la brewing hurry up d get out your rubber. Oolla With African Burial. Art gallerle In New York laat year exhibited aperlmen of African doll maker. Perhaps the moat Interesting tory of doll In Africa I that whk-b concern the doll cuetom of a tribe dwelling near Lake Nyaaaa. When a member of the tribe die a rough Im age of the dead person Is made of rag or wood and laid away In tent Tbouaanda of doll Image of dead trlle member He In the tent, and It la aaid tbat the tribe believe that the doll ere the embodiment of the aouia uf the dead men. By keeping the soula on earth they believe tbey are cheat ing the flenda which are supposed to lurk beyond life. The tent la regarded 1 a Barred and only the medicine men are permitted near Ik FINEST OF EARTH'S CHURCHES 1 Mare and young Foal. Taaellne applied In the rectum may Id in ejecting atihsequent dry mat ter. Te Offset the danger of navel Infec tion In frwla (which cauaea a dlaeaae known aa Joint-Ill), the navel cord should be washed several times a day by holding up around the cord a large necked bottle which has been nearly filled with a 1 to 1,000 solution of cor rosive sublimate (hlchlorld of mer cury), or hy saturating the stump with full-strength tincture of lodln, Then dust It with powdered staked lime. This should be repeated each day until the navel cord drop off. In cane the navel does not dry properly or shows Inflammation, s veterinarian should he called.' Mares are Inclined to be peev ish or cross when with their young, consequently It Is advisable to per form the foregoing precHittlons as speedily as possible, and then leave the stnhle an thnt the in are and foul can rest without being dlNturbed, TOO HEALTHY FOR MEDICINE People of Trlatan da Cunha Throw Supply Left by British Cruiser Into tha Baa. The Island of Tristan, da Cunha la described as "nn titiHpolled haven of rest for the wenry soul, a mecca for those who long for relief from worrlea of life," by the chaplain of the Brit ish cruiser Dartmouth, which has just returned from a visit to that Isolated ' spot. "No need to worry over money there, for there Is none." said the chaplain. "There are no taxes, no doctors, no lawyers, no clergymen, no policemen, not even a head man. Newspapers and mall arrive, with luck, about once every two years. "There Is not even any medicine, for the latest supply of remedies was thrown Into the aea by the Inhabitants, who are remarkably healthy. Epi demics are tinknown. "Trlstnn Is a British possession In the south Atlantic, between South Africa and South America. Its snow capped peak towera nearly 8,000 feet above sea level. It Is only 21 miles In circumference. The nearest In habited place la St. Helena, 1,200 miles away. The only habitable por tion of It la a tongue of fertile land , at the fjJt of the preclpltour "tiffs." Men of Qanlu Through Many Cn turlaa Aided In the Erection of St. Pater's at Rom. The history of St. Peter's at Rome, one of th world' most Interesting edlUcea, goo back over a thousand years, for It waa on thla spot, tha site of Nero's circus, within walla ornate with gold and glistening with mosaic aud marble, that Charlemagne received the crown of Imperial Roue from Pop Leo 111., and bar was slowly erected throughout subsequent centuries thla building, called the central cathedral of Christendom. , Alt that man could do to make 8L I'eter'a great aud beau tiful haa been . lavished upon that apleudld church, iluie. de Stael said of It, "C'est le seul travail de I'art sur notr terre acluelle qui alt la genre de grandeut qui characterise les oeuvre Immediate de la crea tion." (It Is the sole work of art on our earth which haa the sort of noble ness that characterises the works of nature.) Marlon Crawford puta one's first Impresalon uf St i'eter'a In a nutshell when be aaya, "The first sight uf St. I'eter's affect one aa though In every day streets, walking among one's fellows, one hould meet with a man forty feet nigh." While Uie Interloc decorations have been criticised a being too profuse an American tourist once referred to them aa "too much gingerbread" that great roof covers the work of some of the most reuowued sculptors of the world. Pre Medicine. A prominent city man, who I a parsimonious a he Is wealthy, Is very fond of getting sdvlce free. Meeting a well-known physician one day, he aid to blio: "I am 00 my way home, doctor, and I fell very seedy and worn out gen erally; what ought I to taker "Take a taxi," came the curt rapt. Tit lilts, London. SUPPLY PIGS PLENTY WATER Young Porkers Drink Often and In mall Quantltlss Non-Freczsr I Vary Useful. A pig like to drink water often and In small quantities. It drinks water the same a It eats feed a little at a time and often. That la why a non freezing waterer and a self-feeder for grain are ao very valuable In tha bog let. MODERN "CARMEN" AT WORK Fish's Neat In a Clam Shell. . 1 The goby (of which there are many klndu) selects the clean valve of a clam and uses this as the ready-made nest - The pair '(for the goby mates with but one aud Is Jealous of any rival) hover round an Inverted valve and then the male scoops out the sand from underneath It, forming a cavity, the shell being slightly tilted and pressed Into the aund. The female then enters the cavity and deposits her eggs on tbe lower (Inner) surface of the shell. Tlice eggs are some what clgur-slmped siructurea, fixed at one end hy a glutinous network, that secures tlieni (irmly to the shell. Hav ing done her work, the female then ex changes plncen with the male, who remains on gimrd, keeping up a con stant current of wuter over the eggs by movements of the pectoral fins. and darting out at the approach of an Intruder. Gathering of Woman Clgarmakare Pre eente a Colorful Sight In Span ish Cltlsa Today. i The Carmen of the opera la no Idle fancy of a poet She was and la very real In Spain today. Tbey are known a clgarreras, and their age may be anyth'lng from twelve to aiity. They ' are paid but a peseta a day, and as 00 human being can live on that, they devote a good aha. e of their time to a business said to be the oldest In the world. It la no uncommon thlug to find aa high as 60 bablea In cradlea or crawling about the feet of the girls as they work. Tor comfort the girls discard the greater part of their clothing when they start to work, but retain a red , rose In their hair or great silver earrings. They are boisterous and rough, and the visitor I hailed with demands for money and given the vilest of curses If he refuses. But the girla sing as they work. Every one has a tiny mirror before her In which she sends constant glances, and the little clothing she retains Is colorful as the rainbow. They all have lovers who almost without exception abuse them, heat them and take away their earn ings. She stands this aa long as the lover Is true to her, but if he looks elsewhere he had best beware of a sti letto blade between his shoulders. The older women make the cigars and the younger the cigarettes. Denver News. Rubber Shoes Lift Saver. a fact which la probably only slight ly known la the Immunity from the at tacks of lightning which Is afforded by wearing a pair of rubbers. Th Dei-son who assumes these cov erlnga must be careful not to come In .contact with anything except the floor. Penvtdlnir he follow this Instruction he can not possibly be Injured by the lightning In anywaj. ; . 1 Right Way to Rad. The only way to read with any efficiency Is to read so heartily that dinner time comes two hours before you expected It, Sidney Smith wrote. To sit with your Llvy before you and hear the geese cackling that saved the capital and to see with your own eyes the Carthaginian sutlers gather ing up the rings of the Roman knights after the battle of Cannae and heaping them Into bushels ; and to be so Intimately present at the actions you are reading of that when any one knocks at the door It will take you two or three seconds to determine whether you are In your own study or on the plains of Lomhardy looking at Hannibal's weather-beaten face that Is the only kind of study that Is not tiresome, almost tha. only kind that Is ; neelesa: em Lilly's Seeds in Pkgs, small, 5 Cents D. M. Ferry Seeds, small, 10 Cents SETS 15C PER LB. We also carry all kinds of Seeds in Bulk At Attractive Prices J. E. STEWART & CO. It U deliehtful to think how new everythlug is, spite of description. Never believe . . . that there is an M world. There is no such place, ou my honor! You will find' Euglaud, France, Italy, and the kast, aner an you have reuil and heard, as altogether new as if they were created by your eye, and were never sung, painted, nor bewrltten you will indeed. Why to be sure what were the world else? ... Ten and Ink cannot take the gloss ,off your eyes, nor cau any man look through them as you do. I do not believe the simplest matter sunshine or verdure has exactly the same look to any two people in the world. How much less a human face a landscape a broad kingdom) Travelers are very pleasant people. They tell you what picture was pro duced in their brain by the things they saw. , . . How It looks to one pair of eyes ; would be a good re minder penciled on the margin of many a volume. N. l'arker Willis In Kural Letters. Th Ant's "Parasol." The so-called parasol ants of Brazil get their name from their habit of marching along In single file, each ene with a piece of green leaf held over Its head. These scraps of leaves are taken to underground chambers, well chewed, and allowed to ferment and decay in a mass, through which the mycelium of a fungus soon begins to run In white threads. When little mushroom buttons have started to de velop the workers bite them off and feed them to the haby antsi A LITTLE OLD WANT AD SURE GETS THE RESULTS "Land of th Mind." . A French author once coined the phrase: "The land of the mind. It la realm that many of us have forgotten. There the Imagery Is real ; there death la unknown, and the only riches are men's thoughts. With every age It grows tn Bpien inr. 1)1, -kens. Miltou. Shakespeare, Hugo these ami countless othert have left their all for those wno travel there. The demands of existence have blinded some of us to the Joys that He In such travels. As children we roamed the fields of Imagination, but now we believe only In the material. Yet we cull ourselves wise. The dreary nights of winter are aheiid. Why not cheat them of their Jrenrlness, and on the wings of lit erature Journey to the Lund of the . MlndT rorllaud Oregoulaiu Peculiar London Street. What Is the most curious street name In London? It would be hard, perhaps, to find an odder one than Crooked I'sace, tn Chelsea, which In all probability recalls very ancient days when the plow was the commonest 00 Ject in that region. It has been sug gested that the straight strips of grass between the various holdings of land were, known as usages, and that we owe the ,name to the circumstance that one of these cartways 'or usages was crooked. The history of London street names has endless fascination and Interest. - - These Nettle Deal Death. Any species of nettles Is unpleasant enough to handle roughly, but some of the foreign ones are most formidable plants. Several of the East Indian forms are truly dangerous, for, after ' the first Itching sensation has passed away It Is often followed by that of hot Irons being rubbed on the flesh, and the pain increases to such an ex tent that after hours and sometimes days the patient is seized with symp toms like those following Influenza and lockjaw, while sometimes death results. Beauty' Advantage. The best egg may not be Inside the whitest shell, nor ts the best bargain always t be found behind the most howy front, but the woman with a pretty face continues to Inspire confluence. Spanish Tongue Supreme. Together with Portuguese, which la practicallya dialect, Spanish Is the lunguage of the whole western hemi sphere south of the Rio Grande, a region of- Incalculable natural wealth and vast trade possibilities. Comett Stage Co. Stages leave Prinevffle and Paulina Daily except Sunday Office with Ochoco Creamery UmMM.H.MM, MI.MMM .MM A Classified Ad Bring i Quick Results