TIHHMBAY, MAIU'll IA, let). CROOK COaTNTT JOCKXAL Mt a' " " 'Do you wish to sell all or part of your Ochoco Project Land? If to come in and see us and -AJ we will no doubt be able to move it for you. It is very import ant that you act now in this matter in order to catch the early buyers. OCHOCO REALTY COMPANY OFFICE WITH Crook County Journal 'V Momemiit U.a-imJim.1 Ui H.1 it Ink lkl im. 1 i l:iaJkJJiJl.ajaiil.Uljijjki.iklEJfta;kfji FLORIDA RABBIT A FIGHT EH dAUHLUKS KNOWN TO FAME z. . : : MM I TO EXPLORE OCEAN'S DEPTHS British Government Contemplating in Expedition for tht Gathering of . SclentlAo Information, The ItrltlNh government la contem- plating lh dispatch of deep sea ei plorTug expedition hlh la expected to itMt ttwr inih li valuuhle arluiillllc In forma I Ion. tliMt people Imagine tliut IIik d')lha of ihe ocean hni' ,!iwn prt'lly thor oughly explored, hut Ihl la very far from being true. A matter of fact,' only a very email fraction of the whole area of deep tea bottom tint been eurveyel. Attention la nurtliu larly called to a teat auhaqueoua re gion around the Falkland lalenda and op aa far aa Montevideo, which la al most unknown, and which, having a depth of leae than 100 fathome, may offur opportunities for the development of lucrative fmherles. Tlie flrat deop-eea exploring expe dition, that of the fatnnua Challenger, wee eet on foot Juat 60 yeara mo. The ehlp left port la 1872, and Idea a the subject were In thoae dayt o primitive that there waa diapute aa to whether aho ahnutd use wire or beinpen rope for aoundtngt. It took a whole day to make one sounding, or alngle caat of the dredge for bring ing up fishes and other animals. Since then deep-era aoundlng ap paretua hae been much Improved hy rahle ahtpa, and fulling gear haa been (really modified hy ateam trawlera, which oae dredgea. Healdea, a great deal that la of value haa been teamed by oreannaraphlc expeditions aubae cnent to that of the Challenger. Hence the new exploring vessel will atari out with a prospect of accomplishing a very great deal of work of real Importance. TOO MUCH FOR SMALL MINDS Chlldleh Meeoengere Have Hard Time Remembering Namee of ooka They Are tent For. "t want 'Reeeuractlon In the Parka," demanded a little chap of the librarian at the Weat Indlanapo tle branch library. "Hy brother laid for me to get tt for bint." - The librarian did not wlah to let the little chap know ih waa puttied, the knew It waa aomethlng that went on In the parka that the boy wished. The "reeurrectlon." ahe decided, night be "recreation." and that waa what ahe anggeated. Tbat'e It," emtled the little chap, "I knew I bad that word wrong." Librarian often deal with little brothera and alatera who are running erranda for big brother! and alatera In high echool. When one of the tola eked the librarian at the Weat Indl napolli branch for "Europe'! Fa ble," the librarian milled, for that waa altnple to tranalate Into "Aesop'e r'a blea." It waa different when another asked for "Out of the Twist," the librarian then had to Inquire diligent ly before aha found that the chill patron meant "Oliver Twist." ludl anapolla News. , Doe Away With Long Climb. Something unusuul him been accom pllahed In the completion of the en trance to the Routhwext museum, In Loa Angeles. The building la altu ated on a high bill nnd until recently It haa been necessary for pedestrians to make a long nnd laborious climb op the bill to reaci the main entrance. Now, however, the climb has been ob viated by an artistic aa well aa preo Ileal" Improvement. A tunnel, ' 2J4 feet long, waa hored-lnto the hill and ended In a large octagonal waiting room, on one side of which It a twelve-passenger electric elevator of the automntlc type. The elevator makes a climb of 10S feet, delivering the passenger Into the main hall of the museum. , Copper'a Value aa Alloy. The uae of a hiiiiiII proportion of copper In nil Iron anil steel products exposed to air and moisture Is ad vised by D. M. Buck, metallurgical en gineer of the American Sheet and Tin Mate company. The use of 0.1S to 0.25 per cent, In normal open-heunh or Bessemer steel greatly lessens cor rosion, hut heretofore the use of cop per steel haa been chiefly confined to aheet metal. It la estimated that the life of the aheet metal Is at least doubled by the addition. Copper melta at about 700 degrees F. below the aver 'age tapping temperature of the steel, and It diffuses readily through the metal without tendency to separata out afterwurd. Victor In Remarkable Combat With ! Uet la Not Overlong, but There Have Dog, aa Reported by "Honest and Upright Perton." IlusNell Thompson of Sarasota, a noted angler and dealer In fishing tackle, consequently a very honest and upright person, haa aubinltted the fol lowing, with adlduvlt attached to the Florida Flsbermun. "Last HiiocIhj morning I happened to lie standing looking out the win dow. All at once Dr. Jack Hnlton'i bird and hound dog came down the al ley with hla hack feet over hit neck (In the act of running) and Mayor Kdwarda' rabbit In the lead. The rab bit la a very large specimen of the rodent family and well able to care for himself, aa well aa the dog who happens to be a combination bird, rahhtt. conn and anylhlug alaa Uiat haptens to he In sight. Well. It was not long before the same pair came buck, hut the rabbit waa not In the lead. Itulie, the dog, and the rabbit played for about twenty minutes up and down the alley, In the bark yards, and eeemed to be having a wonderful time, when all of a auddeo the rabbit tiring of auch amusement (please be lieve me), Jumped and bit Dr. Jack Hilton's dog under the neck, then, to do the Job up right kicked poor Major aeveral timet, tbua ending the morning! exercise." ONE HIQH SCHOOL A DAY For Twenty.Ilght Yeara That Haa sen the Record Thla Coun. try Haa Made. In a pamphlet on high achoola In thla country, Issued by the federal bu reau of education, It la atated that the total number of these achoola In 191T 18 was 13.951. The- mailing list of the bureiu Includes the names of 18,300 high achoola. The number of tbeae achoola haa increased over 452 per cent alnca 1800. Thla means that one high school baa been estab lished In thla country each day In edch calendar year alnca 1890-a high echool a day for 88 yeara. In 1890 60.8 per cant of the high achoola were under public control, but In 1918 the public-controlled high achoola were ST per cent of the whole. The average site of a cjty high school la 653 students and of a rural school 89 student!. In 1800 only 812 persona In eacb 1,000 population were enrolled In pub lic high schools. In 1918 the corre sponding number waa 15.6, or almost five times aa great a proportion. Cali fornia leads In hlgb.-acb.ool education, with 27 person! out of each 1.000 In the population. Kansaa la a close sec ond, with South Carolina at the bot tom of the list, with 5.8 persona. " The Yellow World. It la easy to see why China's Im perial color la yellow, wrltea a cor respondent from Yangste river, Her rivers are yellow, her long plains are yellow especially In a fumlne year auch aa thla, and as for her seas the boundaries of her world so desert yellow la their color that a string of camels crossing them would look more In keeping than a string of Junks. And so one can understand why the very heart of the heart of China, the Imperial city, should lie like a shim mering lake of golden tiles within -her lotus-besieged walls. Even against the evidence of my own eyes I cannot be lieve that the Great Wall la built of solid ordinary stones laid one upon the other. Rather It seems moulded mit of the stuff tf which the mountain! themselves were made, long ago when the world waa plastic and empty of all save possibilities. There never was so sinuous a thing as the Great Wall built by men, I think, so slnuoui and so aspiring. Been Some Gre.t Man Who Remained Single. Who la the most famous bachelor In. history! While, as la natural to expect, a Urge majority ' of the Doubles of the past have been mar ried men, there have been a few who have attained prominence In the world of art ot science, of states manship and In war without the aid of a 'better half." One who bad as much claim as any other to the distinction of most emi nent bachelor la Michelangelo, one of the greatest figures of the past Vol taire, sciential and atateaman, la an other great wan who remained alngle. In the realm of warfare few of the really great have remained bacbelora. I'ernaps tie moat eminent la Lord Kitchener, who waa ao laregly re sponsible for Eugland'a military atrength In the World war. Eliminating theae few tbe list pre sent! a mora complicating problem to one who would pick tbe greatest There are aeveral others of about equal prominence. Among the paint era Kapbaet ataodi out aa one of tba greatest to die unmarried. Chopin and Beethoven achieved fame In the realm of music without tba Inspira tion of a helpmate, ' Several modern writers, poets and easaylAte achieved prominence by themselves. Charlea Lamb, Alexander Pope, Walt Whitman, Phillips Brooks, Henry James, Whittler and Swinburne bead the list Petrarch waa an unmarried histori an, and Cecil Khodee, also alngle, at tained great prominence. Few men have become famous as atateaman without marrying before the end of their ca reer. President Buchanan waa a notabla exception. s NO QUARREL ON THAT POINT Father and Small Daughter In Com. plate Agreement Concerning , Claaalflcatlon af Relatives. There lived with an eminent divine hit two alatera, Mary and Jan. One morning ha waa deeply engrossed In a new treatise he waa preparing, when hla young daughter waa brought to blm by her governess. "I have to report Miss Ellen for a terrible thing. She called her Aunt Mary a a a d d fool !" aald the governess. "How terrible I" responded the di vine. "Did you call your Aunt Mary thla awful thlngT "No, father. I didn't" faltered the youngster. "I cslled her a fool but not a a a d d fool." "Well, even that la very wicked of you," he replied, "hut aa you did not uae that awful adjective I will forgive you. ' Tou may go." And he returned to hla writing. The youngster, however, did not go. Please, father," she said, presently. "I didn't call Aunt Mary a d d fool. I called her a fool. But I I I did call Aunt Jane a d d fool I" "Yea, yes!" he mumbled, without looking up from his work; "I quite agree. That Is the precise distinction between them that I usually make my self !" London Tlt-Blts. "Pain Polnta." On every human body there are four million "pain points" connected by nerves with tbe brain. They are, of course, distributed -very unevenly. They are placed close together at" the tips of the lingers and are rurtnest nnrt In the back. Anyone can test thla for himself. If you will place two needles one quarter or an men apart by sticking them Into a piece of cardboard you will have a very effect ive Instrument for making tests. Put your finger on these two points and you will, of course, feel both of them. Now apply them to the small of your hack and yon will feel hut one point. In other words, the nerve centers In mir hnctr at this nolnt are more than a quarter of an Inch apart Boys' Life. Flnda Pleasure In Thinking. Thinking after a while becomes the most pleasurable thing In the world. Give me a sstchet and a fishing rod, and I could hie myself off nnd keep busy at thinking forever. I don't need anybody to amuse me. It Is the same way with my friend. John Burroughs, the naturalist. We can derive the most satisfying kind of Joy from thinking and thinking and thinking. Tbe man who doesn't make up his mind to cultivate the habit of think ing misses the greatest pleasure In life He not only misses the great est pleasure, hut he cannot make the most of himself. Thomas A. Edison. Beet Eaten for Revenge. Bees are usually employed as manu facturers of honey, which Is every where considered a delicious food, but there are places where the bees them selves serve as a food. The negroes of Guiana, when stung by a bee, proceed to catch as many as tftey can and In revenge eat them. It would be Interesting to know what happens aa an effect of the sting thus taken Internally. In Ceylon the natives hold a torch under tbe bee swarm hanging to a tree, cntch them as they drop, then carry them home, boll them and eat them. Popular Science' Monthly. Card em Lilly's Seeds in Pkgs, small, 5 Cents D. M. Ferry Seeds, small, 1 0 Cents ttaetaaaitsKiiSf ONION SETS 1 5C PER LB. We also carry all lands of Seeds in Bulk At Attractive Prices J. E. STEWART &C0. 11 HEAVY BEDDING IS FAVORED Tenda to Cleanlineaa and Comfort of Anlmalt and Savea Much of Fer tilizing Elements. There are several good reasons for bedding stock heavily In the winter. The comfort of the animals and the cleanliness; tbe saving of valuable fertilizing elements; and protection of the feet from the troubles resulting from either wet manure under foot or the hard concrete floors where this material Is used. Pellagra and Income. After a three-year study of pellagra In the eotton-mlll villages of South Carolina, the United States public health service shows that pellagra varies Inversely with the family In come In this locality. As the Income fell the disease waa found to Increase and to affect more members of the aame family. As the Income rose the disease decreased, and waa rarely found In families that enjoyed the highest Incomes, even though this highest was still quite low. A' recent statement givep by one of the large life Insurance companies In dicates that the food standards of Southern wage earners must have Im proved remarkably of late, for the death rate from pellagra has fallen from 6.7 per 100,000 In 1915 to 2.8 In 1919. - ' . A LITTLE OLD WANT AD SURE GETS THE RESULTS Much Gasoline Wasted. ' , About one-third of the gasoline used In automobiles Is wasted. This Is the .oneluslon reached by A. C. Fleldner of tbe United States bureau of mines, from experiments under tratHc condi tions to determine the air pollution of the vehicular tunnels under New York city. The waste Is chiefly due to too rich gasollnt mixture. It la estimated that an Improved and practically au tomatic carburetor might save Amer can auotmgbllljits f 34,000,000 a year, Cornett Stage Go. Stages leave Prineville and Paulina Daily except Sunday Office with Ochoco Creamery A Classified Ad Bring Quick Results Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Lumber Lath Shingles Lime Planter Cement EVERYTHING IN THE BUILDING LINE Yours Tor Service