Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 10, 1921, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Till ItMlUV. M tUUI Ki, na.
Pags 3.
, It I.
if'OH HAI.K - Hhccp run. I n j ti 1
of I). K. Hlewurt, I'rlnuvlllii, Ore
H If.:.
roil BALK Good ruiich mnr Prlne
vlllo. IRt term, well Improved.
Good tornu. Ilox 45, Prlnovllle.
Oro. 10-tfc
TO HKNT 76 acres on a crop bust.
Owner to tnko care of all witter
Mioaamoiila. A good chance If
taken at onco. Call at Korueiry
Olllce for particulars. 21-tf
Foil BAI.K Kviirlionrliig Rtruwbi"
ry I'lii n l a Hiring, ditll v.-ry. 0.
T. H(irliT. Tumaln, Ore. 21-tf-j.
Foil BAI.K A few cholcn, pur
tmil, 0. A. C. and Tom Duron
train. White tinhorn, roosters,
12.(0 enrh. Cull 3r'2. or write
Dora t h a Christian!, i'rlnovlllo,
Oro. 20-tfc
KOK BAI.K Kordson Tractor and
one doublu-dlsc rultlvntor, and
finiR plow. I'ractlcully new, for
alii at a ri'iil bargain. Inquire of
Ir. Van Geshor at Hotel I'rlno
Yllle 24-25.
yOU 8 AI.K 3-Inch Hludebukor wa
gon. Two-section lever harrow.
U. B. crcum separator. I urn of
fcrhiK thoHB articles at a bnrialn.
J. L. GIIihoii, Powell Butte. 24-25p
KOIl BAI.K OR TRADE Two 2-sec-tlon
barrows, and one 16-tach sul
key plow. Inquire Otto Bon tan,,
city. 23-tfc.
roit HKNT Three housokecpln;
rooms. Nice location. Apply
141 Fifth Struct. 24-25.p
WANTED Woman ta do genaral
housework. Inquire Rural 91.
Mrs. Fred Itoclsther. ti-
Mall your Hemstitching and Picot
Edge work to The Sinner Sewing
Machine Co., Bund, Oregon for
prompt service. The Singer Sew
ing Machine Co., Box 800, Bend,
Oreg. 23-tfc.
WANTED All kinds of Sewing to
do. Inquire of Emms Rsndle, or
Mrs. Guy Sumner. 11 -tf
LOST Jersey heifer, two years old.
Large white spot. Strayed from
Powell Butte. Reward for recov
ery. Notify this office. lS-tfc.
ATTENTION Come and try my
washings. I handle not only
rough and fin clothes, but also do
wet washing. Mrs. II. Trapman,
1ST East 6th St. tfc.
cleaning and carding for comfort
ers and mattresses. Mamifaettr
ers of pure wool bats. CRY8T4I
land, Oregon, mills, 7A0 Umatil
la Avenue; office, (02 Spalding
Building. ittf.
CALB BOOK8 Neatly printed
and bound. Bent 1.00 to the
Journal and one will be mailed to
you, postage paid. Itfe.
Do jour eyee trouble yoif Are
fear glasses giving eatlafaetloa or do
(key need changing? If so, call o
Dr. F. H. Day, 610 Main St., Prlne
vtlle, Oregon. He Is -permanently lo
eated at that address litis.
FORI TOO SIGN a life Insur.
aaoe contract la My other eoge,
pany examine the superior con
tract and low premium rates f
Oregon Life. See. T. L. Qutnn,
tte local agent lltfe -
Those having eye troubles or ner
vosa) troubles should call and see Dr.
r. H. Day, tlO Main St., Prlnevllle.
u tte.
Physician and Snrgeosi
Office 206 Third Street
Prlnevllle ( Oregon
Oregonian Agency
Prineville, Oregon
Physician A Burgeon
Olasses Correctly Fitted '
217 jVUIn Ht., Prlnevllle, Oregon.
H. P. Bnlkoap L. V. Belknap
Physicians and HurgaoM
J Office IJM Kaat Third HtretA
Prlnrvllla, Orgsi
1 Office phone 51 Hesldenos ft
Crook County Bank Building
I'nnevllle Oregon
torney. Office Crook County Bank
Building, Prlnevllle. Oregon. tf.
at. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law
Court House St., Prlnevllle Or
V. H. Commtaeloaier
Altoraey-At-La w
Onok County Bank Building
When writing advertisers pl
mention The Journal
Department or th Interior, U, 8. Land Of
Ac at Th. Hallos, Own, February II, 1921.
N"tl U hereby rl" that
of Prlnevllle. Oregon, who, on December 18,
11)16. maile Additional Homestead Entry, No.
0I6STB, fr I.u I, I. I, 4. Section 0, Tovm-
hlp 20.Houlh. Rang Sl-Kasl. Wlllamett
Meridian has filed nolle of Intention to mak
three year Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Charlra A. Sher
min, United States CommUiinnvr, at Fife,
Orriron, on the 6th day of April, IK'.' I.
Claimant num aa witnesses: T. T. Arm
strong, of Harnea, Or. Fisher C. Loiran. of
llarnes. On.. H. H. Whltteker. of Brothers,
Or., Sidney W. Rogers, of Heme. Ore
23-27 Rrgister.
Notice Is hereby given that El
liott Bcroggln will not be responsi
ble for any obligations or debts In
curred under the name of Elliott,
Scroggln A Wolfe, unless the same
Is drat authorized by Elliott &
Scroggln, with written authorisation
from Elliott A -Scroggln.
"The oldest office In Oregon"
- 14 North Second Street
LR. F. H. DAY Physician, ophthal
mologist, neuralogtst. Specialty
of eyes and nerves. Glasses fitted
Hours 10 to 12 a. in. i 2 to S p. m.
Evenings by appointment 110
main st. Prlnevllle, Ore. I7tfe.
A Classified Ad gets results.
Chiropractic Physician
Acute and Chronic Cases
10 to 12, I to S. By appointment
Offices over Journal Press.
Telephone, Red 661.
Calls answered day. or night
If yaa don't get yonr pope rea
atari, phone Red 481 and we
will aend one np by special mes
Local Acont
sembly No. 168, meets the first
and third Monday of each month,
In the K. of P. Hall. All visiting
Artisans are welcome.
Meets every Saturday night In Ocho
eo Lodge Hall, on Second Street, be
tween 0 and D. N. O., K. D. Hus
ton; V. G., W. J. JohnBon; Secy., J.
Cram; Treas. O. P. Reams.
In tint lift uil Court wl uw otata oi Oragvfi
I Ol li. Ubukf i I A,
boiArMbn, (,iaiitill,
u.aa bun lio., II. Cama, U. kri
CltMl, I iita ilUteitaa, Ouiolmr,
c, u ouiiioMf., tfwcol, ii. Cooa, C C
Mliaou, it. iA. !!, Al Iim, alaaoli, lb M.
al.jMrr, 4. c CvrLna, !. d. iawr, oiuuuwl
t,i,wurtfi, oU'UiM'ii 4. Contuii.jr, u, li.
I'aupiaa, IV. o. itMiuaa, OMirua I'. Lav,
W iiiiiii IikJmi, and ail funicba unaiiown, !
vniimif or caiuiuitf w own. at. rmnt,
ttlia vl liiU'iiiak in lli raai uropvny
livnuiattar UaacritM'd. uluuiiui. 1
10 Ola Uurtliou, Oio-ww it. Carnaa, John
Otiiiimvr, b. t. Uutumcr, daouo 11. Coua, C C
iLafiil. Ltt M. Ut.!, Arthui AluaoO, J. U Cor-
lint, I', o. iayior, W. o. 'louniaa, OaorK
Wlliium C-uua, and Lo all kmraun uu
aoown. owning, or tiaiiiiiliK Ui own, auy rtvut,
tula or InUrwit in and to Ilia rwtl yro party
livrtuiailvr ovatiibfcil, oltlbi iriti :
IN Ilia; NA14 UK lilt olAlt OK Ollli
OU.N, kou, and aatti of you, ara bauy uou
llu that crook County, Oregon, a oubiu eor
porattun and tlia liiaililitl naruiii, la ll.a owuar
and bolikr of 'laa crtiilcala of iiaitntiacrKy
ftoa. CI, Ci, C4, C, Cs, C, Cltt, til, Clo.
CI CIS, Cad, W, Cti, CSJ, Cal, CM, CM.
Cal, C6, laauad on Ilia lat day of OacatnLiar, ,
lulv, in llta agarrxala aum of rOLiU IIUN
WlKl -IHIKlk-bbVtN ANO 1H
litt Oollara, tn aaid aura batiii tna amvunu
than dua plaintifl lor drlingtlalil taxes for tns
yvar iwib uooD raJ proustty siaraiad to yoa
and of wtiu ta you ara ttis ownara, raatcuvs
ly, as aponi of rveurJ from th aaacaamaot
rolls now In tna hands of tna sharifl and uut
collattur of tha ounty of Crook, klaui of Ora
gon, whlcb aaid proparty a tocatad In tha
aaid county and slats and Is oa.tkulany
daacribad, tonaihar with tna nainaa of tna .
ownara of aatfc particular parcal, lot or tract,
corrwpondlng numbar of daltnquant csrtln
cats, and tus ajaount of dalinquant taut, pan-;
altiaa and InUrwl dua plaintiff tharaon oa
tha aaid 1st day of llrcambar, IklD, sat op-:
poalta tharato, as follows, to-wltl I
CI against Olg burr boll for tha N of tha1
NWi, of Hacllon 2U In Towwhtp li South,.
Hanga IS Last of tha Willamatla ttsridiaa j
Ci against Gaorgg H. Camas for tha 8 of 1
ttactavA in Tuwnahip lk South, Banga IS
East of tha Willarastta Meridian
C4 agalnal II. Earl Cniaa for tha BW4 of
tha Nt.', tha bt-V, of th. NVVV4, tha NW'4
of tha btV,, and tha tha Nt(4 of tna SWfc
of arrtion in Township lk Bonlh, Hangs
1 East of tha Willamttla meridian, I1S.46 '
CT against Frank Hughes for tba WVi of ina
BWt, tha of tha 8W)4 and Lot S .
of Boallon 1 In Township IS boulb. Hang
44 bast of tha WillamalU meridian,
Ck against .rohn Cummar for tna ol sac- '
Hon a In 'township lk South, hanga 11
bast of tha WlllanwlU meridian !.;
Ck against E. r. Ouranwr for tha SVk of bsc
Uon lk In Township lk South, Kaage 11
East of Ilia Willamette meridian tk.11
ClU against Jacob H. Cook for tha MEV4 of
feUctlun in Township lo bouth, itarga
ktl East of tha Willamatu meridian tas.ku ,
CU against C C. Ixdaiid for tba b'k of tha
Btj of section a in Towusiap It bourn,
Range 'ill East ol tha Willamette meridian,
Cli against U M. Boyle for tba 6E of tba
bW ol Section til and the bW y, of NWfc
of baction i ui Township 16 South, Uanga
11 Eaat of tha Willamette meridian, ilk.
C17 against Archie Mason for tha N ft of tha
UEfc and the SWfc of Section lk in Town
ship If South, Hang Eaat of the Wil
lamette meridian tSa.lM
Clk against C M. Millar for tract SS z lite
fast In Section ki. In Township It South,
Hange ki Eaat of tha Willamell meridian,
Ckd against i. C Corbia for tus SWV of
tha N WK of Section U In Township 1
South, hangs It East of In VMIUunatul
mendian tk.tU
CU againat t. S. Taylor for tha NW of
tna NhW of Section li in Township 14
'South, hangs ill Eaat of tha Willamette
meridian, Slu.ot
Ckt againat Samuel Unsworth and 8tphen
J. Connolly for th Wit of the NWi of
Section it. and the E' of tha of
Section kt in Township 14 South, Hang ti .
East of th Willamette meridian tlltt.
Cil againtt U. H. f copies for th of th :
NbV th Ntii of th NW(i and th SVi'M
of th NhV. ol Section U in Township It
South. Hanga lk East of tha Wlllamett '
meridian. 113.60 . I
Cil against U. H. Peoples for lot t of Block '
S in Johnson's Sub-Division adjoining the
City of rrinevill. 12.10 ,
Ckk against U. H. Faoplas for Lots 21, tl
and n and S4 of Block t. Nobles Addition
' to tha City of Prinnill. 17.10
CSS against W, 8. Thomas for Lot 1 of
I Block 11 of th Oregon 4 Western Addition ;
to th City of Prinevill. 12.70 ,
! C34 against George P. Lee for Lot 1 and 1
of Block 1 in TownslU of Paulina, $.0t !
i Cil against William Eades for Lots 1, t, 1 1
and 4 of Block i in Townsit of Paulina,
And you, and each of you, tha aaid Olga
Purr hoi i. George H. Camas, John Gummer,
B. P. Onnunar, Jacob H. Cook, C. C, Loftand.
L, M. Boyle. Archl Mason, J. C Corbtn, P. 8.
Taylor. W. S. Thomas. G. P. Lea. William
Eades, as well aa nil persons unknown owning
or claiming to own any right, till or Intcrast
In th said abor ascribed rial property, an
further hereby notified that Crook County,
Oregon, will apply to th Circuit Court of
ths BUt of Oregon for tha County of Crook,
for a judgment and dec re foreclosing the
Use of the said delinquent tax certificates
against ths property above described, nnd
you, and each of you, are hereby summoned
and required to appear herein on or before
th tnd day of April, 1!1, said data being
I more than sixty (SO) days from th date of
j th first publication of this summons, as or
dered by this Court, exclusive of the day of
aaid first publication, and ths time prescribed
in the order for the publication of this sum
mons for you to appear herein and defend
j this suit, or pay the amonnts respectively due
I as above shown, together with the costs, in
j tercet, penalties and accrued coats, and in
j case of your failure so to do, a decree will be
I entered againat you foreclosing the lien of
said certificates of delinquency and against
the land heretofore described herein, and di
1 reeling that same be told to satisfy said lien,
judgment and decree, costs, penaltiee, interest
and accruing costs according to law.
This summons is published for a period of
more than nine consecutive weeks by order
the Honorable T. E. J. Duffy, Judge of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Crook County, made and entered herein on
the 5th day of January, 1921, tha date of the
first publication of this summons being the
1.1th day of January. 1921, and the data of
the last publication of th said summons be
ing on the Slst day of March, 1921. All pro
cess and papers In this proceeding may be
served upon the undersigned, district attorney
of the State of Oregon, for the County of
Crook, and attorney for plaintiff herein re
elding at Prlnevllle, Oregon, and whose post
office address is Prlnevllle, Oregon.
Cats of last publicotlon Is March Slst, 1921.
(signed) WILLARD H. WIRTZ,
District Attorney of the State of Ore
gon for Crook County, and Attorney
for Plaintiff residing In the State of
Oregon at Prineville
VI. n. CTRC8
The Jeweler
Prlnevllle, Oregon
No On Conndera That H Should B
Gradually Changed Over From
Dry Winter Ration,
fonMiliT Hit; In the- KirliiKtlm !
Slntlw he Ih r jwirlliiK with a linlf
fonncil fitilnfi tiilml full of curloxlty
ulnl woiiili'i-uii'iil. Kvery olil liurm- on
tlit )lii- In off In Oil- IIi'IiIk nun
where Ht ivork In diiyllclit. Wh owner
riefleriH the wilt iih inmh an lie can
Hli'l lime Hie yoiiiit:HtT live.
The hiilf ri tiieriiliereil Krevn ' field"
ami iHiHtiire of la -it yenr hei imie green
orwe mure. The colt has vuune tut-ino-rle
of the tiinte of freen thinux Mint
Hiiiileil nn his timle nei veg llh the
tlnvor of mother' mllli. Kroin hetween
thp rrni'l: In the pont-itn'l-plnnk
fence t tint Inelowa hit world he look"
Upon the sjrlnultiK grii, niaryeln
anil hniiKiTM. Tart of hid htinnger In
plain hmiL'er, pitrl In memory, nnd
most of It l Ih-iinct, hut It . la ull
very real.
. He ! a lonely little hldeftil of In
"tlneta mid imvliigs ulinnt to Ktnrt hi
eroni yenr. He I" a hewlhlereil or
plan of the fnnn mulls anil siithles,
ncciiHtoiiied to his i-orn and alfalfa,
nnd with all the troubles of horKeilom't
life before him. About half the time
no one consilient that he should be
gradually cliHiiged over from the dry
winter ration to the aoft green Bum
mer ration, nnd when the change
come It cornea an quickly that there
la not a day's time for that young
horse's stomach to (jet titled to It.
For long week, the plow team have
been getting ready for (lie change. If
they could not aenite the Kprlng In the
air, In any other way they niltlht know
It from the gradually Increasing
amount of corn that la going In the
feed boxea. They are being worked a
little more and a little steadier thttn
they were while January's snows mill
covered the pastures. The colt, though,
goes his neglected way until some riny
after the oats are In and every plow
moldhonrd on the pluce Is like bur
Dished silver, then all at once some one
derides It Is high time thut the colt
was on the pasture.
On the pasture he goes. It may he
Just enough of a paxture to keep life
within his hide, but he must get along
with an occasional salting on sunny
Sunday mornings. The grass may be
thin anil watery, tasteless compared
with thut good alfalfa he has been
Modem Example of Good Breeding,
getting all winter long, but If he gets
thin nnd hard-bellied, then that must
be the colt's fault nnd not because he
Is uot getting enough to eat. -Is he not
on a pasture and Is not a pasture sup
posed to be the very place for colts?
Of course, it stnnds to reason that
the change from the warm stable and
the regular corn and alfalfa to the
open pasture and tlie yellow-green,
thin, spring grass should be a grad
ual one. Still, no one la supposed to
use a great deal of reason In dealing
with a boy, a pup or a colt.
Farmer Should Not Hetltatt to Pay
Good Price for Ewet That Pro.
duee Thrifty Lambs.
In establishing a flock of sheep do
not hesitate to pay a good price for
ewes If they are exactly adapted, and
especially for those that, when Judl-1
clously mated, are likely to produce '
lamkc ll,nl n.lll Vl.A kunt, !
for the food which they consume. It
Is of the utmost Importance to make
use of rams that possess great individ
ual merit, and strongly Inherit the
good points by which they are distin
guished. Unless a ram has a good
masculine head and stands firmly on
strong legs he should not he selected,
however grout his merits may be In
other respects. Breeding ewes should
he kept In good store condition. Show
condition and low condition both must
be avoided.
Mistake Not to Halter Foalt and Teach
Them to Lead During Infancy
Means Less Trouble.
It Is a mistake not to hntter foals
and teach them to lend during Infnncy,
when It can be. done with less trouble
than at any other time. A few min
utes two or three times a week Is suffi
cient, as they should he hy no means
pulled about so us to. make them per
spire, as there Is then a risk of their
taking cold. As well as the halter
lessons the youngster should be taught
to eat dry food, which he will soon do
If It is held tn him or If allowed to
cat from the mnmror with his dam.
4 !
1 rr 9
Tthuelchet of Patagonia Hava Many
of tha Characttrittict of North
American Indiana.
Many are the atrange and Interest
ing native tribe that are found In the
Amerlci-s. Among the most Interem
Ing are the people of the ostrich, who
Inhabit an almost as yel utikiumn
conn I ry. mid in Ittnguace, and (liar
acter, and race, are altogether dis
tinct from other Indiana, snya an ar
ticle on "People of the Ostrich" In
lioys' life. They live In the remote
and almost legendary regions of the
"land of Inr.e fegted men" a land,
that like flilll, I'eru. ilexlco. and
northwest South America, has Its
atory of Hie existence of a hidden city
among the unexplored wilds of their
Cordillera a.
The Tehnelches of I'litit-'onlii. that
tiisI peninsular end of South America
are scattered across It. from Hie
Straits of Magellan and the It'io Negro-
-g territory of over l.(J) rnllcs
In length and .'i'Xl at Us narrowest. A
brave, active, athletic people, won
derful horsemen, singularly expert
with their weapons and implements,
who lend a wandering life, and hunt
the wild cattle, the gnanacoa and
oslrlches. For Patagonia Is a home
of that splendid bird, which was
there ages before men crossed Its
path In the faraway wilds of the In
terior. To the Tehuelches, this fine bird
is as Important In their existence as
the gtiatinco, for they are a race of
hunters, and grow but little food for
Minister With Many Parithea to Cover
Puts Modern Mode of Travel
to Good Um.
Ko tolling church bells announce to
the little communities scattered
through one section of America's great
Northwest the periodic Sunday morn
ing arrival of the region's most en
terprising Itinerant evangelist In
stead, they hear the coughing exhaust
of an engine, aa his airplane spirals
down upon the village. Drawn Irre
sistibly by the novelty of the visit, they
flock to the airplane, now at rest in a
nearby field or meadow. They find
the preacher on his feet In the pilot's
cockpit of the plane "Sky Pilot," ready
to begin his discourse.
Explanation of this strangest of all
the airplane's uses Is found In the
evangelist's decision, some months ago,
that the time and energy required for
constant travel among distant parishes
was seriously curtailing his effective
ness.' He decided to defy all precedent
by allying aeronautics and religion. He
first subjected himself to a rigorous
course of training, and became an ac
complished airman. He then pur
chased his plane, selecting a three
sea'cr of sporting type. The rear cock
pit uts the pilot, and serves as his
pulpit when the meetings are held In
the open ; the forward cockpit accom
modating his two assistants, one of
thein a song leader. Omaha Bee.
Women Crave Excitement
The wife of a very wenlthy man
was arrested with a group of hnntlits
after a pistol battle with the police.
In which the woman was shot In the
arm. She la a woman who has trav
eled. Is educated an hears every evi
dence of refinement. The police say
that there are many women of this
kind who work with thieves unbe
known to their families. The call of
adventure Is the prime motive. In a
raid on nn East side wine cellar re
cently ten men and one woman were
taken to headquarters in a patrol. AH
the men hnd criminal records. The
woman is happily married to all ap
pearances, and la a patron of the
opera. She said the men and women
In her set were dull and that she liked
to get out and mingle with the men
who lived by their wits and were not
afraid of dangerous paths. New
York Times.
The Chef's Dally Manicure.
One of the dally eventa In the life
of a chef In any of the large New
Tork hotels Is his morning manicure.
Before he touches food, his hands are
carefully washed and his nails are
cleaned, cut and polished.
The Job Is not given to a sweet girl
manicurist, but to one of the hotel
physicians. He is always on hand
during the day; should the chef acci
dentally cot himself, the doctor will
bandage the wound, aa he la there for
that purpose."
Chefs are precious these days ; many
of the French ones unable to get
their dally bottles of wine have gone
back to France, where the thought of
prohibition can still be treated as a
joke, though even In France there are
heard ominous rumbles between the
Jokes passed at our expense. Populat
Science Monthly.
To Jail by Airplane.
Aerial policemen in San Francisco
are thus fur the first to make use of
the airplane to conduct a prisoner to
lull, via the automobile patrol.
The sky route offers the most direct
passage hetween two places, and In
ihls Instance the prisoner was trans
ferred from the Alexandra county Jail
Mt'i-oss the hay of San Francisco to the
locality where an automobile patrol
imis waiting to continue the journey
'hronsxh the city. Where It Is neces
sary to save time, the airplane can
e of service, as In this case.
When the air becomes crowded with
midlines, the arrest of violators of
!, air-traffic laws will undoubtedly
'.come common and aerial patrols
ill no longer excite comment Pop
ular Science Monthly.
J. E. btiwart, Plaintiff,
ft. E. Hi-Ir. Olh flHIard. Mary
Xtoughlnn. W. M. Vanrte pool and the
anknown heirs of A. liiwikrs and linlirnea
Hodife, deceased, and aIo all other r
son ur.known claiming any riirnt, title,
estate, lien or interest in th real
estate descritwl in the romplafnt
herein. t)ef,n,lants.
Tn OUi Dillsrd anil the unknown heirs ef
A. Hedges and tluiienea Hrxlgva, deaee
and alio all other -erons unknown claiming
any ntrht. title, estate, lien or interest in tl
real estate described in Uie complaint herein.
Ilefen'lunts :
OON, rou are required to apuear and answer
the rotnplaint filed airsinst you in the ahove
entitled suit on or before th 11th day cf
March. Iwlil, said, date beine more than sis
weeks from and after the date of the first
publication of this summons, and if von fhil
ao to appear and answer the plaintiff will
apply to th court for the relief demimded ia
his complaint herein filed. to-it: for a de
cree forever quietine In plaintiff the title to
that certain real prui.crt situated, bins sr.d
beinir in the eltr of Prineville. Crook Omntv,
OrtKon. particularly devcrils-d as befnnmntf
at a point ninety feet south of the southwest
corner of lot t in tloek 4. Pr.nevilla, aceord
inir u, the map and plat thereof of M. Hodnea
now on hie in the onV of the county rlertf
of Crook County. Orefeon, mnning thence
couth lis, theme east ff feet, thence
north 12 feet, thrnre west SO feet to the
place of beeinnine, together with a, I the
tenements, heri'litamer.t and appurtenances
thereunto belonione or appertaining and for
such other and further relief as to th court
fwiy seem proper in th premises.
This summons is served upon you by publi
cation thereof pursuant to the order of the
Hon. T. . J. DufTy, judice of the above en
titled court, made and enured on the 20th
day of January, 121.
First publication, January 27, 1021.
Last publication, March 10, lt21.
Plaintiff's attorneys.
Postomce address, frinviU, Oregon.
Deartment of the Interior. U. 8 Land Of
fice at The Dalles. Oregon, February 21, li&l.
Notice is hereby riven that
of Barnes, Oregon, who, on Aumist fto, ISIS,
made Homestead Entry. No. 015373. forNW',
NEV4, E'uNWVi. SWiiNWi4. NWy,SWii.
Section 24, ESEf4, Section 23, NE
Nr4. Section 211, Township If) -South.
Kance 20-East, Willamette Memlian, has filed
notice of intention to make three year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above described,
before Lake M. Bechtell, United States Coas
missioncr. at Prineville, Oregon, on ths fla
day of April, 1K21.
Claimant names as witnesses : Charles C
Birdsonir. George G. Tackman. Clyde R. Day.
Harry Barnes, all of Barnes, Oregon.
23- 27 Register.
Notice is hereby riven by the undersigned,
the administrator of the estate of David E.
Hobwood, deceased, to all creditors of Bsi4
deceased and to all persons having claims
against said estate to present the ismc with
the proper vouchers to the under-sig.itd at
the office of M. R. Elliott in Frinevil e, Ore
gon, within six months from the firt I'shift
eation of this notice.
Dated and published the first time Marck
3d. 1921.
Administrator of the estate ef
24- ot David E. Hobwood, Decerned.
The Annual Meeting of the Maury Moun
tain Horse and Cattle Association will b h14
in Prineville at one o clock, P. M,, on the
fourth day of April, 1921. All members arg
ed to be present as there will be important
business come up at this time
Secretary-Treasure-, Maury Mora
24-4t tain Cattle and Horse Association.
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of
fice at The Dallee, Ore., Feb. 16, lt21.
NOTICE is hereby given that
of Barnes, Oregon, who, on May 12, 19 t,
made Homestead Entry, No. 015946. for SE
Sec. 9, SWV4, Section 10, Township 20-South.
Range 22-East, Willamette Meridian, has tllod
notice of intention to make three year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above described,
before Charles A. Sherman. United States
Commissioner, at Fife, Oregon, on the Slst
day of March, 1921,
Claimant names as witnesses: Prentiss
Seeds, Cora Seeds, Edward Pausch, Herman
Hass, all of Barnes, Oregon.
24-28 Register.
In The Circuit Court sf The State ef Oregea,
For Creek County..
Stuart Stapleton, Plaintiff,
Beverly E, Andrew and Andrews,
his wife. Defendant.
To Beverly E. Andrews and Andrew,
the above named defendant:
You are hereby notified that Stuart Staple
ton, plaintiff, is the owner and, holder of
Certificate of Tax Delinquency numbered 189,
issued on the 17th day of January, 1918, by
the sheriff and tax collector of Crook County.
State of Oregon, for the sum of Thirteen ani
no one-hundredth Dollars, the sama being
the amount then due and delinquent for taxes
for the year of 1915, together with penalty,
interests and costs thereon upon the real
property assessed to you, of which you are th
owners as appears of record, situated in said
Crook County, State of Oregon, and particu
larly bounded and described ss follow,
The northwest quarter of Section thirty,
in Township nineteen, south of Range
twenty, eaat of the Willamette Meridian:
You are further notified that said Stuart
Stapleton, plaintiff, has paid taxes on said
premises for subsequent years with the rate
of interest on said amounts as follows :
For the year 1916, Nine sad 20-100 Dollars,
paid January 17th, 1918, tax receipt number
2049, with interest thereon at 12 percent per
annum ;
For the year 1917, Seven and 21-100 DoW
l&rs, paid April 6th, 1918, tax receipt num
her 1228, with interest thereon at 12 percent
per annum i
For the year 1918, Eight and 45-100 Dr1
lars, paid April 6th, 1919 tax receipt nui -ber
1083, with interest thereon at 12 percc. '
per annum;
For the year 1919, Eleven and 91-100 Do
lars, tax receipt number 1021, paid April otli.
1920, with interest thereon at 12 percent per
annum ;
For the year 1920, Fourteen and 42-100 Dol
lars, paid January 26, 1921, tax receipt num
ber 2, with interest thereon at 12 percent
per annum ;
Said Beverly E. Andrew, defendant, aa th
owner of the legal title of the above describ
ed real property as the same appears of rec
ord, and each of the other persons above
named are hereby notified that the ssid Stuart
Stapleton, plaintiff herein, will apply to tba
Circuit Court of the County of Crook and
State of Oregon, for a eecree foreclosing th
lien against the property above described and
mentioned in said certificate. And you ar
hereby summoned to appear within sixty days
titer the first publication of the summon
exclusive of the day of said first publication,
and defend this action or pay th amoaat
due as above shown together with costs and
accrued interest and in case of your tailor
to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclos
ing the lien of said taxes and costs against
the land and premises aDove described.
This summons is published by order of th
Honorable T. E. J. Duffy, Judge of th Sir
cult Court of the State of Oregon, for Um
County of Crook, and stild order was road
and dated the 14th day of February, 1921, sad
the date of the first publication of this
mons is the nth day of February, 1921.
Alt process and papers In this proceeding
may be served upon the undersigned, th at
torney for the plaintiff, residing within th
State of Oregon and County of Crook, at
Prineville, Oregon.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Fcetoffice Address: Prineville, Oregon.