im itsDAr, rEimt'ART . 1021. CROOK COtTXTT JOURNAL I will sell at Public Auclion to the highest and beit bidder all of the personal property belonging to the late Henry Hansen es tate at Powell Butte, one mile easl of the Community Hall on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1921, at 10:00 O'CLOCK SHARP IWTWWT WMT WWT WBT MKT DPI Livestock SEVEN HORSES 1 BLACK MARE, age 5, wt. 1600 pounds 1K. 1 GRAY MARE, age 5, wt. 1600 1 GRAY HORSE, age 6, wt. 1350 ; 1 BLACK HORSE, age 4, wt. 1300 . 1 BLACK MARE, age 4, wt. 1300 1 BAY MARE, smooth mouth, wt. 1400 y. 1 SADDLE PONY, age 7 " . 3 MILCH COWS, all to be fresh soon 4-doz. PLYMOUTH ROCK CHICKENS 'l STAND OF BEES Household Goods 1 COOK STOVE 1 HEATING STOVE 3 BED SPRINGS AND MATRESSES 6 CHAIRS 2 ROCKERS 1 DRESSER. 1 SANITARY COUCH Tables, Dishes, Washing Machine and Wringer, and all other Household Goods. Farm Machinery , One 3 1-4 WAGON with bed, 3-inch tires One Low Iron-Wheel WAGON with rack One DEERING BINDER One Mccormick mower (Big 6.) One McCORMICK MOWER" (New 4.) One McCORMICK HAY RAKE One ALFALFA DIGGER One DISC One SPRING-TOOTH HARROW One 3-Section HARROW One JOHN DEERE TWO-WAY PLOW One SHOVEL PLOW One CULTIVATOR Miscellaneous Three FEED RACKS, a lot of new lumber One DERRICK, One STACK COVER 18x24 ' Three Sets of Heavy WORK HARNESS One Set DRIVING HARNESS Seven HORSE COLLARS and One SADDLE One 15-gal OIL TANK and OIL Picks, Shovels, Forks, Saws, Chains and a lot of small Tools, etc. - - - - - - TERMS OF SALE Amounts under $10, Cash. '....Amounts over $10, four months time, approved note at 8 per cent. No property to leave the place until settled for. FREE LUNCH AT NOON-Bring Your Cups ALBERT JULIAN Auctioneer WILLIAM PETERSON ADMINISTRATOR' L S. ROBERTS Clerk