Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 03, 1921, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    tiii'Iwdat, FrnnvART n. tnzt.
crook corTT journal
W.'lV Heraliey, fur many year In
(lit) grotery bimliiou In Walla Walla,
but iwiw In cliarKct of th
Lumber Compiiny'i yurdt n
FrliKivllln, Uri'Kon, huH been renew
IliK dill acqiiHliitulicee while attetiri
Inn the coiivfiitliin ol Tuiu-A-Luin
niHiiftKri th n punt week, aayt the
Walla Walla IIiiIIiMIii. Mr. Mnrahy
uyt (hut I'rliiNVlllit It oiim of Dim
com 1 ii K towm of OriiKiiii ind Hint
III In fcirnii-rly lliu ( of a cattle
lid tbeep mintry I now becoming
the main trailing puint fur Ilia largo
Oihoco' Irrigation dlatrlrt that hut
bi'itn recently opened to nitllitmnnt
Till" dlHtrkt which It being develop
ed by private ciiillul embrace! aev
ernl thouHumt irrm which It being
old In 40-arre trtrtt. Th water
It eecured from the O'lmco river.
Mr. Ilershey, who hut t flue tanor
voice, favored thmn presant tt thn banquet with number
of tonus written by himself hi par
odlm on popular tongn, Mr. Her
limy It t frequent contributor of po-
try to th Pacific l.unihcrniun.
While. In Walla Willu, Mr. Henhey
wai luuder of tilt Mothudltt church
The Tum-A-Luiii Call
To the tune There'! t Lond, Long
KlKhtt wore" growing very lonely
Ilourt were all too mall;
We wore (rowing weary only
Unfiling for your call.
Old remembrance! were thronging
Thro' our mem'ry too.
Till It loomed that It wat but a
That you'd call ui buck to you.
It't long wayt from the borne town
To where moet T-A-L boyt dwell,
Where we all are peddling lumber
And hot air at well;
Where It't all clear twixt the knot
hole And cath wat bard to get;
Till the day when J. M. wrote ua,
W got It all 'then you bet
All night long we heard him calling,
Calling in our dreamt;
Benmed that be wat alwayt laying
Send ut In the bean.
Tho' the road between at itretches
Many a weary mile.
We'were glad that we could help
him ret,
80 we tried to make him tin lie.'
Planttd Around Farm HouMt It Han
Bctn Found to Rsduce the Ttnv
psrature Materially,
Rerrltferntiira Indoor are common
enuiikh. Inn It tiH k the farmer In (he
hnlitliv.eit to ilevlne line for outdoor
A farmer who hapiiencd to plant a
larite field of niritlfn Mouth of the
fiiniiliiiiiPM' noticed iinrliiK the but miin
liiere thnl followed tliul hlx fninlly
lid not suffer from Hie bent ax did the
nelghbore. The thermometer allowed a
lomiMTHlure live to ten decree In bit
Hoiiirime anem-xted t,nt It rolitht be
due to the uirnlfa. tried the temiera
ture J11M north of other alfiiira flelde
niid found the name inurkeil dlnVrenee.
Now the fiirtnera of thnt n-Klmi are
liliintltiK Hirnlfu around their dwell
ing uml enjoy miniiiier tetneniliii-eii
thnt lliake a trip to the Nenkliore need
leu. ai'i'iirdliiK to the Golden Aire.
The rauK of the i'ooIiii-hn of winds
pluming over Nlfnlfa field la lluit the
(hint almorlia milch mnlNttire, the
evaporation of which miner the tem
perature of the air and leeni the
auiniiier hem in the adjoining lund
over which It blowt.
Tlie suiwMlon now l for flintier
that wlxh to prollt from the prewuc
and the board niiiney of mimfuer va
cationist to combine the profit and
utility of nlfnlfa with blither rate
from hot -wen 1 her honrdcrt attracted
by the cooUies of the ten-acre rcfrlif
erntor around the hoiuw.
Utile by little men are beginning
to team how to utilize the ineiina pro
vided by a good Creator for their com
fort and well-heliiK.
Chrlttmat Incident That Shows the
Way of a Modern Maid With
Her Victim.
He wnt yery nenrout young man,
but be wat rather nice, and Elite
thought be waa worth encouraging.
Hlie allowed hlin to take her to tea,
ahe deliberately chucked the Hipper
In hit eye at "Hunt the Slipper," and
he gave him dunce or two. Once
or twice ahe eat down under the mis
tletoe, but he didn't eeeia to notice
At lut when they were alone In
corner of a room, alie flood' long
and liiRlatently under the mlatletoe
hanging from curtain pole of the
bay window.
Then, very nervwmly, he pecked her
face. She, of courne. pretexted mild
ly ; but aa they aeated theruxelvea once
more, moat rexjiectalily on a couple of
chalra, xhe kept Die couveraatlon on
That in the future, we will pay the same price for Cream as is paid
by any other creamery at any Central Oregon point.
For Every Cam of
At lengih he ventured: "It la er
nlc OirlxiniH eiixtoin, hanging up
tnlxtlftoe, but I wonder why they al-
wayx hung It over doorx, wlndowt or ;
"IlecHiixe It' not necexxnry to have '
any out on the xiulrx or In any other
dark fiu-cx," lie muriiiiired ftly.
Judgo K. O. Hyde of the Ju Alice!
court hut ben pretty buxf latol, J
three caxea coming undor hla Jurlx
diction tin week.
On Monday, Albert Blrdaong plead
guilty to having liquor In hit poaaea
alon, and wat fined $100.00 and
coata, which he Immediately paid.
On Tueaduy Carl Crlap wat ar
retted on the charge of carrying con
cealed weapona the weapon' In quea
tlon being a bunting knife. Hi
plead guilty aid wat tentenced to
month In the county Jail, but len
ience wat tuapended upon good be
havior. Yettnrday, the caae of Charlet
Pratt vt. C. T. Barkloy wat tried,
the plaintiff claiming that be bad
conditionally told tome mulct to the
defondant and when he asked for
their return, the deal being unaat la
factory, the latter refuted to give
them up. The plaintiff wat award
ed the mulea by Judge Hyde.
Prunex; First grade" 80-tOt, aort
ed, graded, processed and ttandard
packed. 60-lb box by prepaid par
cel post, IS. 00. Kingwood Or
chard!,. Sulem, Oregon, Rt. 2. 20-2tp
; Thli little ttory about the drop In
prlcea may Intereat you.
While materlalt remain at vthe
aame high price, our pricet on Ko
dak flnlihing are now the lame
before the War. We have the beat
equipped dark room In Central Ore
gon, and can give yon quick aervlce.
Send your fllmi to Symoni Broi.,
Bend, Oregon on the Evening Train.
They will be Developed, Printed, and
back on the next evening train.
Symond Brot. Bend, Ore.
20-2te adv.
A Classified Ad gett reiulti.
ONE RED yearling tteer, branded
" blotch R on left hip, twallow fork
and under bit left ear. Came to
my place about December flrtt.
as laeceiveci
Owner can have tame by paying
tor thit ad and feed H. E. Stew
art Hat Rock District. 20p.
FOR. SALE 160 tont of Hay In
tack. Will give 612 cubic feet
quartermatter'i rule. Will feed
. on place for $2.00 ton. J. W.
Schrunk, Redmond, Ore. 20-22p
We Are All Employ
In the everyday act of buying
the things we eat and wear we
are employing the people who
make them. If we buy Oregon
Products were helping to make
jobs for Oregon people and
increasing prosperity all around.
Let's wake up. And use our,
heads. And our hearts. And
prevent a serious unemploy
ment problem in Oregon.
FOR SALE A few choice thoro
bred O. A. C. Tom Baron white
leghorn rooatert, 12.60 each. Call
SF24, or write Dorothy Chriitlanl,
Prinevllle, Ore. 20ttc
FOR SALE Potatoea. Netted Gem
variety. 2c pound. Roller ft
Stevens. 20-ltp
4 j t
CHIROPRACTOR and Electro Ther
opentlc Phyiiclana. Chronic dia
. easei onr tpeclalty. Se ua, or
write on before going t o The
Dallea or Portland. Rooming ac
commodation. Dr. L. Beulah
De Janvier, W. A. De Janvier.
Redmond. Oregon. ll-22p