THlltMliV, J.lM'.tltr 20 1021. -- - mooK rorvnr joibxal FROM THE PETALS OF ROSES Molt Hlghly.priMd Scent It Volatile Oil, th Product of th Quttn i of Flower. Attar of ruses, or win of r"es, I volatile nil of tin- petals of some specie of r. It In ii nearly r-ilor-less or'llnlil yellow crystalline solid t temperatures below Wl dijncm, r'uli renhelt, HiiiH'fyliii? a llltlw above Hint titiiipetiitiire. It U Imported from llie Emit, where, In 'My rlii, lrln, India, a well s In Turkey mul lluliiarla, ri lire cultivated to rtixiMiriill Mti-tit fr the iillnr. Tn procure tti sttnr the rose ill-lulu uxuiilly are ills t M I i'(t Willi shout twice 1 1 1 1 ; r weight of water, mid tin- distillate In expired to (tie mul ntiiht iilr In open ve.,s, from which the lliln Itlm of iiliiir In skimmed with fi-nllier In Die morn lug. Attar Ik snld to have been oh tallied first by nn accidental distil lation, rose petals linvllitf hecii ex posed with wilier to lli limi of 1 1"' Hit, and to Iiiivi been foiiml flonliiiK on the aurfiice uf III water. Till method tr lit In. iikimI In. India, Tl, Igypt to Hav. Flnstt Hospital. Tli Egyptian government him le dilii to build what U oltlelnlly de scribed in "the finest mid moat com plete medical ;, .ul unit hnnpltul In tli world." In Cairo, It Is to rontnla 1.225 beds, and will have accommo dation for 8,000 out pml.'nn day. Attached will lie completely diulppcd Medical school, which will connect ed wlih I lie projected university, IxM'liil dental department, and depart ments for every branch of medical mid' surgical science. Ortat California Industry. Nearly a million acres are planted to the fruit trea thttf supply the can neries of ('allfiirrilii, according to Klton II. Rhaw In an article in the Old Col ony Mngnclue! the orgHii of die Old Colony rtuh. Klnil.llcs tell us that of the 10fi.oisl.niMi ai res of Innd In tha state of rnllfornla. nlmut Dno.OOO are devoted to fruit frees; so It Is easily conceivable that the fruh cniinlng in dustry la no small part of the general Industrlul activities of the "Uolden Htuls." Tha tootles. Colonel llooncvelt lolil a war atory t an Albany reception. "A doughboy," be said, "bud ust got back boine from Ihe war, and tie was lunching In a cafeteria when a dear old lady In the nei rhn'r to his own leaned over across her pie and nld : "1. too, have a soldier son, young man, nnd a lucky one til that Would you believe 111 'My hoy went through the war without n scratch.' "Oe, Imly,' wild the doughboy, 'spill U th-: inline of bis Insect powder, will ye? " "exglusive-' . ? v AGENCY Nil '. ' " . - ' :.': .- .:. - - - . . . - EXCLUSiW:g principal im of attur of ro-e In In perfume. olve oil, colored by al IcHtK't, ami scented ty a few drop of Hlliir. very geiii-rally In Hold limtiT the Iiiiiiip of nlliir iif iovn. Medl'ltics ik1 rsslo'nslly ur perfumed by flitur of roit. Whals's Oil Tank In Hit Head. In tin' upper Hirtlon of the bend flit) wIhiIk tut h Mil I II i n m-ii-p oil timk In which tli vnliiiilde 'apermiicetr la found In Ihiiild condition, rind from which It tuny be dipped out with bucket when an Incision Iihj been made. I'Voin h seini whale nil fept In K'UKlh 20 barrel of spermaceti have lieeti taken Mt of the "case" and tit aiirrniiiidlnK flit. The sperm wluile la thi animal which ylidda amln-rlln, Die vnltnililf aiilmtanr nwd to xti'iilvi-ly In the itiitntifactiire of our beat per fumes. Aiiil'erifrln la only found In "sick" whales thai la. Its prwne la nut nomml, hut la rauai-d by a patho loglcHl condltlmi of thi InlPMtliiM. Sadly 8antlmntal. "Wliy do yon nluli and iiionnT" k-i-d tha wyiuputlii'lh'' inovle patron, "lion't you think ffila ta a Kod photo playT "Hiilnndld," aiild tho niflniii'lioly man. "And tlila la, my favorlld qiifpii of the arrpHi. 1 JUMt hapiwned to think that I hava been wgrahlpliijt hwr for alx or eveu years and I don't even know the -color of her eyes." Bir mingham Age-Herald. Fooled Him, He The Idea of Buying that kla.lng apreads colds! flhe According tn I'llny the Elder, kissing la an lufiillthle remedy for colila. He I'd like to try Ms recipe. KheYoii limy. It Is: "Three klsse on the mouth of a mule." Huston "Transcript. ' How to Ascertain Dayt Length. lly a alniile rule the length of the day and high! any lime of the year, may be ascertained by simply doubling the time of ihe sun's rising, which will give the length of the night and double' the time of setting will give '.lie length of the day Jcket Brought Recollection. "I liked ihnt last story of yours." he ..iiwl lo the funny merchant. "Al ways have liked It. I recoiled in"n I first heard that yarn I laughed so much I nearly kicked my cradle to pities" A Chinese Custom. In Cbltm, at dinners and theatrical performance. It Is customary to pro vide guests or anevtntors with hot tow Is siiturnied with scented watet for wiping i licit fnci a Successors to Central Motor Sales In h P.-chior. A yoiing mnn purehaaert lila vii. heiirt a piilr of ten tuition kid glores and left lliem at the hou hlni'elf. The servant girl took them In mi, going to the foot of the atnlrs, lulled out : "l'lea. mlaa, 'ere's reiitlemun a "aa brought yoa a pair of leg. glngsT SL'MMON IN TUB CIRCUIT COUKT Of THE BTATE OF OKKIiUN rO CHOOK COUNTY Lilian H"u, I'UlnllB, VI P'-vd A. fh,gu, Di-fcnihint. To Yn4 A, Husue, tha sbovs atnwd de- fvndanli IN III IS NAME OK THE STATE OF ORB CON, you sr hrbjr rMUlr4 to sppMir and nniwtr th rmptilnlnt fllH nsnlniit rem la th nbov vnlltM court and cu on or boforo l wmIu iltn th flnt puUlimlon ef th ummoiu, thai is on or bofort Iho It h day of mi. And If yon faU to to ap rr. or nam, for want Ihmof tbo alalnllir will apply to th court tor a tem dlaaolirlii( tha bonds of matrlmuny batwtam hanwlf and yoa. This ummnrui la pnhlUhd by tha order of HON. N. (I. WALLACE, judss of tha Coo Mr Court of Crook County, Omron, aald ordVr havlns bpvn mada and antarad on Darambtr tut, Itzn, by aald pounty iudsa In th ahaanro of Hon. T. E. I. Duffy, Juda of tha ClrenU Court sbova named. 11.1a of Aral publlratlon, narambar tt. lt?9. Data of but publication. January tf. 1KL JAT H. UPTOM. Altornay for tha Plaintiff. Addnaai Prlnarllla, Orctoa- H-tO NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Olsons Dniarfment of th Interior, U. S. Land Of Sr. at Tha Dalle. Oregon, November II, 12. NOTICE la hereby e!.en that x MARCAReTT W. PATTERSON of Roberta, Oregon, who, oa M.y i. 114, made Homaatead Entry, No 160S, for S'4 SKi4, SK BWV,. Sm. M-EVs NE-4. NE NW. ge it, T. II 8., Bans It E., Lota I and t. Sec. SO, Townahip It-South, Rana 17-Eaat. Willamette Meridian, has Sled ootlre of Intention to mak tbraa-yaar Proof, to ealabluih claim to th Isnd sbova described, befor Lake M. echtelt, United Bute Com mtaalooar, at Frlnovilla, Oraaoa, ea to lltfc day of January, !S2I, Claimant name, aa wttneaaeat Lloyd F. Wlltoe, C'.uda C. Dunham. Richard K. Man ley. all of Roberta, Omron. Clarence S. Far sueaon, of Prinevttle. Oreson. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, IJ-17e ' Resuiter. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Nctca Is hereby siven by tha ander-alcned, tha adminiatrator of th aetata of Petar Henry lianaen, dereaaed. to creditor of said da reaaed and lo all peraona bavins claims esainet said eat.t. to. preaent tha aama, with tha proper vouch!, to tha undertlimod at th. office of M. R, Elliott, at Prinavllla, Ore son. within all month from th 11 ret pub lication of that notice. Dated and publUhad flret tlma, Daremliar t inn, WILLIAM, PETERSON, of th EaUta of Petar Henry Hanaen, dacaaaed. NOTICE Th Annual Meeting of th Orw-fon Inter tat. Fair Aaaoclatiun. will be held Monday, January. I. 1W1, at i:00 P. M ; tt th Com meial Club room.. Uy order of th board. 1S-16G J. B. SHIPP. Sac'y. WE GUARANTEE lll.t PER WEEK roll tlma or 7fte par hour apnea time aelltnf Duaranleed Hoiaery. Ayenta makini 171.00 U 1100 00 per week. Good hoiaery It tn ab solute ncceeilty, yoa can tell H anally and make larae pSta. Eirnerlenc unneceaaary. EAGLE H018ERY COMPANY. DARHT, PA. I-IT NOTICE Maraurlla A. Colmaa haa fllcd bar Final Account aa Admlntntratrtl of tha atal of Almon P. Coleman, with tha Clark of Crook County. Orriron, and tha County Onjrt baa t tli 2nd day of January. M. at IS A. M.. aa lima for hearint aald account sod ob iertlom Ihcrrto. Pawd Ihla Utb day of IWnibcr, 120. MARGUERITE A. COLEMAN Adnirs. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION lll0 riariartmcnt of tha Interior, V. 8, Land OfVa at Th pilla, Orason, Ilercrrlwr It, H2U. Notira la hereby alvea that MAKION F. CAKTKR. of Prlnerllla. Oreaon, who. on Jan. Jlf, IBIS, made Home lead tntry, No. OIHfilM, for Isrim 1. 2. I, 4. HK, HW, M, NW. NW"4 NK'i. Sedlon 1H, Townahip 15 Booth, Rana I I" but, M.nadian. haa filed no- !! of Intention to m.ka Anal three-year j Proof, to ontabllah claim to tha land above dearrllwd, befor Ik M. Berhlell, United : Stolen Commialoner. at PrineviJIc, Oreson, r on tha Sth day of February. 1921. Claimant name a witneane.: Prank . Reif. John R. Breeaa. Luka M. Reif, Frank ' t. Reif, Jr., til of Prinevllle, Oreann. ' H. FRANK WOODCOCK, IS-lt Retbter. A Classified Ad gets results. SUMMONS IN FORKCI.OSrRE OF DELIN QUENT TAX CERTIFICATE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OK OKKOON FOR CHOOK COUNTY J. 8. 1NNK8. Plaintiff va RICHARD MEYER ESTATE, and ill tha unknown hairs of Richard Meyer, Dereaaed; alao til other peraons or parties, unknown, claiming any right, tltla, eauie, lien or tntareat In any real aetata deaerlbed In th complaint herein. Defendants. To Rlrhtrd Meyer Eatata, and til th un known heirs of Richard Meyer. Deeeaaed ; alao all other peraona or parties, unknown, claim ing any right, title, eetat lien or Intereat fat any real eat.t deaerlbed in th complaint herein, the ahova named defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORFJ. RONi You are hereby notified that J. 8. Inn., the holder of Certlflrnte of Dellnounary numbered C49, named on th Ith day of April, I Hit. by th Tax Collector of tha County of Crook, Stat of Oregon, for th amount cf Twenty-aeven and 46-10O Dollars, th aama being th amount then due and delinquent for taxea for tha year 191S, together with renally, Intereat and coata thereon upon the eeal property taaeaaed to you, of which you are the owner aa appear, of record, eltuated In ld County and Slat, and particularly hottnded and deaerihed a. follow., to-wtt: Northeaat quarter of Section 2, Town nhip IS, Sou,), cf Rang 14, B. W. M.. Crook County. Oregon. You are further notified that said 3. S. Inne. ha netd tare, on aald premtaea for prior 'or .uheenuant year., with the rat of tnterett on .aid amount, a. follows: Year's Pate Tnv Re- Am- Bat of Tint Paid eelpt No. otint Interest 11)7 4.S.1H9 tni M.7fi "i t-n-tnin lr,i f?.u 1M19 S-2S-1920 42S ?.! $71. M .' Said Rlrhard Meyer Ivsfat a. Ihe owner of the Iryal t'te f Ihe above dcrribed pronertv a. the same appear, of record, and each of I lie other nerwina above named are hereby further notified Ihnt J. S. Inne. will anpty to the Circuit Court of the County and Stat iffircald for a decree forectoping the lien I netrt the pmne-ty above deribed. and I mentioned In anld certificate. And you are I. hereby rummoned to apnear within atTty dava after the Set puhltration of thi. .nrn'mona, evcttitv of the dav of .aid first publication and defend this action or nay the amount doe Co., Cor. Second and Main Streets a above ahown. together with eoata and ae. erued intereet, 'and in caa of your failure'to do ao, decree will be rendered foierloain tha lien of aaid taxes and coat agalnat th land and pr-fnwe above named. Thi. ititnmon. kt published by order of the Honorable T. K. J. Duffy, J.iHue of tha C.r rmt Court of the Slate of Ore on for the County of Crook and aaid order was made and dated tliia ZSth day of December, l'Ji'l. and tha d.u of tha Krat publication of thia aummona la tha I'nh day of December, l20. All p-errea and papers in this proceeding may ba lerved upon tha ondenisned reafdins within the Stale of Oreson at tha addreaa tv-reafter mentlned. DeARMOND ERSKINE. Attorneya for Plaintiff. Addre: Bend, Oreson. NOTICE OP BOM SALE Scaled bid will be received until the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. on the 15th day of January, 1921, and im mediately thereafter publicly opened by the County Court of Crook Coun ty, Oregon, at the office of tha Coun ts Judge In the County Courthouse In the City of Prinevllle, Oregon, for the purchase of all or any part of aald Issue of said bonds of said County Issued for the raisins of money to fund warrants in the sum of $100,000, same being In denom inations of $1,000 and $500 each, the first four bonds of each maturity being for $500 each and the remain ing eight for $1000 each, numbered from 1 to 120 Inclusive dated Dee ember 1, 1920, and maturing serially in numerical order as follows: $10,000 six (t) years from date of issue; $10,000 seven (7) years from date of f carae; $10,000 eight (8) years from date of issue; $10,000 nine (9) years from date of Issue. $10,000 ten (10) years from date of issue; $10,000 eleven (11) years from date of issue; $10,000 twelve (12) years from date of Issue; $10,000 thirteen (li) years from date of issue; $10,000 fourteen (14) years from date of Issue; $10,000 fJftoen (15) years from date of Issue; said bonds to bear Interest at six per cent (6 percent) per annum'payable semi-annually on the first days of June and December, principal and interest payable In United StaUs gold coin at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon In New York City. Said bids must be accompanied bv a certified check for 6 percent of sr value of amount of bonds bid for, and the successful bidder must be Battery Station Being Installed prepared to take delivery within tea days from date of sale. The approving legal opinion of Messrs. Teal, Minor t Wlnfree, Of Portland Oregon, will be furnished tbe successful bidder. The Court reserves tfie right to re ject any or all bids. , ASA W. BATTLES, Clerk, Crook County, Oregon. IMS NOTICE OP BOND SALE Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 2 o'clock P, M. on the lEfh day of January, 1921, and Im mediately thereafter publicly opened by the County Court of Crook Coun ty, Oregon, at the office of said Court In the County Courthouse In the City of Prinevllle, Oregon, for tbe pur chase of bonds of said County Issued for the building of permanent roads therein in the sum of $100,000, or any portion thereof, same being la denominations of $1000 each, num- bered from 1 upwards dated Decem ber 1 1920 and maturing serially as follows: " $6,000 five (5) years from date of issue; $7,000 six () years from date of issue; $9,000 seven (7) years from date of Issue; $11,000 eight (8) years from data of issue; .$12,000 nine (9) years from data of issue; $13,000 ten (10) years from data of Issue; $14,000 eleven (11) years from date of issue; $15,000 twelve (12) years from date of issue; $13,000 thirteen (13) years from date of issue; said bonds to bear Interest at not ii exceed six per cent (( percent) per annum, payable semi-annually o a June and December first, principal and Intereat payable In United Statee gold coin at the Fiscal Agency of tha State of Oregon In New York City. Said bids must be accompanied by a certified check for S percent of par value of amount of bonds bid for and must be unconditional. The approving legal opinion of Messrs. Teal, Minor Wlnfree of Portland, Oregon will be furnished the successful bidder. The Court reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. ASA W. BATTLES, County Clerk, Prineville, Ore. 14-18 aaaaaaeaaeaaa Service