174778 TIllllHD.U', J.IM'ARY 0, 1021. CROOK COCSTT JOCRXAL Fsga t. ii i u'ii win r" - w x - fc ytiaiM . JT- . I rOR BALE Ry and Alfalfa bar Good winter quartan with plenty of water and feed fur eattla. Be M. L, Freemen, on mil waat of Elkln's farm on Crooked river, or address Rout A., Redmond, Or. l-tf roil SALE Tractor plow, two bot tom, 14-Inch, nearly new. Be K. Wet-oner. 12-lp FOR BALE Sevan eoarae wool buoke. Oood condition. Write or phone J. U UcDanlel, Powell Butt, Or. l-tia rOR SALE Beet building lota Id town, (t) oornerlnf on City Park, make an offer. Inquire at Jour nal Office. 4tfo. FOR SALE MO pound of Whit Clover Beed. All cleaned, ready for market. Inquire of Journal offloe. Ittfo. irOH BALE 47 fin wool ewe, t buck. Inquire at Prlnerlll Pro duce Exchange. Stfo. I'OR 8ALE 8li room reeldenoe In Prlnovllle; lot 80x240 feet. For quick !, $1,000 cain. Inquire at tola office. T 47tf. POR 8AI.E 1600 tamarao, 7-foot poete. For further Information, aee John Dubry, at Biewart'i stors. l.-U FOR BALE Oood ranch near Prlne Tllle. 185 acre, well Improved. Oood term. Box 45. Prlnevllle, Ore. 15-tfc FOR BALE About SO bead yearling we In good condition. Cross be tween mutton and line wool breed. Will take IS, 00 per' bead it aold at one. Can be teen at farm 4 mlloe aat of Prlnevllle. J. B Lafoltotte, dir. telephone ffzl.tfc FOR BALE 10 bead of work and aaddle boric at price that will move tbem. Come to the Big Tin Barn and pick out your horae or team. , 7tfe FOR 8 ALE On perfectly good bay rak and mower. It ' taken to gether, you can hav tbem both tor $75.00 caib. Be Ruteell at Journal office. FOR 8ALE 8ewlng machine, near ly new, drop top; one Iron single beditead, aprlng and mattreaa, one new bed and hummock. Mr. W. D. Rca, near Crime 'Chapel. l.-tfe. FOR 8ALE Dodge touring car, mo del 1911, In good running condi tion. Will sell very reasonable, '. Borne term It desired. Inquire 114 E. Flrat St. 14-lSp """ MISCELLANEOUS ' WANTED All kind of Sewing to do. Inquire of Emma Randle, or Mr. Ouy 8umnor. , 12-tf FOR RENT Three nice housekeep Ing room. Enquire at 241 Fifth Street. 15-17p. LOST Jersey heifer, two years old. Large white apot. Strayed from Powell Butte. Reward tor recov ery. Notify this office. ll-tto. DRBSSMAKINO And remodeling Prices reaaonable. ' Mrs. O. C. French, 711 B. 6th Street. 10t7p ATTENTION Coma and try m y washings. I handle not only rough and tine clothes, but alao do wat washing. Mr. M. Trapman, 17 Eaat 6th St. l-tfc. SALESMAN WANTED Hav open ing for man, mechanically lnoltn- . ad and with aome aales ability, to represent us In Crook county. Un usual opportunity ' for a hustlur. Expense paid to Portland tor In terview If qualify. Addreaa ORE GON MOTOR ACCESSORIES, Inc. 4E0 Stark St., Portland. SHIP U8 TOUR WOOL Wa do cleaning and carding for comfort er and mattresses. Manufactur er of pure wool bats. CRTSTAJ SPRINGS WOOLEN MILLS, Port land, Oregon, milla, 760 Umatil la Avenue; office, 101 Spalding Building. IStf. CHILDREN'S SEWING Those wishing children's sewing dona, Inquire of Mrs. Doak, 4S4 S aond Street. Ct-tf. SCALE BOOKS Neatly printed and bound. Sent 11.00 to the Journal and one will ba mailed to you, postage paid. ttfe. The Journal does modern printing on short notlco. KHTRAY8 On bay mare, I yari old, weight about 100 pound, branded E on I left shoulder, T on left itlfla. I One roan bona thre year old, j a on len jow, ah eonneoiea on leu tlfle, weight about 100 pound. Call at Hamilton Stable, pay dam ages and got your property. It-tfc. Do your eye troabl yoaT Art) rar glaaae living aatlafaetlon or do dsy need changing! If to, call oa Or. F. H. Day, 110 Main St., Prlna tlle, Oregon. He la permanently lo ald at that addree lltle. STRAYED From tha Wet Branch Cattla Rang. 11 head of mixed cattle, branded II with bar above and bolow, on tba left rlba. Find er plea notify 8. H. Howden. Mitchell, Ore. 15-tfo. EFORE TOD 8IQN Ufa Iniaa ance eontract In any other eosa any examine to auperlor eon tract and low premium rate ol Oregon Life. Bee. T. L. Quins the local agent I Ufa A Classified Ad gets result. .LEGAL. NOMg S3 SUMMONS IN THB CIRCUIT COUKT or THE STATE OK OhKliUN rOR CROOK COUNTY Lilian Hugue, Flainlilf, vs Fre) A. Hogu. Defendant To Fred A, Husue, Uw ebon named de fendant t IN 1MB NAME Or THE STATS OF ORE GON, yvtt are hereby required to appear and tr the romplalnl Sled against you hi th shoe entitled euurt and uuh an or before U weeks after th. Brat publication of this eummone, thai I on or before th. (th dag of February. And If you (ail to so an. (war, or ao answer, (or want thereof th plaintiff will apply to th court for a darn dleeolring th. bond, of matrlmon? kitmn heraelf and you. Thia lumnwni b puhllahed by th order of HON. N. C, WALLACE, Judge of th County Court of Crook County, Oregon, aald onVr havlna- Wn mad and entered on UoranlMr Jl.t. IKV. by .aid county judi In th abarar nf Hon. T. E. J. rtuffy. Jua of th. Clreuit Court ahov nam4. Oau of Ant publication, nwamber It, 124, H.la of laat publication, January IT, IK I. JAT H. UPTON, Attnrny for th Plaintiff. Addrai Frlnrrlll. Oreynri, I S.JO NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 01OS8 tVtwrtmmt of th Interior, U. S. Land Of flr at Th Halloa, Oramn, November 1, UiO, NOTICE la hereby ylren that MAROARET W. PATTERSON of Roberta, Orrynn. who, on May 4, mail Hnmaatead Entry, No 016HS8. for 8 14 SK'.i, BKVi 8WH, Sac tt r.V, NKM. NEVt NW4, Sm. It, T. II 8., Ranit l E.. Lou 1 and t, .ato, 80, Townahlp la-South, Rann n.Eaat. Willamette Meridian, hal "led not Ire of intention to mako thrao-year Proof, to eatabliah claim to th land above deacribrd. bafnr. Lak M. Bechtell, Unlt.d State Com mlaaloner, at Prlnevllla, Oreaon, on th Uth day of January, ltlil. Claimant name aa wttneaacat Lloyd T. Wllt.e. Claud. C. Dunham. Hit hard K. Man tey, all of Roberta, Oreaon, Clarenc S. Fcr Kucaon. of Prlnevllle, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 13-He Rtgial.r. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Note la hereby ylven by th nndr-alyne4. th administrator of th ctat of Petar Hnry Hunaen, deraaaed, to creditors of aald de ranaed and to all persona having- olatma anainat aald astat to present the same, with th r roper vouchcra, to th ondersignvd at th oftV of M. R. Elliott, at Prlnevllle, Ore s-on, within all months from tha first pub lication of this notlc. Dated and published first time, December 9, mo. WILLIAM, PETERSON, - Administrator of th Eatat of Peter Henry Hansen, NOTICE Maryuerlt A. Coleman has fll4 her Final Account as Administratrix of th astat of Almon P. Coleman, with th Clerk of Crook County, Oregon, and th County Court has set th !3nd day of January, 1021, at 10 A, M., as time for hearing said account and ob jections thereto. Dated this 14th day of December, 1920. MARGUERITE A. COLEMAN lB-lSc Admn. . NOTICE Th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Inter state Fair Aaaoclation, will ba held Monday, January, S, 1021, at S:00 P. M., at th Com mercial Club rooms. By order of th board. 1S-160 J. B. 8HIPP, Sc. WE GUARANTEE IH.M PEE WEEK fall Urn or 76 per hoar spar Wast selling Guaranteed Holaery. Agents making; 171. M to 1100.00 per wash. Good hotsery la an so sstotg necessity, yon can sail It easily and make large profits. Experience unnecessary. EAGLE HOISERT COMPANY, DARBT, FA. -17 New Way of Serving It Emily wanted a tea pitrty one after noon, so after site arranprert her tea et for the Important event her moth er and I Rttt nt the little table beside her. Her mother started to pnur the little tea pot and turning to Emily asked In a very formal way, "Miss Emily, will you have yours with or without?" After seriously thinking a moment, Emily replied, "Within, please." Exchnnpe. Giant Grasshoppers. ; Grasshoppers In South America' urt the largest known. In that eountry they attain to a length of Ave Inches, ind their wings spread out ten ticbes. - - i I'llOFKSHIONAL DIRECTORY ATTORNEYS WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At torney. Offlc Crook County Bank Building, Prlnavllla, Oregon, tf If. It. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law Court Houa St, Prlnavllla Or LAKE M. BECHTKLL 17. B. Commlaalom Attoraey-At-LMT Crook Coaaty Bavak BalMlig nUMEVUXB OREOOM PHY8ICIANS DR. E. O. HYDE Pbyalclaa and Surgeoa Office 101 Third Street Prlnevllle : Oregon CHAS. 8. EDWARDS Pbyalctan A Surgeoa Glaases Correctly Fitted 17 Hata St, PririevUla, Oregoa. H. r. Belknap L. V. Balkaap BELKNAP A BBLKMAP PhyaecUn) aad Baigaoaa Office IBS Eaat Third Bttoat PrtaevUla, Oiwgoa Offloe phone II . Residence II DE.VTIHT8 DR. H. 0. DAVIS DENTIST Crook County Bank Building Prlnevllle Oregon W. H. CTRCS Tha Jeweler MASONIC TEMPLE Prlnevllla, Oregoa THE PIONEER EMPLOYMENT COMPANY "The oldest offloe in Oregon" 14 North Second Street PORTLAND. OREGON OPHTHALMOLOGIST DR. F. H. DAT Physician, ophthal mologist, neuraloglat Specialty ot eye and nerve. Glasses fitted Hours 10 to 12 a. m. ; S to S p. m. Evenlnga by appointment 111 main at. Prlnevllle, Ore. !7tfe. UNITED ARTISANS, Prlnevllle As sembly No. Ill, meets tba first and third Monday of each month. In the K. of P. HaU. All visiting Artisans are welcome. FLORENCE CYRUS, M. A. MARTHA A. NEVEL. Eeoy. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL DAILY Oe. DAILY AND SUNDAY Mie If yava stoat get yotur ptaper ra alarly, ptioste Red 481 and wa wlU aeatj oae ap by special mea PRI NEVILLE DRUG CO. Loesvl Agesvt Confectionery Cigars Tobacco Oregonian Agency JOHN J. PRICE Prineville, Oregon Those having ays troubles or aer voaa trouble ahonld oal tnd Dr. F. R. Day, 110 Main St., PrlnarUla. OrejffOB. aitfa. CFiEGGN KE'iVS liuTES CF 6Ei"EMt li'STEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. La Grande's budget for city expense for the coming; year Is $106 4K0. The church nf the Latter Day Saints held a thru day leadership lustltu tlon at La Grande. Dallas physician report that sever al eases of influenza have made their appearance In Polk county. From two and one-half acre on Hale creek, near Weston, Oacar Wins harvested 500 sack of potatoes. A total of $20,600 will be required to defray the ex pen Beg of the board of control during the next two year. Jasper Turner I tinder arrest at Klamath Fall, charged with the mur der of bis wife near Beatty laat May. A census Jtmt completed In Clatsop county show (586 children of school age, an Increase of 89 over latt year. The 33d gnnual meeting of the Ore gon State Horticultural aociety will be held In Kugcue December 2, 3 and 4. Mlnlstara from all sections of Mar-' Ion county gathered In Salem last week and formed a county organiza tion. Sunflowers are making a remarkably good showing In Harney county. At one place ii toni per acre was the yield. . . There are 26 caret of contagious dlaeuRo under quarantine at La Grande, ranging from smallpox to diphtheria. A division of Polk county la propos ed, cutting off the south part and creating a new ouoty to be called Willamette. The new prune packing plant erect ed at Soot IB Mills by the Oregon Grow ers' association la complete and pack ing has begun. Every school In Umatilla which has made applanation county to the school superintendent for a teacher now is supplied. Farmers and orchard men around Dayton. Yamhill county, are becora ng Interested in the planting of fil bert orchards. During a recent high wind In Coos Bay, the McDonald & Vaughan log boom broke, releasing logs estimated at 1.000,000 feet Au experienced miller has arrived at Burns and the flour mill at that place will soon be turning home grown wheat Into flour. ' Approximately only one fourth of the Marion county potato crop has been taken care ot aa a result ot the bad weather conditions. Production of lumber in Oregon and Washington for the week ending Nov ember 13 wa 69,368,533 feet, or 22 per cent below normal. ' District Interest bonds In the amount of 1115.275 will be aold by State Treasurer Hoff on December 1, ac cording to announcement. Two carloads of hops raised Jn the country adjacent to Grants Pass were shipped to London last week. The ship ment weighed 74,800 pounds. Isaac Higgins, an early settler of Eastern Oregon and a veteran of the Civil war, died in a Heppner hospi tal last week at the age of 79. . The Hood River-White Salmon Ferry company Is building a large sidewheel ferry boat which will have a capacity of 10 automobiles. It will cost about $10,000. ; Colonel J. W. Lathrop, for many years a well known character in that part ot the state, dropped dead in a livery stable In Klamath Falls a few days ago. A company has been organized at Eugene with the plan ot building houses and selling them to people On easy . terms. The first residence la Just being completed. , By cutting one halt mile of new road through the lodgepole pines, the forest aervlce Is decreasing the length of the Crane Prairie road from Bend to Elk lake nearly two miles. Mail boxes in Prlnevllle have been assailed by vandala In the laat week or so, and have been tampered with to such an extent that the federal authorities have been notified. Thomas Everett May, ot Corvallls has been appointed a captain In in fantry, regular army, and Fremont Byron Hodson, North Bend, haa been appointed a second lieutenant. The tax budget of Clatsop county recommends a levy of $427,318.80. ot just $100.20 less than that tor last year Among the apropriatlona are $160,750 tor road work and $48,250 for bridges. It will require $77,620 to maintain the capitol buildings and grounds at Salem during the next blennium, ac cording to the budget of estimated ex penditures filed with the secretary oi tatSk, - . The Thomas Kay woolen mills, the largest plant of its kind in Oregon outside ot Portland, will close down early this month and will remain clos ed until some time in January, ao cording to announcement. More than 250 men and women will be thrown out of employment A bill tvte been prepared for Intro lucliun In congrca permitting the city of Med ford to purchase 80 acre of the Oregon t Ca'if:rn!a land grant for the protection of the municipal water supply. Poultry demonstrations oa feeding for egg production and on choosing breeding stork were held in three dif ferent communities In Linn county luring the past week and were large ly attended. There are 40.000 acres of prune be tween Port and and Ashland, com pared with 10.000 noes Just a few years ago. Within three years It Is probable the annual crop may exited 100,400,000 pounds. A recent proposal by A. M. Temple ton of Brownsville, president of the I. Inn County Pioneers' association, that a memorial should be erected in the county in honor of the pioneers, haa met with general favor. Karl J. Btackland, grower and ship per and cwuer of the Blue Mountain Fruit farm at Cove, expects to sail for Europe about De ember 11, where he' will spend tba next four months selling applet and dried fruits. Standing timber is assessable as real estate, according to Attorney-General Van Winkle. The opinion wat asked by F. L. Calkins, county assessor of DougUa county, who wanted to know It the timber could be assessed separ ate from the lar,i. Charles F. Brumfield of Philomath haa filed with the state engineer ap- plication to appropriate 40 second fe;t of water from the north fork of the Alsea river for development of 60 horse power for generating electricity for operating a sawmill. At a recent meeting of the Bandon post of the Grand Army of the Repub-1 Switzerland and 15 by other nations lie a motion was passed unanimously which filed one each. Germany, al to petition the state legislature at the I though not a member, haa voluntarily next session to exempt veterans of the civil war from taxation of prop erty to the value of $1000. A public hearing called for the pur pose of taking steps to prevent the Importation Into Oregon of infected potatoes from California will be held In Salem on December 14, according to announcement by Charles A. Parks, president of the state board of horti culture. Regulation of the Upper Klamath lake by the building of the Link river ; the National University of Ireland, dam ia necessary for the irrigation of together with a numberof others. In the 50,000 acres under ditch In the J jiuding Professor MacNelll's son, wers Klamath basin, declares the report crested by the auxiliary police, of the Klamath Falls chamber of com-1 vrhut is described as the first of merce committee which conducted a 'many internment camoa for the Irish hearing ot the controversy last week. More than 75 flaxgrowers from vsrl oub sections of Marion county gath ered in Salem Saturday and pledged a total of 611 acres of the product for the season of 1921. This is the largest flax icreage ever recorded In Marlon county since the inception of j the penitentiary fax plant many years (ago. Plans for the Ashland winter fair ! are practically completed for the three days ot the show, December 2, 3 and 4, which will be held in the armory. This fair Includes the sixth annual ex hibition of the Southern Oregon Poul try association and also the farmers', fruit growers' and industrial exhibits of Jackson county. Jazz will be a thing of the past with in the next two yeara, in the opinien of Frederick W Goodrich, pianist and instructor of harmony and analysis in the University of Oregon exten sion course in Portland, who was the chief speaker at the doting session j of the annual convention of the Ore gon Music Teachers' association at i Salem. The Oregon Growers Co-operative association with headquarters , In Salem, is distributing more than a million dollars among the growers of the state in payment for fruits handled through the organization the last few months. Other remittances will be made as fast as returns are received fronv the eastern purchasers. The books of the association show that up to November 1, sales this season amounted to a total of $732,496.06. Oregon gasoline and oil consumers are urged to curtail their supplies to the lowest minimum in order that the industries of California will not suf fer from a fuel shortage, in a letter received at the office ot the Oregon pnblic service commission from the Los Angeles chamber of commerc. It was stated in the letter that the gasoline situation in California was serious and that some action should be taken Immediately to conserve the supply. Addition of two stories to the su preme court building in lieu of erect ing a new structure under prevailing high costs ot labor and materials Is advocated by Sam A. Kozer, secre tary ot state, in case the state board ot control and legislature deem It expedient to provide more room at this time for the accommodation of the several state commissions and depart ments which are now occupying quar ters intended for the convenience ot the legislators during their biennial ses sions. Secretary ot State Kozer has estimated that th cost ot two addi tional stories to the supreme court building would be In the neighborhood of $125,000, while the erection ot a! modern office structure on the capitol grounds would entail aa expenditure1 ot not less than $350,000. EuiTISH IGSE IN MANDATES FI3HT Control of Commission Is Givei to Non- mandatory Powers. Geneva. The difficulty of any sin gle power or luflueute dominating tha league of nations waa demonstrated when the council of that body. In splta af determined protests by th British member, decided fiaally to give con trol in the permanent mandates oom Blsslon to non-mandatory powers. The commisa'oa will be composed ol representatlvee of five non-mandatory powere and. four of the mandatory itatce. The first American treaties to bs Hied with the league of nation wer tut officially on record when Sweden iresented the text of two agreements altb the United Slates. Under the covenant of the league of oatlons the various countries must file all treaties and. agreements made lince January 10 of the present year, sven thote in which the other contract ing party is not a member of the earue. ' Till arrival of the first American jtatles, although they are minor roes, was an occasion of consiierabls Interest among the league numbers ind officials. A total of El treaties and agreements Save been filed with the league. Of these, 15 were filed by Great Britain, 11 by France, four by Sweden, six by (iled nine treaties. SINN FEIN LEADERS ARRESTED BY POLICE Dublin. Arthur Griffith, founder ot e Sinn Fein organization; Professor lohn MacNetll, Sinn Fein member of parliament for Londonderry City and republican army, it is authoritatively itated, will be brought Into operation shortly. It is situated at Ballykinlar, In Dundrumbay, county Down, and is :apable of accommodating 1000 prison trs. It is asserted prisoners will b liable to be Interned without trial and that membership In 'jhe Irish repub lican army will be sufficient reason for internment Other camps ars ia :ourse of preparation. It is reported that the roundup th lit st seven days has resulted in 20(1 arrests. BFR CADES UP IN LONDON Barriers Eight Feet High Are Erected In Downing Street London. The seizure daring raids la Ireland of Sinn Fein documents alleg ed to give details of a conspiracy for damaging buildings In England, was aid in police circles to be the cauf of the erection of formidable barri cades at the entrances of Downing tBtreet and King Charles street. Eoth streets lead from Whitehall to a group of government departmental offices and also the official residences of Premier Lloyd George and Andrew Bonar Law, the government leader ia the house of commons. October Exports Largest of Year. Washington. Exports during Octo ber increased by nearly $150,000,000 while imports decreased approximately ' $1,000,000, foreign trade figures mads public by the department of commerce show. Exports were valued at $752, 000,000 against $605,000,000 In Septem ber, while imports were valued at $362,000,000. The excess of exports over imports in October, amounting to $390,000,060, ia the largest in any oi. month ot the present year. Reception to be Given Mrs. MacSwInty New York. Miss Jeannette Rankin, former congresswoman from Montana, will head the American Women's re ception committee of five hundred which will greet Mrs. Muriel Mao Swiney, widow of the late lord mayor ot Cork, on her arrival her on th liner Celtic. Mrs. MacSwlney will b accompanied by her lata husband's sister. Miss Mary MacSwlney. Both are to testify before tha Americas commission on Ireland organized tf Oswald Villard. - Blahopa Will Meet In Portland. Atlantic City, N. X The nous of bishop ot the Methodist Episcopal church, in session here,' decided tt) hold Its next semiannual meeting tt Portland, Or., May 1L Swedish Minister Dead. Washington. W. A. F. Ekengren, Swedish minister to the United Stats. died at the legation here after a i lnnasa.