V Crook CoMety ' Journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER OF CROOK COUNTY FOR ALL CENTRAL OREGON CITY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CITY OF PRINEVILLE VOIXMK XXV. riUNEVILLK, (TUKJKMOU.NTir, OREGON THHIMAY l)K KMIiKK 23, ll0. MO. 14. mi 1 M V if) The followlnf Is the report of tb expenditures of the Ladles Annex (or the Prlnevllle camp ground op to October Brit. As this Include II eipenee o( building and getting to grounds ready for campers, a writ aa maintenance, tbe ladlea are to be congratulated on baring a bat anna remaining from tbe amount collected for tbe grounde. R. W. Wallace, contract for sheds, toilets, stoves, fence, tables and bencbee ...437.7! to. P. King, paint and oil SI. 10 Deschutes Power Co., Installing pipe meter and material!. ...29.26 Wlstar Roeenberg, painting abed, tables and fence...... .........15.00 A. B. Roller, painting slgns.-.XS.OO Clyde Hoover, lumber and labor for algna IS. IS Deschutes Power Co., water from May to October, 8.80 Cutting weeds, 1.60 Ocho'co Warehouse, wood, ......4.K0 II. R. Lakln, hoae and spray....ll.35 Deschutes Power Co.. Installing ' llKbta, etc, 10.15 TOTAL.... 588 05 Amount collected, ......... 64 8.0G Balance on band, ........... St. 10 During Its Initial summer, Prlne- vlllu's tamp ground bus become fa mous among the auto tourists who Imve pamiMil tills way, for tbe con venience of Its appointments and lis di-sirable location at the be'ad of Main 8tret, with stores and garagos close at hand. During (be summer season tbare t . . 1 . . , were few days that tbe grounds did not shelter at least one autolit, and sometimes there were a many as Ave cart parked within tbe Incloaure. Very often the tourist remained for several days at the grounds, taking advantage of the superior equip ment, replenishing their supplies from tbe bountiful stocks of tbe Prlnevllle merchants, and resting after long, hot, dusty and very dry trips over tbe aurroundlng country. To them the Prlnevllle camp grounds with Its convenient ovens, free wood, electric lights, well-made tables, good water and sbady nooks among the willows. Is a spot to be long re membered, a mecca to return to, and the hospitality of Prlnevllle Is cher ished In their hearts as one of the bright spots In their journey. While here a number were beard to aay that they Intended to make a point of ' planning their routea when in Central Oregon again, to include Prlnevllle In the list of places where thoy would stop, and others volun teersd the Information that they bad been told of the desirability of In' eluding Prlnevllle in their plana, by those who had been here and were giving others the benefit of their happy visit at Prlnevllle and tbe restful comfort of Prlneville's auto camp grounds. . A god selection of reasonably priced toys are for aale at Mrs. J. N. Wright's store. Adv. Powell Butte News Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bayne, who f 01 tnily owned large ranches i. this ruction. In fact, ploneera of Powell Iiutte, have returned from near Port land, where they hare bwn living. to make their home In Central Ore gon again. This time tbey aay, "We will move no more ' As this la their second time to return since selling their homestead here Thoy expect to buy near Redmond. Last week on Wednesday night. Powell Butte Borosis were hostesses to their husbands and families. A line program and some funny stun: were put on for tbe pleasure of the guests after which a delicious lun cheon 'was served All present had an enjoyable time. George C. Truoedale, the efficient road supervisor, has been busy last week burning weeds out of the coun ty roads to lot the R.F.D. pass thru The work on the highway between Powell Butte and Redmond goes rap Idly on. Tbe big factor la through with the grading, but there remains more blasting and much work for the large force of men who are camped near the old river bed. An election for the purpose of vot ing on bonding tbe Union high school district for $75,000 to build a new high school building in Red mond, will be held In Redmond, Dec. 17, from t until 7 o'clock. All vot ers . In the Redmond union high school district will vote at Redmond. There are several district in Crook county Included In this district. Mr. and Mrs. Roe Bussett and daughter will leave the last of this week for their new borne near Seat tle. Mrs. Bussett and Margaret will go on tbe train and Ross will drive through with his car. He will be accompanied by hi mother, Mr. E. A. Bussett, who will visit relative for about a month or alx weeks. She expects to bring her mother. Grand ma Brown", with her when ahe returns. Charles M. Charlton, Jr., is quite ill with tonsllltls this week. .Mrs. E. A. Bussett gave a dinner to her immediate family Sunday, as llrey would be separated before the Holidays, at which time she always plans to have them home for Xmas dinner. There were present: Mr. end Mrs. E. A. Bussett, Ross Bussett and family Lloyd Bussett, Miss Fay BuMfitt, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reynolds and son Lee, Joe Shearer and daugh ter Buth. 'Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Yates bad for dinner guests 8unday their old-time neighbors and friends, Mr. and Mrs A. W. Bayne and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bayne, who have lately moved back from the valley. Mrs. Guy Sear baa returned to her home at The Dalles after a visit at tbe borne of D. A. Yates. Mr. and Mrr B. H. Stewart and Mr. - Jackson were dinner guest at the home of Roy Roberta last Sunday. Tbe Green Beard thresher ha at last finished work in this community and has gone to Alfalfa, where they will soon finish up. A good program will be put on at Community Hall by the four public schools in this section. Each teach er will present her own pupil with their program. Otber good thing are planned, and it will be a happy evening. George Truesdale and C. M. Charl ton went to Prlnevllle this week, where they qualified for constable and Justice of the peace, respective ly, for Powell Butte precinct. Terrebonne rwn NEWS NOTES and the children gave an entertain ment at the Athletic hall oa Friday. The pupils gave a abort program. Prof. Irwin of Redmond spoke oa education, and Mies Brum, the coun ty nurse, knighted the Health Cru sadera and presented medal and at the close the girls baaket ball team had a game. , In a game against Culver at Me tolius, the boys' baaket ball team waa defeated. Tbe sand storm of Friday night , blew la a window of tbe L. P. O. ., halt, uncovered haystacks and roofs' where there was paper roofing. Mr. and Mr. Omar Cyrus spent ", the week-end with their son Mel via . Cyrus and wife, at the farm. B. Cone of the Sisters country drove a large herd of youpg cattle to tbe upper Crooked river country for winter feeding on Saturday. E. M. Eby shipped one carload of mixed stock in the form of a com munity car to tbe market. S. P. Cathey of the powder com pany came on the Monday train from Portland. L. W. Foster arrived here from Spokane on Friday, and he was Join ed by hi brother, H, B. Foster and wift from Kootenai, Idaho, Monday. The Parent-Teachers' Association SALESMAN WANTED Have open ing for' man, mechanically inclin ed and with some sales ability, to represent us In Crook county. Un usual opportunity for a hustler. Expenses paid to Portland tor In terview if qualify. Address ORE GON MOTOR ACCESSORIES, Inc. 450 Stark St., Portland. . Key of the Bastlle. The key of 'he Rasrlle a prfwrat ed to George Washington by Lafay ette on bis flrw stay In America. It Is antique In chape, and hangs In the principal hall of Washington's man sion at Moant Vernoa. We Wish Everybody A Very Merry Christmas " V mnmwiww;. est i; m ia m r-xr mm mi r i 1 1 it1 i" ti r " XMAS -DINNER WE are preparing all of the choicest mor sels for your Christmas Dinner and are pricing them within the reach of all. Cranberries Celery Lettuce Squashes Onions Carrots Beets Fruits toif'uSftir ftffrw 1 v ft 1 1 Ti 1 1 tW Turkeys Chickens Choice cuts of Beef, Pork Mutton, Veal Sausage and Weiners Michel Grocery Co. Before you buy the makings for the big meal, look over our different lines it will pay you. THE CITY MARKET F. T. COX, Proprietor IgHSa it 11 1 11 1 m in 11 nn 11 1 1 im ' 11 W 11 1HH ,