WII IWDAY It: KMlli rt 21. J 020. ntmir rfiVTV jni Rvii 4unliir-l'ri'liiiimi (Inmn The game tictwwn th Junlnr Dii Iht FiwshmHti, Thurmlay after noon reaulted In an ( toT ecore In favor of the Junior. However, the Freahmsn wll content the game bo Mtiw of an Ineligible pluyer on the Junior team. The played failed to qualify became of an Ineufflclent number of credlta to enable him to r'n.'ont the Junior data, . Htmlnr-Holutmiira (Innin Friday afternoon, th Boulora and Bnpha contended for honora on tba ba.kotbatl floor. When tba whlatla blrtr at tba and of tba final half tha eoore atood tin, Tha tie we then played oft and tba game ruaulted In a eStilor victory, 13-12. Up to title time, thla la tha beat clait gam that baa boon played. Tha tetania were evenly matched In elze of player a wall aa akllt. Another feature that ia worth eommnet, waa aome of tha "regular old time" yelling. On the floor aa well aa on tba eldellnee, it appeared aa It the eSnlore bad to make their aland agalnat tba world, and they did. Thua far In tba claaa gamea, tba Senior bare two claaa vlctorlee and tba Junlora hare one dliputed vic tory." FORKHTIIY NOTES V, V. Harpham returned from An tone Sunday arenlng with the Kor an Servte truck. Mr. Tlarpham bad taken the truck to Antone about throe waeka ago to gat a load of lumbar for the Bearer Ranger Sta tion, but on aceout of a bad break down he waa unable to return with tha lumber at that time. Tba trip from Mitchell to Prlnevllle juat now la a rather itrenuou one, and It waa neceeeary to engage a team to aa alat In getting up tha north aide of tba mountain, where In plaoea tba now waa more than a foot deep. Tba contractor, Elliott, Beoggin A Wolf, who ar building tha Wheel er county eectlon of tha Prlnevllle Mltehell road, have juat about com pleted their taak and by the end of the week tha machinery and too la In fact tba entire outfit ahould be moved out. Tba contractor are to be commended tor their effort to complete the Job tbl fall In the tae on ao much bad weather; and aa the Job la flnlahed. tba big (team ehovel, which baa played auch an Important part In the conitructlon work, ia working In about' one foot of mow. Next year tbl aectlon of tha road OFFICE ROOMS Modern, well-lighted Brick Building Good Location Rates Reasonable SEE Dr. A. W. Grater Benton Block-Pbooe Red771 PRINEV1LLE OREGON will be aurfaced for tba entire length and a yearlong road between Prlne vllla and Mitchell will be reality, o far aa tha mountain part ia con cerned. Let ua hope that tba aec tlon between Prlnevllle and Jonea' aawmlll, and that portion between the ' foreat boundary and Mltcball will be tinder way within' another year. IUugere Andorson and Donnelly went to the Maury Mountain aawmlll a few tiny a ago and acaled eeveral tboueand feet of aaw loga which had been purchaaed by Todd Hamlin. Ranger W. A. Donnelly of the lo cal Foreetry Office baa been taking a couple of week' vacation and baa apent moat of hie time on Improve ment work around hla city properly. Ranger E. W. Donnelly, of the Snow Mountain diatrict, who haa been apendlng the paat few week In Prlnevllle, left for Mitchell on Wed needay'a atage, from which place be will go to tha ranch of hla father and brother on the John Day river and apend the Holldaya with them. He will return to duty about Jan. 1. Mlaa McMurray, who haa been at tending achool at tha U. of O. for the paat thra monlba and who expected to be back at bar deak in the local Foreatry Office by January 1, haa de cided to continue with ber achool work at tha above mentioned Inatl tution and will take tha abort oourae n Foreatry, .which beglna aoon after the lrat of January and continue for approximately three) month. irr- FURNITURE GIF Are always Useful and We are busy this week moving into our larger new quarters, but we always have time to care for the re quirements of our friends and have a large assortment of appropriate goods to pick from at prices that are right: Rues at be- W - tore-tlie-war prices, settees, rockers and complete living room furniturre. Let us help you make a BEND -A.,. BM.m 11 II alll alU II, , L M -ai.1 r " "flTarrilHjjliiXLiJlimilJ-LL-l Pedestal Floor Lamps In many shades and designs be sides a large assortment of table lamps. Also high quality trunks and bags in many styles. Baby cabs, high chairs and child's beds. Bend Furniture Co. OREGON Ai-allLal 11 J Jl U Al, A II EMM AA... AAMJL , Appreciated win ni.ni t I bed room, dining selection. - room anc -y "5M