TIM IISDAV IiFfTMIJER 2-1, ln2. crook corxTT journal Tnre tt V ,' Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At tbl critical period is oar klatory our tnanufactumre are offering thnlr ill! and our young bud ere offering their nervlc to the Ualtxt Htatee lovaromaui. Would yon Ilka to do your bare sua hnlp, by putting four money wbere It will support the new Federal Rarve Hanking Bystna, whlcb the government baa eeubllahad to stand back of our com more, Industry end -agriculture? Too co d3 tuts br opening an account wttfi ei m pert of every dollar so de-poaited goe directly Into the n sreiam. where II will ieye b ready tor yo when wanted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK !rt3twaa (Gifts fur IKiillrr anfc fitotrr By A Nt ELY HAU t. ' 'x ' Ki'"' ft EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD CALL BLACK 303 FOR MOHT OR HR tVT TRUCE SIBTIOK Morse 'Transportation Comp'y PRINEVILLE, OREGON The Xiiiiiniv mhiI holder In fig. 1 j will be u il. llflu fo mother of ltcr, J not only ti'riii' of lu tm:ijiicue w ' in nrninm-nt. lull also becauw of ita! ; liiiii'tliM-Mn hi ihe vwltiK-riMiiii. Cut-j I ting mil llw figure of Hummy I lin- j I pic liiu.'.i'fKii i work. tlumiwiNMi i )n li thick U Ij' t. The pattern xlumn In Fig. 2. 3. 4 uml A lire uIkiiii one-half the right lzo. To simplify tin- work of enlarging the pujtorri. I have nmrked tlicin off Clllf'l cMlOliril fllotl. Win a you cut. now trllle mi!!de of Hid outline, to allow fir trimming til wlgca wills fliixi'l aiel nii!iaper. The upper porilon of llii- timly in connected to tlii- lower portion hy mean of the round stick Htiown In Fig. 3. Glue till1 upper of (he tick; make the low ft end tli IfMwiy o It can lie removed Sicily PrctKi.( Teeete Hli-lly Ik prmiuiiliv u treeli. onn try. In Jonrrie of l.Vl mile aero the lind one mn m.i olmerv sin gle tree Unit annul rut a ten Hnh hoard Wide Iw.hM fH Ineht of liiil Inn oriirtn nr empio)eil in ilie niiikltii of lieavj time for llie Ii1)mimiI of llcoriie Tile iyi4) It apt-eiea uf C tHhrinii flr IRELAND'S City Transfer & Express Auto Delivery to U Part of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick lervice at Hugh Lakin'a Red 951 ARTISTIC MOUNTING Whole Animali, Ruga, Robes, Birds and Fish, Game Heads and Ladies' and Child ren's Furs. Take your trophy to Prof. E. N. Mallery Taxidermist and Furrier 211 Greenwood Ave. . BEND, OREGON U lip (lie mihhiI oil. .Suiiuny'H feet ure mil ilc liirte to form u liuie. C'ui n Riot to Blue the leg enilH In. A needle forum 8aniiiiy' bnyotiet, and a mniill hole it niinle In. tlir tain to ntlck It Into. The oloek-nhelf In fig. 6 I hmidy for kin hen or hedrooin. It rmulret two piece of wood (A and B. Klg. 7) H Inch thick hy the other dlrnenxionB shown. Fatten hnioket B'to top A t the einrt center of the length. 1tb flnlHlilng-nullt and glue. A cliiar-box irr and bottom pro vide excellent material for pidhII pic ture frame (FIk. 8 and b). Trim one piece about H tneb narrower and shorter than 'the other piece, ao when the ainaller piece la centered upon the larger piece, there will he a 8-16 Inch FOR SALE 400 Rambouillette Rams- one year old. These Rams are of high grade, large size, well wooled and range breeding. Also for sale 35 head Black Aberdeen Bulls all ages. For further information address Antelope Jarrtes H, Scott Supt. Princville; Land & Livestock Co. Oregon tnMinintim?fi WANTED VKAI. HOGS, MCTTOtf, KEEI', CHICKENS, Tl'RKEYS, DUCKS, Uhh.SK KOOH, HIDES, BUTTER, AM) J.VCKRA BBIT9. GIVE US A TRIAL. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE GUARANTEED. PROMPT RETURNS. GIUCKSONACO. Established 1(11 . 109 Front Street, Portland, Ore. PAINLESS PRICES ' Before the war, during the war and NOW. By careful, buying for cash, with no rent or clerk hire, we are able to proted our customers and save them money at all times. Homer Norton POST OREGON J -J Burgeon' Job. , ''I'Vetor of ... .oIm. tieliiu cote inn on ) v f.j:i. n for tn'i'ieri. c eefuio ;f ninlWlx .i.-i tln- .re al .lllll""! riroicoi!-il 1 .Nil loliV i.i.-i tune Hinre v illi n IiihI i-vMiicn ''hei-k 'iWIiim Imve y(,u eri-y u!t-i the riiftloiil ottlcer, nl!it 1 io l, e omIIii ; "An uliee f -.jf 'he repi, "VvVII." iiiUI the otlii-er MpMtlelill)' , "open II. plitow." .-. m ,, ft.f,,, ,,, riorida Ti hl-,'ti.i pi.inf in yuirxia ho, nl!ii.il' nun t.iin leii-rmoil la Iron ip!iit:,!n lii PiUk i-oenly n-li ch ntHint fe: Bl-eie It ei i-in!inil to llie I In l"l SiMt. ;-,i,. .ifii-Hl lirey. 't.-irfi.-., ,j lnH interior The eriiu'e eii.m on of the .tHIe a com IHiteil ii me ( -doeienl Rurvey la lOUI I'K' feet. Painting on Spider Web,-.' i fainting on piu-r web l dune In Norway anil the picture are friuned like any other droning. The sel etn ploveri nhli-h re of a ery iletme weiive are round only In few locnlliie illlh'tiu of acre, and the iiily of theui I limited , Oitrlhutf 'Mny B blea. fiiirtna Ma eitlnterife of more ihnn a century the l'.ritfh and Vorettm Rl hie aiM'lety ha d'ttrlhuted approxt. mutely ;:, mxi.fiixi coi,in of the Scrip ture In more than "ml lBiipjm-.-e mid dialect, the very nitme of une of which animkno-.vii to ninny atudenta of laniftiHKo. .- Soeciflc at Hand John viitlnK his srrandmnther who hn a candy "tore fin deine fold he would he xlck from eufinj w tuiii-h enndy. he replied "fill, that' all rlrlit. Motin-r hat. plil to make me well Th Text. "Jlahel l 'nai'k'eil to a yonnst mnn "lie met on her vacation." "That o? When I the wertdlnu fo lief "She rtiwtm't knnw thm. Hhe'a got to mail nnn u-e whether or not he' coin to ivr'te to her. It may tie that hVII Jut forjfet atxiut It. yon know." Oomtt,e Strstefy "'Why r,. yon fiy am h ha:"! thing ahout Bridget to ur caller! She'a a treanre; the het cook i -ver had. .-he- How Httle yoo ma inderatand onr wlv prol.l.-ui. If I '"hi the truth nhtnit her ;h would he faMInz over tlieiiiselve la ;neir enorty to get her away liiwton Iran-i-rlpt. Getting Acquainted. Alma tipfl Inutile hot '-otne frim dif ferent 'fnvns toit -ere visiting Myra. inn four year old Hie r-lulil en were triMtuTK r, each tiih-r nd raiher lriw :it heroiulns iiciiiui'tittMl. Myra wiii h'-iird "myitis. "Alma, meet .len n'e; Jennie, meet Alma: now ho and ef pin' ' "I " Not aa Bad a They 8eem. One of 'he romfortlna Ihlut 'hat time teachc n. I. thr uilulny few thliigf are n lad a they look to he. or are ald fo he. , Copper at Money, ff I not o e.rv long tro that cop per waa nwrt in Swedeu a the chief niliun of exehiitige. iitid at t'me tner chnnta had to fake wheel narrow with them when they went to receive pay ment or ynlleffMe gntp iiiurKtii nil urouud (Fig. y. Cut the picture opening In the larger plec-e ao there will be equal margins at the top and sides, and a trifle wider mar gin at the bottom. Cut the opening in the smaller frame Vi Inch larger each way, to form a U-lnch rabbet for the glaas, picture and backing (Fig. 9). Give the wood a coat of boiled Uuneed-oll, screw a pair of small wrew-eye into the hack for hangers, and get glass to fit the back opening. The string-box In Fig. 10 Is con venience which should be In every household. Use cigar-box wood, or wood not over Inch thick. Cut the pieces of the right sixe to make a cubical shaped box measuring 3 inches Inside. Cut the hanger atrip. A (Fig. 11) 1 Inch wide and long enough to project hb Inches above and below Cm 1 . the box, round its ends, and. bote 4 Inch holea for hanger books. Hinge top B to hanger strip A for a Bd, Bore t bole through the box bottom to pall the string through. Cornett Stage Co. Stages leave Prineville and Paulina Daily except Sunday Office with Ochoco Creamery 8t Weather Sign. Trtne w?j, live fiy 'In- -oh do not want a tietf.-r entl:ef itn then the pill which io' the ur Hi wind that will hrlni! Hit rln il'e -t In hl flocke over tlw Hinl wheeling and urrearn f I a ic "ten!H ' They 'will not lO'iie in on falie alurm. an'1 mine neeil fear they will Unike a tnitiike. In the Dark Hour. Keep a cli'iir conscience. Keep a good xfock of Oort's promise withlo reach. Keep a nlphtltipile of hope in your aoul that fun oing away the !nrk hour when they do come Cuyler. Gcoac Egg Best . Ceese lay the hesf et'g. from the point at view of nourishment. Theaj crane duck and guinea fowl. Hens are fourth on the list with turkey and plover follow itig. Elephantine. "Didnl I see Mr. l,edfont dancing with yoo at the tark?" 'That's what he called It." Boston Evening Truo-soripl. . The Difference. "A good housewife I very different from a good hushandinan." "H"W Telephone Credit The telephone company will be compelled to borrow large amounts of money in the next few years, not only to extend its service to new subscribers, but to take care of the increasing use of the service by present subscribers. : :, : ' t A lender in business will demand of a borrower ample se curity and will insist that jts value be maintained without deter ioration. He must be shown that this security has- an assured earning power. He must be satisfied that his investment is safe ; that it can be disposed of at any time without loss and that it will bring him a continuous return. At the present time this company's operations in Oregon are conducted at a deficit. Its expenses are greater than its revenue. . No return is being received by its stockholders from their proper ty in Oregon. Not even the interest on its bonds properly charge able to its Oregon properties is being paid from Oregon receipts. With new capital scarce and commanding high rates of re turn, a business showing operating results such as these will find it difficult, if not impossible, to secure money for its necessities. We assume that the people of Oregon wish to treat the utili ties doing business in this state justly and fairly, and in this belief we have asked the Public Service Commission to approve a sched ule of rates increasing our revenues. The amount asked for is relatively small to the individual rate payer, but the aggregate will place us in a position where we can obtain the outside capital necessary in our operations. ' Under present conditions an adequate telephone service efficient and sufficient is dependable upon higher rates. The Pacific Telepone and Telegraph Co. PALACE GARAG Opposite Masonic Temple - ACETYLENE WELDING BATTERY STATION All Ford Work Done on Contract Price. Auto Repairing and Ignition Oar Specialty. Ed McGilvray, Prop. Phone Black Ml