jregufl Historical Society a7 Bwoua tst Crook COJNTY OFFICIAL PAPER OF CROOK COUNTY mmm ' ii i i n i i am .1 .mi it 111 i ii ii i ii VOl.VME XXV. I I I mm J Business Is (ood! Anyone -who thinks Prlneville boys n d (Irll, railing lu ste from lx minute to three nor and tan years and above, I Will sot know that tbl ii Chrlstmss time, will be required to resdut , bit opinion, and to verify tbla we r..r vnu In u bunlnMS house la I Frloevllle wh.r. Chrirtma. ,, are carried In stock. T h a utility gift house, those wher f lolhlng and like uaeful artl clo are to be had have that tar en Joyed the boat trade, the les uful gift perbap second, while the caa cVbouses say that hey dl not get tblr btry bualnesa until the days before Chrlatmaa. " nnoa m 'u.y, .o .our was Cornett Company report bual-! 0 on Friday for manu ..... to the .tanderd of former i 'nrlng whiskey at a lonely cabin years. Harvey Cyrus says that hta!" trade I heavier every day. and aa a tout, his business Is much beter than he anticipated tor thia year. Blew art A Company do not carry any quantity of merchandise that Is of a Christmas nature, yet they have had a good volume of business for the recent weeks. Robinson ACiirton ..rl th.L th.lr bu.ir.eie ii UD to'1"0 L,,rr Br. w,tB SUndard and that they are busy - ery day handling the Increaalng ! trade. Th Is store Is a men's shop, i rf o.,lv at this sesson are the la-! die. In evidence there. Tbey are n,ra eny aoout me heavy purchasers during tbe week flm of Aprlt' . before Christmas and have been' crowding ,tbe store tor several days' V1 UEIi IlKLOVED VILLAIN paaU . ... . . ) . - , . .. John J. Trice Is expecting a heavy ..Hr nn, ..villain" - Is Mtu demand" uundlos during the tit-H 'Viawfey's latest starring vehicle. It tew duj s. Ceo! Nlcolal ot the Prlne- hows hor a yvClous French wife Vllle Drug Co., says that his buslnens wll0 ,tg out to purtBh her husband has been btter than UHual,' and that for , mnd doeaption. In the punish the bulk of his Christmas articles llg everybody concerned Js enmosh hua beon sold for some time" punt, j eu In a ro'aae of complications that The Michel Grocery Company re- carrll,s the pt along ln th, brllnant porta tlmt their UiihIiicm is not uf- Inannr on8 always expects of a fuuted by. the Christmas trade until Krnrh furce. It Is a Realart pic tlu. day Immndlnloly preceedln'the ture dir8t.ted by Sum Wood from the evonti when b 'avy buying Is evident , Ha)UMa- hy Alice Eyton. It will be for lite rnristmas n inner, "y"'1" : tlmt their only extra trade is on can dies, which tins been good. The Trl-Sui Company report that liuslni-as is Oxci'llout, and tlifil the volume bus been greater than they anticipated. Joe Howard, owner of tho Howard Drug Company, says that he Is satis fied with tho volume of business his store Is doing, and thut It is heavier every day oa Christmas approaches. At the postofflcn, Mies Hodges says that the Inllux of Christmas mail Is Just starting, and that while she has no way of checking the outgoing vol ume Junt yet. it does not seem to be as hoavy as In some former years. While some of the shops were too busy to grant an Intorvlew, anyone who is doubtful about the condition and who thinks this Is not going to be a Christmas of the real old time order, should take a stroll through the stores snd shops and we dure him or her to do so without becom ing convinced that there is a real Christmas season on, and that It Is up to all standards. DOG UISKS LIFE TO . KKPAY A KINDLY A T. Fate as the powerful factor that sways the destinies ot humens and animals is interestingly brought out In "Buck to God's Country," adapted from "Wapl, the Walrus," by James Oliver Curwood, snd which' "Will be shown starting Doc 81 at the Lyric. As Dolores LeBeau, a woodland girl, whose kindly nature has won her the love ot 'even the most savage . fceasts of the forest, Nell Shipman . . meets Peter Burke a novelist roam ing the wilds ot Canada for material for his new book. Both are Inspired t by the love of animals, tp whom they , ahow kindness. How this consideration for dumb fcrutes Is repaid after Peter and Dol ' ores, married, go Into the Arctic re Stons to investigate conditions there '. among the Eskimos Is most gripping " ly shown when Wapl, the killer, a great Dane dog whose friendship Do Jores has won, saves, their lives. M V I UGuOnOTH $759 Activities o( tb sherlff'i offlo and "r offlolala during th pet tan day has netted a total of $760 la line for the oounty, although one of the of fenders Is alerting JaU term of 190 days la preference to paying the MOO fine aeeeaeed to him by the court tor hi oSenct. Jot Lister was fined ISO- tor manufacturing "uor nli p"na 11 mlle southweat of Prlneville. This stltl la said by the officials to be the most complete yet taken, having copper colls and modern devices for making a good grade of "Ucker," It there Is a good grade, On Sunday, city marshal Flncher arrested Bam Clemens at the Hamll wWiay on him, and on Monday he WM flM Thl WU " ln 00 ,he tMk-t Pr which at the Lyric next Monday FI.KKS DOW Jf FIRE KSCAPE to okt a nyt'AUH mkai.. Cotiaiivnco Talmadgo ia some little climber, aa yau will see In "Two Weeks." token from Anthony Whar ton's play "At the Barn," which will bo shown at the Lyric on next Mon day and TuesdV. Miss Tulmadge tales the part ot a chorus girl. She Is ln her tiny flat trying to escape from a bill col lector, when a wealthy young club- ui Hn calls. She knows this means a good dinner and she U hungry. But the bill collector is camping on the trail. So she climbs on the fire oecnpe and slides down four stories to the basement, where she tells the young man she Just got back from Newport. But alas, she hug forgotten her kit chen apron and It ts discovered un der hnr coat However, she is not a bit daunted, and she gets a square meul. , ' PORTLAND GIRL IN ' - "PINK TIGHTS." Her teal name was Mazie Darnton and she dreamed of a home, with a green lawn and chickens in the back yard. On the billboards her name was Mile. Gubrlelle St. Simon, "Queen of the Air," her specialty be. lug. to leap "from a balloon hundreds of feet ln the air. Such Is the her nine of "Pink Tights,'? the newest comedy drama produced by Univer sal, directed by Reeves Eaeon and oomlng to the Lyric next Thursday. Gladys Walton and Jack Perrln head the cast. TO RKPRESENT , PRINEVILLE AT STATE CHAMBER MEETING '."At the Tuesday meeting " of tho Commercial Club R.''L, Schee aud Guy Lafollette were appointed to re present the local chamber at the meeting ot the Oregon State Cham ber of Commerce In Portland next week: ' i : .... i r" ' ,. County Journal. FOR ALL CENTRAL rniNKiiM.K, crook cot.vrv, orixjon tiuksuay tm f.mukr 2.1, OM Fr.OVED . S0C!.-.L SUCCESS The Legion smoker which took place Friday, proved to be a whirl wind from atari to Bnlah, and those fans who art always demanding ac tlon, and are somewhat bloodthirsty should be satisfied with the exhibi tion. : ! ; The main go, a tea round mill be tween KM Ben ac4 Carl kUrtla, both of Portland, resulted In a much closer and hard foaght contest thaa the less prominent match between Duffy Knorr of Terrebonhe and Joe Hofs of Tacoma. Ia the latter mil the local favor ite succeeded In cutting his Tacoma rival on the mat five or sis times, but he was always able to stand and come for more punishment before the ten count put blm out Greek George and KldTayhir, of Bend, put on a claasy exhibition, aud although they were supposed to do no more than that, tbey" fought even harder, with the heavy gloves, than some of the other schappers, there appearing to be a real feeling be tween -the two men. , Two short mills by local young sters completed the card. Although the meet waa not a win ner for Its promoters financially, they are planning anoih for a data J " f Y " - . r ft Janu&ry. ir1iap aba tbe Stat.l ill IKS. mm:; Hi' Z2X 'j,-"rt,,i - JT-vJ 1 1 r 3L 11 OREGON o. i sicca m ll'IS KCO DEI The first livestock train under the special service recently installed at the instance of F. K. Stadebaker, made a record ran into the North Portland stockyards last week. Tbe train left Prlneville Junction at seven in the evening, and twelve hours later was unloading at the etockyards. : LYRIC PIPE ORGAN ARRIVES The f 7000 pipe organ which J. B. Sparks of the Sparks Amusement Co. promised for tbe petrous of the Ly ric tbestre, hss at laat arrived, and ia being Installed In the theatre. It waa planned to have It ready for the Christmas shows, but it will not ha for use until next week so It will be played for the first time at tbe New Years' performances. Pipe organa are very popular In movie houses all over the country, and by the installation of this one, the Lyric becomes one of the most up-to-date show bouses in Central Oregou. There sre some girls who can't be bluffed! Polly Hopkins Is one of them. Mildred Harria Chaplin in the, stirring story ot "Polly of the , f s - - -. . '. torm Country." coming Dec.. 28." -V. 1 AY OUR READERS FEF.L that in our hearts and minds are gratitude and good thoughts for you during every day of the year; but Christmas ha,llows our sentiments and makes their expression fitting and timely. Such as we have accomplished and such good as may he traceable to our effort would not have been possible without your sustaining power and co-operation. If in any t sense we have upheld a beacon, you have supplied oil for the lamp. If ours has been a chariot, yours has been the motive element which has kept it on its way.' s . " ' , All characters appealing to or endeavoring to entertain the public,'", must be given a certain meed of applause or they cannot exist. ' With those engaged ln publishing a newspaper, the applause comes in the In-; terest which readers manifest in its columns and in an occasional word : of approval. . The practical help ot subscribers and advertisers has enabled us to maintain a publication standard; their encouragement has furnished the degree of pleasure necessary as an incentive to. our dally tasks. ' May the spirit ot Christmas work for you the full degree of its bounti ' fulness. May you be enabled to get the same amount of pleasure and benefit from these columns that we have derived from making tbem. ', ; , ' ' .: . "THE PUBLISHER " CITY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CITY OF PR1NEVILLE mo. Is LCL?1 VMTR to m o? seen Prlneville' new green bouse, be ing constructed by Jceeph Townsend on his property in Hyde Park, will be ready to operate next week he i aaya. - ... Tbe building Is 20x90 feet and has a hot water heating plaaC ' A planting of quick growing vege tables and some kinds of flowers will be msde, perhaps next week, and the plant will be in full operation beforo the season Is over. THE COMMUNITY TREE Unless bad weather make it im possible, the community Christmas tree will be erected, illuminated and otherwise decorated, at the corner of Main and Third Streets next Sat urday night The program will start at six-thirty, and will be under direction of Rev. Gallaher and W. P. Hershey, and shortly after that Santa may be expected to arrive for the distribu tion of the well-filled candy sacks which the citizens ot Prineville have made possible for all the children of the county. The Elks of Prlneville j have charge of the three, and thai whole affair is sure to be a success t 1 from- start to finish. To NO. 14. 1UI SEES OO (By Robert Osborn) Portland, Ore. Dec 22. Well, well, here it is that "once year when It is Christmas. The very at mosphere remind me that aty sub scription to the Journal depends ap on an occasional waste ot space and I make haste to keep my name oa tbe list. Gee whlzlfc la al most New Tears, too. Can yon beat the way Urn flies? The first thing you know the Ochoco project will b all inhabited, Prineville will have a paved street, a fire department, a big mill and a payroll, but this isn't talk ing Chrlatmaa. . How do I know, how doea anyone know it's the time of year when tin sel, strings of popcorn, Jolly bella. gifts and all that, is here? Pshaw 1 a glance at the daily paper will show you.. Milea and miles of ads tell yoa what to get for mother and sister end dad and everybody else. ' Funny isn't it bow the merchant think up from a kitchen range to a thumb tack and label it a "gift" There' one thing certain, it takec a lot ot advertising to get the business at : this season. Portland shops report a lot of "looking" but little buying, ., It, is quite a Joy these evenings to go window shopping. AH of tha shops aire dressed up in their holiday best and the goods on display are ' attractive, very, much so when you find that prlct reductions run from 1 25 to 50 percent All Joy disappear however,, when you try to shop on the inside. Such Jams I sever did see before. I do not see why people don't rebel against promiecous giv ing, I mean "swapping" of present and make it only Christmas for those who believe in Santa. (Your pock et book no doubt tells you that it Is Christmas, also.) Portland theaters are all dressed up in holiday garb. The priclpal movie-houses have attractive stage sets and midnight shows for Ner Years are being advertised. There will probably be more midnight par ties now that Palmer has stated it 1 not unlawful Ifi have hard cider ln the house! . On top of everything else that la Christmasy, including students home for the Holidays, cards, packages, cross shop girls and mall men, you are, no doubt, being asked to buy Christmas Seals. Of the latter In dication ot the season I am the moat certain, for I have been doing noth ing for three months but eating, drinking, dreaming, thinking, miles and square miles of Christmas Seals, as director for the sale in Oregon. In spite of the many drives for money and in spite of the general fi nancial situation the sale Is going mighty fine and indications point to the largest sale ever, and it so, I may have a Job after the first of the year otherwise,,.. ... i . Following my "Journey's" In east ern Oregon, this summer, I started to organize counties for the Seal sale., i had an interesting Jaunt 1 down the Columbia to 'l Astoria, and later I hope to have .the time to write more about the, . t-ip, The lower Highway is now completed, making Astoria and the beaches easily accessible'.'", "After making nearby counties, my next Jump was up the Willamette valley and Into southern Oregon. ' i . I had the rather doubtful pleasured of staging over -four hundred miles into Klamath Falls and Lakeview and back in the coldest sort of cold -weather. ' Over in Lakeview I ran onto Harold Charlton again and had dinner" with him and the sheriff. They had jus, rounded up some boot leggers, so naturally the town took mo for another federal agent. ' No one offered me a drink during my stay in town! I saw Seth Dixon at the Whtta ; (Continued on page 5) t