Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 04, 1920, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Page 4
crook rovvnr journal
1 pl"
Last Tuesday the high school held
an election, the students Totlnt tor
the candidates for ofltce in the gen
eral election. The election was eon
ducted In the same manner ss the
regular elections are. Necessary
applies were obtained from the
County Clerk's office, and sample
ballots were used to vote with. Mr.
Kvans instructed the students In
folding the ballots properly and the
manner in which they were to be
marked. After the Instructions
were given, two election boards were
chosen, and instructions were given
to the Judges and clerks as to their
duties. Ballots were theu handed
cut Rncf the students proceeded to
vote. During the casting of the bill
hHs, some of the votes were chal
lenged and examinations were held
to ascertain If the voter was quali
fied to vote.
In the evening the ballots were
cou n t e d by one of the election
hoards and the results placed on a
tally sheet. The result of the count
By Clarence Mertsching
Last Saturday, Bend's high school
eleven went down to a 76 to 7 de
teat. Prineville's backs smashed
through the line or made yardage
around the ends at will. Whenever
the ball was brought close to Bend's
goal, no difficulty was encountered .
1 -,...,,:- it oi-v.fwa tha lfnA At anv -
time. Not once did Bend carry the , ihf
ball into territory that was danger- " 69' C' 61 ' Chamberlain 69.
ous for Prineville's players. One, of
Bend's chief weaknesses was her
fumbles, several of which were made
Sear her goal immediately following
the kickoff. Handicapped by great
er weight ud superior coaching,' the
opponents were easily crowded back ,
by the advance of the Blue and Gold, j
Mills and Smith showed up in fine ;
ahape when it came to punching
holes in the line. O'Kelley and Ja
cobs in the halt back positions, play
ed a commendable game during the
entire mix. Bend's only score was
made when Coyner intercepted a
pass and ran down a clear field for
touchdown. At this feat the Bend
rooters went wild as their hopes ;
brightened for a Bend victory. It j
was the first time in five years that I
Prineville has been able to return j
home with a victory oft Bend on tne I
Bend field. The game was fast, as
time was called very few times be
cause of injuries. One of the fea
tures of the game was, that no pen
alties were called on either team. A
square, clean game was played and
this is something unusual when
these two teams clash. Prineville
was well represented on the side
lines and the team can have no com
plaint against the support given by
the rooting section. .
Next Friday a game will be play
ed with Redmond on our home field.
This will be the last game to be pul
led off here in the Central Oregon
meet. In the game with Bend,
Redmond showed a wonderful im
provement over their game with our
team, and since playing Bend, their
team has a chance for further devel
. opment. Their line is heavy, and
With proper coaching, they have ev
ery opportunity to put up a good dis
pute for the championship. Red-
Bond's eleven will be well support
ed by their rooters and it is up to
Prineville to get back of their team
Since this game iB on the home field,
there is no reason why a good at
tendance should not be had. Prine
ville's victory in the coming game
will give her the championship.
A letter has been written to The
Dalles asking for a game with them,
but upon receipt of a return letter,
it was learned that all their dates
. were full and a game could not be
scheduled this year. Up to the pre
sent time no letters have been re
ceived from any of the Portlanders
In regard to securing games.
Plans are under way to hold an
other rally. This time it is to be
the biggest one ever held in this
school. Each class was instructed
to contribute to the success of the
rally by performing some original
Stanfleld 48; Jordan 44 Lafollette
86; Combs 85. Olson 10 8.
Wood Sold by ths Pound.
Ctri'HMOHii nnlmit, a iHipnliir v
for furniture Is sold by the pound -ton.
An early ax 111! II. ('. It n
trwlucrd Into Italy from IVi-hIh. Ti e
lnt- are so heavy shut they will urn
float. Only the hrnrt of the wood Is
used, anil It Is the crooked. Irreicnliir
lots that imissos the best-figured wood.
Thought Horse Shoe Lucky.
The h'-llcf III the In ''vlirlnuiiirf pow er
of the horseshoe attained Its civaie-ii
diffusion nt the end of the eiKhleoitih
and the lti:liinliiv' of rhe nlnotroirli
century. Lord Nelson had u hore
shoe nulled to the nuiM of the Vli tm v ;
and In mii'w towns It was mt uiiumimI
to see Imlf i'f ;he houses with horse
shoes fastened over the door.
And the bottom has fallen ouf of
nearly all Royal Society products.
Beginning Nov. 1st all crochet
cottons will be sold at 15c per ball
Embroidery threads per skein,
Celesta, 7c, Strand, Rope and In
dia. 5 cents.
Open stock and package goods
are off 20 per cent.,
Beginning with this date we are
going to offer all our stock of
package goods at a discount of
20 per cent, which consists of
children's dresses and wearing ap
parel for ladies.
Get busy with that Christmas
work, the price is right. Lets
Columbia' records for Nov
ember are here. Have you got
ten yours?
Remember Wade Huston for coun
ty surveyor. Vote for him.
F. E. LAFLER, Prop.
"The busiest little boose In town"
Remarkable Endurances.
A man. tlft.v years old. has walked
from London to Yarmouth In le itmn
tweiity-eluht hours This rtlsinnee if
one hundred mid twenty-four soil
half miles. It would take a very good
horse to equal snch s feat. Another
man. C A llHrrlmnn. tramped a dis
tance of over one .hundred and twenty-one
miles without resting. London
t ra nrraw inrm rwcx gyrus trirCTU,r.'K vs. in m m in m tAt f8 m m m ipm ?w in vk TS, Ll iffitsnj
fe e if
The After Years.
The early moulds f marriage bring
with them a new experience of life.
In which there are exelteinent and
change of outlook, wonderful amlil
rions, anil new codes and habits for
the inn n and woman. The emotional
life rein-lies the extremes of feeling
happiness and despair, hope and dis
appointment, m'ngle in confusion.
A '
Food Value of Peanut.
Experiments on the digestibility of ;
soy beans and peanuts, conducted hy
rhe Tnlted States department of ag
riculture, prove thai these are espe
cially valuable for human food and
are well tolerated by the human body
when cooked for two hours by steam
at 15 pounds' pressure.
Reversed Position.
A friend took her fotir-yesr-old son
to the cimis. And upon returning
home his father asked him : "Did you
see the elephants. tooT The little fel
low replied: "Yes, and they wagged
their tails In front
Now for sale at the mill
near Grizzly Store
We will saw this month for
the local trade. We can fill
any order no matter what size
or dimensions. Order Early.
Cornett & Maison Lumber Co.
Wild Cinnamon.
Although the cultivation of rtnnn
nion In Inihi dilim Is Increasing, most
of the product comes from s wild
shru'i When a native discovers s
eiminmon tree he must make a dec
laration before the local administra
tion, which cuts down ilie tree.
Portland, Oregon, Nov. 13 to 20.
$400,000 Exposition Buildings
$75,000 in Premiums
2,500 head of Livestock
Dairy Products show in connection
Daily Auction Sales
Nationally Known Judge
Student Judging Contests
Horse Show Each Night
Reduced Raidroad Rates.
Town's Proud Boast.
This town has a young man who
pawned his watch to obtain money for
a bath. We contend that this Is a
claim to distinction possessed by no
other town of earth. Shawnee Register.
Miraeuloua .11.
A qimlnl-lookli g bell Is known H
the "Miraculous isi-ll of St. 1'uiil" and
Is reported to he greiiily vcucralod
hy the full hf ill folk of the Isle of
Hats, r'rniii. lo which nMt It Is re
ported to have been conveyed from
Knglimd by a fish In the sixth cen
tury I
Good Work N-vor Lost.
The work nu unknown good man
litis done Is like a vein of water flow.
Ing hidden underground, secretly 'mak
ing the ground green above It. Cap.
Mnina'ji) D-a.'fieej.
Hearing has been resuued to iiwro
than tuoililids of his urrlilcniMly
deafened patients by Trench physi
cian who massages their ears with
sound waves.
Words! Wordsl
li bus been estimated that the Kng
. ish language possesses 7.'i.(HW more
wirds than 'the French, tlennsn and
. ..K-. iiio-o-ife eomhlned-
House and Auto Painting, Paper Hang
ing, Kalsomining and Decorating.
We can supply your wants
in full pack boxes.
Our prices are right.
Cos! per pound is the true
basis of value in apples.
Homer Norton
Lower Prices for
Our Customers
A lot has been published in the papers of late regarding lower
prices. To a certain extent there has been price reductions but
not to the extent that many have been lead to believe.
In every instance where there has been a market decline we
have marked our merchandise to conform to the new level and our customers can
be assured that we are going to continue to give the benefit of any market declines.
On many items this is going to mean a loss to us as it is impossible for any
concern to carry the slock that their customers have a right to ezped and ftill be
able to get out without some loss. . It is simply a loss that merchants must take
on a declining market. Some of the prices named in this advertisement are
special to clean up overstocks while others show market declines.
Pure Cane Sugar, 100Tb Backs .
Pure Cane Sugar, 601b sacks
Pure Cane Sugar, 261b sacks 3.70
Please accompany sugar orders with cash
Speckled Bayo Beans, 1001b- sackk . $7.60
Speckled Bayo Beans, 261b sacks.................... 1.99
Mex Red Beans Not well cleaned, 1001b sacks 9.75
Mex Red Beans Not well cleaned, 261b sacks 2.50
Small White Beans, 1001b lots,..! 8.60
Small White Beans, 261b lots,... . 2.25
Silver Tip Syrup, 101b tins, each . X.S5
Wedding Breakfast Syrup, 101b tins, each..... ....... 1.8$
White Rose Syrup, 10lb tins, each ..... .... j.jj
Rose Bud Syrup Corn and maple 101b tins, each........ .. 1.45
Apron Check Ginghams, per yard.. j. , ifa
Dress Ginghams, plaids, stripes, checks, per yard......... ..... 86o
Linen finish Towling, 40o value, per yard. . ..... .......... JOo
Shirtings, regular 40c value, per yar4........................... 90
Yard Wide Silkolerles, special per ysjrd tic
Sfb Cotton Batts, special each...................................... 11.46
81b Wool Batts, special each 8.(0
, There has been a general reduction In the price of Shoes and accordingly we have gone through our shoe stock and put these reductions
Into effect We have always priced our shoes on a Reasonable Margin and with these reductions made we are showing some real values
J. E. Stewart & Co.