Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 04, 1920, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Tage I
gii gig aa m mi$&i2M&mKnm m
nov 1920
t 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 U 12 13
14 t5 t6 17 tS 19 20
21 22 2324 25 2627
28 2930
The mo successful men in the
United States are the Largest
Ad vertisers. Think it over aud
call 611. "Everybody Reads
the Journal Ads."
1 1 1
No sir-ee, bob!
No premiums ' with
Camels all quality 1
kih)k oouvrr jocrxal
Kditor and Publisher
5! ::iHA GILLKTT, Society Editor.
Eatcrcd at tat poMoffka at PriaaviUe,
Prlea S2.M ptr Jr. parable .trictlj la as.
vaara, la caaa of change of addnaa pleaat
ottfj a at oaca, (inac kota aM aa4 saw
Considerable has been said by a
local printing establishment about
quality printing.
The latest example of the product
of this alleged printer? is the gener
al election and city ballot used at
Tuesday's election.
Every printer who has had to do
with ballots knows that the law spe
cifies that all ballots be provided
with stubs one and a half inches
deep, that following every candidate
or group of candidates on the ballot
there must be blank lines of an equal
number to the number of candidates
being voted for, and that every list
of candidates on the ballot starts
with the number 12, and is number
ed upward from that start.
All of these things were Ignored
by this "Quality" print shop, with
the result that the ballots were not a
legal ballot and might cause the el
ection to be thrown out should any
one contest the results on these
It the youngster who attempts to
run the alleged shop in question,
could secure an apprenticeship un
der some of the Journal's printers,
at least one of which was a master
printer when the youngster in ques
tion first saw the bright light
of day, within a decade or so he
might become a journeyman printer
Until that time he should let his
product be his best advertisement.
Basis of Success.
Gen! education i the foundation
upon which specialised vicatloiisl edu
cation orn be built. The letter founda
tion s building has, the lietter the su
perstructure. Roys and girls should
receive ss much ducatlon as
is possh'e; in other nrl. should re
main in the rfjrulsr public schools un
til forced to leave or t prepare .special!:-
for a particular vocation. Kx-channe.
Empty Cats Maans of Great Harm.
Dopi am ct have been seriously
hurt by frevirg their hids Into empty
caus that have "Warned Ash, meat,
or soup. Sometimes they are not
able to free thecueivea. Their ter
ror Is pitiable, and if not found they
may run Into some biding place and
die a miserable death. It would he
easy to see that a can when emptied
ta nniinn'Ml nut rtf ahaoe ao that no
animal can get Its head Into It To1 do
this might save great aufferlug.
Friends and Helper.
Statue of Egyptian Kino.
An Egyptian statue of King Tout-Ankh-Amar
has been acquired by the
.Museum of the Louvre for Inst over
4ft(XI0. The ststue. which baa been
In a French prince's possession since
lRfiO. Is said to be a great work of
art. It was hsdly mutilated thou
sands of years before Christ by tha
king's subjects, wrathful over his misrule.
Sunday School a Woman's Idea.
The etctiit of r.rsMrizing the first
Sunday school In the '"cited States Is
claimed for a woman ?,f;ss Sarah fVlt.
who died at her home In Paierson,
N. J., In "1872. at th ace of ninety
years. Miss Col-'s original Idea was
to teach the mill hoys to read and
write, and from this the school gradu
ally grew Into a wans of exclusive
religious instruction.
Hear Not. But See.
A newly-married couple, who are
deaf, and are trylne housekeeping
without a servant have devised- an
Ingenious substitute for a door hell.
When a caller presses the electric hut
ton all the lights In the house flush
np, and his presence Is made known
Pets of the Famous. '
Goethe and Emperor Tiberius were
devoted to tame serpents. Rlchter
was fond of a huge1 spider. Rembrandt
had a favorite ape. Cardinal Maxartn
a pet monkey and the great Richelieu
preferred a collection of cats.
lies straight through this sav
ings bank. Take this road sad
yon will be safe. Yon will
travel over this road again and
again with yonr earnings to be
saved np here for yoa at Inter
est compounded twice a year.
Start today.
AMELS quality plus Camels ex
rwt blend of choico Turkish and
'f Iii choice Domestic tobaccos pass out the
t tytc'"'5 wvJ1 a- most wonaenui tiaiouc o. jw-
riJht;y ever drew into your mourn i .
And, the way to prove that
statement is to compare Camels
puff-by-puff with any cigarette in
the world!
Camels have a mild mellowness that
is as new to you as it is delightful.
Yet, that desirable "body" is all there!
They are always refreshing they
never tire your taste.
Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty
aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor 1
Your say-so about Camels will be:
"My1, but tHat's a great cigarette".
S. f
r i i". rv s7 .
tkit" of 10 cifftf fv WH " "
U.ii;iWM'ii) wabMUM ee' corr.
nog or omt uppiv or wnmn jw "
aV " -' aHa m. jhm auaah, rtr wftawi vou rrav, mm w a
Jf jr? 1rm,m Vl R- Reynolds tobacco ca Tr (
XiEX W Wi.,...S....N.C Ih j
Claas by Themselves.
Stanley Is one .if a liirjje finnlly.
Besides nunieious sisters ami It
ers, there are Hunts " uncles K:,!oie
and many mucins. The only young
eople, however, are those tn his Im
mediate nelehlMirhood. At Thanksgiv
ing dinner Stanley gazed nolemnlv
around the tnhle for a while and then
announced oracularly : "My tnother'
and the cat seem to he the only people
In this whole family that have anv
tl 'full l.;il"IH. MS Itl'I'.t o
' "'I 'I I' thai In- MM .-ii. I
H' on! e )ifi.,inin it, olil Ciim- it
MMll't illS"if III Sllll llt. f.H'HllL'
.;i- curs hill ti it I r COII- I-
,...Hssiini ; It tlmi IH km. h wl.. i.
m he silent and when to .i-nk . n i.
Unit he never mistakes, hut sei ui
true, when all the world Is wrung
iiioiit us. Such a frlinifl has not only
IHiwer of character, hut beauty uf
character. Stopford Rrooke.
To Find the Cear of B'eyclea.
To find the vnr ul a bicycle, divide
the tiumlwr t: teeth In the front
iroi ki. hy the number of tth In
the rear sprnckei and multiply by
the diameter ' iictir of the rear
wheel. Cor siami)!1 Twentjone
nH-ih In the front sprocket seven
teeth In the rear sprocket and a '.i
inch whe-d. Tweuiyne divldwt by
even .imaH thne; three times (wen
i.v el;lii is HKhiy-foui'-tbe gear of
(he bicyclu.
Western Pipeless Furnace
ShC. The World's Most
Remarkable Home
. a
j 'lWtftliflfliMMMtiiMitNMjn'M!!?rMP'' ' i ih j ll-ii .it -m
V v ' ' . t" -t i 9 7 -f
a',-. ,", ' 't.-" '
Heating Plant!
no pipes through the walla or floors.
One register heats entire hooae, av
enly and effectively, Tha prladple
of a Pipeless Furnace Is sdentlfla and
practical. A proven success. It
does the work better and cheaper
than stoves, hot water or hot-air
pipe furnaces, besides saving work
for the housewife and others In the
Installed in Your House
Without Costly
Western ripcless Furnace can be In
stalled In your present home at
light cost, and when Installed In a
now house saves all the coat of costly
plumbing, piping, radiators, stoves.
The Western Is made by Western
engineers to meet Western condi
tions, it Is designed for soft coal
and wood. Hard Coal furnaces
leak gas and smoke when used
with soft cool. The Western Is dust
If you cannot call and see this won
derful furnace, phone and our heat
ing engineer will call and give esti
mate .of cost and explain all details
without obligation on your part. ,
T. J. Minger
Dealer in
High Grade Water Systems; Farm Light Plants; Plumbing
and Sheet Metal Work; Windmills and Gasoline Engines.